Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1373: go astray

Qin Keqing almost fainted when he thought that he was like a little wild cat in heat just now actively and eagerly leaning on him, all kinds of volitional arms and arms, Qin Keqing almost fainted, especially thinking that under the quilt, he would not be with each other at this time. She wished to have a seam in which she could get in.

"Who is he, who is he?" At this time, Qin Keqing couldn't hear what Jia Zhen was saying, and kept thinking of the same voice in his mind.

"Keqing, are you still angry with me?" Seeing that Qin Keqing didn't answer to herself, but looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, Jia Zhen looked at him strangely.

Hearing Jia Zhen's approaching sound, Song Qingshu frowned slightly. If the opponent came to the bed, he would definitely not be able to hide it, so he had to take the first step to restrain the opponent.

Feeling the tender body trembling slightly next to him, Song Qingshu knew that she must have recognized the wrong person at this time, and quietly patted her hand with a wry smile, the original intention was to show comfort. Who knew that Qin Keqing trembled even more when she felt his contact. incredible.

"You can rest for a while. I'll interrogate the woman caught today, and come to accompany you afterwards." Jia Zhen was obviously worried and did not notice Qin Keqing's abnormality at this time.

Hearing Jia Zhen's words, Song Qingshu in the blanket instantly pricked his ears, and finally got news from Ren Yingying!

Originally planned to follow Jia Zhen to see where he shut Yingying, but who knew that the other party didn't intend to go out, instead he walked to a wall in the house, and then there was the sound of crunching mechanism opening.

Song Qingshu was curious in his heart, and quietly lifted the quilt, just to see Jia Zhen's figure disappear in a secret wall of a wall.

"No wonder I searched Ningguo Mansion and couldn't find Yingying's whereabouts. No wonder this place will be patrolled by three guards at the same time." Song Qingshu's doubts in her heart were instantly bright, and at the same time slanderous, Jia Zhen arranged the secret room in her daughter-in-law's boudoir , Tut tut, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it's a fake public benefit.

Seeing Jia Zhen entered the secret room, Song Qingshu also opened the bed and jumped out of the bed. Qin Keqing's eyes widened, trying to see clearly who the man who made him almost lost was.

It was a pity that she was disappointed after all. The man didn't know when he had an extra mask on his face, he couldn't see his appearance at all, he could only see his youth from the hair and skin, and he had a pair of deep and charming eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Keqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief. What she worries most is that the other party is a disgusting old man or a fat but sturdy butcher. Now, it doesn't seem to be that annoying.

"Bah, what am I thinking about?" Qin Keqing's cheeks were flushed, and her cheeks were hot, but the whole body was a little soft involuntarily.

Because of lifting the quilt, Qin Keqing's body was not exposed to the air at this time, and her smooth and white skin exuded a layer of honey-like charm under the light of the light. Song Qingshu had to admire her as a stunning stunner. .

When he came to the bed, he pulled the quilt over her body and noticed that her eyes were dripping with water. Song Qingshu couldn't help stroking her face, and said softly, "Madam is really a charming and affectionate woman. "

Feeling the finger of the other party sliding over her face, Qin Keqing felt a kind of trembling of the soul, and a layer of thin lumps appeared on the skin all over her body.

Although the other party was admiring her, she couldn't be happy at all. The other party said she was passionate and listened nicely, but in the eyes of the world, passion often meant lewdness. She had to think that she was sensitive by nature and could not resist some temptations, so she had to feel sorry for herself. .

"What happened just now was just a beautiful accident. Madam should treat it as a dream, and forget me when she wakes up. Anyway... Madam didn't really lose her innocence." Song Qingshu smiled and turned away. Only Qin Keqing was left alone in the bed, embarrassed and embarrassed.

"It's so easy to say that I kissed and kissed, and I was touched all over my body, even there... there was intimate contact, although I didn't really go in, but what is the difference, how can I treat it as nothing happened? Over..." Qin Keqing clenched her teeth, her eyes filled with shame and anger.

Song Qingshu naturally did not have the time to care about her emotions, but came to the place where Jia Zhen disappeared just now. The mechanism has been automatically closed, but this is not difficult for him. Now that he knows that there is a door behind, it is easy to find it next The switch.

Sneaking in from the dark road, Song Qingshu sneered secretly, whose surname is Jia, when I rescue Yingying, I have to settle this account with you.

In fact, he also has a faint doubt in his heart now. Jia Sidao clearly saw that Ren Yingying was his own woman at the banquet, and he dared to let the clansman act on her.

After sneaking in the dark road for a while, there was light in front of him. It should be a secret room. Song Qingshu didn't know the situation inside. He was worried that Yingying would be injured by the dog jumping over the wall, so he quietly stuck it on the door, planning to see the situation clearly before acting.

