Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1372: Overwhelmed

Not long after the window curtain was put down, the guard outside slammed the door open: "Young lady?"

A group of people did not rush over immediately. After all, there are differences between men and women. It is very likely that Qin Keqing slept too deep to hear. If they rushed over to see something that shouldn’t be seen on the mistress, they would want to eat. Went around endlessly.

But there was such a big movement when he opened the door, no matter how deep he fell asleep, he should wake up. If Qin Keqing hadn't responded, it was obviously something went wrong.

Seeing that the gauze tent moved lightly, but there was no response from the inside, a group of guards looked at each other, "Swiss~" There was a sharp sound of drawing knives, and everyone took out their weapons by appointment.

"It's so noisy, let people not sleep?" At this moment, Qin Keqing's angry voice suddenly came from the bed. A slender jade hand lifted the gauze tent from the inside, and then Qin Keqing got out of it with some untidy clothes. When he came out, his eyes were full of anger.

"The subordinate is abrupt~" The guard who took the lead hurriedly bowed and apologized, and told the story of the assassin in Xifu. How could he fail to see that Qin Keqing was not coerced at all at this time, after all, she got out of bed generously. Standing in front of him, there was no one within three feet.

"The highest alert?" Qin Keqing was also obviously taken aback, but she reacted quickly and waved to the guards, "What's the matter with us in Xifu's assassin checkpoint? Go out, I'm going to rest."

"Yes!" The leader hurriedly led a group of people out, and couldn't help reminding him when he closed the door for her, "Madam Young, remember not to go out during this time."

Qin Keqing gave him an angry glance, and went straight to lock the door from inside without answering.

Qin Keqing’s charming eyes when he was parting appeared in the guard’s mind, and he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, thinking that Madam was really a **** stunner. If he could sleep with her for one night, he would be willing to live a short life of ten years... …

But he knew that he could only think about it quietly, once a little bit of wind was leaked, he would die without a place to bury his life.

After hearing the guard leave behind the door, Qin Keqing just breathed a sigh of relief, with a sweet smile on her face, jogging all the way back to the bed, stretched out the slender jade and pointed to the man on the bed: "You guy, really more It's getting bolder~"

Song Qingshu was startled. He was originally wondering why Qin Keqing would take the initiative to make the rounds for him. He had long since rejected the speculation of a man who was so hungry and thirsty before that, after all, no matter how romantic he is.

Now that she heard these words full of coquetry and intimacy, it suddenly dawned in her heart that she obviously regarded herself as another person. It is estimated that she had made an appointment with someone to have a tryst here tonight, and the result was a hit and run by mistake.

"This woman is also big-hearted, she just throws in her arms without seeing the other person's appearance, and she's not afraid of being put to sleep by another man." Song Qingshu secretly smacked her tongue.

However, Song Qingshu finally understood that she had put on Jia Rong’s clothes just in case, but when her eyes fell on her sleeves, she saw the sleeves when she restrained Qin Keqing from behind and recognized her husband’s. Clothes, then put down all precautions.

In addition, there are no candles or oil lamps in the house. At this time, it is pitch black. Song Qingshu can still see Qin Keqing's appearance with the faint moonlight falling into the house, but the other party does not know martial arts, so he can see it completely. Not knowing what he looks like.

While in a trance, a soft and warm body has already been attached to him, a pair of jade arms gently embraced him, and pressed his cheeks to his body: "You are too dangerous to be like this. If someone finds out, you How can people go out to meet people in the future~"

The other party's almost coquettish whisper and the soft body twisted in his arms, Song Qingshu only felt dry and dry, and at the same time he was curious: "You two are husband and wife, even if you are seen, why can't you be a human being?"

"Hmm~" I was worried that she would be suspicious if I kept not answering. I originally wanted to simulate Jia Rong's voice to answer her, but when Song Qingshu came to his lips, he suddenly realized something, and after all, he just responded ambiguously.

"Today I heard the maid telling that Brother Rong never came back. I guessed it was you who paid for him. But the guards in the house came to steal the jade after martial law. Your courage is really getting bigger and bigger. If it reaches the ears of the ancestors of the Xifu, you will feel better." Qin Keqing angered.

Song Qingshu was stunned by the amount of information contained in the other party's words. Obviously Qin Keqing didn't regard herself as her husband Jia Rong, but mistaken herself for another person.

If Jia Rong was able to spend the money in a fair manner, and then contacted some of the rumors he heard before, the identity of this person was also ready to show that it is the current head of Ningguo Mansion, Jia Zhen!

Originally, the head of Ning State Mansion was Jia Jing, who was the same generation as Jia Sidao of Rong State Mansion. However, Jia Jing devoted himself to Taoism. He moved to Taoist Temple a long time ago, and Jia Zhen took care of everything in the mansion. In this sense, Jia Zhen is now the head of the Ningguo Mansion family.

"Is this Jia Jing the owner of Wood Island on Xia Ke Island?" Song Qingshu secretly pondered. Of course he didn't believe in the nonsense of monasticism. Jia Sidao is busy with government affairs on weekdays, and probably has no energy to take care of things on Xia Ke Island, but It is impossible to entrust this huge power of Xia Ke Island in the hands of outsiders. After much deliberation, his cousin Jia Jing is the most suitable candidate.

