Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1358: Ling Hu Chong and Guo Jing

When Song Qingshu was excited, Chen Ziqiang, who was on the side, smiled and said, "My son, you have to thank Han Xiang for this matter."

Seeing Song Qingshu's doubts, Wu Qian next to him explained: "Originally, the emperor was only planning to make a Langya county king. It was Han Xiang's struggle that the emperor decided to raise the king."

Song Qingshu's eyebrows trembled. From Langya Junwang to Qi Wang, it was more than a level increase. The rank of the county king was lower than that of the king, and there were two kinds of kings. One was named after the county, which is what ordinary people say. The two-character kings, such as Hailing King, Lanling King, Fufeng King, etc.; the other is named after the country, which is the one-character king called by ordinary people.

The four titles of "Jin, Qin, Qi, and Chu" are generally the most noble among the one-character kings. Among them, the "King of Jin" is the most respected because the country represented by these four titles is the most powerful in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The next is " Zhou, Lu, Zhao, Wei, Liang, Yan, Dai, Han, Song, Wu, Yue, etc. The title of Song Dynasty was specially reserved for its own reasons and will not be granted to anyone.

Although King Qi was only the third king, the title was already very high, and Song Qingshu's influence was similar to that of Qi, and it was the most suitable to be named King Qi.

Song Qingshu was shocked at first that Song Ting was so generous, but his thoughts changed sharply and he quickly analyzed the reasons. The Southern Song Dynasty must have learned the lessons of the failure of the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty. You must know that the Han regime was ennobling the king. The rules have always been very strict, and even if you make a worthy contribution, you may not be able to get a king.

However, those nomadic regimes obviously did not have so many rules. As long as it was beneficial to them, various princes seemed to be issued without money. The reason why the Manchus was able to conquer the behemoth of the Ming Dynasty with tens of thousands of eight banner soldiers was through various generous The conditions attracted various warlords in the Ming dynasty to turn their backs and use the Han to beat the Han. However, those in the Ming court responded very slowly, often burning their eyebrows, and were still stingy about whether to reward the frontline commander or the two-character king.

The Song Dynasty also suffered a lot of similar losses. When faced with some warlords who surrendered to the enemy, and some rebels in the Central Plains, the rewards provided to them by the imperial court were good, but they were far inferior to the various monarchs of Mongolia and Jin. , Causing many swinging forces to be won by enemy countries.

Nowadays, the power of the Golden Snake Camp is very important. For Zhao Gou, who is struggling to steal security, the Golden Snake Camp can be used as a barrier in the Southern Song Dynasty in the north, and he can enjoy peace; if he is drawn by an enemy country, he will have trouble sleeping and eating, because he has learned from the past. Therefore, this time I am very generously rewarded the king of Qi Wang. Anyway, the army and forces are readily available, and I only need to provide a false name.

Although he thought of the doorway clearly, he had to respond to the olive branch thrown by Han Tong. Song Qingshu hurriedly thanked him, Han Tong happily stroking the goatee, although his mouth was polite and his eyes were extremely contented.

During the banquet, a group of people scrambled, and Han Tong suddenly said, "Master Song, oh no, it's time to be called King Qi."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Han Xiang really broke me, because of our friendship, why should I be such a status? I will call me Qingshu from now on."

Han Tong, who is the "Song Dao" of Song Qingshu, is obviously very satisfied: "Hahaha, since that's the case, I'm not welcome, but Qingshu, you don't need to take a bite of Han Xiang in the future, just call my byte-keeper. "

In this world, only people who are very familiar and intimate can scream for words or words. Han Tong's action is obviously to close the relationship between the two sides. Song Qingshu will naturally not be stupid enough to refuse, and slightly "excited" to agree.

"Does Qing Shu know the King Xin and King Fu of this dynasty?" Han Tong asked.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Who knows the prestige of King Xin and King Fu? They are the barriers to the west of the dynasty. They defeated Jin Wushu in the west and stabilized their positions. It can be said that they are the greatest heroes of the imperial court who can maintain half of the country..."

The reason why Song Qingshu praised the two people in this way is that he does admire these two heroes. Secondly, there are people from the Wu family at the same table. It doesn’t cost much to say something nice, so why not win the favor of the Wu family easily. for?

Sure enough, Wu Qian and Wu Gong on the side showed excitement. Han Dongzhu glanced at the two and introduced Song Qingshu with a smile: "Qingshu, they happen to be from the Wu family. Yifu (Wu Qian) is the King of Letters. The younger brother of King Fu, Wu Gong is the son of King Fu."

"Longgan Wu family is really talented, full of loyalty, admire and admire..." Song Qingshu said with admiration.

Song Qingshu's identity is there now. Wu Qian and Wu Gong felt very proud, and they hurriedly responded. After chatting for a while, Song Qingshu suddenly wondered: "By the way, why didn't you see the son of the king?"

Wu Qian and Wu Gong's expressions changed slightly, and Han Tong said with a wry smile: "You don't know what Qingshu is. The line of the letter to the king was inherited by his son Wu Ting. He served as the commander of both the dragon and the gods and guards, but he died young. , Made this line a bit of decline, but fortunately there are successors. A while ago, I was saved by Wu Xi and Wu Tiande, the grandson of the king. As expected, I was a tiger father without a dog. Wu Xi was not only a martial artist, but also a very chivalrous man. So he was recommended as an imperial weapon, and the emperor appreciated him very much."

