Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1371: The plot is not right

"Young grandma?" Song Qing thoughtfully, the entire Ningguo Mansion fits this name, and at the same time, only Jia Rong's wife Qin Keqing is the only one who is the right age.

The two most famous women in the Dream of Red Mansions are Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, but these two girls are quiet and cold, and the other is dignified and graceful. Although they are very beautiful, they are hard to get close to each other; Qin Keqing is not the case, although the twelve hairpins in Jinling judged At the bottom of the list, she is the most famous woman besides Daiyu Baochai. In some respects, she is even more famous than the two heroines by three points.

Her bright and charming, her romantic and gracefulness, and the bumpy encounters have left countless room for man in the world to imagine. Song Qing traveled through the era before the book king was Asuna, Jianniang, etc., but only on Among the ladies of the Red Mansion, Qin Keqing is the well-deserved number one.

Song Qing secretly sighed: As expected, she deserves to be a woman who has made countless men in future generations. The figure of Qin Keqing is not more than that of Huang Rong.

He couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he thought that he had just abolished her husband. However, Jia Rong also took the blame, and their husband and wife looked close together and their relationship was extremely strange. Even if they knew what happened to Jia Rong, Qin Keqing probably wouldn't be sad.

"My grandmother, it's late at night~" Seeing Qin Keqing standing there in a daze, the maid couldn't help reminding her again.

Qin Keqing's eyelashes trembled slightly, and said softly, "Isn't the young master yet back?"

Song Qing's heart jumped when she heard it. Some women in this world have a coquettish appearance, making people think of bed at the first sight of her; but some women also show that they are dignified and demure, but the first time a man sees her, it is the same. I can't wait to take her to the bed and torment her, but it will inevitably lead to feelings of pity and cherishment when she is ravaged. This is the difference between external charm and internal charm.

Qin Keqing is obviously a charming woman. It can be said that she is naturally charming. This opening, the special rhythm of chewing words, and the lazy and sweet tone of voice can make most men fall into trouble at the first listen. If it is not Song Qing is now determined to see her beauty and then hear her voice, she may have become a minister under her skirt.

"Not yet, Master may have something to do." The maid replied.

"Really?" Qin Keqing smiled non-committal, but a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Song Qing thought that it was so, Jia Rong must have no place in her heart, otherwise a woman would not mention that her husband would look like this.

"Why haven't you seen the master?" Qin Keqing asked casually.

Song Qing's expression was extremely playful, because he keenly noticed the fleeting light in Qin Keqing's eyes just now. This kind of light appeared in the woman's eyes, which was obviously only revealed when she looked at his beloved man.

Tsk tusk tusk, the later generations of red scholars have different opinions on Qin Keqing’s experience. Some said she was forced by her father-in-law Jia Zhen, and she was weakly unable to resist, so she could only endure this humiliation silently. Later, Jiao scolded the incident publicly. Feeling shameless, she committed suicide when seeing someone; some said that she was not forced by Jia Zhen, but really fell in love with her mature and handsome father-in-law. Both parties can be said to be fair and reasonable, and the mother-in-law is reasonable, but at least in this world. , Qin Keqing is obviously affectionate to Jia Zhen.

Thinking of this, Song Qing couldn't help but become curious. What is Jia Zhen's ability to make such a fairy concubine willing to be his lover?

"Master was called to the West House to discuss matters." The maid below didn't think too much, and replied directly.

"Oh~" Qin Keqing nodded, "Then let's go back." After speaking, he took small steps gracefully and gradually disappeared to the side of the corridor.

When the group of people left, Song Qing quietly jumped off the beam. After this episode, he once again realized how many nasty things were hidden in these rich and nobles.

Song Qing continued to search for Ren Yingying's whereabouts, but unfortunately there was no trace after searching for a long time.

"It seems that I can only follow Jia Zhen after he comes back." Song Qing secretly made up his mind, and at the same time was surprised that the guards in the Ningguo Mansion were no less than the Rongguo Mansion next door, and all the secret whistles hidden in the mansion were masters. , Almost three hundred and sixty degrees without dead angle coverage, with his current cultivation base and light work, he was almost discovered a few times.

"Dangdangdang~" A shrill gong rang in the quiet night sky, followed by various warning sounds one after another, "There are assassins, there are assassins~"

Song Qing was shocked, and after hiding in a rockery, she thought that she was already extremely careful, how could she be discovered? He wasn't worried about himself, but had finally gotten a clue from Ren Yingying, worrying about getting rid of the grass and frightening the snake.

However, Song Qing soon understood that it was not because he exposed, but the voice from the Rongguo Mansion next door.

"Could it be that Linghu Chong was discovered?" Song Qing thought the more it was possible, and wanted to respond, but thought that it was still important to save Ren Yingying, so he could only ask for more blessings.

