Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1381: I want to play a game with you

After painting, Song Qingshu's heart sank, staring at the signs on the map closely, and muttering to himself: "How is it possible, why is there no intersection?"

Only the part of Zhugan Lane on the picture above and the arc drawn at the center of Ren Yingying's disappearance partly overlap, but the circle on Huang Rong's side is far away, even if the radius increases, it can't reach this side.

"How could this happen?" Song Qing's book originally thought it was a foolproof method, but the reality gave him a resounding slap.

The only way proved to be a failure. Song Qingshu was lying on the table, and the whole person gradually fell into a desperate mood. You must know that a few hours before the kidnapping case is the best time to rescue. The longer the time, the smaller the probability of being rescued. Moreover, they are still beautiful women and the situation is more dangerous.

At this moment, a pair of gentle hands were placed on his shoulders and gently squeezed for him. Song Qingshu looked up and saw that it was Chen Yuanyuan who was here.

"Sister Luo Bing was going to come too, but I saw that she was exhausting too much energy, so I let her rest first." Chen Yuanyuan smiled softly and replied softly.

Song Qingshu nodded, with a hoarse voice.

"Is it progressing badly?" Chen Yuanyuan is best at understanding men's thoughts and emotions, and is very sensitive to his frustration.

Song Qingshu hugged her waist and buried her face on her soft belly: "I have tried my best, but I still can't find their whereabouts. Now I have no other way."

Song Qingshu was full of spirits in front of her before, but today he appears to be exceptionally weak. Not only did Chen Yuanyuan feel that this man is real, he always made himself feel illusory and unpredictable in the past, but now he was hit instead. The softest part of my heart.

"You must love Miss Ren very much." Chen Yuanyuan stroked his hair lightly, with a hint of envy in his tone.

"More than that, I still like Huang Rong..." Song Qingshu added in his heart. The relationship between the two is too violent of secular ethics. For the sake of Huang Rong's reputation, he can't tell the third person, even the woman next to him. .

I thought that whether it was Huang Rong or Ren Yingying, I couldn’t bear it either. He understood Huang Rong’s feelings well, but it was Ren Yingying. Although the two had now escaped their lovers, and there was no real relationship, Song Qingshu had already had a close relationship with her. For a long time, he knew everything about her and Linghu Chong.

Just like when Ling Huchong pours out his love for the younger sister to Ren Yingying in Luzhu Alley, Ren Yingying falls in love with him unknowingly; Song Qingshu also sees what happened to them, and falls in love with the surface. A gentle and generous girl in her tsundere's bones.

"Qing Shu, I believe you will be able to save them. You must know that in my heart you are the fairy-like figure who can pick up the stars. Is it harder to save people than to ask for rain?" Chen Yuanyuan kept saying Stroking his hair, his voice became softer.

"Yes, I can change my fate against the sky, can't I save a few women!" Song Qingshu gradually rekindled his fighting spirit and gave Chen Yuanyuan a grateful look, "Thank you!"

Chen Yuanyuan smiled softly, ten slender fingers continued to press on his shoulders, doing his best to eliminate his fatigue.

Song Qingshu patted her hand: "Everyone says that you are a rosy face, but to me you are like a virtuous grandson queen."

Chen Yuanyuan's face was reddened: "How dare I compare with the Queen of Longsun."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, stopped talking, and returned his attention to the map before him. Suddenly he thought of something and immediately changed the center of Huang Rong's circle to a symmetrical point centered on the place where the carriage was attacked.

Because he suddenly thought that the masked man who had robbed Huang Rong had such a high level of martial arts, and his hair was gray. Then he must be extremely rich in experience in the rivers and lakes. How could he directly escape to the hiding place? Surely he would subconsciously lead the chasing soldiers in the opposite direction, and then go back to his destination in a big circle.

After re-drawing the third circle, a small intersection was finally determined. Although there is no specific point, it is enough for Song Qingshu.

He was eager to save people, and there was no time to leave any instructions. Song Qingshu rushed out of Prince Qi's mansion in a flash. Looking at his fleeting figure, Chen Yuanyuan showed a gentle smile on his face.

Not long after Song Qingshu left, Lin Pingzhi led a person and rushed in: "Brother Song, there is news from Sister Sister and others, Brother Song?"

Seeing people go to the empty desk, Lin Pingzhi's excitement stopped abruptly.

Chen Yuanyuan explained: "Qing Shu just left."

Lin Pingzhi immediately turned around: "Then I will go find him."

"Hey~" Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly shouted to him, "With the lightness of a blue script, you can't catch up with him even if you ride a Maxima, who is next to you?"

Li Haonan looked dull, God, there is such a beautiful woman in this world!

Chen Yuanyuan had long been used to such stunning eyes, but he didn't care at all, just coughed lightly to remind the other party.

Li Haonan came back to his senses, wiped the saliva of Brother Pig at the corner of his mouth, and introduced himself in a flustered manner: "My name is Li Haonan, a member of the Loyalty Army. I know the whereabouts of Miss Ren and the Huang Gang..."

Chen Yuanyuan finally understood what was going on, and hurriedly said to Lin Pingzhi: "Qingshu went to the place you said, Pingzhi, you took the man from the house and rushed over with this strong man, maybe you can still Help him."

