Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1384: Burning blood

After seeing the man, Huang Rong's eyes were filled with tears, and it took a lot of effort to keep the teardrops from falling. An ad-free site.

Song Qingshu sighed, took off her coat and put it on her, covering her bare arms: "I'm here, it's okay."

Hearing his gentle voice, Huang Rong couldn't help it anymore, tears burst into her eyes, and the indifference and distance she forced to pretend on weekdays shattered instantly, and the whole person fell into his arms and burst into tears.

At this time, she was unwilling to think about the identity of the two parties, which was condemned by public opinion. She just wanted to hug the man tightly at this moment.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Since there is only Huang Rong here, it proves that his judgment is wrong, and that Yingying is probably too bad for you...

The **** Zhang Rou was indeed uneasy and kind, unwilling to reunite his husband and wife, but the method he used was not to bring everyone together as he thought, but to deliberately misrepresent the hiding place of the three women.

According to Zhang Rou, the gem mountain should be where Yue Lingshan was located, but it was Huang Rong who was rescued here. Obviously, Qingtai Bridge is definitely not Ren Yingying, but Yue Lingshan; Yingying should be in the Liuhe Pagoda where Zhang Rou claimed to house Huang Rong.

It's a pity that it's too late to understand everything. Yingying is probably already...

Feeling the stiffness of the other party’s body, Huang Rong realized that since he chose to rescue herself, he obviously gave up Miss Ren and Miss Yue. She didn’t know that Zhang Rou deliberately disrupted the order of the women, and only acted as Song Qingshu. Choose to save yourself.

Huang Rong raised her head and found that there was a trace of tears on Song Qing's writing book. She couldn't help but feel very touched. As the saying goes, the man has tears and does not flick it lightly, just because he has not reached the point of sadness, thinking of the other party and his wife in order to save himself. After that, I was moved and guilty in my heart.

"I'm sorry~" Huang Rong said guiltily while wiping the tears on his face.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's none of your business, it's my own choice."

The more he said this, the more guilty Huang Rong was. For some reason, she suddenly had an impulse, held the other person's face, and kissed her uncontrollably.

Song Qingshu was startled, never expected that Huang Rong would take the initiative to kiss him. If he would not ask for it in normal times, he would be ecstatic, but now he can't be happy because he thinks of Ren Yingying's fierce auspiciousness.

Feeling the man's emotions keenly, Huang Rong was also very uncomfortable. Suddenly thinking of something, she raised her head and said: "Qing Shu, you might still have time to save her now."

Song Qingshu was unclear, so he looked at her suspiciously.

Huang Rong hurriedly explained: "Although Miss Ren doesn’t show up on weekdays, I know that she is actually a very smart person. Since I can find a way to delay, she must be able to use her intelligence to delay time. You rushed past fast enough, maybe you could save her!"

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up in an instant, and she threw her into her arms with excitement, and kissed her fiercely on the cheek: "Rong'er, you really deserve to be a female middle school Zhuge, I just love you to death."

Huang Rong's face was flushed by his sudden enthusiasm, and she shrank back a little embarrassedly, but she was also happy for him to regain his fighting spirit in her heart: "It shouldn't be too late, you go ahead."

"Okay!" Song Qingshu nodded and disappeared instantly.

Huang Rong waved her hand. Although she still had a smile on her face, she was unavoidably disappointed when she said that he disappeared.

She was about to sigh, and suddenly her body shook, and there was a whirring sound in her ears, and the surrounding scenery quickly retreated. She was shocked and was about to exclaim, but she smelled the familiar breath. Looking back, she found that she was being held by Song Qingshu. Speeding all the way in his arms.

"Hurry up and let me down." It was just before life and death, and all kinds of emotions such as fear and joy had completely exploded, so Huang Rong was much bolder than usual, but after such a while, her sanity has gradually recovered. , Thinking of Brother Jing, thinking of the identities of both sides, she began to feel embarrassed again.

"Don't let go!" Song Qingshu didn't give her a chance to refuse.

In fact, after a night of worry and fear, Huang Rong felt particularly at ease and comfortable lying in his warm embrace. She also wished to lie down like this, but she knew that she could not lie in his arms for a lifetime, rather than getting more and more in the future. Hard to give up, it is better to come down earlier.

"This will slow down your speed." Huang Rong finally found a legitimate reason.

"This is not a normal light work, but it is almost a rule. Your weight alone has no effect on me," Song Qingshu added after a pause, "not to mention you are not heavy."

As if thinking of something, Song Qingshu frowned, and continued: "You are pregnant and still so light, usually you have to eat more food and grow more meat."

"It's not you anyway..." Huang Rong subconsciously wanted to block it back with her usual words, but was stunned in the middle of the conversation. For some reason, her heart softened and she replied softly, "I will eat more."

