Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1379: Abnormal hobbies

On the one hand, Ren Yingying shocked the old man's light skill. She compared the other party with her father in her heart. She had no choice but to admit that the masked old man's light skill was still higher than that of her father. Seeing his introverted eyes, the temperament revealed by his gestures and feet, she cultivated I'm afraid she's not under her father; but what shocked her even more was Huang Rong beside him. At first glance, her appearance was clearly controlled by others.

You must know that Huang Rong, as the leader of the beggar gang, is single-handedly in martial arts, coupled with resourcefulness. His father is Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, and her husband is Guo Jing. There are not many people who can catch her or dare to catch her in the whole rivers and lakes. .

Especially after seeing the other party Mingming and Guo Jing at the banquet before, he was arrested too. Who can get her from Guo Jing?

Whether it is Zhang Hongfan or the Li brothers, they seem to be very jealous of this masked old man. Seeing him appear, they will stop. Just when they don’t know how to deal with it, Zhang Rou shows up with someone: "Senior comes here, there is a loss. I hope to forgive my sins."

The old man snorted: "You don't have to come to these courtesies, you just keep your hands safe, don't ruin our major affairs."

Zhang Rou smiled stiffly, and hurriedly turned around and glared at her son: "Are you making trouble again?"

Zhang Hongfan smirked: "No matter what happened to me, I am having fun with them. If you don't believe me, ask them?"

Li Haotian and Li Haonan looked at each other and nodded. There is no need to fight against Zhang Hongfan in front of outsiders.

Zhang Rou glanced at the arrogant men of both sides. Of course, he knew what was going on, but since both sides had the same caliber, he was also happy to take advantage of the situation and go downhill: "That's good, give me peace of mind."

The black-clothed old man didn’t bother to care about them. They sang the black face and the white face. He snorted and pushed Huang Rong in his hand over: "The old man has been arrested according to the agreement, and the rest is left to you. I hope you don’t let me down."

"Senior, please rest assured, I will leave the rest to me." Zhang Rou waved her hand and motioned to her men to take Huang Rong down.

"Instigate Han Tongxuan and Jia Sidao to fight as soon as possible. By the way, there is also Song Qingshu..." The black-clothed old man touched the broken finger on his hand, and a hint of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Rou replied, "Han Tong had been attracted to Jia Sidao before. Now with Huang Rong, Jia Sidao may not be able to sit still and fight back."

Ren Yingying, who was not far away, was secretly frightened when she heard it. She really had a vicious trick, but unfortunately she couldn't inform Song Qingshu and the others.

Noting the broken finger of the black-clothed old man, Ren Yingying was surprised: "The top masters with broken fingers in the rivers and lakes have only heard of the nine-fingered beggar Hong Qigong, but this person is obviously not Hong Qigong, and he doesn't know. who is it."

The black-clothed and masked old man was obviously satisfied with Zhang Rou's answer, and he nodded and flew away.

Zhang Rou glanced at his son and the Li brothers, and without saying anything, left with someone to set up a predetermined plan.

Zhang Hongfan glanced at Ren Yingying greedily. Unfortunately, the Li brothers guarded her. After hesitating, he finally gave up. After all, at this critical moment, he had a head-on conflict with the two brothers. At that time, his father would have to scold him. Ren Yingying, but there is also Huang Rong who is equally good.

In a certain way, Huang Rong’s fame is a bit bigger than Ren Yingying. Although the appearance of the two men is good at winning the field, Huang Rong has the unique charm of young women, especially the slightly raised lower abdomen. It can be concluded that she is pregnant, she has played with so many women, and has not played with pregnant women, especially such a beautiful pregnant woman.

The more I thought about it, the more excited he became, and his thoughts on Ren Yingying became weak. Zhang Hongfan looked at the Li brothers coldly: "I will give you a face today, hum." After that, he hurriedly walked to the hut where Huang Rong was detained. past.

The Li brothers turned around and said to Ren Yingying: "Miss Ren, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, thank you two strong men," Ren Yingying didn't know why the two brothers wanted to help herself, but at this time she didn't have the time to think about this, but anxiously pointed to the direction of Zhang Hongfan's disappearance, "You guys go and save. Mrs. Guo."

The Li brothers looked over there, furious instantly, leaving two people here to protect Ren Yingying, and then rushed over there directly.

"Beauty, I will love you well tonight~" Zhang Hongfan stretched out his hand and leaned against Huang Rong.

Huang Rong's expression changed suddenly, thinking about how to get out of trouble, but the Li brothers just arrived and opened his hand.

"Guo Jing, Huang Rong, and his wife are loyal to Yuntian. I don't know how many Han Chinese people have been saved by the righteous guardian of Xiangyang over the years. Are you a scumbag who is so depressed and attacked her?" Li Haotian pointed at him angrily.

One good thing after another was bad, Zhang Hongfan's desire and fire in his lower abdomen turned into a stomach of evil fire: "I have given your brothers face just now with Miss Ren, and you two should not be too much."

"This is not a matter of saving face, but about the morality of the world," Li Haonan also stood up, "If you are not satisfied, you can find a big boss to judge it."

"Don't use my father to crush me!" Zhang Hongfan roared, "Fuck your mother, I have tolerated your brothers for a long time, and someone will kill them for me!"

He was ordered to make an instant action by his direct subordinates, and the Li brothers' subordinates had been prepared for a long time, and the two sides fought together in an instant.

"Stop it all!" At this moment, Zhang Rou went back and trembled with anger as she watched the scene of a pan of porridge in front of her, "It's really unreasonable."

Zhang Hongfan said first: "Father, it's them..."

