Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1380: Sister-in-law and younger siblings

"What?" Song Qingshu was shocked instantly.

"Rong'er was taken away." Guo Jing repeated it again, both hands were shaking, and it was obvious that the whole person's heart was already turbulent.

"How is it possible?" Song Qingshu looked puzzled, "With her wit and martial arts, and you are on the sidelines, who has the ability to take her away in this world?"

"Blame me," Guo Jing said reproachfully, "I was called by Master Jia to talk about things at the time. Rong'er was a little tired, so she asked to go back by herself, and I agreed. Master Jia asked her to arrange a carriage to **** Rong'er. When I went back, I met a masked master who robbed her on the road."

Song Qingshu's heart sank: "Is there a guard next to Rong'er?" He even shouted out Rong'er in a hurry, but Guo Jing was also like an ant on a hot pot at this time, and did not notice the abnormality of his name.

"Yes, Master Jia sent a few guards." Guo Jing replied, "According to the guards, the masked man should be an old man with gray hair. At the same time, his martial arts is very strong. Our line of defense robbed Rong'er from the carriage."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "Jia Sidao's martial arts are good. Madam Rong...madam Rong was taking a break in the carriage. Although she was caught off guard, she was the leader of a gang after all. She robbed him, and the martial arts of the visitor may not be under the Five Jues."

Guo Jing nodded: "I think so too. I don't know which senior in this world would do such a thing regardless of his status!"

"Where is the location where the wife's wife was attacked?" Song Qingshu asked.

"In Daomao Alley." Guo Jing replied, "The guards of the Jia Mansion still chased him for a while, but it was a pity that the man was too light and lost his trace in a short time."

"Oh, in what direction did you pursue it?" Song Qingshu pushed the map in front of Guo Jing, and suddenly he felt that he had faintly caught something, but after thinking about it, he couldn't remember it.

"In this direction, I lost a trace after chasing for a mile." Guo Jing made gestures on the map, and suddenly realized something, "Hey, Brother Song, why did you not sleep here so late to study the map?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Not only the wife, but also Yingying was robbed."

"Something happened to my younger siblings?" Guo Jing only now recalled that when he entered the house just now, the people in the entire palace looked solemn and hurried, and he couldn't help but suddenly realize.

"Yeah, I am also tracking her whereabouts, but unfortunately nothing has been achieved." Song Qingshu patted his head, obviously a little self-blaming.

Guo Jing hesitated for a moment, and said, "Could it be Master Jia's hand?"

"Why do you think this way?" Song Qingshu looked at him suspiciously.

Guo Jing took out a letter from his arms: "The reason why I came to find you is because I received a secret letter warning me to give up the competition to win the command, otherwise Rong'er will be in danger. I guess there is such a motive. It is nothing more than Lord Han and others, and so on, it is most likely Lord Jia who shot the younger brothers and sisters."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't think so. I think someone deliberately provoked a fight between the two groups in order to reap the benefits of the fishermen. I will inform Master Han, and you can also pass my analysis to Master Jia. "

"I will try my best, but Master Jia has already begun to doubt Master Han." Guo Jing smiled bitterly.

Song Qingshu silently, based on Jia Sidao and Han Tong's old cunning and cunning, they may not be aware of the strangeness in this, but they are all political veterans, and of course they will take the opportunity to attack each other when they finally get a handle, but when the opening is opened, think again. Stopped, it may not be transferred according to their wishes.

On the other side, Li Haonan's eavesdropping continued, and Zhang Hongfan could only hear Zhang Hongfan say: "From the very beginning, the two of them opposed the plan. Obviously, it was a deliberate and unruly plot. You can't help but prevent it.

"This shameless villain!" Li Haonan didn't know that the other party was framing himself, but he couldn't rush out to confront each other at this time, so he could only squeeze his fist to see what Zhang Rou said.

Zhang Rou was silent for a while, and suddenly said quietly: "Now I still rely on the power of their two brothers."

Li Haonan's heart sank to the bottom in an instant. Although the other party didn't say anything clearly, the subtext was obvious enough. Now they still need them, what will happen to the two brothers when they are not needed?

"Well, I will bear them for a while." Zhang Hongfan was obviously also satisfied with his father's answer, "By the way, now my uncle has fallen on the Southern Song Dynasty side. We don't have his secret support and we stayed in the middle of the Dabie Mountains. Going down is not a long-term solution."

"I have been thinking about this issue during this period of time. This time I came to Lin'an to avenge your uncle; secondly, to take away some of his hidden treasures. After we go back, we will directly abandon the Dabie Mountain and lead the troops to the north. Take refuge in Mongolia."

Take refuge in Mongolia!

These four words blasted like thunder in Li Chaonan's ears. Although he was a robber, he considered himself a green forest man to some extent. He also wanted to walk the way for the sky and restore the rivers and mountains for the Han people.

Therefore, although the brothers were a little dissatisfied with what Zhang Rou and his son did in recent years, because they had a relationship with the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, they could be recognized by the Southern Song Dynasty officials. They turned from bandits into officers and soldiers, and the two brothers could consciously sing the glory So I forcibly endured some unacceptable behaviors.

For these years, he has been fighting on behalf of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Kingdom of Jin, and now he suddenly wants to seek refuge in Mongolia as a traitor, Li Haonan is surprisingly angry.

