Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1355: Warm and Violent

Reaching out to hold Chen Yuanyuan’s legs, the soft touch made Song Qing feel that he was about to turn into a beast. In order to avoid being embarrassed, he had to start to divert his attention: "This is the second time. It seems that you will cultivate in the future. You still have to look for me to protect the Fa during the "Shen Foot Sutra", otherwise you will get stuck and see what you do."

Chen Yuanyuan blushed like a rose. I don’t know if it’s because of the shame or because Song Qing is holding her legs: "Bah, people are actually very flexible. It’s mainly because they haven’t been active for many years. Now my body is a little stiff, and I can recover after a few adaptations."

Back then, Qinhuai River was so beautiful that she was able to show her beauty, but she also relied not only on her beauty, but also on her talents. In addition to the pipa, she was best at dancing.

Being able to stand out in a competitive place like the Qinhuai River, one can imagine how good she is in dancing, and all those who are good at dancing are people with excellent physical flexibility. If Chen Yuanyuan did these weird anomalies in "Shen Foot Sutra". It can be said that there is no difficulty in her movements at all, but it is a pity that she has been green with the ancient Buddha for many years, and has long stopped dancing. Coupled with the increase in age, her body will inevitably deteriorate.

Despite this, Chen Yuanyuan is now able to complete these weird poses that ordinary people seem to be completely impossible. The only drawback is that they need someone to help each time they unlock.

Seeing her indignant, Song Qing secretly smiled, sometimes a woman's eagerness is really terribly strong.

After interrupting for a while, Song Qing finally liberated her hands and feet, and couldn't help but admire her concentration secretly: "Then let's practice the second picture now."

"Yeah~" Chen Yuanyuan didn't open her mouth, just snorted from her throat.

Turning to the second picture, the above posture is more weird than the previous one. Chen Yuanyuan frowned slightly and tried to pose according to the above picture: "Qing, am I in the right posture?"

Song Qing examined it and shook his head: "It's not in place."

"Then you help me." Chen Yuanyuan was also very depressed. She has always been quite proud of the flexibility of her body, but today I don't know if the postures on the "Shen Foot Sutra" are too weird or she is older. The above postures are always It is not well placed.

"That might be a bit painful, you have to bear it." Song Qing reminded. After all, many of the postures on the Shen Foot Sutra are somewhat non-human. To complete those movements, the ligament must be stretched to a great extent, but the ligament has always been compressed. It's a painful thing, it's hard to do it by yourself, and you can only rely on others to help.

"It doesn't matter, I can bear it." Chen Yuanyuan was also aroused stubbornly at this time. You must know that when she was learning to dance in her childhood, she was forced to stretch the ligament by the mothers, but it was more painful than now.

Song Qing nodded. For convenience, he also climbed onto the bed and pressed Chen Yuanyuan's leg in the other direction.

"Does it hurt?" Song Qing asked tentatively while pressing.

"A little bit," Chen Yuanyuan bit her lip, "You continue, I can't bear it."

"Okay." Song Qing nodded, because she was afraid of hurting her with too much force, she didn't dare to exert force from her hand, so she could only use her weight to press down on her leg.

"Hiss~" Chen Yuanyuan trembled with pain.

Song Qing hurriedly asked, "Is it hurt?"

"No," Chen Yuanyuan shook her head and couldn't help but smile. "I haven't danced for many years, and I didn't expect that my body has degenerated like this."

Song Qing subconsciously sighed: "Your body's flexibility is already amazing. Few women around me can pose in this posture."

As soon as he said this, he was stunned, and immediately realized that it seemed inappropriate to say such a thing at this juncture. Sure enough, Chen Yuanyuan's face turned red in an instant. Only then did she realize that Song Qing's whole body had been pressed on her body. The cheeks of both sides were close at hand, and she could even sensitively detect the breath exhaled by the other party. The posture should be more ambiguous. How ambiguous.

A throbbing rushed to her heart, Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly turned her face away: "Can we start practicing?"

"Of course it can." Song Qing also woke up and reached out and quickly tapped the acupuncture points on her other meridian. "This is the Taiyin lung meridian of the hand. The acupuncture points above are Zhongfu and Yunmen in turn..."

"Can you say it again, you ordered too fast just now, I don't have time to remember." Chen Yuanyuan said awkwardly.

Song Qing realized that he was a little upset just now, causing the action to be fast forward, and said apologetically: "Then let's do it again, this time I'll be slower."

"This is the Central Mansion, and one inch above is the Cloud Gate. Take the next two..."

For whatever reason, Chen Yuanyuan's body was getting softer and softer, as if the bones all over her body had melted...Song Qing hurriedly abandoned distracting thoughts, and guided her to open up this meridian.

"Remember it now?" Song Qing said, the extremely hoarse feeling shocked him.

"Remember," Chen Yuanyuan paused, glanced in a certain direction, bit her lip and whispered, "You're hitting me." If it's an ordinary girl, she might pretend not to know, but she is already one after all. A mature woman, coupled with the other's body reaction is too obvious, that hot masculine aura is full of oppression, making her want to pretend not to know.

