Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1385: Life and death

Fortunately, the people of the Loyalty Army hesitated for a while, and Ren Yingying was able to escape from Liuhe Pagoda, but she did not dare to relax at all, because she had heard the sound of chasing soldiers coming from far here.

Ren Yingying's head was dizzy. She knew that this was a sequelae of using the blood-burning great law. Because she had been in danger on the rivers and lakes several times before, she went back to Heimuya and asked her father if there is any self-protection method, let me hesitate. Repeatedly, but unable to withstand her pleading, he still passed the Sun Moon God Religion a non-transmitting secret technique to burn blood to her, and repeatedly warned that unless it was really a dead end, it would never be able to use it.

Because this secret technique is to burn human essence and blood to obtain the magical ability skyrocketing, but the price is also very heavy, that is, it will lose at least 30 years of life, if it is performed at the age of my own line, it may be directly violent after it is over. Death is also possible.

Ren Yingying also had to do this. After all, she was about to die next moment. After she cast the blood burning great law, she temporarily broke through the restrictions in her body, so she could kill the person who strangled her neck.

Although she wanted to kill these people who harmed her, she remembered the taboo in the formula of Burning Blood. She knew that this state could not be maintained for long. However, among the dozen or so members of the loyal army, several martial arts were not under her. It is impossible to kill them first.

The only feasible way now is to use one's own light power advantage to escape to a safe place as soon as possible.

It is a pity that there is no shortage of tracking masters among the members of the Loyalty Army. Her hiding place was discovered several times, and Ren Yingying had to continue to flee. After so many toss, she felt her body getting hotter and hotter, and her eyes became more and more hot. blurry.

She understands that the effect of Burning Blood is about to come, and by then she will become weaker than before, and Ren Yingying's lips are about to bite and bleed, using the pain in her body to stimulate her to stay awake.

In fact, Burning Blood is not so tasteless. Under normal circumstances, after 30 years of lifespan is sacrificed, his skill will skyrocket several times in a short time. Unfortunately, before Ren Yingying, his skill was restricted by special methods, which led to the use of most of Burning Blood. The effect is to break through the prohibition, which is why the maintenance time is so short.

Chasing and fleeing all the way, Ren Yingying was forced to the bank of the Qiantang River unknowingly, but there was really no way to go.

The members of the Loyalty Army surrounded her from a distance, but did not rush up in a hurry. They were afraid that Ren Yingying still had the power to counterattack, but at the same time they knew that she could not last in such a state. The more advantageous.

Ren Yingying smiled sadly. These people overestimated her. He was already exhausted at this time. If they rushed forward, they would have no resistance at all.

But this is fine, at least it gave her a choice.

Looking back at the turbulent river behind her, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. Is this the end of my life? Brother Chong...

Ren Yingying tried to think of Linghu Chong, but she was shocked to find that more of the man appeared in her mind at this time, but the man that she hated very much.

On weekdays, she wished to kill the other person, but now she was in a desperate situation, and those grievances were completely relieved. She couldn't help thinking that she had encountered similar despair several times before. At that time, it seemed that Song Qingshu had saved herself?

Recalling the scene of him holding himself in one hand and blocking all the enemies with one hand, Ren Yingying sighed quietly: It seems that not every time his luck will be so good.

At the moment she lost her mind, the few masters of the Loyalty Army were also a little moved, quietly approaching her, as soon as they entered the attack range, they would shoot at the same time.

Ren Yingying glanced at them in disgust, and then at the gradual blooming rays of sunlight in the east, knowing that the sun would come out soon.

"I really want to see the sunrise again." Ren Yingying sighed quietly, and then jumped into the Qiantang River for life. After all, she is still a young girl, still full of nostalgia for the world, but she knows that she has no time to wait for the sun to come out, and the members of the Loyalty Army will immediately rush over, instead of falling into the hands of these people and suffering humiliation. It's better to kill yourself.

As soon as she jumped in, she was swallowed up by the turbulent river, and disappeared instantly.

The people of the Loyalty Army were shocked, and they ran to the river to investigate, but besides the rolling river, where else could they see anything else?

The head leader frowned and said, "Everyone look for it along the river."

A group of subordinates complained repeatedly: "It's not necessary. Now that the river is so turbulent and cold at the same time, it is difficult for even a martial arts master to survive, let alone severely injured."

"If we live to see people and die, we must see corpses. Otherwise, how can we talk to the big boss?" The little leader glared at the man, and the other people's hearts shuddered. Knowing Zhang Rou's temperament, they didn't dare to neglect anymore. Spread out and look for it by the river.

Song Qingshu galloped all the way, finally rushed to Liuhe Pagoda, and found that people had already gone to the building, and his heart sank. He walked in with a solemn expression. As a result, he didn't look at it except for the corpses of a few loyal soldiers in a room. When he arrived at Ren Yingying's presence, he was rather happy. In this case, it is better than seeing her corpse.

