Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1361: Poison

Hearing Huang Chang's words, Zhao Gou's expression changed, and finally remembered some old things.

During the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, several of his own sons were killed by Liu Chengyou, the hidden emperor of the Han Dynasty. As his righteous son, Chai Rong became his only choice of successor. Guo Wei regarded Chai Rong as his own, and Chai Rong regarded Guo Wei as his father. .

Maybe modern people don’t understand it very well, but in ancient times, after the adoption, you have no relationship with the previous family in legal theory. What you inherit is the incense of the succeeding people. Before the Chen Qiaoyi mutiny, all official documents are based on Chai Rong. His name is Guo Rong, and even he himself considers himself named Guo Rong.

It’s a pity that Guo Rong died in his prime of life. Zhao Kuangyin won the country from the hand of the orphan and the widow. He knew his position was wrong. In order to divert everyone’s attention, Guo Rong was restored to his adopted surname. Guo Rong became Chai Rong. The reason for doing this is to make people in the world think that you Chai Rong is not the biological son of Emperor Hou Zhou. There is a problem with the legitimacy of your throne, so adding Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe is not a treason.

At that time, some people secretly laughed at Zhao Kuangyin for hiding his ears and stealing the bell, but nearly a hundred years have passed. The facts have proved how far-sighted he is. The people of the world have forgotten that Chai Rong is not Chai Rong of the Chai family, but Guo Rong of the Guo family of the post-Zhou royal family!

"His heart is deplorable, it is simply deplorable!" Zhao Gou was so angry that even he had forgotten this level, but Chai Xirang let his descendants remember his surname Guo is not surnamed Chai, which shows that the other party has not given up on the restoration of the country. Thoughts.

"The emperor doesn't have to worry too much. According to the information obtained, Guo Jing should not know his identity," Huang Chang said. "Then Guo Sheng died in an accident, and then Guo Xiaotian died in an accident. Guo Jing was still there when he died. In his mother's belly, even if there was something passed down from generation to generation in their line, it would be broken when they arrived at Guo Jing."

Speaking of this, Huang Chang chuckled, as if he felt very funny: "The descendants of the Chai family actually helped the descendants of the Zhao family to guard the mountains and mountains. It's interesting~ really interesting."

"No, whether he knows his life or not, I can't leave any hidden dangers," Zhao Gou's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "I heard that Guo Jing's martial arts is very high, can you find someone who can kill him in the palace?"

Huang Chang shook his head: "The few commanders in the palace with imperial weapons, the commanders of the palace department, and the eunuchs whom you favored by the emperor are all top masters in the arena, but Guo Jing is a master both inside and outside. , Grew up in blood and fire, and later experienced the temper of war, no one in the palace is his opponent."

"Even Mr. You can't do it?" Zhao Gou asked in surprise.

"Of course I have no problem," Huang Chang's tone was flat, but he exuded absolute self-confidence, "but I will not help you kill him. Guo Jing is an upright person. I appreciate it very much. At the same time, I practiced my "Nine Yin Zhenjing". Entering the bookshelf, it counts as half a heir to me, plus he doesn't know his life experience, I don't think there is any need to kill him."

"He really doesn't know now, but it's hard to guarantee that he won't know in the future!" Zhao Gou was trembling with excitement. Obviously, any threat to his throne made him extremely concerned.

"How is this different from Moxu who killed Yue Fei back then?" Huang Chang said sarcastically. Although everyone in the world thinks it was the traitor Qin Hui and Wan Tuo who killed Yue Fei, there are no outsiders here, and both of them know exactly what they are. What's the matter.

Zhao Gou's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Killing Yue Fei had always been his heart knot. He knew that doing this would be a stinking thing for thousands of years, but he had to do it again.

Some people outside speculated that he was worried that he would be threatened to welcome the Emperor Huiqin to his throne, and some speculated that it was because of the need to negotiate with the Kingdom of Jin, and the pressure exerted by the Kingdom of Jin...

However, only Zhao Gou knows that Zhao Kuangyin usurped the throne as a military commander. Therefore, the guard against military commanders was imprinted in the bones of every emperor of Zhao Song. In those years, Yue Fei's momentum was as strong as the sky. Prestige and public opinion will reach a terrifying height, even higher than Zhao Kuangyin's prestige in the army...

Although Zhao Gou knows that Yue Fei is a loyal man, how about his subordinates and his friends? When the time comes, those people will follow the example of a yellow robe, and Yue Fei will have no choice even if he is reluctant.

There is also a very important point. Yue Fei is too young. Zhao Gou's body has always been bad and he has no heirs. If something happens in the future, no one can control him.

So Zhao Gou took advantage of Jin Guo's request to use Qin Hui and Wan Tumo to eliminate this hidden danger in advance.

"For the sake of the ancestors and ancestors, any hidden dangers have to be killed in the bud!" Zhao Gou said sharply. Since Yue Fei was killed back then, now a mere Guo Jing is nothing.

"It's for your country, Guo Jing absolutely can't move." Huang Chang snorted coldly.

"Why?" Zhao Gou asked strangely.