Although she has a weak temperament, she has experienced strong winds and waves after all, and she has been arranged in a hasty way.

"Okay!" Lin Pingzhi nodded, hurriedly greeted Li Haonan to follow along, and hurried out of the palace with others.

Moreover, Song Qingshu came to the intersection area on the map, and it was easier than imagined to find the place where Ren Yingying and the others were imprisoned before, because it was noisy here in the middle of the night, and Song Qingshu, who was standing from a high place, saw it at a glance.

In a flash, he arrived at the big house, and just hit Zhang Ruanhuang and Zhang Hongfan and his son hurriedly carrying their bags to leave.

"Where are the two of you going?" Song Qingshu's voice was extremely calm, but what was hidden under the calm surface was the anger that had been holding back all night.

"Kill him!" Since the other party could find this place, Zhang Rou knew that no amount of nonsense would be useless, so she immediately killed her.

As soon as his voice fell, dozens of crossbowmen appeared around the courtyard wall of the house, who swished and shot at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu gave a cold snort and took a step forward at will. As if an invisible sound wave rang in the air, those sharp arrows stopped halfway, and then instantly turned into ashes. The bowmen snorted, all of them. He fell silently from the courtyard wall.

Zhang Hongfan spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell straight to the ground. Zhang Rou was so powerful that she barely withstood the attack. She was so shocked that she was still throbbing with blood, and finally she couldn't help but kneel on the ground with her mouth in her mouth. Keep coughing up blood.

Song Qingshu didn't look at him again, walked straight to the yard, and found a few rooms with the fragrance of women still remaining in them, but unfortunately there was no one in the room, and the traces were desolate.

"Where are they?" Song Qingshu stepped forward and returned to the gate, looking at Zhang Rou condescendingly.

Zhang Rou hugged Zhang Hongfan's gradually cold body. From his experience, he didn't even know that his son was dead at this time. He seemed stupid as a whole, so she knelt and sat there in a daze.

"I ask you where are they?" Song Qingshu repeated indifferently.

"My son is dead." Zhang Rou's voice also became hollow.

Song Qingshu glanced at it and said lightly: "It deserves to die, I should kill you when I was in Yangzhou, so there will be no more things going on."

Zhang Rou's eyes moved: "It turns out that the Golden State official is also you!"

Song Qingshu looked indifferent and did not answer.

Zhang Rou smiled bitterly: "No wonder, no wonder... Just now I was thinking that you are one of the two strongest masters I have encountered in my life, and now it seems that these two masters are the same person."

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" Song Qingshu frowned.

Zhang Rou said slowly: "Everyone said that the Golden Snake King Wugong is the only martial artist. At first, I was a bit disapproved. I thought I was a master in the arena. I thought that if I gather the strength of my subordinates, I can at least deal with you. ...It now appears that your real martial arts is much higher than the world thinks."

Song Qingshu snorted lightly, noncommittal.

"But no matter how high your martial arts is, you will eventually lose to me." Zhang Rou laughed nervously.

"Really?" Song Qingshu's tone was full of disdain.

"Anyway, I'm dead today. Why don't you come and play a game." Zhang Rouzheng laughed, and suddenly vomited black blood.

Song Qingshu's eyes narrowed: "Have you taken poison?"

Zhang Rou showed a strange smile on her face, as if she was nostalgic for life, and she seemed to let go of relief completely: "In our line, there will be such a day sooner or later, so there will be poisonous things in the teeth. The poison is seen in the blood seal the throat, but my skills are deep enough to protect my heart and I can barely say a few more words."

Song Qingshu's figure flashed, he directly grasped his acupuncture points, a strange light appeared in his eyes, and he planned to directly use the soul-moving method to inquire the whereabouts of outstanding women.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Rou turned her head as if she had expected it, and sneered: "I will suffocate anytime now. You can use the soul-shifting technique on me. No one can control the true qi in my body. Maybe I will die in an instant."

To deal with Song Qingshu, Zhang Rou naturally thoroughly investigated his information, knowing that he knows the "Nine Yin Scriptures", then it will definitely be the soul-moving magic in it.

"It's a big deal, I will force the poison out of your body." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Zhang Rou shook her head: "I control the poison near my atrium. As long as I relax my true qi a little, the poison will enter my atrium instantly. At that time, Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save me. If you don't believe in evil, you can try it."

Song Qingshu frowned, and finally gave up the adventure: "Just tell me, what game?"

Zhang Rou showed a successful smile: "I came back just now and found that Li Haonan's boy was missing. I asked Li Haotian that he was stubbornly suspicious, and I knew that these two men had betrayed me..."

"Say the important point!" Song Qingshu interrupted impatiently, knowing that he might be killed at any time, so there is no time to listen to him slowly telling stories here.

Zhang Rou didn't mind: "Later, I immediately ordered Miss Ren and Huang Gang, and Miss Yue to move away. They were in three completely different directions. I asked them to wait for me at the agreed place. If you don’t see me after an hour, they...kill them. Counting it now, half an hour is coming soon, hahaha~"——

Thanks for the reward of Bai Hailang, the leader of the Golden League

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