Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1376: Willow

Luo Bing was taken aback and hurriedly got out of Song Qingshu's arms, stood aside and quietly wiped the tears on his face, only facing the direction of the sound.

She thought that she was a married woman, and she just reacted subconsciously, but she soon realized that the relationship between herself and the fourth brother Wen was over, so why is there a married woman? Thinking of this, Luo Bing couldn't help but feel pity for himself.

Song Qingshu had already noticed that someone was approaching, but Luo Bing was sad at that time, so he didn't break the other party's trip.

"Brother Linghu is also wandering around here alone." Song Qing's book originally wanted to explain that he was looking for the wrong direction, but immediately after thinking about why he should explain to him, he just stuffed it back in a word.

The person who came was naturally Linghu rushing. It turned out that he also came out from the Rongguo Mansion not long ago. At that time, he was discovered by the guards inside. He did not have such a good skill as Song Qingshu. He had to work hard to get rid of the back. The chasing soldiers, as soon as they got out of trouble, they bumped into Song Qingshu and another woman there, and they were very angry.

"You!" Linghu almost suffocated his breath, and then replied for a long time, "I just went to Jia's Mansion to investigate the whereabouts of Xiao... Yingying and the others."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It seems that your first reaction to the crisis is the little junior sister. You mentioned her first twice in a row."

Linghu opened his mouth, and finally sighed quietly: "Anyway, Yingying is already your wife, so you have to save her."

Song Qingshu smiled, and did not continue arguing with him on this issue: "Then have you found any news?"

Linghu Chong's expression dimmed: "No, I caught a few people in Jia's mansion, no one knows their whereabouts." Noting the ridiculous smile at the corner of the opponent's mouth, he couldn't help but angrily said: "Although I haven't found anything. , But it’s better than you do nothing, and you’re here with other women."

"What's your nerve?" Song Qingshu was startled, I don't know why he suddenly got angry again, "I just came out of Ningguo Mansion next door, I have to blame you, if you hadn't been exposed in Rongguo Mansion, you would be alarmed. I wouldn’t have to come out in advance of the guarding forces of the East and West Mansion."

Linghu Chong looked suspicious: "You went to Ningguo Mansion just now? Then why is there a woman here?"

"I got news that Ningguo Mansion caught a woman back today. I thought it was Yingying and the others, so I ran to investigate. Who knew it was not Yingying, but an old acquaintance of me, so I rescued her by the way." Song Qingshu thought After thinking about it, I explained the ins and outs to him, and now it is still important to save Yingying, there is no need to fight Linghu's internal friction at this juncture.

"What old knowledge, I am afraid it is an old lover." Linghu Chong said with a sarcasm, holding the sword in both hands. Because of Yingying, he was extremely dissatisfied with Song Qingshu's lust.

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes, and was too lazy to argue with him, and said directly: "I have searched Rongning and Ningshu. I also interrogated some of the core figures in the two residences just now. I can confirm that the people who kidnapped Yingying and them were not from the Jia Si Dao sect. ."

Although he hated the other party a little, Linghu Chong had to admire him at this time. He clearly came to Jia Mansion first, and the information he obtained after half a day of investigation was far inferior to that of the other party. His martial arts and abilities really exceeded him by many times. ...

Linghu Chong couldn't help being a little frustrated, and subconsciously asked, "But apart from Jia Sidao, I can't think of anyone in the capital who has this motivation and ability to rob them."

"Maybe it's arrogance," Song Qingshu frowned and said uncertainly. "Maybe it is trying to provoke the relationship between us and the Jia family group, triggering an all-out war between the two sides, so they can take advantage of the fishermen's profit."

"Maybe, maybe?" Linghu Chong was irritated, and cut the tree beside him with a palm. "Forget it, since you can't help it, I'll talk to Han Xiang." After talking about the other party's retention, Yun Qi disappeared lightly. In the night sky.

"Hey~" Song Qingshu stretched out his hand, and finally gave up to keep him. Although in his opinion, Linghu Chong might be in the dark behind the scenes, but now he has no other way. It is better to let Han Tongxuan come forward to muddy the water, and said Uncertainly behind the scenes, the black hand is so happy to see that the scheme has succeeded, and accidentally reveals something.

"Miss Zhou was kidnapped?" Luo Bing was in an extremely embarrassing situation just now, and Linghu finally dared to speak after she washed away.

"What girl Zhou?" Song Qingshu was startled.

Luo Bing pointed to the direction in which Fox Chong disappeared: "Didn't that person just say that your wife had an accident?"

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "It's not Zhiruo, it's Miss Ren from the Sun Moon God Sect."

It turns out that Luo Bing has been living in the rivers and lakes these days, coupled with leaving the Red Flower Club, the news is not so well informed. She also secretly investigated Song Qingshu at the beginning and knew that he was an abandoned Wudang, and he married Zhou Zhiruo, the head of the Emei Sect. After hearing what Ling Huchong had just said, she subconsciously thought that Zhou Zhiruo had something to do. As for the "Yingying" in the two populations, she thought it was Zhou Zhiruo's nickname or something.

Song Qingshu roughly talked about the marriage between the Sun Moon God Sect and the Golden Snake Camp, and Luo Bing came to understand. Knowing that his wife had so many, her expression became strange and lost.

