Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1369: Perverted revenge

"Alright." Seeing Linghu Chong's anxious expression, Song Qingshu wondered if there was no clue anyway. It might as well go to Jia Mansion to check it out. He was not cautious enough for him, worried about Ren Yingying's safety, so he dared not put his eggs in the same basket. So he said to him, "You go to the Jia Mansion to check first, and I will make arrangements for it, and I will come to you later."

Linghu Chong was anxious, and he casually agreed to perform his light work and hurried to the direction of Jia's residence. Although his light work was not as good as Song Qingshu, he was considered first-class in the rivers and lakes. After a while, he disappeared on the street.

Song Qingshu first found the stronghold of the beggar gang in the city, asked them to send a message to Chen Youliang, and asked him to mobilize the beggar gang to help the people in the city, looking for the whereabouts of Ren Yingying and the men in black, because the beggar gangs are very close to the streets and alleys of Lin'an City. Familiar, so I asked them to pay special attention to whether strangers suddenly appeared in any of the houses, and at the same time to investigate the haunted houses and abandoned courtyards in the city.

Then he returned to the mansion to inform Lin Pingzhi about the disappearance of Yue Lingshan, so that he should not panic and stay in the mansion to deal with the news from all parties.

Then she went to the inner house and asked her about Chen Yuanyuan's situation and asked her to stay in the inner house so as not to reveal her identity, and then rushed to Jia's house without stopping.

"I don't know if Linghuchong has found anything." Looking at the plaque of Rongguo Mansion not far away, Song Qingshu secretly frowned. He had spent a lot of time inside as Jia Baoyu before, knowing that Jia Mansion was a court official on the surface. In fact, the guards inside the house are even stricter than those in the imperial palace. If Linghu Chong is not careful, he will be exposed to Xingzang.

The entire Rongguo Mansion was still calm, and there was no sign of turmoil, Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and sneaked in quietly through the night.

Because of the previous experience, Song Qingshu knew the layout of the Jia Mansion in his heart, carefully avoiding the guards and hidden guards on patrol along the way, and soon came to the Yihong Courtyard.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but want to turn on the Tucao mode every time he saw the three words "Yihongyuan". He didn't know if Jia Baoyu was deliberate or unlearned, and actually named his residence a brothel.

Since Jia Baoyu's disappearance, the Yihong courtyard has obviously been deserted. Song Qingshu found the location of the attacker according to his memory, and first clicked the sleeping points of other maids before awakening the attacker.

Feeling the movement, Xiren opened his eyes in a daze, only to see a pair of black eyes.

"Did anything unusual happen to the mansion today?" Xiren didn't understand martial arts, and now that he was half asleep, Song Qingshu could easily use the soul-changing method on him.

"No," Xiren replied subconsciously.

Song Qingshu frowned. The assailant was that Jia's position in the mansion was different from ordinary maids. He was always clever and clever. If there is any trouble in the mansion, she will definitely not be able to hide her.

Worried that the way of asking was wrong, Song Qingshu asked again: "Is anyone caught coming back?"

With a trace of daze on Xiren's face, he still shook his head mechanically: "I haven't heard of such a thing."

"It's amazing, where will Yingying be caught?" Song Qingshu frowned and clicked on the fainting sleeping point.

After coming out of Yihongyuan, Song Qingshu searched aimlessly in the Rongguo Mansion. He did not fully believe in the words of attacking people. After all, attacking people could not martial arts. Jia Sidao has many masters. If it is a secret operation, he wants to hide it. It's not too difficult for ordinary people in the house.

After searching in Jia's mansion for a while, suddenly there was a woman's cry for help in the air. Song Qingshu stopped in an instant. The cry for help was so slight that if he hadn't cultivated so deeply, he would definitely not be able to hear it. I want to listen carefully, but the cry for help disappeared. If I changed to an ordinary person, I might have thought that there had been auditory hallucinations just now, but Song Qingshu was very confident in his hearing, not to mention that he would save Ren Yingying now and would never let it go. Any clues.

I followed the direction of the sound just now. Song Qingshu couldn't determine the specific location because it was fleeting. After searching for a while, I was a little lost. Fortunately, there was an exclamation shortly before Song Qingshu finally determined the specific location.

Shi Zhan Qinggong soon came to a other courtyard, and the rest was pitch black. Only the second floor was faintly illuminated with lights, and Song Qingshu flew to the second floor window with a little tiptoe.

"You...what are you going to do!" The woman's voice was full of panic.

"These three watchmen are alone in the middle of the night. Dry wood and raging fire, what do you say I want to do?" A man's voice was full of licentiousness.

Song Qingshu frowned, he had already heard that the woman's voice was not from Ren Yingying, he couldn't help being disappointed, and turned around and left.

If he usually does not mind coming to a hero to save the United States, but now Ren Yingying is in a dangerous situation, he doesn't want to waste time, not to mention that in this Jia Mansion, I am afraid that except for the pair of stone lions at the door is clean, there is nothing else. Clean, so many things are gone. I am afraid that things like this are often performed. How many times can I manage them?

