Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1359: Compete against each other

Song Qingshu finally understood what Han Tong's purpose was for inviting himself over this time. A group of people seemed to have a lively discussion, but they were actually listening to themselves. So much foreshadowing in the front is to attract their own help.

Became the focus of a group of people's eyes, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I'm not a member of the court, I'm not talking about this kind of thing."

And while Song Qingshu was a guest in Han's residence, Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife also visited Jia's residence, and Jia Sidao even went out to greet them with courtesy.

Although they know that the other party is just pretending to win over the two, Jia Sidao is now one of the best figures in the court, and Guo Jing and Huang Rong are still very useful.

This time, in order to win over the couple, Jia Sidao held a family banquet to invite the two to show their closeness. Therefore, they did not invite outsiders. They were all the more important roles in Jia's mansion. Jia Zhen, Jia Lian, and Jia Rong were the real powers in Jia's mansion. Almost all the pie appeared.

When he saw Huang Rong’s beautiful and incomparable face, the men in Jia's mansion were suddenly shocked, Jia Lian poked Jia Rong quietly, and joked: “It seems that they are a bit brighter and more charming than the one in your family.” Although the two are of seniority. They are a generation apart, but they are of the same age, and they are also like-minded on weekdays. The relationship between the two is better than a friend of a friend and a friend.

As for the one in his mouth that naturally refers to Jia Rong's wife, Qin Keqing, among the powerful circles of Lin'an City, she is a well-known beauty.

"That's not necessarily true." Jia Rong snorted, but his eyes were fixed on Huang Rong and couldn't look away at all.

Jia Lian secretly despised, thinking that you pretend to be affectionate on the surface, and secretly you are not thinking about something dirty. However, Huang Rong's beauty also made him feel a little tickled. He wanted to have a few words with her, but it was a pity that he couldn't find any words.

Suddenly, his heart brightened, and he took Jia Rong to Huang Rong's side and smiled: "Long admiring the name of the Huang gang leader, I saw it today as a heroine, which makes people admire him."

Just now Jia Sidao had been having something with Guo Jing, so that he had no time to be distracted, but Huang Rong heard the conversation between the two secretly just now clearly, and felt that the two people’s words were extremely unhappy, but she knew each other. He is a very noble figure in Jia's mansion, there is no need to tear his face to affect Brother Jing's career.

Therefore, she suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and dealt with the two with a pleasant face.

Seeing her words were gentle and polite, but Jia Lian couldn't taste the faint sense of alienation in it, and became more itchy and unbearable, and couldn't help but teased: "Fang Master Huang, my nephew has a little fate with you when he gets up. "

Huang Rong's expression changed. She is a married woman, but the other party is frivolous about fate and the like. Obviously she has no good intentions. If she encounters this kind of prodigal son on weekdays, she would have resorted to the stumbling method. Jue made him throw a dog and eat **** as a punishment, but unfortunately now in Jia's mansion, she hesitated for a while, after all, there was no attack.

Jia Lian took the opportunity to continue: "My nephew has a single name with Rong, which happens to have the same name as his wife. Are you fate?"

Huang Rong smiled faintly: "My name is too common. There are no one thousand and eight hundred in the city of Xiangyang. How can it be called fate."

Seeing her smile, Jia Lian Jia Rong's mind was full of the beauty of white teeth and red lips. He only felt dizzy. Jia Rong hurriedly said: "How can this not be fate? Mian, we have the same name, no matter how fate is no less than ten years..."

Seeing that the two of them were advancing, Huang Rong knew that if they let their nagging go on, they didn't know what idiots would come out, so she suddenly gave them a fierce look.

Jia Lian and Jia Rong only felt that there was a flower in front of them. The bright and charming woman was missing. Standing in front of them seemed to be a fierce Yasha. They screamed in exclamation and hurried back a few steps, pointing to her with horror. Come.

The movement here was so shocked that Jia Sidao couldn't help but stop and take a look at this side. Jia Zhen walked over, frowned and glared at his son Jia Rong: "What a decent call!" He said. He is a brother of the same generation as Jia Lian, but he is about the same age as the other's father, so when he reprimanded Jia Rong, Jia Lian also trembled.

The two of them were still a little frightened, pointing to Huang Rong and speechless: "She...she..."

Huang Rong smiled sweetly at this moment: "Just now the two princes asked me about the scene on the battlefield in Xiangyang. I didn't want to describe it so truthfully that it scared them. I am really embarrassed."

Jia Zhen was also dizzy by her smile, and couldn't help thinking that she seemed a little more beautiful than her daughter-in-law...

Seeing him staring at him with the same squint, Huang Rong suddenly sank. Jia Zhen is a lot longer than Jia Lian after all. As far as the city is far higher than Jia Lian and Jia Rong, he immediately noticed the change in Huang Rong’s face. Wake up, he turned his head and glared at his younger brother and son, "You two **** are really embarrassing to the Jia family. You know we are a family of Wuxun, and you were shocked when you heard the scene on the battlefield... "

Jia Lian and Jia Rong didn't dare to refute, but they were puzzled. Are they really frightened by the battlefield scene? Why don't they have any impression of what happened just now?