For some reason, there seemed to be a slight ambiguity between the two. Huang Rong raised her head and looked at his sturdy cheek, her eyes lacking the indifference she had deliberately maintained in normal days.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu was concerned about Ren Yingying's safety at this time, and did not notice all this.

After a while, Huang Rong vaguely saw some figures in the distance, and she had to speak again: "You put me down, it won't be okay to be seen later."

"What's wrong." Song Qingshu snorted.

Huang Rong pinched his waist angrily: "You know it in your heart!"

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Everything is urgent and right, let alone Guo Daxia is upright, even if he sees him, I am grateful that I have saved you but it is too late, no matter what is going on."

Huang Rong's face flushed: "You're still the same **** as before...vomit~"

Noting her reaction, Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped in fright and asked, "What's wrong with you?" while gently patting her on the back.

Huang Rong retched a few times before she came over: "It's nothing, the normal reaction after pregnancy... You are flying too fast, I can't stand it... You leave me alone, it's important to save Miss Ren."

Song Qingshu frowned: "But if I leave you here alone, how can I rest assured." What he is most worried about now is that Yingying will not be saved by that time, and even Huang Rong will have an accident. That is really regrettable.

At this moment, a surprise voice suddenly came not far away: "Big Brother Song?"

Song Qingshu looked back and found that Lin Pingzhi was leading a group of people not far away: "Why are you here?"

Lin Pingzhi was about to answer, but Song Qingshu interrupted: "It's too late to explain, you **** Rong first...cough cough... **** Huang Gang back, I'm leaving!"

After talking about his figure, he disappeared several tens of feet away, and a group of people was dazzled.

Song Qingshu was not worried that Lin Pingzhi could not figure out the situation, anyway, Huang Rong was there, she would definitely arrange everything, but Yingying's side...

"Yingying, don't have anything to do with you!"

Let's say that in a dilapidated room in Liuhe Tower, Ren Yingying was pinched by a person, her pretty face flushed.

There are also a dozen members of the Loyalty Army in the house, far more than the guards around Huang Rong. It is obvious that Zhang Rou values ​​her identity as a Song Qingshu woman.

"Such a beautiful woman, it would be a bit violent to kill it like this." One of the guards said with a look of dismay.

"Why, do you want to disobey the command of the master?" The other person glared at him ugly.

"Don't dare, don't dare." The person waved his hand in a jealous manner, but he was depressed. If there are only one or two people, everyone can discuss how to enjoy the beautiful Miss Ren, but there are too many people here. It was too much. It was destined to be unable to keep his mouth shut after the event. No one dared to take this risk. You must know that Zhang Rou had always been strict in military laws and dared to violate his orders. Once discovered, this little life would not be saved.

Although a woman is good, it is not worth paying for her life. Therefore, although many people felt a little regretful, they had to reluctantly follow the order to kill such a great beauty.

At this moment, they heard a scream, and everyone looked around, only to see Ren Yingying squatting on the ground with his neck coughing, and the person who had pinched her before fell to the ground and lost his breath.

A group of people petrified for a few seconds. To be honest, they never expected such a change. After all, Ren Yingying's skill has been controlled by the master with a special method. Today she is not as good as an ordinary woman, how can she be countered? Kill your own companion?

Ren Yingying glanced at everyone, and suddenly rushed outside with a change of figure.

"Don't let her run away!" A group of people woke up and ran after them.




With the screams one after another, several members of the Loyalty Army fell to the ground in an instant.

"The black blood **** needle, the black blood **** needle of the Sun Moon God Sect!"

I don't know who called it out, a group of people took a breath, the black blood **** needle, the middle must die, its prestigious Jianghu people have more or less heard of it.

"Damn it, forgot to search her body!" Someone said regretfully, but everyone knew that Ren Yingying had a special identity and was a woman. Of course, their group of big men were not convenient to search her body, plus Zhang Rou gave her After the ban, everyone relaxed their vigilance.

"But how did she regain her skill?" This is also the doubt in everyone's mind. After all, Ren Yingying's martial arts is not weak. Going up, I don't know how many people will never see the sun tomorrow.

The little head is still knowledgeable: "There seems to be an abnormal blush on her face just now. It may be a long-lost demon. At the cost of burning people's blood and losing lifespan, they have gained a short-term ability improvement. This kind of method is extremely harmful, she won’t be able to hold on for long, so please chase after it!"—

Thanks to strong, tiger brother 526, another sad, forgetful memory, book friends 50354146, Jiang Zhanghua, book friends 22682320, lj2310887@百度, zn3m636462, lwydavid2, a nightmare every day, soul and other book friends for their rewards and Monthly ticket support from many enthusiastic readers!

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