"You bastard, I'm your aunt by seniority!" The woman obviously didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, and her voice looked shocked and scared.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu stopped in an instant, how could this voice sound familiar.

"That's just a fictitious seniority. You really are not as old as I am. You have been a widow for so many years, and you must have been dry for a long time. I will give you some sweet rain considerately, and you may eat the marrow if you taste it. Know the taste." The man smiled.

Song Qingshu sneaked in quietly, the attention of the two people in the room was on each other, and did not notice the arrival of the third person.

I saw a young man with a light fur belt and a beautiful crown standing not far away. He had a handsome face and a handsome figure. If it weren't for a lewd and cheap image at the moment, he would definitely be a handsome young man.

Opposite him was an elegant and dignified young woman, in a plain long dress, faintly outlined in a graceful figure. Because of the fright, her face no longer had the calm and indifferent usual days.

"It's actually her!" Song Qingshu recognized this young woman, no wonder she felt that her voice was familiar, it turned out to be the young and widowed Li Wan.

Not to mention that she asked her father to contribute to the Yue Fei case and owed her favor, even thinking that she was that person's younger sister, she couldn't stand by.

"You are rude to me today, and father-in-law tomorrow will never let you go." Li Wan didn't see Song Qingshu hidden in the dark, she couldn't help feeling a little desperate looking at Jia Rong who was pressing harder.

Because of the widowhood, she is not used to the hustle and bustle of the house, so she specially asked Jia’s mother to arrange for her in a remote and deserted house. On weekdays, there are only a few maids to serve. Now, those maids have obviously been restrained in this situation. , This place is far away from everyone, and other people can't find the anomaly here.

She can only rely on Jia Sidao's usual majesty, trying to make the people in front of her retreat.

"You are too naive. If your husband is still there, those people will indeed stand up for you, but now you are a widowman, and I am the eldest grandson of Ningguo Mansion. What they have done to you, even if they are angry. Will not deal with me, but will cover this matter for me, then I can often come to play with you." The young man sneered.

"The eldest grandson of Ning Guofu?" In addition to the other party's age, Song Qingshu had guessed the identity of the boy, Jia Zhen's son, and Qin Keqing's husband Jia Rong.

Just after saying that, Jia Rong was obviously stimulated in some way, and her expression became savage: "Yes, they will definitely cover up for me, just like they did before!"

Seeing him gritted his teeth, Li Wan became more and more frightened: "It is your father who bullied Keqing. Why did you come to me if you didn't seek revenge from him." Although she didn't ask about world affairs for many years, this The gossip spread quickly in the courtyard of the big house, and she could always hear some gossips.

Song Qingshu sighed secretly. In the Dream of Red Mansions, it is no secret that Jia Zhen climbed the gray daughter-in-law Qin Keqing. Unexpectedly, the world still has not changed this fate.

"Stop bitch!" Li Wan's words greatly stimulated Jia Rong, because it just hit his weakness. It was not that he had never thought of asking his father for revenge, but he was afraid of his father since he was a child, and he was in front of him. Even if the words are unsuccessful, how can you get any grudges?

On the one hand, he hates his own weakness, and on the other hand, when he is suppressed to the extreme, his character has also begun to twist. Since his dad is crawling, why can't he crawl back?

So over the years he has been hooking up with the elders in the family, such as... Second Sister You, Second Sister You is Jia Zhen’s wife and sister, and counted as Jia Rong’s aunt, not only that, because Second Sister You was born young and beautiful, so Still Jia Zhen's underground lover.

The moment Jia Rong entered the body of Sister You, Jia Rong felt an extremely strong sense of satisfaction, as if she had avenged her in another way.

Soon he became obsessed with this feeling, and the second sister You alone could not satisfy him, and he soon turned his attention to other people.

Although Jia Rong wanted revenge, he didn't want to be too hungry and wronged herself. He was considered his elder in the family. At the same time, there were not many young and beautiful people in the family. Apart from Sister You, there was also Wang Xifeng, but Wang Xifeng was too much. It is not easy to start because he is aggressive and strong, so he focused on Li Wan, who has been widowed for many years.

Li Wan is the youngest grandmother of the Rongguo Mansion. She has a dignified and beautiful appearance. Especially when she thinks of her status as a survivor, Jia Rong can't stop her evil thoughts.

So after careful planning, Jia Rong finally shot Li Wan. On the one hand, he could satisfy his desires, and on the other hand, he could avenge the Rongguo Mansion’s resignation to Jia Zhen and help cover up.

The thought of immediately realizing the feeling of water, milk and fusion, Jia Rong's whole body was trembling with excitement, and she couldn't help a hungry tiger rushing forward.

"Ah~" Li Wan exclaimed, subconsciously trying to hide, but he was slow for a while, the plain long skirt on his body was ripped apart, revealing the intimate clothes, and the white skin was looming.

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