"Shut up!" Zhang Rou glared at them fiercely, "I already know the ins and outs are all caused by your mischief. From now on, you are by my side, and you are not allowed to leave me without my permission. "

After speaking, he bowed his hand in front of the Li brothers: "The dog is stubborn, and I hope that the two of them are young and ignorant, and don't share his common knowledge."

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The brothers hurriedly bent over to apologize.

The two sides exchanged for a while, and the tense atmosphere just now gradually eased. Zhang Rou simply handed over the task of guarding Huang Rong, Ren Yingying and others to the Li brothers, and then took Zhang Hongfan away.

Zhang Hongfan was dissatisfied in his heart, but he was frightened by his father's usual prestige, he did not dare to say anything, he could only look at the Li brothers bitterly, and then left behind his father.

The Li brothers looked at each other, and finally sighed silently.

Huang Rong saw all this in her eyes, and she couldn't help but shine. Although she did not know the internal situation of the Loyalty Army very well, she still thought about it: "Thank you two heroes for helping me."

The Li brothers hurriedly responded: "The Huang Gang master must not be polite, as long as he is a **** man in this situation, it is incumbent."

Huang Rong smiled and chatted with the two of them, and then suddenly the conversation changed: "The two of me are kind to me, and I can't bear the two of them falling into danger without knowing it, so I still have to remind them of some things. "

The Li brothers glanced at each other and arched their hands at Huang Rong: "I also hope that the leader of the Huang Gang will give directions."

Huang Rong chuckled, "I don't dare to give pointers, but have you ever thought about the young master who offends you like this today? What do you think of you in your heart?"

Li Haotian furrowed his brows and said lightly: "The master is different from the master."

Huang Rong shook his head: "The two should know the truth about ignoring each other. No matter how bad Zhang Hongfan is, he is also the biological son of your boss. And as far as I know, besides being arrogant and greedy, he is quite capable. Yes, Zhang Rou will inevitably regard him as his heir. Now in the chaos of war, if Zhang Rou has three longs and two shorts, will your brothers have good fruit after Zhang Hongfan succeeds? Even if Zhang Rou is dead, you will be a few years older than Zhang Hongfan. When the time comes in the prime of life, do you think he will rest assured that he will keep you down and threaten the status of his biological son?"

Li Haotian's face changed. Actually, the brothers and sisters who Huang Rong said had been aware of it, but they kept avoiding thinking about it. Li Hao's Nancheng Mansion on the side wanted to go deeper, and couldn't help but laugh: "For a long time. Hearing that the leader of the Huang Gang is the female middle school Zhuge, today I saw that it was well-deserved, and a few words provoked the relationship between our brothers and the master."

Huang Rong smiled lightly: "I don't deny that I have the motive to sow discord, but I am also telling the truth. If the two of you don't believe it, you can follow up secretly now. If nothing else, Zhang Rou and his son are now discussing. How to deal with you."

Li Haonan finally changed his face. Although he kept telling himself that the other party was deliberately separating himself in order to escape, but looking at the direction where Zhang Rou and his son disappeared, a strong curiosity surged in his heart.

Li Haotian grabbed his hand: "You are cautious, light and good. Go and see what they are talking about. Here I will watch."

Li Haonan nodded, and Huang Rong on the side reminded softly: "Be careful, if they find it, it will be hard to escape the ending."

Li Haonan snorted coldly: "What are they talking about is still undecided, Huang Gang master doesn't need to be alarmist." Although he said that, he already believed most of it in his heart. With Zhang Rou's character, I really found what I heard, absolutely Will choose to cut weeds and roots.

Li Hao Nanyun started lightly and quickly chased it all the way. Fortunately, they didn't go far, and it didn't take long for them to find Zhang Rou and his party. I saw the guards lined up all around, and Zhang Rou and his son stood by the lake and said something.

Li Haonan carefully fumbled over. Although his martial arts is not as good as Zhang Rou, but the difference is not too far, plus the light work is the first in the loyalty army, so it is not a big problem to avoid a few guards.

"Father, are you just letting their brothers go like this?" Zhang Hongfan was a little frustrated.

Zhang Rou coldly snorted: "What else do you say, when will your lustful virtues be changed? Is the last time you suffered in Yangzhou not enough?"

Li Haonan nodded secretly, it seems that the master is still very sensible.

"A big man was born in heaven and earth, what's wrong with playing with a few women," Zhang Hongfan disapproved, "On the contrary, the Li brothers taught me so relentlessly. They really don't put you in your eyes at all."

Zhang Rou snorted, noncommittal.

Listening to them talking about his brother, Li Haonan instantly pricked his ears.

On the other side of Lin'an City, Song Qingshu was studying the map in the mansion, and his servant suddenly reported to Guo Jing for seeing him.

"Quickly please." Song Qingshu was curious, what is he doing so late?

In the blink of an eye, Guo Jing rushed in and grabbed his hand nervously without being polite: "Brother Song, you have to help me this time, your wife was taken away!" —

Thanks: Baima Wangzi, fuke, Zuiwo17, Duan Erhuo, abcppp, 丿, made in China, the weakest chicken in history, zn3m636462, bald donkeys in the grass, Ye Mufeng_ymf, o546213, Shui, Dianjing, Gonggobi Tan, Ws.b8012, book friends 45522880, female mamif13976, soy sauce passersby, Piao Diao Guo Fu Yu, Fat Fish Kicking and other book friends’ reward support

Finally spit out, because s.b is a blocked word, but I can’t find the two letters with ctrl+f, and I don’t know what happened. Finally, I finally found out that it is thanks to the buddy ws.b8012 in the list

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