Huang Chang faintly replied: "Guo Jing and his wife's righteous deeds of adhering to Xiangyang over the years have spread throughout the world, and they are the greatest knights in everyone's hearts. The unjust murder of Yue Fei that year brought the world to a critical point. If there is another similar incident , New hatred and old hatred superimposed together, I am afraid it will shake the foundation of the country."

Hearing what the other party said, Zhao Gou immediately calmed down. He didn't care about the other things, but he was extremely cautious about the things that endangered his throne.

"But you can't kill him. Could it be that he was in charge of Sichuan military power?" Zhao Gou shuddered when he thought of letting Chai Rong's descendants be in charge of the army. "Mr. also said just now. With Guo Jing's martial arts, Wu Xi is definitely not his opponent. "

"Wu Xi is not without the power of a battle, his swordsmanship has touched the threshold of the rules." Thinking of that kid's magical swordsmanship, Huang Chang couldn't help being a little lost. With his eyesight, he couldn't tell that it was. Dugu Nine Swords, Dugu sought defeat and swept the martial arts. He was studying martial arts in retreat. When his martial arts success, Dugu defeated and disappeared. There has been no chance to fight between the two, which is really regrettable.

"Although there is a great battle, it is still inevitable to fail." Zhao Gou was naturally dissatisfied with this answer. "Otherwise, Mr. Guo severely injured Guo Jing early and Wu Xi would win."

Huang Chang glanced at Zhao Gou indifferently, and saw that he was covered in an ice cellar: "The grandmaster has the vigor of a grandmaster, and the emperor has to mention it again." He said that the complete individual gradually dissipated in the clouds.

Zhao Gou's breath was choked, and he couldn't say anything. Just as he didn't know what to do, Huang Chang's voice suddenly came from the air: "Why did the emperor only confine his eyes to Guo Jing~"

Zhao Gou was startled at first. He was already a smart person, and he immediately reacted: Yes, although the masters under his command can't help Guo Jing, they have no problem dealing with Huang Rong!

"Thank you, Mr. Gui!" Zhao Gou didn't know if Huang Chang had left, and he saluted the air, but his thoughts turned sharply. He has always been good at conspiracy and trickery, and soon he constructed a tenable plan in his heart.

Moreover, after Song Qingshu left Han Mansion, he went straight back to his mansion and hugged her back to the house in Chen Yuanyuan's stunned eyes. At first Chen Yuanyuan still refused, but soon fell under Song Qingshu's dragon claw hands, and was caused to breathe shortly and the whole body became weak.

After being turned into the red wave, with a high-pitched cry, the room finally returned to calm. Chen Yuanyuan flushed and pushed the man away from him, looking at him with a bit of bitterness: "I feel like you just thought of me. A tool for venting desires."

"Don't you like it?" Song Qingshu said with a smile while playing with the envy of the world's men. "Don't say anything against your will. Your body reaction has already betrayed you just now."

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed: "I do like my body, but I don't like this feeling very much in my heart...Did you have any troubles?"

Song Qingshu had to sigh that the other party was indeed a woman who knew men very well: "Yes, there are indeed some troubles."

"Could you please tell me something?" Chen Yuanyuan took his hand and put it behind her head, and she shrank into his arms. Although she was older than the other person, she really liked this little birdie. posture.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and did not give out the details of Han Tong's requirements, but just summarized: "There is one thing that is not difficult for me, and after it is done, I can still get something I dream of..." Speaking of this, Huang Rong's charming face appeared in his mind, and he was silent for a long time before continuing to ask: "You said I should do it?"

"Of course not." Although Chen Yuanyuan's voice was very gentle, it was full of firmness.

"Why do you say that," Song Qingshu looked at her curiously, "I haven't said my concerns yet?"

Chen Yuanyuan shook her head and smiled softly: "A thing that is so easy to do, you can still get the thing you dream of after it is done, but you are still hesitating, so obviously if you do it, you will give it up. The important thing, even though I don’t know what it is, I still instinctively feel that once you move your hands, I’m afraid you won’t be able to look back."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up and couldn't help but admire: "Everyone says you are a confidant, but in my opinion, you are clearly the grandson Guanyin, Ma Xiuying and the like!"

"In this world, you don't treat me as a beauty or a disaster," Chen Yuanyuan's stunning cheeks flashed a sigh, apparently recalling the ups and downs of the first half of her life, but she quickly thought of something and couldn't help but smile. I compare it to the Queen of the Grand Sun and the Queen of Ma. It seems that Qingshu is not a small-minded person."

Song Qingshu smiled and squeezed: "If I compare my breasts, how can I compare to my sister?"

Chen Yuanyuan's jade cheeks flushed, and she sighed, "Hate, I don't have such a glib brother."

This kind of anger could numb the man's bones. Song Qingshu couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed up again...

"Sister Yuanyuan, those people in the court will visit the mansion tomorrow."

"Ah? Why?"

"The imperial court will make me the king of Qi soon, and they will come to congratulate me," Song Qingshu said triumphantly, "how does it feel to be a prince woman?"

Chen Yuanyuan glanced at him bitterly: "Have you forgotten that she was originally the princess."

Song Qingshu then remembered that, in a sense, Chen Yuanyuan was still Princess Pingxi, and she didn't want to be okay. Thinking of her identity, she couldn't stop feeling a little more evil excitement in her heart.

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