"Huh?" Song Qing only noticed the changes in his body and said slyly, "Instinctive reaction, I didn't mean it."

"I know." Chen Yuanyuan tried to say in a calm tone, "Can you go down first?"

"Oh, okay." Song Qing said with a sullen expression. After all, the other party was already in the right posture, so he naturally had no reason to press on.

Then the room fell into a weird silence, Song Qing was hesitating whether it was time to leave, but Chen Yuanyuan who knew who knew Chen Yuanyuan spoke: "Or let's start practicing the next picture."

"No problem." Song Qing glanced at her unexpectedly and began to guess what the other party was thinking at this time.

I don't know if the body has gradually adapted to it or what. Although the postures shown in these illustrations are a bit more difficult than the previous two pictures, Chen Yuanyuan did not ask Song Qing to help anymore, and put the postures relatively easily.

Song Qing secretly slapped her tongue, and at the same time a weird thought appeared in her heart. Since she has done all these difficult movements, she asked me to help compress the ligament just now. Isn't she deliberately teasing me?

He quickly denied this speculation. After all, Chen Yuanyuan's reaction was not like a fake before, and he thought of suddenly discovering that she had become softer than cotton when she was pressed on her body. I am afraid this is the main reason.

Next, Song Qing taught Chen Yuanyuan the meridians and acupoints in the next few pictures, and then said: "Now you will review what you have just taught you, and I will help you protect the law."

Chen Yuanyuan nodded. She also understood that Song Qing couldn't be by her side anytime and anywhere. Only by being well-versed in her heart can this martial arts become her own thing, and it will be convenient for her to practice in the future.

Song Qing watched the beautiful woman in front of her continue to pose in various blood-spraying poses, and secretly made up her mind to let the women around her practice "Shen Foot Sutra" again!

Worried that continuing to watch these extremely visually impactful images will make herself incarnate as a werewolf, Song Qing closed her eyes and began to meditate the Qingxin Pu Shan curse silently.

It didn't take long for Song Qing, who was overwhelmingly drunk, leaned on the head of the bed and gradually fell asleep.

Besides, Chen Yuanyuan didn't dare to look in the direction of Song Qing when he was practicing, for fear that a sky thunder would make a fire or something. Fortunately, she was quiet in the "Shen Foot Sutra" and her attention was quickly distracted.

I don’t know how long it took, Chen Yuanyuan finally practiced all the pictures again. Feeling the weak but recurring True Qi cycle in her body, she turned her head in surprise and was about to confess good to Song Qing, but she just happened to see that he was asleep. Up.

"Bah, it made me worry for nothing." Chen Yuanyuan blushed and sipped.

Seeing his quiet face while he was asleep, Chen Yuanyuan was a bit stunned. Because of the legendary martial arts status of the other party, coupled with the fact that he was standing on the strong side in the relationship between the two, she never had the opportunity to examine him in this way.

"It was so fierce in normal days, but now it looks like just an ordinary little man." The corners of Chen Yuan's lips rose slightly, as if she was very happy to see this scene.

Chen Yuanyuan got out of bed and took a drink. When she turned around, she saw Song Qing lying just like that. After hesitating, she walked to the bed and picked up a thin blanket to gently cover him.

Who knew that the thin blanket had just touched the opponent's body, Song Qing suddenly opened his eyes, Chen Yuanyuan felt that the sky was spinning before he could react, and he was pressed under him in an instant.

She didn't think that the other party was taking the opportunity to take advantage of her, because the other party's hands were pinched on her neck like iron tongs, as if she would be killed in the next moment.

Song Qing only then realized that the person she was riding was Chen Yuanyuan, the killing intent in her eyes gradually dissipated, and slowly released the hand that was pinched on her neck, and said faintly: "Don't touch me in the future. I."

Chen Yuanyuan nodded hurriedly. She obviously has internal strength, but the murderous intent that erupted from the other party just now made her feel that the surrounding air became sticky, and she couldn't even move a finger, that kind of self. The feeling of being unable to control her body gave her a kind of trembling in the soul and an instinctive surrender.

"You must have been having a hard life these years?" Although the other party was still riding on her, Chen Yuanyuan didn't care at all. Looking at the violent color in the other's eyes, his tone was gentle.

"Too many enemies have been formed over the years, and I have to be on guard at all times. I'm sorry that I accidentally hurt you." The violence in Song Qing's eyes gradually faded, and a gentle smile reappeared on his face.

Seeing his smile, Chen Yuanyuan felt an inexplicable heartache: "As the saying goes, blocking is worse than sparse. If you blindly suppress your negative emotions like this, it will be more dangerous if it breaks out in the future."

Song Qing was startled, thinking that Chen Yuanyuan really deserved to be Chen Yuanyuan, with such an insight into men's minds. Even some confidantes around her might not know her situation, but she could see it.

"What can I do without being depressed," Song Qing shrugged and looked at her with a smile. "How can I vent? Is it possible that I can vent on you?".

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