Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1383: Helpless beauty

Huang Rong's air was charming and her voice was sweet and greasy. The two men's eyes straightened. Of course, the rest of the body was also straight.


The two men swallowed a mouthful of saliva, which made Huang Rong nauseous, but the expression of eagerness still appeared on his face.

"Let me go first!" One of the tall guys pushed his companion aside.

"Why do you go first?" The short moment quit.

"Is it okay to be older than you based on my qualifications?" The taller man glared at him.

"It's amazing to have old qualifications. You have come here for so many years, and now you are in the same position as me. Doesn't it just show that you are incompetent?" The short man said sarcastically.

"You are looking for death!" The tall man was furious, and instantly drew his waist knife.

"Who's afraid that you won't succeed!" The shorter one is not to be outdone.

Huang Rong on the side looked at all this with a smile, but she was full of sneers in her heart, let's hit, let's hit, the simple trick of two peaches killing three men will take care of you, no wonder you can only be a soldier in your life.

But I don’t know if it was accidentally set up fg or why, the two of them seemed to have heard her voice, and suddenly stopped tacitly. The short man laughed and said: "Almost hit your plan, the famous Huang How could the helper be such a profane woman."

Huang Rong's face changed slightly, but she quickly concealed the past: "If it wasn't before, but now" Huang Rong lowered her head and stroked the slightly raised abdomen, a gentle maternal glow appeared on her face, and she looked at the two of them in a daze. "But now that I am pregnant, as long as I can protect the child, I am willing to do everything and sacrifice everything."

Her tone was so similar, not to mention those two people, even Huang Rong herself believed a little. After speaking, she even really had the idea that she should protect her child if she really needed it.

"That's it." The two opposing people nodded and believed in their hearts, but they didn't completely relax their vigilance. They discussed with each other and said, "We don't need to beat you to death for one woman. Anyway, this woman is a married woman. , And there is no problem of damage, and the difference between who is first and who is second is not very big."

After discussing for a while, the two decided to decide the outcome by guessing the punch. In the end, the taller one won, and the shorter one looked annoyed.

"Little lady, I'm here" The tall one rubbed his hands and approached Huang Rong, his saliva almost flowed out.

Huang Rong bit her lip lightly, revealing a shy look: "Can you be lighter later? I'm afraid of hurting the baby in the abdomen."

"Don't worry, I will take it lightly." The taller only felt that his body was about to burst, but he was thinking in his heart. I will take care of you so much later.

Huang Rong concealed the chill in her eyes and deliberately glanced behind him: "Could you let him go a little further? People are a little embarrassed."

The taller smiled and said: "What is embarrassment, he will come to you soon anyway, are you afraid of being seen by him?"

Huang Rong's heart exploded, but she still maintained a shy smile on the surface: "After all, people abide by women's way. After many years of being a good family, there is always a process of adaptation."

"All right, as long as you can get me on, you can say that you are my aunt's grandmother." The tall man hurriedly said to his companion, "You stand over there first, what hurry, you will be happy later."

Seeing his red eyes, the shorter one knew that if he waited any longer, he might really fight him. In desperation, he had no choice but to walk a few steps away, but from time to time he stood on tiptoe and looked over here.

"Mrs. Guo, I will let you taste the joyful experience that Guo Daxia can't bring you." The tall man hurriedly untied his belt and said hehe.

Huang Rong's eyebrows frowned, but she quickly relaxed and said in a soft voice, "I am a little bit looking forward to it. These years, Brother Jing has been busy with official duties all day long. "

While talking, Huang Rong secretly apologized: I'm sorry, Brother Jing, I have to ruin your reputation.

"Hey, don't worry, now with me, I will keep you as a bride every night." The tall man took off his pants and leaned forward.

There was a strange light in Huang Rong's eyes: "Do you like to sleep with others only for one night, or do you sleep every day?"

Standing tall, he only felt that the eyes of the young woman in front of him were particularly charming at this time, and subconsciously replied, "Of course I like to sleep every day."

Huang Rong squeezed her hands tightly in her sleeves, but her voice became more coquettish: "Then do you like to be alone with others, or do you like to share with others?"

"Of course I like to enjoy it alone." The tall man licked his lips.

"It just so happens that I'm tired of living the boring life of Xiangyang Defending the city with my husband. Why don't you take me to elope," Huang Rong flushed, then said, "At that time, let me be the bride every night, okay?"

"Wow, okay." The tall man's eyes have become muddy at this time.

"But now there is someone who doesn't want us to run away, and wants to destroy our happy life in the future." Huang Rong suddenly said in an extremely aggrieved tone.

"Who is it, I went to tear him!" Gao was furious in an instant.

