Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1360: The disappearing blood

Song Qingshu had to admit Han Tong's judgment. After all, if he abandons his position, Guo Jing is more suitable than Ling Huchong in all aspects. Now that he is not directly appointing Guo Jing, he has to take a lot of effort to compete, obviously Zhao Gou is different. Thoughts.

However, this is the case. Guo Jing has refined the "Nine Yin Scriptures" to the state of transformation over the years, and the eighteen palms of the dragon is also a powerful force. Coupled with the technique of fighting each other, it can be said that he is already the top master in the world.

Although Linghu Chong’s Dugu Nine Swords is magical, he seems to be relatively proficient in the breaking sword style, and his attainments in the breaking palm and breaking air styles may not be enough to deal with Guo Jing. Fortunately, he practiced the "Yi Jin Jing" some time ago. That gave him a three-point chance of winning, but that's the case. Judging from Song Qingshu's eyes, when Zhen and Guo Jing fight, Linghu Chong is still at a disadvantage, at best forty-six.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling wryly: "If you really compete with each other, let's... ahem, Wu Xi probably won't have any advantage."

Han Tongzhang nodded: "Yes, although Tiande martial arts is high, Guo Jing has a good reputation. After analysis by our staff, the chances of winning are not optimistic. I originally had doubts about their conclusions. Now that Qingshu also said the same, it is clearly undoubted. In the shadow of the famous tree of man, Song Qingshu's record has been shining through the years, and he has long been a master-level figure in the hearts of other people. Naturally, Han Tongzhu would not have any doubts about his judgment.

"I don't know how Jiefu wants me to help?" Song Qingshu curiously asked. People have shown so much good, it's always his turn to reciprocate. If it's a simple effort, he won't mind helping him.

Han Dongzhu didn't speak directly. Instead, he gave Wu Qian a look next to him. Wu Qian knew, and said with a smile: "Guo Jing martial arts are the world's best, I am afraid that few can beat him in the world, but you are one of them. If Qingshu can leave him with internal injuries before the decisive battle, Tiande's winning rate will increase dramatically."

Song Qingshu frowned when she heard it, and it turned out to be a banquet: "This matter is not a trivial matter, I need to think about it." He did not directly refuse. After all, people have been smiling and waiting. There is no need to lose their face and establish themselves out of thin air. Several enemies, not to mention, to a certain extent, he and Han Tong have the same interests. If Jia Sidao succeeds, it will not be a good thing for him.

"Not busy, not busy." Seeing that he didn't refuse on the spot, Han Dongxuan and others were overjoyed and stopped mentioning the matter. They just kept using wine to get acquainted with the feelings of both sides.

Let’s talk about the Jia’s house. After sending away Guo Jing and Huang Rong’s couple, Jia Sidao asked in the study: “How confident do you think Guo Jing and Wu Xi compete?”

A figure flashed in the shadow. It turned out to be Jia Sidao’s most important staff, Liao Yingzhong: "Master Huixiang, Guo Jing’s Nine Yin Scriptures have been practiced to great success, and the strength and softness of the eighteen palms of the dragon are combined. I am afraid that even the former Hong Qigong was the same. I can't beat him. Even though Wu Xi has shown amazing swordsmanship these days, she shouldn't be Guo Jing's opponent."

"Should?" Jia Sidao frowned, obviously dissatisfied with this statement.

Liao Yingzhong hurriedly replied: "According to his subordinates, Guo Jing has at least a 70% chance of winning."

"Seven percent is not enough," Jia Sidao said coldly, "I need ten percent certainty."

"What do you mean by the master?" Liao Yingzhong asked strangely.

"Find a way to get Wu Xi ahead of time." Jia Sidao's eyes flashed with coldness.

Liao Yingzhong smiled bitterly: "As a child of the Wu family, I am afraid that it will be difficult to buy Wu Xi. If we use force on him in advance, once Han Tong catches him, it will not be good at that time."

Jia Sidao stroked his beard and said faintly: "In life, there is nothing more to pursue than power, money, and women. Since power and money can't move him, I will start with a woman. I remember that according to the information, Wu Xi served as Quanzhou seems to be greedy and lustful when the generals of Quanzhou, the country is easy to change, the nature is difficult to change, this is not like pretending."

"It might be difficult for an ordinary woman at this critical juncture to work. How about Madam Rong..." Liao Yingzhong asked cautiously.

"It's okay to sacrifice for the family once at this critical moment," Jia Sidao frowned, "but it's not that our people came forward to arouse Wu Xi's vigilance, and this matter was left to the King of Beijing to help."

"Yes!" Liao Ying's center shuddered, and King Bei Jing was very clever in this aspect, and it would be more appropriate for him to come forward.

"When Wu Xi was a general in Quanzhou before, she obviously had average martial arts skills, but on the way back to Beijing, her swordsmanship was advancing by leaps and bounds. I don't really believe that he used to hide and clumsy. Do you think he got it by chance when he passed Fuzhou "Fighting evil swordsmanship"?" Jia Sidao asked suddenly.

Liao Yingzhong nodded: "It's very possible that we have sent so many people before and haven't gotten the evil swordsmanship. Obviously, they were picked up first. It happened that Wu Xi passed by Fuzhou during that time. How can there be such a coincidence in this world."

Jia Sidao was expressionless: "When the time comes, let the young lady take a knock."

"Yes." A charming and sad face appeared in Liao Ying's mind, and she couldn't help but sigh secretly. Since ancient times, confidantes are so frail, and the ancients are not deceived.

"Right," Liao Yingzhong was about to retire, Jia Sidao called to him, "Have you found the whereabouts of the son?"

