Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1370: Bright and charming, romantic and graceful

Li Wan’s naked skin gleamed with a crystal lustre under the light of the candlelight, and Jia Rong couldn’t help but gulp her saliva: “Beng Zong, just scream, scream loudly, the louder you scream, I The more excited~"

Hearing his profanity, Li Wan was ashamed and angry, and flushed with anger, but now she can only cover her damaged dress while running around the table to avoid the other party.

Although Jia Rong was hollowed out by the alcohol, he was more or less a bit of three-legged cat kung fu. How could Li Wan, a weak female stream, be his opponent, and he was caught by the opponent after just dodging for a circle.

"Come on, little lady, haven't you felt emptiness and loneliness these years, let this son take comfort and comfort you." With his arms around Li Wan's gentle body, thinking of the other party Bing Qingyu Jie, who has been widow for many years, seems to be waiting for himself to cultivate, in an instant It was so hard that the whole person was about to explode.

"Could it be that my innocence that I have maintained for so many years will be destroyed?" A trace of despair flashed in Li Wan's heart. When she thought of the terrible consequences, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, and she bit her tongue suddenly.

However, the imaginary pain did not come. Instead, he felt that he had bitten two fingers. Li Wan couldn't help being shocked. He thought that Jia Rong had put his fingers in her mouth, panicking and biting again.

"Why did the madam commit suicide for this kind of scum?" At this moment, a strange and somewhat familiar male voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

Li Wan looked blank and looked up and found that he was actually lying in the arms of another man, and that man was Song Qingshu who had visited before.

"It's you?" Li Wan widened his eyes subconsciously, but there was a whining sound from her mouth, and she realized that the other party's finger was actually being bitten in her mouth.

"Ah~" Li Wan, who had always been abiding by women's way, blushed with shame when he thought of biting a strange man.

Song Qingshu didn't seem to notice this. He raised his head and looked at Jia Rong on the opposite side coldly: "As the son of the Jia family, you won't lack women, but you don't feel disgusting to do such shameless things. "

Just now Jia Rong only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the beautiful woman in her arms had disappeared. At this time, she finally understood what had happened. The cooked duck flew so that he was not angry: "Where is the smelly boy, how dare you control? My son’s nosy."

While talking, he slapped his face with a fist, Song Qingshu snorted coldly, and didn't even bother to move his hands, but the hum fell on Jia Rong's ears but it was like thunder, which made his mind sting and felt The moment his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness.

Seeing Jia Rong lost consciousness and fainted on the ground, Song Qingshu said to Li Wan: "Madam, now you are safe, don't be afraid." At this time, he also realized that his finger was still in her mouth with an apologetic expression. He drew it out: "I saw that the lady was going to bite her tongue and commit suicide just now. She was in a hurry. I hope that the lady will not be offended."

"No... it doesn't matter." Li Wan replied in an inaudible voice with dizziness on both cheeks.

More than ten years of female moral education has made her extremely sensitive to the incompatibility of men and women. Realizing that she is still in the arms of each other, she subconsciously pushes the other person away and takes two steps back.

However, during this retreat, she suddenly felt the chill in the air, and then she remembered that her dress was torn off in half, and when she thought that she was standing in front of a strange man almost half-naked at this time, Li Wan instinctively exclaimed. Hugging his hands on his chest, he turned around at the same time.

"I haven't shown much bikini yet, and I don't know what I'm so afraid of doing." Song Qingshu couldn't help but complain, but he also understood that the atmosphere of this society was far less open than later generations. He thoughtfully took off his coat and put it on her, blocking it. She burst into the spring, "The weather is a bit cold at night, please don't catch the wind chill, Madam."

"Thanks...thank you." The faint heat on his body still remained on his clothes, and Li Wan only felt that he was surrounded by the man's masculinity, and he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy for a while.

"It's just a matter of effort." Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

Li Wan suddenly noticed that his fingers were still bleeding, especially the tooth marks remaining on them, which made her face red and red: "I'm sorry~"

Song Qingshu raised his hand to look at it, and smiled indifferently: "It's just skin trauma."

"I'm not good, I'll help you blow." Li Wan was full of guilt at this time, always wanting to do something to make up for it, and subconsciously grabbed the opponent's hand to his mouth and blew gently.

Seeing the other party's slightly pouted mouth, the moist, bright red lips and the snow-white delicate skin formed a distinct visual impact, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling lost for a moment.

After Li Wan took two mouthfuls, his actions were consistent as if instinctively, his lips pressed against his wound and sucked for him, and even the tip of his tongue licked the wound.

Song Qingshu was stunned, what's the situation?

Li Wan was also stunned. She accidentally broke her hand on weekdays, so she blew two mouthfuls and then sucked with her mouth. How did she know that this time she actually copied her usual habitual movements in a ghostly manner.

"Ah~" Taking Song Qingshu's hand away in an instant, Li Wan's face flushed red, "I...I didn't mean it, I..." She didn't know how to explain the behavior just now, she was finished thinking about it. In his heart, he must be a shameless and ridiculous woman.

