Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1377: Violent

Unknowingly the two had returned to the gate of Prince Qi's palace, Song Qingshu stopped: "You mean that the people who followed the Zhongyi Army lost their traces when they arrived near Zhugan Alley?"

"Yes," Luo Bing nodded as he recalled, "I was too focused on finding the Loyalty Army. Instead, I was conspired by Jia Zhen's men and was caught by mistake."

"Zhugan Alley..." Song Qingshu closed his eyes, and a map of Lin'an city appeared in his mind, thoughtfully.

"Big Brother Song!" Lin Pingzhi anxiously waited for the news at the gate of the palace. Seeing him from a distance, he ran out hurriedly. Seeing the beautiful Luo Bing on the side, he was stunned, but he quickly recovered. "Have you found their whereabouts?"

Song Qingshu shook his head, and Lin Pingzhi suddenly showed disappointment.

"You don't have to worry too much. Although I haven't rescued them yet, I already have some clues in my hands. I still need to sort out my thoughts. You continue to stay here to deal with the feedback from all parties and let me know if you have any progress. "

Lin Pingzhi originally wanted to say that he went out to look for it, but after thinking about it, he had no clue even if he went out, so he nodded and agreed.

Song Qingshu led Luo Bing back to the inner hall, where Chen Yuanyuan was already fidgeting, and happily greeted him when he came back, but suddenly noticed the woman next to him, and stopped abruptly: "Qingshu, who is this?"

"Sister Yuanyuan, her name is Luo Bing. She is an old acquaintance of mine and a good friend of Li Yuanzhi." Song Qingshu had no time to consider the thoughts of the two women at this time, so she casually introduced.

"Hello~" Chen Yuanyuan smiled politely to Luo Bing, but he was wondering, what old acquaintances? It seems to be an old look...

"Hello, Sister Yuanyuan." When Chen Yuanyuan was looking at Luo Bing, Luo Bing was also looking at her, shocked by the beauty of the woman in front of him. The same women were a little fascinated by her.

"Song Qingshu is really romantic." Luo Bing kept her lips secretly, how could she not see that Chen Yuanyuan had already jumped into Song Qingshu's arms if she hadn't been on the side just now.

"Qingshu, have you found out the whereabouts of Miss Ren and the others?" Chen Yuanyuan came to Song Qingshu and asked with concern.

Song Qingshu shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he concentrated on developing a map of Lin'an City and began to study. After reading it for a while, he remembered something, and casually ordered Chen Yuanyuan: "Sister Yuanyuan, Luo Bing has been struggling with her boat and has just returned from prison. Get out of danger, take her to wash and rest."

"Okay." Chen Yuanyuan took Luo Bing's hand, "Sister Luo Bing, come with me."

Luo Bing has indeed exhausted his mind during this time. Now that he relaxes, he feels that his eyelids are as heavy as lead, and he smiles: "Thank you, sister Yuanyuan~"

After the two girls left, Song Qingshu fell into contemplation at the map, and it didn't take long for Lin Pingzhi to lead Chen Youliang to find them.

"My son, I have arranged for my brothers in the gang to visit various places in the city, and have searched 20% of the places, and there is no news yet." Chen Youliang looked anxious. After all, Ren Yingying's identity is special, in case something happens to the other party. I feel depressed when I feel angry.

Song Qingshu didn't blame him, Lin'an was so big, and Chen Youliang was able to arrange it in a short time. After searching one-fifth of the places, it was already rare.

"You try to send more manpower around Zhugan Alley." Song Qingshu pointed to a certain location on the map and ordered.

"Yes." Chen Youliang didn't ask why he was looking for it. After all, Song Qingshu was almost omnipotent in his heart these days. Since he said so, there must be his reasons.

Seeing the voices of Chen Youliang and Lin Pingzhi leaving, Song Qingshu couldn't help squeezing his forehead. In fact, he didn't hold much hope for Zhugan Alley. After all, Luo Bing was lost there, which does not mean those people. Hidden nearby.

"Yingying, if they dare to move a hair of you, I will surely let all the members of the Loyalty Army bury you." Song Qingshu's eyes flashed, and a hint of tyranny gradually appeared.

At this time, in a house in Lin'an City, Ren Yingying and Yue Lingshan were locked in a room with a sealed window. Speaking of which, the two women are righteous and the other evil, plus the fact that they are rivals in love. In fact, the relationship between the two is not. How good, especially when Ren Yingying saw Yue Lingshan, he couldn’t help but remember that Linghuchong had poured out his love for her little junior in Luzhuxiang, and her heart became sore; Yue Lingshan believed that Linghuchong was greedy for Ren Yingying’s beauty, so that Going astray and being kicked out of the wall by his father, the two women have no good liking for each other.

However, Ren Yingying is graceful and generous, and Yue Lingshan is also a kind woman in her bones, and she is not enough to write disgust on her face. On the surface, she can still maintain a courteous courtesy.

Especially at the same time at the same time, looking at the acquaintance in front of him, there was a hint of closeness.

"Miss Ren, who are you talking about?" Yue Lingshan hugged her shoulders, her tone trembling faintly.

After all, Ren Yingying is a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect. She sees more winds and waves than Yue Lingshan. At this time, she is extremely calm: "I don't know, but I want to come..." She glanced at Yue Lingshan and she said "Brother". Swallowing back, he changed his words and said, "I want to be your brother's opponent."

"Ah? That Grand Master was so drunk that he has no resistance at all, is there any danger now?" Yue Lingshan was anxious.

