Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1356: Make soup for you to wash your hands

Seeing the opponent's aggressive eyes, Chen Yuanyuan's heartbeat accelerated and opened her mouth. Instead, her original rejection turned into an invitation: "If you can dissolve the negative emotions in you, then... Then you can vent it on me." It's..."

Speaking of her voice getting lower and lower later, Chen Yuanyuan's cheeks were hot, and she didn't understand why she said such bold words, but the domineering that burst out the moment Song Qing threw herself down just now was like a lion scrutinizing its prey. , Although she was very scared, but at the same time there was an unspeakable throbbing in her body, a shudder from the soul.

This may be something carved into a woman’s genes. No matter how mature and wise, calm and calm, or how proud and strong she is, they all worship the strong in their bones. This is probably what Song Qing’s previous world overbearing president did. It's popular.

Hearing what the other party said, Song Qing couldn't help but stunned: "Are you serious?" He couldn't help but slap himself as soon as the words were spoken. It would be hopeless to say such things at this juncture.

Sure enough, Chen Yuanyuan bit her lip lightly, as if water and light were flowing in her eyes: "Fake."

"It doesn't matter, I have heard what I said just now." Song Qing finally opened up, no longer talked too much, and kissed directly.

Chen Yuanyuan opened his eyes and stiffened all over, but soon gradually relaxed under the gentle kiss of the other party.

Song Qing felt that his body was about to explode at this time. No man could refuse the charm of the stunning stunner Chen Yuanyuan. He originally thought he could still appreciate her beauty purely, but now he found that he was very wrong and could think. Lies, but the instinctive reaction of the body can't deceive people!

The strong physical reaction now tells him clearly that he wants him to possess the woman in front of him, and wants her to ravage and conquer her severely.

In fact, Song Qing has always hesitated how to deal with the relationship with Chen Yuanyuan. After all, her reputation is not very good. If you don’t pay attention, he will bear the world's infamy. At the same time, she is Akko’s mother, and she and Akko I have never talked about love, but I am always a little unclear. If something happens to her, it is destined to part ways with Akko in the future.

The huge moral and ethical pressure in the daily life kept Song Qing from daring to take a step beyond the thunder pond, but now this pressure has turned into a strong stimulus. He can no longer take care of this, and there is only one impulse left in his mind: Must get her, even if the flood afterwards.

Not satisfied with just asking for a kiss from Chen Yuanyuan, Song Qing began to explore other locations.

When Song Qing began to kiss her on the cheek and neck, Chen Yuanyuan finally got a little breathing opportunity, put her hands against the other's chest, and hesitated: "I'm older than you~" Her heart was indeed full of contradictions, even though her body was full of longing. And trembling, but rationally reminded her that with the age difference between the two sides, she could even be the elder of the other side.

"So what?" Song Qing smiled slightly, "I like this kind of mature and gentle big sister."

In fact, Chen Yuanyuan has always been very confident in her charm. At the peak, she was more confident than any woman. Although her appearance has not faded in recent years, the worries of age have gradually come to her mind.

Zhen Ji was so graceful that she was jealous of Emperor Wei and King Chen, but in the end she was still no match for the years. As more and more young and beautiful concubines entered the harem, Zhen Ji gradually lost her holy favorite and was almost beaten into the cold palace. .

Chen Yuanyuan is familiar with this history and is extremely sensitive to the issue of age, so Song Qing's answer was the most beautiful love story in the world for her, and she couldn't help but grab the other person's neck: "Qing~"

Song Qing did not expect that she would be so emotional. The age of her thirties is indeed not young in this world, but in Song Qing's view, this is another peak period for women. Think about Lin Chiling and Gao Yuanyuan in previous lives. They are all in their thirties. Which one is not the existence of a group of otaku kneeling and licking?

Chen Yuanyuan's leader Song Qing put his hand into the lap of her clothes, and Song Qing's breathing suddenly started. Even though the other party had been hit by Yihun** before, he also reached into her lap, but how could that situation compare to the other party's eyes. Looking at you willingly and tenderly?

This was really a fire from the sky, and the two quickly rolled together on the bed, leaving only the most primitive impulse of the body.

"Sister Yuanyuan, your body is so soft." Song Qing finally realized that it wasn't her own illusion before. Chen Yuanyuan's body at this time was almost like cotton, which made people want to stop as soon as they touched it. No wonder they just had to make "Shen Foot Sutra". Those exaggerated moves.

"Do you like it?" Chen Yuanyuan's skin was covered with a rouge-like blush, becoming more and more charming.

"Of course I like it." Song Qing only felt dry and dry, but she still asked her curiosity before, "Then why your body wasn't so soft in the first place, or else I wouldn't need my help in order to show the practice of "Shen Foot Sutra" Posture?"

"It's not because of you being pressed..." Seeing that the other party looked confused, Chen Yuanyuan had to explain, "My physique is a bit special. Once emotional... the body will become softer and softer..."