Liao Ying's cold sweat came out from her temples: "Not yet, the son seems to have disappeared from the world."

Jia Sidao's face was gloomy: "Then continue to investigate, I don't believe anyone can cross the sea without hiding it!"

"Yes!" Liao Yingzhong withdrew from the study and found that her clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

Let’s say that the House of Han and House of Jia are intensively discussing Guo Jing and Wu Xi's martial arts contest, and the attention in the palace is also on the two.

"Sir, I don't want Jia Sidao to control Jinghu and Sichuan, so I arranged this competition to win the command. Will it be too obvious?" Zhao Go said to a shadow.

With the black cloak, the whole person seemed to be shrouded in a thick mist, and Huang Chang's voice rang: "The emperor is the ninth-five noble. You don't need to consider the mood of the courtier when you make any decision." He didn't say anything. He took a mouthful. An emperor is like an elder teaching his younger generation, Zhao Gou, who has always been narrow-minded, doesn't mean the slightest anger.

"That's true." Zhao Gou laughed, and gently stroked the golden dragon chair, with a fascinating expression on his face.

Huang Chang was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said: "In fact, even if your Majesty does not do this, I will make similar suggestions."

"Why?" Zhao Gou became curious for an instant, knowing that Huang Chang never gave him advice. Now that he speaks for an unprecedented time, it is definitely not the problem of balancing what he has considered.

"The emperor can still remember the time when Chen Qiaoyi's soldiers changed their yellow robe and added them." Huang Chang asked.

"Remember." Zhao Gou's face was a bit ugly, and his position was not right. This has always been the knot of the emperors of Zhao Song.

Huang Chang didn't care about his feelings at all, and said to himself: "Back then, Chai Rong had four princes. After Chai Zong's resignation, he became King Zheng; Chai Xijin was adopted by Pan Mei and changed his name to Pan Lang..."

Speaking of Pan Lang, Huang Chang's eyes flashed a terrifying light, as if he was extremely concerned about the name, and he continued after a long time: "Chai Xijiao was adopted by Lu Yan and changed his name to Lu Duoxun."

Zhao Gou coldly snorted: "The two anti-thief tried to rebel and rebel. Fortunately, Emperor Taizong was wise, and coupled with the destiny of the Song Dynasty, did not let them succeed in their conspiracy."

"Destiny?" Huang Chang smiled noncommitantly, "If it is really destiny, the people of the Chai family won't be able to burn it all the time."

Zhao Gou frowned and said, "After the failure of King Wei’s rebellion, Lu Duoxun was exiled to Yashan, and Pan Lang was nowhere to be found. Since then, he has never heard from him again. Eight out of ten. Nine of them died in which barren mountain. How can it be considered that the wildfire is endless?"

Huang Chang glanced at him deeply: "Did the emperor forget that Chai Rong had a son back then?"

Zhao Gou was taken aback: "Mister is Cao Wang Chai Xirang? But he disappeared without a trace back then, as if the world had evaporated."

"Yes, there are rumors outside that he died in chaos, but the royal archives should clearly record that his body was not found at all, so he must have successfully escaped from Kaifeng." Huang Chang raised his head and looked into the distance, as if he was trapped. Recalling, "I have been secretly tracing the whereabouts of this vein over the years, and I didn't have a clue at first, until later those people in Shuibo Liangshan emerged."

"Hmph, if we hadn't suppressed these anti-thieves and consumed our national power, how could I be beaten by the Jurchens all the way, without fighting back!" Zhao Gou slapped the dragon chair fiercely, obviously very angry inside.

Huang Chang obviously didn’t want to discuss the battle between Song and Jin with him. He continued to say to himself: “Back then, there was a leader named Sai Rengui Guo Sheng among the bandits in the Liangshan Mountain. By chance, I saw him take action. It feels like Chai Rong was fighting on the battlefield back then."

Zhao Gou's pupils shrank: "Guo Sheng?"

Huang Chang nodded and continued: "Later, I checked and found out that Guo Sheng was a descendant of Chai Xirang, because Chai Xirang was too hurried to take away the martial arts in the palace. There will be some fighting skills on the battlefield, not the kind of advanced martial arts that the other two lines understand."

"If you remember correctly, Guo Sheng seems to have died in the battle of Zheng Fangla, right? Why did Mr. Suddenly mention him?" Zhao Gou doubted.

"Yes, the imperial court sent me to encircle and suppress Fang La, the leader of Mingjiao. Shuibo Liangshan was recruited at the time and participated in the campaign of encirclement and suppress Fangla. Guo Sheng died in that battle. I also noticed his identity at that time." Huang Chang replied. Said, "As for why it is mentioned now, it is because I happened to find out that Guo Jing is Guo Sheng's grandson recently."

"What!" Zhao Gou instantly exploded. He shuddered when he thought that the descendants of the Chai family had grown to such martial arts prestige unknowingly, "But... the past few years Guo Jing has been guarding Xiangyang with loyalty... Mr. Will Can't you be mistaken?"

Huang Chang shook his head: "I sent someone to investigate in Niujia Village, Guo Jing's hometown, but now the spies report that everyone in Niujia Village knows that Guo Jing's father, Guo Xiaotian, is a descendant of Guo Sheng."

After receiving confirmation, Zhao Gou took a deep breath: "But why did Chai Xirang let his descendants be named Guo?"

Huang Chang looked at him with an idiotic look: "Your Zhao family's tricks were originally intended to fool the people of the world. Unexpectedly, it has only been a hundred and eighty years, and even you have fooled yourself. Emperor Ruiwu was not called Chai back then. Rong, but Guo Rong!"

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