Seeing the scene of the two being reprimanded, Huang Rong pursed her lips slightly. It turned out that she had just used the soul transfer from the "Nine Yin Scriptures". Wherever these two dudes could stand it, they were naturally teased.

However, not long before Huang Rong was proud, there was a sense of weakness in her body. She shook her body to stabilize her figure. Huang Rong lowered her head and touched her belly, and sighed in a melancholy sigh. After the pregnancy, her physical strength and energy were exhausted. Backed down a lot, I really don't know if this decision is right or wrong.

Not long after everyone was seated, Jia Sidao said to Guo Jing: "Like you just now, I have made arrangements for the system in Sichuan, and now I intend to let you take control of the military power in Sichuan."

Hearing this news, Guo Jing's expression was lifted. He was not for the promotion of the promotion, but he had the Li people in mind, and was the heir of Wu Mu's suicide note. He was often held back by Lu Wende because he had no official position in Xiangyang, which caused many ambitions in his chest to fail to share. As soon as it was carried out, Mongolia’s Southern Song Dynasty ceased war and the Xiangyang crisis was temporarily lifted. If he went to Sichuan to take control of a party’s military power, he was confident that he would train a good soldier of all battles. In the future, whether it is Mongolia’s comeback or the restoration of the Central Plains, this good soldier will definitely shine. .

But before he had time to answer, Jia Sidao continued: "But now there is a big problem, that is, you still have a competitor, Wu Xi."

"Wu Xi?" Huang Rong was also attracted attention because of her husband's future.

Jia Sidao explained: "Wu Xi is the grandson of the believer Wu Lin. He used to be a general in Quanzhou. At that time, he seemed very mediocre. But later on the way back to Beijing, he shined brightly. Not only was he strong in martial arts, but he was also quite talented. Han Dongzhu recommended as the imperial instrument in the palace..."

"After all, after believing in the king, I thought he was hiding before he came." Jia Sidao muttered to himself with some uncertainty.

Huang Rong couldn't help but said, "At that time, King Xin and King Fu had been operating in Sichuan for many years. There were all over the place in Sichuan, and there were deceased officials from Wu's family, fighting with the children of Wu's family... I'm afraid we don't have any advantage."

Jia Sidao was very satisfied with the word "we" in Huang Rong's mouth. He had talked so much with Guo Jing before. As a result, Guo Jing opened his mouth and talked about the common people of the world and the people of the Li people. It made him feel that Guo Jing didn't seem to be loyal to him. She was extremely upset, and now Huang Rong made her position clear as soon as she spoke, which was exactly what he wanted to see most.

"Don't worry about this yellow gang master," Jia Sidao explained with a smile, "If it were ten years ago, it would have been impossible to compete with the children of the Wu family, but now King Xin and King Fu are dead, Sichuan has also been attacked by Mongolia, and the Wu family The power in Sichuan has been shattered, not to mention that these years of virtuous couples guarding Xiangyang righteously, the name of the chivalrous man has been spread all over the world, and no one is an opponent of Guo Daxia in terms of martial arts and reputation, so this time we still have a great chance of winning. "

And in the Han Mansion, Han Dongxuan also said similarly: "In fact, we have a chance to win this matter, but the last point needs the help of Qingshu."

Song Qingshu was very surprised. After all, regardless of martial arts, prestige, or marching, Linghu Chong's Wu Tiande was far from Guo Jing's opponent. Why would Han Tongxuan feel that he had a chance to win.

As if seeing his doubts, Han Tong said with a smile: "Qing Shu is not an outsider, and I will be straight with you if I have some words."

After hesitating for a while, as if thinking about the wording, Han Dongzhu just said: "What does Qingshu think is the emperor's art?"

"Naturally is a balancing act." Song Qingshu replied without even thinking about it. At the same time, he was secretly surprised that a minister of his dared to discuss this topic privately, obviously because he meant to get closer to him, but he did so. Reckless and radical, it has exposed the weakness of the character. As the saying goes, if you are not secret, you will lose your ministers, and if you are not secret, you will lose your court.

Han Tong glanced at him in amazement. You must know that he has been ups and downs for so many years. In addition to the hundreds of years of inheritance of the Han family, he can only understand this. He did not expect that he can see it at a young age. It has to be so thorough.

Seeing everyone's astonishment, Song Qingshu secretly laughed. There were so many palace battle dramas in his previous life that weren't for nothing. What's more, compared to Han Tong's paper talk about soldiers, he was the emperor of the Forbidden City.

Feeling shocked for a while, Han Tong continued: "There are three most important war zones in this dynasty, Jianghuai, Jinghu, and Sichuan. Now the Jinghu system owner Lu Wende is Jia Sidao’s confidant and the officials of the entire Jinghu war zone. Sixty-seven out of ten are the direct descendants of Jia Sidao. Now Jia Sidao has taken the position of Sichuan system in his hands. If his people are allowed to control Sichuan’s military power, wouldn’t he control two-thirds of the world? China? How can the emperor Shengming tolerate this happening!"

Chen Ziqiang, the planner on the side, agreed: "Yes, so even though Guo Jing is the most suitable candidate to be the leader of the military, regardless of his martial arts strategy or fame, the emperor refused to approve it and finally decided to let him compete with Tiande. The final attribution can be seen in the true attitude of the emperor."

"Compete against each other?" Song Qingshu took a breath.


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