When Song Qing heard that his whole body was about to explode, he asked with difficulty: "Then you were emotional when I pressed your leg just now?"

Chen Yuanyuan pursed her little mouth, a trace of shame flashed in her eyes: "I won't tell you~"

Song Qing couldn't help it anymore, and pressed on with a low growl, as if to squeeze all the strength of her body into her body...

In the early morning of the second day, Song Qing was awakened by a knock outside the door. He opened his eyes with difficulty and asked impatiently: "What's the matter?"

"Return to the son, Han Xiangye sent an invitation, asking the son to visit the mansion." The maid outside the door replied.

"Okay, I see, you should withdraw first." Song Qing turned around and wanted to hug Chen Yuanyuan, only to find that the Yiren had long since disappeared.

"Is it gone?" Song Qing was shocked. He immediately got up, but he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"My dear~" Song Qing secretly smacked his tongue, Chen Yuanyuan just sucked that queen. Her charm was so great that she fought hard last night almost all night without stopping for a moment.

In fact, for any man, I am afraid that he would not be willing to rest all night.

However, with Song Qing's strong physique, she woke up this morning with dizzy eyes and weak hands and feet. If she married her as an ordinary person, she would have exhausted her Yang Qi and died within half a year.

Last night, Chen Yuanyuan's pure Yin was so strong that it was unimaginable. At a certain moment, he even had the illusion that she was still a virgin. Chen Yuanyuan turned the sentient beings upside down and dealt with many men. It is reasonable to say that the pure Yin Qi in the body could not be so strong. After thinking about it, Song Qing can only blame her on these young lanterns and ancient Buddhas who are dedicated to repairing them, and there is no more Being touched by a man, coupled with a body that integrates heaven and earth aura, can nourish such a strong pure Yin Qi.

Fortunately, Song Qing relies on the joy of Zen to harmonize the yin and yang to nourish herself. Otherwise, after spending the same time with Li Yuanzhi a few days ago, I am afraid that she could not cope with the fox-like stunner last night.

"It's no wonder that a man who is called a confession is a disaster. I am afraid that a man who gets her will be nostalgic for her careless business, and coupled with the gradual exhaustion of body vitality, the luck will also decline..." Song Qing did not understand why Wu Sangui would be willing to give up. Let Chen Yuanyuan be alone in the nunnery dozens of miles away from the Pingxi Palace, and now he gradually has enlightenment in his heart.

Although Wu Sangui was cast aside by the people of the world, he had great ambitions and ambitions in his heart. His desire for power helped him resist the temptation to Chen Yuanyuan. After all, he did not have magical protection like Song Qing. He was with Chen Yuanyuan. Min's body was hollowed out, and at the same time, he had no intention of career, and finally learned from the pain, and made up his mind to keep a distance from Chen Yuanyuan.

In a trance, the door squeaked open, and Chen Yuanyuan came in with a bowl of soup.

Song Qing's eyes straightened as soon as she saw her, she saw her smooth face exuded a crystal clear light, as if there was no trace of fatigue last night, and there was a sense of holiness on her body at this time, just like a white jade. Avalokitesvara is average, not half of the coquettish and coquettish air of last night.

Song Qing secretly smacked his tongue. Chen Yuanyuan was obviously born to pick up yang and replenish yin. I was as tired as a dog. Not only did she get up earlier than me, she was also radiant.

"Are you awake?" Seeing him staring at herself blankly, Chen Yuanyuan smiled softly.

"Well," Song Qing focused on the plate she was holding, "What is this?"

"I made a bowl of soup for you. You rinse your mouth to taste it." Chen Yuanyuan put the plate on the table first, and then poured a glass of water for him.

Seeing her look like a good wife at home, Song Qing couldn't help sighing: "Since then, she has a long skirt and made a soup for you to wash your hands and make soup."

However, Chen Yuanyuan gave him a strange look: "Zhuo Jun's poem...Unfortunately, she is deeply affectionate, but she meets the sad man Sima Xiangru. Are you suggesting that I will do the same?" As an oiran, Xi There is no shortage of exchanges between various talents, and they are naturally familiar with this allusion.

"Of course not," Song Qing smiled, and finally wanted to show off arty. Who knew that the horse's legs were photographed on top of the horse's legs, and she hurriedly changed the subject, "Sister Yuanyuan got up so early to make soup for me because she knew I was hollowed out, do you want to make up for me?"

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed: "You can be a good son, but you have to pretend to be such a rascal."

Song Qing hugged her into her arms, feeling her soft waist, and said with a smile: "Because rogue is my nature, how can you taste the taste of sister if you are not a rogue?"

Chen Yuanyuan's face turned red when she heard it, and she struggling from his arms with a light sip: "Don't talk such nonsense early in the morning, Han Xiang is still waiting for you, hurry up and go early."-

Many readers join the group for welfare, and the monk here declares once again that in this general environment, there is no welfare or anything.

But you can add WeChat official account: Liuru monk, the words above should be considered another way of welfare~. (.)

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