Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1378: One wave has not settled, another wave rises

In fact, this is because Ren Yingying and Yue Lingshan are thinking about making a difference. They took Yue Lingshan away in the middle of the night, not to violent her, but to interrogate the whereabouts of the evil spirit swordsmanship from her mouth. No ads on mobile phones. It saves the most traffic.

It's a pity that Ren Yingying didn't know this. She slid weakly against the wall and sat down. Her heart was messy, worried and scared.

Suddenly she was shocked: Why did she think of Song Qingshu instead of Brother Chong at this time? Realizing this, she was a little stunned, her eyes became more and more complicated.

When I was in a daze, a noisy voice suddenly came from outside the door: "My son, you can't go in!"

"Go away~"

Immediately after the door was knocked open from the outside, a drunk young man staggered in. Ren Yingying subconsciously raised her head and saw that the other party's clothes were weird, neither as elaborate nor as the princes of the family. The nomads are so natural, on the contrary... more like bandits who have fallen into the grass.

While she was looking at the other person, the other person was also looking at her. The young man saw that the woman in front of him was in jail, but it did not hinder her beautiful appearance, especially the white and snowy skin with a faint redness, which made people I couldn't help but move my index finger, wanting to pounce on it and take a bite.

Noting the obscene meaning in his eyes, Ren Yingying frowned and revealed a trace of disgust, but when she fell into the eyes of the young man, she felt that her face was shy, and she couldn't help but feel like she said: "Everyone in the rivers and lakes says the sun. Miss Ren of the Moon God Sect is beautiful in her country, and she is so beautiful that she is really extraordinary at first sight today."

Ren Yingying's expression was cold: "Since you know my identity and dare to be so rude, are you afraid of being cut off by the Sun Moon God Cult and throwing down the Black Wood Cliff?"

She was a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect since she was a child, and she spoke with awe-inspiring majesty in her tone.

The young man was frightened by her aura and took two steps back subconsciously, but soon realized something, thinking that he was actually frightened back by a woman, and became more and more angry and angry: "Others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you. You are the eldest lady of the Sun Moon God Sect, and I am the major general of the Loyalty Army. It happens to be right, hahaha~"

It turned out that he was the Major General Zhang Hongfan of the Loyalty Army. He was captured by Song Qingshu in Yangzhou. Later, because Song Qingshu was poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, he took advantage of the chaos in Yangzhou and fled.

Hearing him revealing his identity, the two entourages behind him suddenly became anxious: "The son..."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Hongfan interrupted the two directly, "Even if she knows her identity, can she escape and ascend to heaven?"

The two followers looked at each other and dared not continue to persuade each other, but they could see the disapproval in each other's eyes.

"Miss Ren, introduce yourself first. I am here to be Major General Zhang Hongfan of the Zhongyi Army. I am lucky enough to meet him." Zhang Hongfan walked up to Ren Yingying with a grin and said with a smile.

"I'm unfortunate enough to see you." Ren Yingying replied coldly, not showing him any face, but secretly searching for the other party's information in her heart. She had heard of the name of the Loyal Rebellion Army, and knew that the Rebellion Army who was active in the Dabie Mountains said. It was the rebels, but they were not much different from the bandits.

"The Loyalty Army and the Sun Moon God Sect have always used the well water not to offend the river water. This time they actually attacked me. It seems that it was really to deal with Song Qingshu." Ren Yingying frowned secretly.

He touched a soft nail at the other party, but Zhang Hongfan was not angry at all, but became more excited: "With character, I like this kind of rose with thorns."

Ren Yingying's heart was raised instantly. Major General Zhang Hongfan of the Loyalty Army is also a relatively famous figure in the arena. He is very good at leading soldiers in battle, but he is arrogant and famous for being greedy and lustful. Being in the same room is really bad.

Although she was a little scared in her heart, Ren Yingying didn't show it at all. She knew that the weaker she was, the more it would fuel the other's arrogance. She said calmly, "Major General, please take care of yourself! This will affect the Loyalty Army and Sun Moon God." Teaching friendship.” Because she knew that the loyal army came for Song Qingshu this time, she wisely did not mention his name this time.

"Our loyal army and your Sun Moon God Sect have a **** friendship," Zhang Hongfan sneered, "Song Qingshu is our number one enemy, and the Sun Moon God Sect is also married to Song Qingshu. In fact, you are also the enemy of the Loyal Army."

"Then what do you want?" Ren Yingying glared at him fiercely.

Ren Yingying has been in the position of saint aunt for a long time, this stare is full of majesty, and Zhang Hongfan could not help but trembled when he was prepared: "You don't have to stare at me, I am not a believer of the Sun Moon God Sect. Begging for mercy. As for what I want..."

Zhang Hongfan paused, deliberately leaning in front of Ren Yingying: "These three watchers are alone in the middle of the night, and I've heard that Saint Aunt Bingxue is smart. You can't even guess this?

Ren Yingying shrank back to avoid contact with the other party, and said with a look of disgust: "Has anyone told you that your mouth smells bad?"

Being so agitated by her, Zhang Hongfan's drunkenness surged, and he was instantly furious: "Don't always put on a noble and inviolable appearance. Later I will use this stinky mouth to lick all over your body to see what you are still proud of. Energetic!"

Hearing what he said, Ren Yingying was disgusted and trembling with anger. She raised her hand and slapped his face with a slap. Originally, the two were so close together, unexpectedly, this slap couldn't be avoided. It's a pity that Ren Yingying's skill was blocked, and her movements were many times slower than usual. Not only did she not slap the opponent, but Zhang Hongfan grabbed her wrist.