Seeing a layer of mist in the eyes of the little young woman in front of her, tears swirling in her eyes, as if they would fall at any time, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "This kind of disinfection is good, thank you Madam."

Li Wan couldn't understand the meaning of disinfection, but he could hear that there was no ridicule in his tone, but she still wanted to get in there.

Seeing her ashamed and indignant, Song Qingshu could not help but cough lightly in order to distract her and asked: "Madam, I am actually looking for someone this time..."

When Li Wan heard these words, his heart shook for a moment. Could it be that he came to me? The lone man and widow in the middle of the night, this...how decent she is. Years of education made her feel that the other party's behavior is a bit of a disciple, but she thought that if he didn't come to find herself in the middle of the night, how could she just save herself? .

Song Qingshu glanced at her strangely, and went on to recount about Ren Yingying.

Li Wan realized that he had misunderstood, and his skin was blushing as if he was covered with a layer of rouge: "I'm sorry, I have never asked about the world at home. I don't know if anyone has been caught in the house."

"That's it..." Song Qingshu looked disappointed. When he was about to leave, Li Wan pointed to Jia Rong, who had fainted on the ground, and said, "Why don't you ask him, he has been stealing chickens and dogs all day, and is facing what happened in the house." Men Erqing."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, and he squatted down beside Jia Rong in a hurry, tapped a few acupoints on him, and awakened him.

"Your uncle..." Jia Rong just woke up, subconsciously swearing.

Song Qingshu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly used the soul-changing method on him: "Did a woman be captured in Jia's mansion today?"

Jia Rong's eyes became chaotic, and he subconsciously replied: "There is..."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "Where is she locked up?"

"I was arrested by my father, should be locked up in Ningguo Mansion," Jia Rong replied a little angrily. "Huh, I don't know where he caught the woman from, she is so beautiful that it makes me feel unbearable. I couldn't help but come here."

It turned out that he saw that his father had taken a beautiful woman back home, and knew that he would definitely not care about himself tonight, so he took this opportunity to sneak over here.

Li Wan, who was on the side, flushed and sipped inwardly. At the same time, he was secretly surprised. On weekdays, Jia Rong was so slick. Why is he so honest today that he would answer every question?

Listening to Jia Rong’s lewd meaning in his tone, Song Qingshu was angry and gave him a slap: “Where is Ningguo Mansion specific?”

"I...I don't know either." Jia Rong replied with an aggrieved expression.

Song Qingshu knew that he would not lie to himself. He couldn't ask anything anymore, so he stunned him again.

"Madam, I'll go to save people first, and leave." Song Qingshu arched his hands.

Li Wan hurriedly called him: "Song...Song son, can you tell me about the missing sister now?"

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "I'm anxious to save people now, I'll tell you next time." He was anxious at the thought of Ren Yingying falling into Jia Zhen's hands.

Li Wan nodded: "I am confused. Yes, it is important to save people."

Song Qingshu waved his hand to bid her farewell, and flew out of the window with Jia Rong in his hand. After a few breaths of light work, he arrived at Ningguo Mansion next door.

He threw Jia Rong into a secluded alley outside. Song Qingshu was about to sneak in. Suddenly he thought of something. He turned around and took off Jia Rong’s coat and put it on his body, so that he wouldn’t be scared when he sneaked into Ningguo Mansion later. Jia Zhen dog jumped the wall in a hurry to do something.

At the same time, he kicked Jia Rong's kidney veins. He didn't want to kill people easily, but at the same time, he was worried that the other party would go to Li Wan in the future, so that he could no longer have the ability to bully women.

Song Qingshu then sneaked into Ningguo's mansion, and casually captured a maid who asked about the other courtyard where Jia Zhen lived, and hurried over there with light work.

It's a pity that I didn't find anything there, let alone Ren Yingying, even Jia Zhen was not there.

Later, another person was arrested to perform the soul-changing method, only to learn that Jia Zhen was called to discuss the matter by Jia Sidao of the Rongguo Mansion not long ago, and he is not in the mansion now.

Hearing this news, Song Qingshu was slightly relieved, so that at least Ren Yingying was safe for the time being.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to find out where Ren Yingying was detained from the population, so Song Qingshu had no choice but to search Ningguo Mansion with his own experience and vision.

As a result, when searching, a group of maids on the opposite side, surrounded by a woman who looked like a young woman, came over. Fortunately, Song Qingshu reacted so quickly that she jumped onto the crossbeam and was not found by the other party.

When the other party passed by under the beam, he suddenly stopped. Song Qingshu looked up with the moonlight, and saw that the young woman was bright and charming like the Baochai she saw at the dinner party before, and she was also like Daiyu, he Can't help but secretly admire that there are many beauties in Jia's house, but this woman is the best.

"My grandmother, it's already late at night, it's time to go back to rest, and be careful outside to catch the cold." A pretty maid said, supporting the bright and charming young woman.


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