Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1374: Husband and Wife

I have to admit that Jia Zhen's martial arts are quite good, and he can hold the leader of a faction even when placed on the rivers and lakes, but now Song Qingshu is full of anger, how can he stop it?

It didn't take long for Jia Zhen to be caught by Song Qingshu's big hole on her body, and her whole body instantly lost strength.

"What are you going to do?" Jia Zhen was shocked and frightened. His secret room was so secret and guarded by guards outside. He didn't know how this person got in. Moreover, he asked himself that martial arts was good, but he actually resisted a little bit in front of this person. Without the ability, the silver mask of the other party exudes a strange light, which adds to the terror in his heart.

"Doesn't you feel very immediate about what you are asking now?" Song Qingshu smiled sarcastically. The woman just questioned Jia Zhen in the same way. He didn't expect Feng Shui to take turns, so he should feel this kind of fear so soon. Tasted.

Subconsciously glanced at the woman on the chair, Song Qingshu's eyes straightened instantly: "Why are you?"

I saw that the woman's complexion was white and greasy, her handsome eyes were beautiful, and her lips rose slightly even when she was in danger. It was the one who laughed first, unexplainably gentle and charming, who was Luo Bing who hadn't been away for a long time?

In Shengjing, Luo Bing broke with Wen Tailai, but he couldn't agree with Song Qingshu, so he accepted Li Yuanzhi's invitation to Yangzhou to relax.

Song Qingshu asked Li Yuanzhi about her not long ago, and he left after learning that Luo Bing had stayed in her house not long ago. Then he traveled around the world without knowing her whereabouts now.

How could Song Qingshu not be happy to see her here by accident.

But because he was wearing a mask, Luo Bing did not recognize him, but looked at the mysterious man with a puzzled look, not knowing whether he was an enemy or a friend.

However, thinking that the situation could not get worse anyway, it was better to fall into this person's hands than to fall into Jia Zhen's hands, so he secretly supported Song Qingshu in his heart, and saw him simply and neatly subduing Jia Zhen, and he was both happy and shocked.

It was clear that she was Luo Bing, and Song Qingshu was even more angry. He waved his hand and slapped Jia Zhen.

Jia Zhen was angry and anxious: "Do you know who I am? My uncle is..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Qingshu slapped him again: "Don't say who your uncle is, even if your father is the king of heaven, I can't miss it."

Seeing the expression in his eyes, Jia Zhen's heart was cold, and she didn't dare to speak any more.

Song Qingshu walked to Luo Bing, loosened her tie, and deliberately asked why she was caught here, but at this time her identity is unknown, she may not tell the truth to me, she should ask her in private after a while.

I was thinking of saving Luo Bing first, and going to investigate Ren Yingying’s whereabouts right away, but when he left, Song Qingshu suddenly thought of the martial arts Jia Zhen had just used, and couldn’t help but turn around and asked: "How can you move the world? "This question has been perplexing him. If he can't get an answer, he might be troubled sleeping and eating.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Jia Zhen's eyes flickered, and she said otherwise.

Song Qingshu didn't have any time to waste with him at this moment, so he walked directly to him and grabbed his shoulders, and the anger filed in, and the other party suddenly couldn't bear to scream in pain.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to use the soul-moving method on him. Although Jia Zhen's martial arts were good, he was far less determined than Chen Youliang and Cheng Kun in terms of his will. The psychological defense line collapsed instantly and was controlled by the soul-moving method.

"Where did you learn your great shift in the universe?" Song Qingshu asked again.

This time Jia Zhen didn't care about the other things: "It was... I got it from Keqing."

This time it was Song Qingshu's turn to be surprised. He never thought it was the answer: "Nonsense, Qin Keqing doesn't know much about martial arts, how can he teach you a great shift in the universe!"

He had been in such close contact with Qin Keqing just now. If he couldn't even detect the other party's martial arts, he might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

"Really...really from her," Jia Zhen explained hurriedly, "to be precise, it's her mother's relic."

"Her mother?" Song Qingshu stunned. Qin Keqing's life experience has always been a mystery. There are different opinions among later generations of red scholars. Some people say that she is the daughter of Ying Zanglang Qin Ye adopted from the Yangshengtang, but how can a small official like Ying Zanglang and Jia Mansion Climb up to pro? Let alone an abandoned baby? Therefore, some red scholars believe that Qin Keqing is the daughter of the abandoned prince, and it is because the Jia family is on the side of the abandoned prince that it has laid the roots for the future decline...

There are many opinions about her life experience, and there is no conclusion. Now Song Qingshu is also curious about what kind of background Qin Keqing has in this world: "Who is her mother?"

"Her mother..." Jia Zhen's eyes flickered, even when she was caught in the Soul Emancipation Law, she was extremely hesitant. Obviously, this was related to a great secret.

Song Qingshu continued to use his skills and looked at his eyes: "Say it!"

Jia Zhen couldn't resist the power of the soul, and subconsciously replied: "Her mother is Princess Jinzhi."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Which princess is Princess Jinzhi?" He has experienced the Qing, Ming, Jin, and Song counties, and knows a little bit about most of the princesses, but he has never heard of any princess Jinzhi. .

"There is no country..." Jia Zhen explained, "Princess Jinzhi is the daughter of the rebel Fang La. Back then, the leader of Ming Jiao Fang La gathered a crowd to rebel. He called himself Holy Anglican, changed the name to Yongle, and named his daughter Princess Jinzhi. ."

