Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1357: King Qi

"Cut, what's so good about Han Tong's friend? How can you be as happy as being with your sister." Song Qingshu said with a grimace.

Chen Yuanyuan twisted her waist slightly and avoided Song Qingshu's An Lu's claws: "Don't mess around, get up quickly."

Song Qingshu smiled, and then got up from the bed: "Sister, help me dress."

Chen Yuanyuan glanced at his bare lower body, and couldn't help but think of the scene of being tossed by him last night. His legs became a bit weak in an instant, and he hurriedly turned his head and said, "If you do this, I will go out."

Song Qingshu knew that although the two of them had the closest physical relationship, they weren't very close to each other. Seeing that her expression changed, she didn't dare to go on arrogantly: "Well, well, I just wear it myself."

Men don’t have as many things as women in this respect. Soon after they put on their clothes and washed them, they happily ran to the table and sat down: “I’ll try Sister Yuanyuan’s craftsmanship.”

"Be careful of hot." Chen Yuanyuan reminded hurriedly, but a pair of star eyes stared at each other nervously, for fear that the other party would say it was too unpalatable.

After taking a sip, Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and Chen Yuanyuan's heart suddenly became cold: "Isn't it awful?"

"In terms of craftsmanship alone, it's really not very good," Song Qingshu's words caused Chen Yuanyuan's heart to sink to the bottom, and then said, "But it is full of your affection, and suddenly a bowl of ordinary soup becomes sweet and delicious. It played a finishing touch."

Chen Yuanyuan chuckled: "You guy~ obviously you are deliberately making me happy."

Song Qingshu exaggeratedly said: "Of course not. If people know that this was done by you personally, and it is publicly auctioned, I don’t know how many men in the world can be mad, and how many princes and grandchildren will be beaten. Thinking of that scene, the more delicious I feel." As soon as the voice fell, he hugged the bowl and finished eating.

"Aren't you afraid of getting hot!" Chen Yuanyuan still couldn't help being happy, knowing that the other party was deliberately coaxing herself.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan’s bright smile in the morning sun, Song Qingshu couldn’t help but move her index finger, and was about to bully her again. Suddenly there was a knock on the door from a maid outside: “I’m telling you, a group of people came outside, saying they want to see you. The son."

Being interrupted in Xing, Song Qingshu looked upset: "Did they say their identity?"

"The leader said that his surname was Chen, and this time he brought the person whom the son asked him to find." The maid replied.

"It turned out to be Chen Youliang." Song Qingshu immediately understood. Before he knew that the maidservant in the mansion was full of spies from various forces, so he asked Chen Youliang to help select some new people who were innocent and trustworthy.

"Bring them here." After Song Qingshu ordered, turned around and took Chen Yuanyuan's delicate hand. "Sister Yuanyuan, I have found some trustworthy people to serve you. Then you don't have to be as cautious as you are now that your identity will be revealed. Up."

"Thank you~" Chen Yuanyuan was moved for a while, knowing that she kept covering her face when she went to the kitchen this morning, just for fear of being seen clearly.

"How are you going to thank you?" Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms in the other's exclamation. Feeling her soft body, she was really comfortable and whistled.

"It's a long time now~" Chen Yuanyuan suddenly exclaimed.

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled: "I just want to give you a hug. What's wrong in broad daylight? Where did you think of Yuanyuan?"

"Is it because I want it to be crooked?" A red tide appeared on Chen Yuanyuan's snow-white skin, and she lowered her head to look at the big hand in the placket, "Where is your hand?"

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "This is how I hold people."

Chen Yuanyuan was speechless for a while, and wanted to say something, but was kissed by Song Qingshu, and had to swallow all the remaining words.

When Chen Youliang came, she happened to see Chen Yuanyuanyun hiding beside her temples. Although her back was facing herself, she could tell from the blush on her neck what kind of fragrant scene had just happened here.

"It's really beautiful." Chen Youliang looked envious and jealous, but he concealed his emotions well: "My son, I have already found the people you asked me to find yesterday. They are all innocent people."

Song Qingshu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let them take care of the inner house in the future, and you will leave some expert guards around."

"Yes, son!" Chen Youliang immediately ran down to assign tasks.

Song Qingshu didn't drive away the former servant girls, but sent them to the outer house. After all, it would be no good to save a bit of face for all the forces. As for the people Chen Youliang brought, you don't have to think about it and know that there must be his spies, but it is easier to deal with him alone than with all the forces, not to mention Chen Youliang is still under his absolute control.

"I don't know how well Zhiruo and the others digested Li Kexiu's territory." It's not that Song Qingshu doesn't want to use his own people, but that his direct line is now digesting the results of the previous battle and is unable to split up the staff.

"The talents under him are too scarce." Song Qingshu frowned, knowing that his power had reached a bottleneck.

After sending Chen Youliang away, Song Qingshu originally wanted to stay with Chen Yuanyuan again, although she knew that Chen Yuanyuan strictly refused: "Qingshu, I originally thought you were different from other men, but now it seems that I am a little disappointed."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "Don't be so serious."