Ren Yingying shook her head: "They had clearly caught Linghu Chong just now, but in the end they only caught us. Hearing that tone seemed to threaten him to do something, so you don't have to worry about Miss Yue, whether it's us or you in a short time. Brother, there will be no danger."

Hearing her calm tone, Yue Lingshan seemed to be infected too, and gradually calmed down, and couldn't help saying: "Miss Ren, are you not afraid at all?"

Ren Yingying smiled faintly: "Because I know someone came back to save me." When she said this, she didn't know who she was thinking of, her expression was extremely complicated.

"Yes," Yue Lingshan nodded, "Brother Chong likes you so much, he will definitely try his best to save you."

Ren Yingying frowned, thinking that Brother Chong liked you so much, but after opening her mouth, she still didn't say anything.

Yue Lingshan suddenly frowned: "I don't know if Xiao Linzi can find here, but even if he finds it, it's not the opponent of these people..."

Ren Yingying was trying to comfort her, but Yue Lingshan seemed to think of something, and the depression on her face was swept away: "By the way, there is also Big Brother Song. Big Brother Song is a martial artist. There is nothing in this world that he can't do. He We will definitely come."

Hearing her mention Song Qingshu, Ren Yingying looked strange, but after all she agreed with her words. If someone can rescue them, it will definitely not be Lin Pingzhi or Linghu Chong. Mostly the man is the only one.

Yue Lingshan suddenly remembered what had happened at the banquet. She quietly looked at Ren Yingying's face. He hesitated for a while before tentatively asking: "Miss Ren, Brother Chong likes you so much, and because you are not tolerated by the right way, why did you marry in the end? Did you give it to Brother Song?"

Although she and Linghu Chong have not received less favor from Song Qingshu over the years, she and Linghu Chong have been childhood sweethearts. They not only regard him as an older brother, but also have a hazy affection for him. In addition, she has always had a lack of love and hatred. Uneven, he said it directly.

Ren Yingying's face darkened: "Too many things happened during this period, and I don't know how to say it, I can only blame good luck."

"What good fortune makes people, I think there must be a misunderstanding between you and Grandmaster Brother," Yue Lingshan said with a frown. Character, he might choose adult beauty."

"Song Qingshu's character?" Ren Yingying had a weird look and gave Yue Lingshan angrily, thinking that you had never seen his devilish side. If he wanted to attack you, you thought you and Lin Pingzhi could still do this. Are you happy to be together?

Seeing what Yue Lingshan had to say nervously, Ren Yingying was disgusted for a while. Comparing the experience of the two, she somewhat hated the carefree appearance of each other, and couldn't help but coldly said: "Why do you pretend to be a good person here? Linghu Chong obviously likes you, I don't believe you can't feel it."

"I..." Yue Lingshan opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know how to refute it. After all, she was not blind, so she couldn't see how Linghu rushed towards her.

Ren Yingying said what she had been holding back in her heart. She only felt that the whole person was a lot easier, but she still regretted it when she said the words. What is the difference between this and those jealous idiots?

At this moment, the door of the room was opened from the outside. The head of the black man walked in, glanced at the two women, and then waved. Some subordinates ran up to take Yue Lingshan and wanted to take her. go.

"Ah~" Yue Lingshan couldn't help but exclaimed. Several three-and-a-half men took them away in the middle of the night. It didn't look like anything good happened. Thinking of some possible scenes, her face became small Turned pale.

Ren Yingying hurriedly ran to stand in front of Yue Lingshan, spreading her hands to cover her: "What are you going to do?"

Although she didn't really like the other person deep in her heart, she couldn't let her sit and watch the other person in danger.

The man in black couldn't help laughing, "Oh, Miss Ren, as far as I know, this Ms. Yue of the Huashan School was once your rival in love. If something happens to her, you shouldn't be happy. Huh?"

Ren Yingying's face was cold, and she said coldly: "I don't understand what you are talking about. I am Song Qingshu's wife. Unless Ms. Yue likes my husband, how can I become my rival in love."

Although she wanted to cancel the marriage contract not long ago, she was not stupid. At the moment of crisis, it is natural to take advantage of this relationship. After all, Song Qingshu's martial arts has stunned the world over the years, and his power has also been dominated. Now he has become the king of the Song Dynasty... deliberately reminded the other party of his identity, just to let him throw a rat.

The black-clothed leader sneered again and again: "You don't have to use Song's first name to press me down. To tell you the truth, Song is our number one enemy, and Lin'an is here for him this time."

Ren Yingying was taken aback, and only then knew that the previous speculations between herself and Yue Lingshan were all wrong.

"Take it away!" The leader in black was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, turned around and left, several of his men pushed Ren Yingying away, set up Yue Lingshan and walked out.

Ren Yingying is now sealed off. She has no choice but to save her. She has no choice but to keep patting the door behind. Thinking of the atrocities that Yue Lingshan is likely to encounter, she patted and patted two lines of atrocities, and tears flowed out, and her lips were also clear. I was bitten by my teeth and bleeding: "Song, why aren't you here yet!" ——

The river crab poems are so serious now that even political and governance struggles are counted

I also think of the lone man and widow in the previous chapter. Gan Chai Li Huo, the combination of female and Gan is also a blocking word.

:. :

The mixed-race female anchor forgot to turn off the camera after the live broadcast. The live video was exposed, please follow the WeChat public account to watch online: mei女mei222 (long press for three seconds to copy)! !

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