Looking in from this angle, I saw a woman tied to a chair with her back to herself. Although she couldn't see her face, her back was graceful, and she looked like a beauty.

Jia Zhen was standing in front of her and seemed to be talking to her.

I used to read A Dream of Red Mansions and Song Qingshu thought that Jia Zhen was a wretched old man, but now seeing a real person in this world, he has to admit that Jia Zhen is indeed a very attractive man, even though he is middle-aged, he is handsome and elegant. Very, especially the charm of a mature man on her body, which is far less than that of ordinary young people. No wonder Jia Rong is also handsome, but he is still green by his father; no wonder Qin Keqing misunderstood him just now. Will be so enthusiastic...

"Continue with the previous topic, you should think carefully after this moment, and tell me what I want to know." Jia Zhen said to the woman.

Song Qingshu had already seen the layout of the secret room clearly at this time, and was already confident in his heart. He was about to rescue him, and suddenly realized something trembled and looked at the woman's hair in disbelief.

The woman’s hair is of very good quality, black and shiny, but also faintly shiny, but Song Qingshu’s face changed a lot because the woman’s hair was not a long shawl, but a bun. You must know that in this world, no Like later generations, only the married woman's hair will be in a bun.

"How could this be?" Song Qingshu couldn't believe it. He looked in carefully and noticed that although the back of the woman was equally attractive, she looked three points plump than Yingying. Obviously, this woman was not Ren Yingying at all!

"Am I looking in the wrong direction?" Song Qingshu was in the ice cellar, his hands and feet were extremely cold. If it was because of this delay in saving people, Ren Yingying didn't know what kind of danger he encountered.

The woman turned her head to the side, obviously unwilling to answer Jia Zhen's words, but Song Qingshu didn't even have the mind to pay attention to all this.

"You don't say yes, it's okay, anyway, I have a lot of time," Jia Zhen sneered again and again, suddenly her eyes fell on the woman's plump breasts, she couldn't help swallowing, "Such a beautiful woman is just like that. It’s too violent, it’s better to let me stay with you."

While talking, Jia Zhen poked his hands towards the woman's full chest, and the elegant and mature temperament disappeared, replaced by a face full of **** and desire.

"What are you doing? Ah~" Seeing Jia Zhen getting closer, the woman finally panicked.

"Beauty, what do you say I want to do?" Seeing the woman in front of him struggling and horrified, Jia Zhen swallowed, and a thick flame of gas in her abdomen, although there is still a fairy-like lover outside, but for men In other words, a wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than stealing, and a steal is worse than not being able to steal. The graceful young woman in front of her is obviously unacceptable.

The movement inside awakened Song Qingshu outside. Originally, he planned to go to another place to check Ren Yingying's whereabouts, but he could not help but be angry when he witnessed what happened inside.

Thinking that it was because of Jia Zhen that he wasted so much time, Song Qingshu was so angry that he decided to teach him a lesson that he had been angry with his chest.

With a flash of figure, he rushed to Jia Zhen and slammed his face with a punch. Maybe in addition to the anger of wasted time, he also thought that Qin Keqing's immortal concubine was actually eaten by him. The fist smashed his face, seeing that he didn't have this good skin, and what else could he use to deceive a woman.

But to his surprise, Jia Zhen escaped his punch!

Although Song Qingshu didn't do his best, he still looked like a veteran playboy. Even if he could martial arts, he was at most similar to Duan Zhengchun. How could he be able to receive his punch?

But this kind of thing happened. Song Qingshu noticed that his fist was swept aside by the opponent, and a traction force suddenly caused him to fall to the side.

"Huh?" Of course, Song Qingshu wouldn't be so embarrassed, and a shake of his hand cancelled out the peculiar traction.

Jia Zhen took this opportunity to retreat ten feet away, her eyes were both frightened and jealous: "Who are you?"

Song Qingshu did not answer his words, but murmured doubtfully: "The universe has moved? How could you have moved?" He didn't have any doubts, even if Jia Zhen knew the "Tai Xuan Jing", it would not be so surprising. , After all, they belong to the family of Xia Ke Island, but the Great Shift of the Universe is unique to the masters of Mingjiao, and only preachers in the past. Now as far as Song Qingshu knows, the whole world is also known as Zhang Wuji, and Yang Xiao knows some fur, but this is in front of us. Jia Zhen and Zhang Wuji should be in a difficult relationship.

Song Qingshu didn't bother to think about it at this time, so he immediately grabbed him and said, his body shape flashed out and grabbed the big hole on the opponent's shoulder.

Jia Zhen's face changed drastically, constantly urging the universe to move and want to remove the opponent's attack. Unfortunately, even if Zhang Wuji is here, the attack to remove Song Qingshu is very strenuous. It's nothing for a small Jia Zhen.

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