The only thing to be thankful for is the configuration of Yijinjing Sucking Star **Dugu Nine Swords. Even if the Rongguo Mansion is full of masters of Xia Ke Island, Linghu Chong has the power to protect himself, and even if he is caught, let him lead the battle. The identity of the equipment should not worry about life.

Song Qing just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly Ning Guo Mansion seemed to be boiling, a large number of guards began to gather, and countless secret whistles also walked out of the hiding place.

"There was an assassin on the side of the Xifu, the master passed the order, in order to prevent the assassin from running to our side, now the highest level of alert is activated." A leader-like person spoke to the people around.

"Yes!" As if having drilled countless times, the group of people dispersed one after another, and began to patrol in their respective duties.

Song Qing couldn't help crying secretly. His light work is indeed very high. Even if it goes deep into the palace, it is like entering no one, but it is based on the fact that there is no defensive force and no one knows that someone has invaded, so he can use a short time difference to break through with light work. Line of defense.

Now that the defense forces in this mansion are fully activated, with three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, where is there still a time gap for him to use?

"Damn it." Song Qing cursed secretly, realizing that a team of guards came here to investigate, and he hurriedly moved away from the spot.

Hidden all the way, almost exposed her figure several times. Song Qing had a cold sweat on her temples, and her heart was also irritated. If it hadn't been for the sake of saving Yingying, Ningguo Mansion would have been flattened.

The person who formed the defense system of Ningguo Mansion was definitely a master-level figure. With this highest level of alert, Song Qing felt a little difficult to move forward with his martial arts.

Although he had evaded more than a dozen times in just half an hour, Song Qing was gradually driven into desperation.

He was keenly aware that two teams of guards and a team of secret guards were about to converge here, just blocking all the paths of his hiding, and he was about to be exposed after a few breaths.

Secretly gritted her teeth, when Song Qing was about to fight hard, there was a squeak not far away, a door of a room suddenly opened, and a bright and charming young woman stood at the door with a puzzled face. Wasn't that the Qin Keqing that I saw just now?

Song Qing was anxious to be born with wisdom, and he scammed into her room in the blink of an eye.

Qin Keqing only felt that there was a flower in front of him. Before he could see the other party's appearance clearly, he was suddenly covered by someone from behind.

"Close the door, don't make any noise." Song Qing shouted in a low voice, and at the same time he felt a little surprised. No wonder there will be several teams of guards intensively intersecting in this place. It turns out that there is an important person here. I found Qin Keqing here by accident, and I don't know if it was luck or misfortune.

Qin Keqing was so scared that Huarong was pale, and her mouth was sobbing, but she just happened to see the sleeve of the other party's hand covering her mouth. After the familiar pattern on it made her startled, she instantly calmed down.

"Very well, as long as you are obedient, I won't hurt you." Perceiving her transformation, Song Qing removed her palm a little, but focused on alertness. As long as she made a slight change, it would be before she made a sound. Subdued her.

"You are still such a foolish person~" Qin Keqing groaned, causing Song Qingyun to be in the mist. What's the situation? Why is she not afraid at all, even acting like a baby?

Is this the kind of late-stage Scordmore syndrome that people often say? Song Qing was slanderous in his heart.

"My grandmother, there may be an assassin in the house. We need to come in and check to make sure you are safe." At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, and Song Qing instantly became nervous, and strangled Qin Keqing's body with the other hand. Cover her mouth for fear that she suddenly warned.

Holding her up close, Song Qing suddenly smelled a refreshing sweet scent, coupled with her soft and mellow body, even at the moment, he was still a little worried.

Qin Keqing grabbed the hand covering her mouth, and when she found it was useless, she stomped her feet angrily. Song Qing didn't know what she thought, so how could she dare to let it go? Can I only pray for people outside to leave early?

"Young grandma?" The people outside called out again. Seeing that there was no response in the room, they couldn't help but yell, "It seems something is wrong?"

These guards are really the elite of the elite, Song Qing secretly sighed, and at the same time his body tightened.

At this moment, a slippery and warm feeling suddenly came from the palm of her hand. Song Qing looked down at the beautiful woman in her arms in disbelief. She was actually licking her hand with her tongue?

Song Qing suddenly felt that her IQ was not enough. He had long heard that Qin Keqing was passionate and passionate, but he wouldn't show up to such a degree, right? If you catch a man and post it up, it is even possible that the other person is an assassin?

Distracted by her licking, Song Qing couldn't help but let go of her hand. Only then did Qin Keqing whispered, "Get on the bed."

"Huh?" After all the shocks before, Song Qing is already a little numb at this time. Anyway, the master is bold. He is not afraid of any traps on the bed. He sensed that the guards outside was about to break in, so he held Qin Keqing in his arms. Flew to the bed......(.)

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