Song Qingshu's heart moved, isn't the Wu Xi and Wu Tiande in their mouths that Linghuchong pretended to be? It’s just that Han Dongxuan didn’t know Wu Tiande before, why wouldn’t the Wu family recognize him as a Xibei goods?

Despite the doubts in his mind, Song Qingshu praised: "Brother Wu is indeed a gentleman, and he is an out-and-out gentleman." Unlike many previous polites, this is a sincere compliment, after all, Linghu Chong deserves the name of a gentleman.

Wu Gong suddenly sighed: "Back then, my uncle and father successively guarded the land of Bashu, which was a barrier to the west of the imperial court. It's a pity that our generation is unsatisfactory. Most of us have little skills and can't inherit the legacy of our fathers."

Chen Ziqiang comforted: "Why should the virtuous nephew be scornful, the elite of this dynasty is in the Forbidden Army, and the elite of the Forbidden Army is in the Sanya. The pro-senior guard Ma Junsi, who was in charge of one of the Sanyas by the virtuous nephew at a young age, has been very trusting Wang and Wang Fu have long faces."

Although the Song Dynasty Privy Council was the highest leader of the military, the Privy Council only had the power to deploy troops, but not the power to train. The army was controlled by the three yas: the Department of Frontiers, the Department of Guards, the Department of Guards, the Department of Guards, and the Infantry Division, Wu Gong. As the commander of Ma Junsi, to some extent, he is one of the three giants in the military.

"My nephew of Tiande, on family history, seniority, martial arts, and character, originally had a great opportunity to serve as the commander of Pengri and Tianwu Sixiang, but it is a pity that someone got in the way and was rejected at the last minute!" Wu Gong said bitterly.

In the Song Forbidden Army, Pengri, Tianwu, Longwei, and Shenwei were called the four armies. Holding the sun as a cavalry, Tianwu as an infantry, both belong to the front division of the palace. The Dragon Guards are the guards of the Majun Division, and the Shen Guards are the guards of the Infantry Division. Each army is divided into left and right compartments, so the chiefs of Pengri and Tianwu are called four compartments.

Song Qingshu's heart moved, and he began to drink quietly. When these people sang and played together, they obviously said it to themselves deliberately, and didn't know what their idea was.

Wu Qian comforted: "This is actually unexpected. The commander in front of the palace commanded Wang Ziteng. His two sisters, one married to Jia Sidao and the other to Xue Ji, everyone knows which faction he belongs to. Yes, how can we let our people develop their power to the front of the palace."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly in his heart. These people talked about the hostility with the Jia Sidao clique in front of him. Obviously, they regarded themselves as people on the same boat.

Han Tong said, "It's not necessarily a bad thing that Tiande failed to become the commander of Pengri and Tianwu Sixiang, but now there is a better opportunity."

"Jiefu refers to the Sichuan side?" Chen Ziqiang asked thoughtfully.

Song Qingshu's heart moved and dealt with the stumbling block of Wan Qiang. The previous contract between Han Tongxuan and Mongolia naturally took effect again. Now that the envoys of the two sides are communicating, it will not take long for Sichuan to return to the embrace of the Song Dynasty. We must know that the front line in the west of the Southern Song Dynasty has retreated to the front line of Chongqing. If Sichuan can be retaken, with Jiange and Yangping Tianxian, the pressure on the west will drop several levels in an instant. After the return of Sichuan, a large number of job vacancies will inevitably appear, which has become the focus of the game between all parties.

"Yes," Han Tong said with a loud laugh, "Jia Sidao is really too greedy. The Dianqian Division doesn't want us to intervene, and Sichuan also wants to be included under his command. There is no such good thing."

Chen Ziqiang frowned and said, "But according to the information I have received, the emperor has now decided to send Cheng Song, a scholar of the Imperial Palace to Chengdu, to serve as the envoy of the Sichuan system. Cheng Song’s clan sister, Cheng Miaojing, is the wife of the envoy of the Jinghu system, Lu Wende, Lu Wende. It is Jia Sidao's direct line again, and it is conceivable that Sichuan has also fallen into his control."

It’s no wonder that Chen Ziqiang is so pessimistic. The establishment of an official position was temporarily set during the Southern Song War. The original intention was to be in charge of one party’s war. However, in actual operation, the civil administration and taxation are often supervised, and he can be described as a veritable local chief.

Han Chuan didn't rush, and laughed inexplicably: "Cheng Song is a man of great ambition and talent. He doesn't have the ability to truly control Sichuan. I plan to nominate Tiande to be the commander of the former army in Xingzhou and serve as Xingzhou. It is not difficult for the Zhizhou and Lizhou West Road comfort envoys to take advantage of the Wu family's years of operation in Sichuan and the ability of Tiande to make Cheng Song the actual controller of Sichuan."

Wu Gong smiled bitterly: "It's impossible for Jia Sidao not to grab such an important position. As far as I know, he has recruited the Guo Jing and Huang Rong couples under Lu Wende to enter Beijing, and he must be planning to recommend Guo Jing for this position."

Wu Qian also looked worried: "This is troublesome. This Guo Jing has a very high reputation among the people of the world. At the same time, he is also very powerful in martial arts and will lead soldiers to fight. Tiande has no advantage compared to him."

Han Tong moved his gaze to Song Qingshu, who watched his ears, noses, noses, and hearts: "So I have to rely on Qingshu for help in this matter."

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