Song Qingshu is bright and cheerful, it is no wonder that Jia Zhen will move the world, it turned out to be passed down from Fang La. Having been in this world for a few years, Song Qingshu has also roughly grasped the changes of Mingjiao in this world. Fang La is the 30th leader of Mingjiao. He rebelled against the Song Dynasty and almost shaken the foundation of the Song Dynasty.

(The original author, Fang La, is the 7th head of Mingjiao. In order to smoothly link between books, it is set as the 30th.)

Song Ting used the tactics of borrowing a knife to kill people, using Liangshanbo Song Jiang and others in Zhaoan to attack Fangla, and at the same time sent Tong Guan and Huang Chang to lead the rebellion, and the grudges between Huang Chang and Mingjiao came from this.

Fang La is a talented person with extremely high martial arts. This battle caused both Liang Shanbo and Song Ting to suffer heavy casualties. However, Fang La is still outnumbered and defeated by the general trend.

Because of this rebellion, Mingjiao could no longer stay in the south of the Yangtze River, so the rest chose to move westward and stayed near Dongting Lake. Fang La's subordinate Zhong succeeded as the 31st Mingjiao leader.

Zhong Xiang was eager for revenge and attacked the Song Dynasty. However, he repeatedly lost in the hands of the Song general Kong Yanzhou. In desperation, he forcibly broke through the great movement of the universe. However, the great movement of the universe was dangerous and abnormal. Those with insufficient internal strength could easily be bitten back. It didn't take long for Zhong Xiang to practice. He had to go crazy and become a useless person, and was captured by Kong Yanzhou.

Zhong Xiang's subordinate Yang Yao gathered the remnants and succeeded as the 32nd leader of Ming Jiao. He was much more capable than Zhong Xiang. After several years of rest and recuperation, Ming Jiao's momentum gradually recovered, with the atmosphere of the original Fang La.

Song Ting sent troops to annihilate several times, but they all returned in disastrous defeat. Yang Yao thought he could accomplish what Fang La hadn't done. Who knew that a famous opponent, Yue Fei, would soon be ushered in!

Although Yang Yao tried his best, he was still not Yue Fei's opponent. The only time he almost captured the opponent, and was passed by a beautiful woman who rescued Yue Fei, Xiaolongnv's mother Li Canghai.

Then Yue Fei never gave Yang Yao a chance to break the Ming religion, and Yang Yao was also defeated and killed.

The remaining part of Dongting Mingjiao and another remnant of Mingjiao from Jiangnan Mingjiao continued to move westward, and finally merged at Guangmingding in the Western Regions and rebuilt Mingjiao. Yang Dingtian was selected as the 32nd leader. Under his leadership, Mingjiao's recuperation and vigor were flourishing. He is huge, but after learning the lessons of his predecessor, he has not dared to return to the Central Plains easily.

Because Fang La and Zhong Xiang Yangyao rebelled twice, even though they thought it was an uprising, the quality of the church members was uneven. The people of the Central Plains suffered from burning, looting, rape, fornication, and deportation. Many of the family members of Mingjiao have been poisoned by Mingjiao, so Mingjiao has been regarded as a cult by various martial arts.

It was heard that Mingjiao showed signs of resurgence in Guangmingding. In order to avoid a repeat of history, the six major factions united to attack Guangmingding and strangled potential dangers in the cradle. Unfortunately, Zhang Wuji was born out of nowhere, and the six major factions were also intriguing. , In the end, Zhao Min took Ruyang Palace to catch them all.

Song Qingshu was recalling the history of Mingjiao, and Jia Zhen spoke again: "At the beginning, Fang La was so powerful, and the court army was frustrated several times. In the end, I didn't know who had a strategy to let Liang Shanbo's Chai go into the Fang La army as an undercover agent.

"Chai Jin? Could it be Queen Zheng?" Song Qingshu had weird eyes. Back then, Chai Rong had seven sons. The first three sons were killed by Emperor Yin of the Later Han at an early age. There are four youngest sons left. Chai Xi is missing, and Chai Xi Jin is killed. Pan Mei was adopted and renamed Pan Lang to create the Xiaoyao faction; Chai Xijiao was adopted by Lu Yan and renamed Lu Duoxun, who instigated Zhao Tingmei and was sent to Yazhou after the failure of the rebellion. Wei Ruolan and Tang Saier were his descendants.

In addition to these three channels, there is actually another one, that is, Chai Zongxun. He inherited the throne at the age of 8, but was soon abolished by Zhao Kuangyin and relegated to King Zheng. This line served as an official in the imperial court with his tail sandwiched. He lived reluctantly, but until the generation of Chai Jin, no one regarded him as a son of a dragon or a grandson of the phoenix. Even a prefect dared to bully him. After being murdered by corrupt officials several times, Chai Jin was angry. Xia also invested in Liangshan's rebellion.

"Yes," Jia Zhen nodded, "Zheng Wang's lineage, one generation is inferior to one generation, but this kid Chai Jin is still a little capable, especially because he was born handsome, so he was sent undercover in Fang Lajun."

"Don't say that this little white face is really capable, she soon hooked up with Princess Jinzhi, and became Fang La's horseman, that Princess Jinzhi is a famous beauty..." At this point, Jia Zhen laughed. There was an unstoppable envy in the tone.

"The court is holding Chai Jin's clansmen in his hand. Chai Jin has no choice but to help the court to attack Fangla's base camp inside and out. Princess Jinzhi only knew Chai Jin's identity at that time," Jia Zhen said, a little gloating." Those who love each other turn against each other, and the picture should not be too beautiful."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, but he could feel the pain and suffering of Chai Rong and the heartbreak of Princess Jinzhi's betrayal, and he could not help but sigh secretly.

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