If Li Haotian were here, he would probably explode and ran out and berated the father and son immediately, but Li Haonan had always been much calmer. Although he was angry, he could control his emotions. He gave Zhang Rou a deep look and quietly. Backed out.

When Huang Rong saw Li Haonan come back blankly, her heart fell instantly because she knew that her strategy had worked.

Li Haonan glanced at her, then took his brother Li Haotian to the next secret room, and whispered what he had just heard.

"These two thieves!" Li Haotian suddenly took the case.

"Be quiet!" Li Haonan hurriedly held him, "What shall we do next?"

"Of course it's against his mother!" Li Haotian angrily said, "I think our brother has always admired Yue Fei, but had to work under the traitor Zhang Jun who killed him. I have had enough."

Li Haonan smiled bitterly: "Mum, her biggest wish in this life is that we no longer be the bandits that everyone spurns, and have an upright identity, and at least have the status of an officer and army under Zhang Jun, which is considered to be her elder's status. desire."

Li Haotian was also silent, and he said after a long time: "We have Zhang Junwan's brand on our bodies. Whether it is Han Dongzhu or Jia Sidao, I am afraid that we will not be able to tolerate us. Even if we accept our background, I am afraid that we will be hopeless for promotion in this life. , Do you really want to go to foreign races like the Jin Country or the Qing Country?"

Li Haonan laughed: "Did you forget that we still have a place to go?"

"Where?" Li Haotian asked hurriedly.

"Shandong!" Li Haonan quietly looked around, dipping tea and writing two words on the table.

"Take refuge in the Golden Snake King Song Qingshu?" Li Haotian frowned, "He is just a bigger bandit leader, how can he explain to his old mother then?"

Li Haonan shook his head: "He is no longer the Golden Snake King, but the King Qi of the Southern Song Emperor, and he will naturally have an official status with him."

Li Haotian slapped his thigh: "It's so good, I thought he was very good last time in Yangzhou!"

"We want to take refuge in him, we must not go empty-handed, at least we must first make a contribution, so as not to be underestimated by him, in the future will be difficult to mix in the Qi Palace." Li Haonan analyzed.

Li Haotian looked towards Ren Yingying's direction: "Yes, it just happens that there is a ready-made credit here."

Li Haonan added: "It's not just Miss Ren. I heard that Song Qingshu and Guo Jing and Huang Rong had a good relationship. If we die, maybe he will blame us in the future."

Li Haotian nodded and said: "There is also the Yue girl from the Huashan School. According to the news, she happened to be living in the Qi Palace during this time. Obviously, the relationship between the two is extraordinary."

Li Haonan frowned: "So many women...how do you feel that he is as lustful as Zhang Hongfan."

Li Haotian laughed loudly and said: "Is people a great hero? Beautiful women love heroes. Of course it is different from Zhang Hongfan who only uses strong goods."

"But our strength may not be able to save them safely." Li Haonan said with a headache, "Once Zhang Rou reacts, our brothers will have no place to bury them."

"Why don't you talk to Huang Rong?" Li Haotian suggested. "It is rumored that she has the reputation of Zhuge in the female middle school, so she can definitely think of a way."

Li Haonan's eyes lit up: "Why did I forget her!"

The two brothers quickly ran into Huang Rong’s room. After hearing what they had said, Huang Rong was secretly happy and couldn’t help but smile: “Why are you so confused? Do you have to deliver us to him in order to be credited? Song Qingshu must have been mad at this time. When you have no clue, you go to inform us. Wouldn't it be easy to save us with his ability? It will also be a great achievement by then."

Although the brothers didn't mention these things, how could Huang Rong, a wise man, fail to break their minds? Just a few words solved the two problems.

The brothers were overjoyed at once: "The Huang Gang master is really resourceful and resourceful. It is simply better to listen to the king than to read for ten years!"

At this time, Song Qingshu was looking at the map in front of him in the Qi Palace, and suddenly a bright line crossed his mind. He hurriedly found two chopsticks and made a simple compass. First, put Luo Bing and Diu Zhongyi's army on the map. Mark the Zhugan Alley, and then use Ren Yingying’s missing point as the center of the circle, and the distance he chased away as the radius. Then take the place where the guards of Jia’s house tracked the man in black as the center of the circle, and then estimate a radius. Draw an arc out.

Song Qingshu stared at the map closely, trying to determine the area where the three patterns intersect. As long as this area is determined, then Huang Rong and Ren Yingying are probably nearby. —

Now the chapters are 3000+ words in each chapter. Counting down today, it should be updated with almost 2w words—

Thanks to the golden lord Bai Hailang for rewarding again, and also thank you for not having sv if, losing horse prince, Yun Danfeng Qing kong, Ruo Ran Cheng Feng, shiningforu, boy Wuhen windy, Ling Jiezhen lamenting, fingers beating, calling me Books such as Chen Jianqiang, Bloody Ink Yanbo, Moving Mountain Zhang Kangnian, reboy0000, p2luo, Yishe Nine Days 1314, Catkins Pond Wind, zn3m636462, The Adventures of Kuang Heng, Heaven's Disaster, Only Water and Fish, Interrupted Sound, Drunken Sleeping 17 and other books Friends' enthusiastic support!

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