"Who actually captured them? Both motivated and capable..." Song Qingshu is well versed in the principle of sharpening a knife and not cutting wood. At this time, the clue has been broken. He knows that it is useless to be anxious. Linghu crashed like a headless fly, but while taking Luo Bing back to the Qi Palace, he rethinks the whole thing in his mind, hoping to find some new clues.

Hearing the muttering in his mouth, Luo Bing suddenly said hesitantly: "Could it be a member of the Loyalty Army?"

Song Qingshu's heart lit up, as if a beacon suddenly appeared in the darkness, various thoughts began to connect faintly, and at the same time looked at Luo Bing curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"Because I once stopped in a town inn and overheard your name mentioned in the next room." Luo Bing's face was reddened, and he paused before continuing, "I overheared that they were members of the Loyalty Army. , I have prepared a big conspiracy to deal with you, I am worried... So I followed them all the way to Lin'an, I wanted to... I wanted to remind you, who knew that Jia Zhen’s people were caught midway."

Luo Bing became more embarrassed when she said that, after all, in theory, she should hate Song Qingshu, but now she ran all the way to report the letter, it was a bit...somewhat unruly.

Song Qingshu excitedly hugged her up in the air for a few circles, and then rained a kiss on her cheek: "My dear Binger, you have helped me a lot."

Everything made sense at this time. Wan Hao and Zhang Jun fell because of their own reasons. After all, the two were prime ministers for many years. Although they have collapsed, their strength is still not to be underestimated. For example, the Loyalty Army is their biggest trump card.

The leader of the Loyalty Army, Zhang Rou, was Zhang Jun’s brother. Song Qingshu had dealt with them when he was in Yangzhou. Now that Zhang Jun has fallen, they will not sit idly by. In addition to saving people, they must have revenge.

He must be their primary enemy, but on their own, Wan Hao and Zhang Jun will not be so easy to step down, and Han Tong and Jia Sidao have also made a lot of effort in it.

Therefore, the three parties are all the forces of the Loyalists to avenge, but no matter which side it is, with the strength of the Loyalty, it is very difficult to avenge them, so they come to drive the tigers and devour wolves, use the battle to win the command, and create the Korean, In order to win the championship, Jia deliberately kidnapped the opponent's sweetheart to threaten the opponent, thus triggering a war between the two sides. The arrest of Ren Yingying was to pull himself into the battle, and when the three parties fought, they would be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Song Qingshu had to admit the viciousness of their strategy. If Luo Bing hadn't made it by mistake, he and Han and Jia would not be able to figure out what was going on.

"There is definitely an expert in the Loyalty Army!" Song Qingshu's pupils shrank slightly. Zhang Rou and his son were more capable of fighting on the battlefield. They couldn't think of such an ingenious serial strategy.

"Oh, let go of me~" Luo Bing's heart beating madly when he hugged him like this suddenly, and another mad kiss, Luo Bing can be said to be beating wildly, even though it is night, he is still on the street, thinking of her whole person here Can't help but be ashamed and anxious.

"If you can successfully rescue Yingying, you will be the first hero." Song Qingshu was in a good mood, and said with a smile while putting her down.

Luo Bing's face blushed, don't know how to respond to him, don't know how to respond, she doesn't know what's going on, you must know that she has always been a hearty and enthusiastic temperament in the saffron club a few years ago, and she can smile gently and generously to anyone. , But in front of this man, he was as cautious as a little girl.

"By the way, what exactly was Jia Zhen asking you in the secret room just now?" Song Qingshu suddenly remembered something and asked curiously.

Luo Bing came back to his senses and replied: "Jia Zhen seems to know who I am. He first asked some things in the Red Flower Club. He asked him the most about Mr. Chen, and he kept asking Mr. Chen. The relationship with the Chen family of Haining seems to be trying to find some evidence."

Song Qingshu's heart moved and he experienced the experience of the Qing, Jin, and Song dynasties. At this time, he can be described as a great expert in political and governance struggles. He instantly understood Jia Zhen's purpose. Although the Red Flower Society has a good reputation in the arena, But for the court, after all, it is a rebel organization. As long as the relationship between Chen Jialuo and the Chen family of Haining is confirmed, then the Chen family and the disobedience of the Chen family can be involved, and the purpose of all this is for the current Chen family. Patriarch Chen Ziqiang went.

Chen Ziqiang is Han Tong's right-hand man. If Chen Ziqiang falls, the Han Group will instantly be weakened by one-third of its strength. In addition, Chen Yuanyuan is also from the Chen family, and Akko in the harem is also from the Chen family, this stick After the fight, Han Tong might not be able to turn over.

"It seems that Jia Sidao is already preparing to start with Han Tong." Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue, knowing that the two of them were still together a few hours ago, and they were talking very happily. I didn't expect that they secretly planned to kill each other. Up.

Although to some extent he and Han Tong are allies, Song Qingshu does not have the time to manage these things now, and focuses all on rescuing Ren Yingying.

"Tell me carefully about everything you saw that day..." Song Qingshu took Luo Bing's hand and listened intently as he walked--

During the period of double monthly pass from June 15th to June 19th, the monthly pass will be calculated as double


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