"Tsk tusk tusk, white and tender little hands, looking at it makes people can't help but arouse desire." Zhang Hongfan put her hand on the tip of her nose and smelled it, closing his eyes to reveal a hint of intoxication.

"Let go of me!" Ren Yingying has always been aloof, has he ever suffered such humiliation? She couldn't help but remember that Song Qingshu had treated her in the same way, but looking back now, the person in front of her hated him a thousand times, and 10,000 times more than the surname Song.

"I won't let go, are you biting me?" Zhang Hongfan laughed arrogantly.

"I swear in the name of the Saint Aunt of Sun Moon God Sect, I will let you die without a place to bury you!" Ren Yingying bit her lip tightly, her eyes full of anger at this time.

"I'm so scared~" Zhang Hongfan chuckled, and then leaned in front of her, "I also swear in the name of Major General of the Loyalty Army, I will make you want to die tonight."

"Ah~" Ren Yingying finally panicked, struggling desperately, but her true qi was sealed, how could she compare to the strength of a man, her hands were pressed tightly against the wall by the other party, and the whole person was a little difficult to move.

At this moment, a trace of despair flashed in her mind, thinking that she would have known this ending, it would be better to just spend time with Song Qingshu's bridal chamber, and she wouldn't be able to get her innocence, which has been cherished for more than ten years, by this disgusting man... …

Thinking of Song Qingshu, she couldn't help feeling resentful. Before, you could show up every time I was in danger. Why did you disappear when I was most dangerous this time!

At this moment, there was a loud shout from the door: "Stop!"

Ren Yingying was overjoyed and thought it was Song Qingshu who came, but he was disappointed by the reputation. Two strange men came.

Zhang Hongfan also saw them and snorted coldly: "Li Haotian, Li Haonan, don't bother with your brothers!" Although these two brothers are not old, they are considered the veterans of the Loyalty Army. In the early years, they followed Zhang Rou to fight in various parts of the Central Plains. Now the Loyalty Army's momentum is at least half the credit of their brothers.

Taking a look at the situation in the room, Li Haotian was furious, rushed in and grabbed him and fell to the side: "Get away!"

Zhang Hongfan didn't expect that he would take a shot at himself, and was caught off guard. He stood firm only after he turned over, his face was extremely ugly: "You dare to take a shot at me?"

"You are so daring to eat the ambition leopard, even dare to touch her?" Li Haotian ignored him at all and roared against him.

"Is she the daughter of the Jade Emperor, why didn't I dare to touch it?" Zhang Hongfan's eyes were full of resentment.

Li Haonan also walked in at this time and said coldly: "She is the daughter who does whatever she wants. If she moves her, it means that she will never die with the Sun Moon God Sect. Can you bear this responsibility?"

"What's wrong with my daughter? We even dare to provoke Song Qingshu, and we are afraid that there will be a Sun Moon God Sect?" Zhang Hongfan gave his men a look, and the man slipped out quietly.

Li Haotian looked at her fiercely: "I don't care whose daughter she is, even if she is a woman with no background, you shouldn't touch her? Have you forgotten the name of our army? Zhongyi , Loyalty! Is your behavior worthy of these two words?"

Zhang Hongfan looked gloomy: "What are you, it's not your turn to teach me!"

Ren Yingying on the side saw their internal split. Although he didn't know what was going on, he knew it was good for him, so he quietly shrank into the corner and planned to wait for an opportunity.

"I am the veteran of the Loyalty Army. I will teach you a lesson for your father today!" Li Haotian was also so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Zhang Hongfan swept away his eyes and saw that there were all the other people outside. Knowing that he must be at a disadvantage when the conflict arises, he planned to delay and wait for the rescuers as soon as he rolled his eyes: "Li Haotian, you don't have to say so high-sounding, what kind of loyalty? Obviously, it was the last time you and Song Qingshu had a good time in Yangzhou. At that time, you had a strange heart and wanted to take refuge in other people, so I didn't let me touch his woman."

"You fart!" Li Haotian was furious and threw a fist to his face.

Zhang Hongfan's eyes condensed, and he hurried to parry, crackling fists and feet, and the two instantly fought into a ball.

Although Zhang Hongfan was okay to lead troops to fight, martial arts can only be considered so-so. How could it be compared to Li Haotian, a fierce general who charged into battle on the battlefield, and was beaten to a bruised face after a short while.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door: "Who dares to move our major general!" Then a group of heavily armed soldiers surrounded the Li brothers.

Seeing this change, Li Haotian also stopped, frowning and looking at the people outside.

"Fuck your mother!" Zhang Hongfan got up, a fierce color flashed in his eyes. Just as he was about to order these people to be besieged and killed, a cold snort came from midair: "Your loyal army is fighting such a big battle. Do you invite relatives by martial arts?"

Ren Yingying looked out of the window curiously, only to see a masked old man descending from the sky. This light effort immediately shocked the audience. Few people in the entire rivers and lakes could reach this level.

But what surprised Ren Yingying was that the old man held a bright and charming young woman in his hand, it was Huang Rong who had seen him at the banquet before! ——

ps. Thanks to the leader Bai Hailang and Wu Haoyan, 465811664 and other book friends for their rewards

pss. In this chapter, Li Haotian and Li Haonan were guest appearances by a book friend, but they appeared again because of the plot need, but I don’t know if the book friend is still reading the book.

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