When Song Qingshu's brain was spinning fast, Qin Keqing in his arms snorted, twisting like a beautiful snake, and a pair of skillful hands untied his clothes flexibly. When he reacted, the other party had already taken the initiative. Kissed his chest.

Song Qingshu's body stiffened all of a sudden. He never expected that things would develop in this way. The small and flexible tip of the tongue was like a sacred hand in the piano, not only plucking the man's heartstrings, but also raising the most primitive flame in the man's heart.

"It's really a grinning little fairy~" The boudoir was full of refreshing sweet scent, Song Qingshu only felt that he was in heaven, and for a while, he was a little reluctant to think about it.

Although reason tells him that this is a bit unkind, a man's instinct makes him somewhat unable to resist such temptation. What's more, Qin Keqing is not a good family of rules and regulations, and even if anything really happens, he will not be burdened.

Qin Keqing snorted again, and her voice was sweet and greasy, and Song Qingshu started with a touch of tenderness and greasiness. It turned out that she had taken off all her clothes before she knew it.

Qin Keqing's body is very soft, and the whole body is soft and mellow. Song Qingshu has rich experience. As soon as she touches her body, she can judge that she is already extremely emotional at this time. She can't help but smack her tongue secretly without having to go forward. The scene is actually so emotional, such a woman. It's a man's boon.

"Although it is dangerous for you to come here at this time, I like it very much~" Qin Keqing bit his ear and laughed idiotically. Every syllable, even every breath, can make a man's vitality and blood toss.

Song Qingshu didn't understand at this time. On weekdays, Jia Zhen and Qin Keqing often secretly date like this. First, they randomly find someone to pay for Jia Rong, and then Jia Zhen sneaks into Qin Keqing's boudoir to enjoy this charming and charming daughter-in-law. In order to avoid being unintentionally discovered by the subordinates, he would wear Jia Rong's clothes to hide his appearance every time he came over. This is why Qin Keqing just saw Song Qingshu's clothes and admitted him wrong.

The reason why I didn’t recognize him as my husband was because Song Qingshu had just passed away in a flash and revealed a very clever trivial skill, while Jia Rong could only do three-legged cat kung fu. It’s okay to bully a rogue maid, how can I get on the Da Ya Hall? Only Jia Zhen at Rongguo Mansion has such a brilliant skill.

Song Qingshu can see that Qin Keqing really loves Jia Zhen, otherwise there would be no maid in the whole room. You must know that these nobles in the capital have many maidservants at any time, but now there is no one at all. Obviously it is. She deliberately distracted.

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn’t help but sympathize with Jia Rong. It’s no wonder that he was so frustrated and ran to the Rongguo Mansion just now to insult Li Wan. He must be very clear in his heart what his father wanted to do, but everything about him was What his father gave, from childhood to most of his father’s majesty, he did not dare and was unable to resist, he could only vent the depressed metamorphosis for many years to other people, Li Wan almost became his victim.

At this moment, the two of them have become entangled together unknowingly. Qin Keqing is like a charming cat, making Song Qingshu finally unable to help it. With a low growl, she pressed her under her body.

Feeling the oppressive weight of a man, Qin Keqing's heart flashed with doubts. Today, he seems to be a little different in normal days. He is elegant and natural, mature and stable. Today, he seems to be a round of scorching sun, more than usual. Several times the masculinity...

That kind of intense pressure made her feel surrendered in her soul, and her delicate hand quietly moved down and touched the man's body, she couldn't help being startled, her whole face was red as if it was about to bleed, and her body didn't know. Feeling softer.

Feeling the silent invitation from the other party, when Song Qingshu was about to buckle through the city, Ren Yingying's stubborn and angry eyes suddenly flashed in his mind.

Thinking that he was here to save Ren Yingying, Song Qingshu instantly calmed down. How could he miss the business because of this temptation? If anything happened to Ren Yingying during this period, I am afraid I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. .

Sensing keenly the changes in the man's emotions, Qin Keqing asked in surprise: "What's the matter with you?"

Song Qingshu screamed ashamed, tapped her acupuncture points casually, and then began to dress. Qin Keqing was puzzled by such a change, her beautiful eyes kept blinking and blinking, but unfortunately she was blocked by the acupuncture path and couldn't even speak.

After putting on the clothes quickly, Song Qingshu was thinking about whether Jia Zhen had come back. He had to follow him to find Ren Yingying's whereabouts.

Suddenly there was a soft noise outside the door, and Song Qingshu heard that it was the sound of ripped clothes, and couldn't help being shocked. He was thinking about which expert the other party was. Who knew that the other party came straight to this room.

Song Qingshu had no time to hide, so he had no choice but to lift up the quilt and get into the bed, so that he was next to Qin Keqing's fiery body again, and the bed was full of beautiful fragrance, which made him almost unable to control it again. live.

He only heard that the man walked in and closed the door, and then the sound of the fire broke out, which should have ignited the light in the house.

"Keqing, are you already asleep?" A very magnetic male voice sounded.

Seeing the familiar face in front of him, Qin Keqing felt a little creepy at this time. Since Jia Zhen is only here now, who is the person in the bed?

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