"It's your companion, how could he allow you to elope with me?" The blurry light in Huang Rong's eyes was even better, "and he still wants to sleep with your woman"

In order to have a better effect, she even said that she had been his forbidden, but the effect was immediate. She saw the man standing up with red eyes, carrying the knife, and rushing to the short one not far away. .

"It's over so soon? Can you do it?" The short one didn't know the catastrophe was about to come, still joking there, "Oh fuck, are you crazy?"

Seeing the two people crackling and fighting together in the distance, all kinds of flesh and blood flew across, Huang Rong suddenly softened as if exhausted all of his energy. Of course, the tall one would not be fooled by a few words simply by her. It is still the credit of moving the soul.

The soul-moving ** in the Nine Yin Scriptures is extremely magical, not driven by internal force, but mainly comparing the spiritual power of the two sides, so although her skill is controlled, she still makes it out.

However, Soul Transfer also has a weakness, it can only be used on one person at a time, so Huang Rong tried his best to separate the two.

Originally, with Huang Rong’s mental power, it didn’t need to be so troublesome. It was just to use that tall man directly, but now Huang Rong is pregnant, and she is very easy to get tired. In addition to being kidnapped today, she has been tossed for most of the night. Exhausted, now so sleepy that I can't open my eyes.

She was worried that she would be backlashed when she cast Soul Transferring in this situation. When she thought of becoming a slave to the other party after being backlashed, she shuddered just thinking about that kind of scene.

Therefore, Huang Rong had no choice but to provoke the other party's confession through verbal provocations, and at the moment when he completely let go of his vigilance, and then took advantage of the selfishness of Gao's heart, and succeeded in removing his soul.

This is so, and she has exhausted all of her mind. Huang Rong couldn't help but be scared. If she directly used Soul Transfer on that person just now, she might have been controlled by him now.

Thinking of those things that deliberately lured the other party to say just now, Huang Rong touched her cheek and found that it was already very hot.

Soon the winner was decided over there. Originally, the two martial arts were between the two, but the taller attacked first and seriously injured each other at the beginning, so it didn't take long for the shorter companion to be killed by him.

After killing his companion, the tall man walked towards Huang Rong with a smile: "Mrs. Guo, I will take you to the Peak of Bliss now."

Huang Rong’s face changed slightly. Just now, in order to increase the success rate of Soul Transfer, she did not choose to let him follow her fate. Instead, she created a dream for him to run away with herself. In her opinion, the martial arts of these two people are similar. It's estimated that they will all end up in the fight, but I don't know the victory or defeat so quickly.

Seeing the other party approaching step by step, Huang Rong's heart sank to the bottom. Her internal strength was restrained. Just now, moving the soul exhausted all her mental power. Now she has no resistance at all.

Is it that he still can't escape that tragic fate in the end? Huang Rong gritted her teeth and grabbed a branch from the side. Although she has no internal strength now, she still has her eyesight, to see if she can use the subtlety of the dog-stick method to defend herself.

Seeing the tall one getting closer and closer, Huang Rong made a quick move, using a stumbling trick of hitting a dog and stick. The bend of the man's legs caused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Huang Rong kept poking a few big holes on his body with a branch, but suddenly the person waved his hand and interrupted the branch in her hand.

Huang Rong's face changed drastically and she hurried back a few steps. She already understood at this time that her strength at this time was not even comparable to that of an ordinary lady. Although she hit the other's acupuncture points, her strength was not enough to seal his acupuncture points.

The tall man was furious: "Smelly bitch, you've been lying to me." Stepped forward and grabbed Huang Rong's fragrant shoulders, he ripped off half of her sleeves with a sneer, revealing a mellow fragrance. shoulder.

Looking at the snow-white arm in front of him, he was tall and the beast made a big moment: "Don't you want to be a bride every night, I will **** you seven or eight times today."

Huang Rong struggled desperately, but her strength at this time was the opponent's opponent, and the two lines of tears were left in an instant. She wanted to change to normal. She could solve such a character with one move, but now she can't push him at all.

Thinking that she was about to be violated by someone who would never take a second look, Huang Rong’s eyes flashed with despair. The calmness and calmness of the usual days has long been gone. Suddenly the impulse of not knowing where it came from, she blurted out: "Song Qingshu, you **** , Why haven't you come to save me!"

After she shouted, she found that the tall man had stopped. She wondered if it was Song Qingshu's name that frightened him? However, she soon discovered that the opponent's pupils were gradually spreading, which was obviously dead.

"Sorry, I'm late." Suddenly an apologetic voice sounded next to him. Huang Rong turned her head in disbelief and saw the man who made her love and hate intertwined. ——

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