However, Chen Yuanyuan still has a cold face: "Qing Shu, I don't want you to waste my career because I have been a beauty for most of my life, and I don't want to be anymore for the rest of my life."

Song Qingshu was silent, knowing that her addictive appearance evoked some memories of her before, and she couldn't help but feel more pity: "Don't worry, I am not those men. I know very well what to do and what not to do. I just wanted to talk to you. Just kidding."

Chen Yuanyuan's expression calmed down: "Qing Shu, after all, Han Tong is a prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty. Don't offend him for some trivial things."

"His position as prime minister is of no use to me," Song Qingshu murmured, noticing Chen Yuanyuan's grotesque eyes, and hurriedly said, "Okay, I'm afraid of you. I'll go over now."

"Well," Chen Yuanyuan finally smiled, her face turned red suddenly, and she whispered, "I'm waiting for you at home."

Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows: "Are you suggesting something to me?"

Chen Yuanyuan smiled charmingly and maturely: "What do you think?"

Song Qingshu's expression was lifted, and he ran out quickly, laughing as he ran, "Then I'll go early and return early."

Chen Yuanyuan sipped inwardly, but there was a gentle smile in his eyes as he watched his disappearing back.

As the so-called spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, Song Qingshu soon arrived at the Han Mansion and found that besides Han Dongxu, there were some raw faces in the mansion. It is not very accurate to say that they were raw faces. Many of them actually had a fate in the court, but There are so many ministers in the court, it is strange that he can recognize them one by one.

As if seeing Song Qingshu's embarrassment, Han Dongzhu took him to the crowd: "Brother Song, let me introduce to you, this is Master Chen, who is in charge of the world's finances, and is separate from the prime minister and the secret envoy... …"

Song Qingshu retained his **** in an instant. After all, besides his status is important, this person is still the patriarch of the Chen family. He is still Chen Yuanyuan's uncle by seniority. Although his hair is a bit mottled and he is no longer young, he can still see his face like a crown jade. , Especially the meticulously trimmed circle Hu made his elegant temperament with a hint of masculine charm.

"The Chen family's genes are really good." Song Qingshu admired it.

"This is Wu Qian, the political affair, and this is Wu Gong, the commander of the guard Ma Jun." Han Tong continued to introduce.

Song Qingshu greeted secretly while chattering secretly. This should be the core circle of the Han Tongxuan Group. It is true that the Han family, the Chen family of Haining, and the Wu family of Longgan are all prominent and powerful families, and the combination is indeed a terrifying force.

"As for this one, I don't need to introduce it." Han Tong pointed to Song Qingshu and smiled.

"Prince Song has been in the limelight during this period of time. I am afraid that no one in the Manchu civil and military does not know the son." As soon as Chen Ziqiang's voice fell, a group of people laughed involuntarily.

"Where..." Song Qingshu arched his hands, and fought with these old foxes.

A group of people chatted for a while, and Han Tong greeted everyone to take the seat. Song Qingshu originally planned to find a place to sit at random. Who knew that Han Tong had to let him take the lead.

Of course Song Qingshu refused. Although he was young and ambitious, he knew that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng would destroy him. Everyone here is a powerful boss. In addition, there are many rules in the officialdom. He can I don't want to offend people in a muddle.

The two sides couldn't help but Wu Qian laughed next to him: "Song, don't be modest, you will soon become the highest-ranking person in our group. Who will sit if you don't take the lead?"

Song Qingshu was startled, thinking that although he was stronger than these people in terms of actual forces, they were high-ranking officials in the Song Dynasty and he couldn't control them. Why did they have such an attitude.

As if seeing his doubts, Han Tong laughed: "Inviting the son over this time is a special celebration for the son in advance."

"What to celebrate?" Song Qingshu became more confused, and began to wonder if Zhao Gou had already decided to agree to the marriage of the two princesses?

"Tomorrow the imperial edict will come down, and then the son will be named King Qi." Han Tong patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

"King Qi?" Song Qingshu was surprised and delighted for a while. After all, although he has always called himself the Golden Snake King, in the eyes of the mainstream, he is just a mountain king who has fallen into trouble. Even many people in the world have not regarded him as a golden king. Snake king takes it seriously.

If he was named King Qi, he would be a righteous prince, not the same as the previous golden snake king of miscellaneous brand. As for the king's entitlement by the Southern Song Dynasty, there is a suspicion of being recruited. Song Qingshu did not care. Although the Southern Song Dynasty was weak, after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty became the only orthodox dynasty in the hearts of the Han people in the world, and it was officially recognized by the Southern Song Dynasty. , Which is equivalent to being recognized by the Han people in the world.

In ancient times, the most important thing is to be just right. Once you have the status, you will get twice the result with half the effort. On the contrary, it will be like Wu Sangui's no matter what you do.

Before the Golden Snake Camp, Lien Zhan and victorious, the momentum was so great, after the widespread order for talents, although it received a lot of grassroots heroes, but almost no one from the literati class came to vote. The most fundamental reason is that Song Qingshushan's status is not good. To the recognition of the scholar-official class, once the name of King Qi is given, all this is no longer a problem!

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