Suddenly, his ears moved, and he faintly heard a noise in the wind, and hurriedly pointed his toes. The whole person was like a swallow. He lightly stood on the top of Liuhe Tower and looked around.

Soon he noticed the strangeness of the river in the distance. His eyes were sharp. Although he was a few miles away, he could still see that the people were dressed as the loyal army, and the whole person instantly shot past like an arrow from the string.

"Have you found it?" The little leader of the Jiangbian Zhongyi Army asked in a deep voice.

"No." Several subordinates shook their heads.

"Who are you looking for?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Nonsense, of course I'm looking for Miss Ren." The little leader replied impatiently, and suddenly realized something was wrong. A group of people turned their heads in amazement, just to see a young man standing behind him, perhaps appearing. There was no sound and no sound. At this time, there was a fascination and enchantment all over his body, and the slight flashing eyes exudes a dangerous and violent aura.

"Golden Snake King Song Qingshu!" Someone immediately recognized him, and a group of people instantly pulled out their weapons to protect themselves, but they were shocked to find that the air seemed to freeze and their bodies couldn't move at all.

"What happened just now." Song Qingshu didn't want to waste time, walked straight to the little leader, and directly used the soul-shifting magic.

"Just now...Miss Ren..." The little head was stiffened, and then he answered five to ten.

The people of the Loyalty Army were shocked. They thought that the little head could not say a word. After all, he was a well-known tough guy in the Loyalty Army. He didn't know how easy it was to recruit.

A group of people looked at him strangely and found that his eyes at this time had long lost their usual look, and only the unconsciousness that was visible to the naked eye was left.

"Blood-burning Dafa? Jumping into the river..." The violent aura in Song Qingshu's eyes grew stronger, "Since you killed her like this, then... all go to death!"

The ten or so masters of the Loyalty Army stiffened in an instant, and their bodies were like ice sculptures, and their eyes still kept the horror before death. They did not die of some cold and true aura, but were directly destroyed by Song Qingshu's murderous aura. Brought to life.

In fact, it was too cheap for them to die like this, but Song Qingshu was concerned about Ren Yingying's safety at this time and had no time to torture them. After killing these people, Song Qingshu jumped into the turbulent Qiantang River like a big Peng spreading his wings.

However, he did not fall directly into the water like Ren Yingying, instead he stood on the water and walked along the waves.

At this time, it was just before dawn, and there were no people around, otherwise you would be shocked to see the scene before you. Back then, Bodhidharma and Reed crossing the river was rumored to be a miracle of the ages, and now Song Qingshu is walking directly on the surface of the river. Not letting too much.

Song Qingshu himself was not half happy, looking for it downstream with a heavy expression. Forget the time, according to the speed of the river, Yingying may have been rushed dozens of miles away. For fear of making a mistake in his calculations, I asked the people of the Loyalty Army just now. They have found the distance of several miles. No trace of Ren Yingying was found.

Carrying light work along the way, he swiftly stepped along the waves. Although his main energy was tens of miles away, he still did not dare to relax at all along the way, a pair of sharp eyes kept scanning the nearby river.

It's a pity that this place is on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River, near the mouth of the sea. The river surface is many times wider than normal. Coupled with the scattered waves everywhere, Song Qingshu's eyesight makes it impossible to come by.

"Yingying~Yingying~" Song Qingshu shouted while searching. With the addition of his powerful internal strength, even the roaring sound of rivers everywhere ensured that the sound spread to every corner of the river.

While searching downstream, Song Qingshu secretly made up his mind that in the future, he must find Li Qiushui to learn her "Sound Transmission Method". This encounter made him understand that no matter how high his martial arts is, there are many times when he is powerless.

The sound transmission method is similar to the radar in the martial arts world. If you know this skill, this time Yingying and Huang Rong are robbed, you will not be so passive.

Because it was calculated that Yingying had a high probability of being rushed dozens of miles away, Song Qingshu just swept past along the way. Although there were many omissions, he could not take care of it, so he could only chase forward desperately.

While walking along the waves, while using internal force to call out Ren Yingying’s name, he drove dozens of miles in this way. Song Qingshu’s current internal force is also somewhat unsupportable. After all, for most people, when the light work You can't speak, you will vent your anger as soon as you speak, so Song Qingshu can do both.

At this time, Ren Yingying was constantly ups and downs in the river water. After soaking in the icy water for so long, her body was cold and her consciousness gradually lost.

"I really want to sleep..." Ren Yingying knew that once she fell asleep, she would never be able to wake up, but at this time she was really struggling. Because of the sequelae of the burning blood, her body had already tended to collapse. Coupled with the cold river water and the suffocation of drowning, she really couldn't stand it any longer.

"I used to hear the nanny say that when people die, the most nostalgic person in this life will flash in front of me, but why did I think of him?" Ren Yingying was in a daze, and gradually closed his eyes. ——

Thank you: Bai Hailang, style name, book friends 17425192, book friends 24152048, Edogawa Tenpiao, old lie to me, nicklu, book friends 23004959 and other book friends for their rewards, as well as the monthly ticket support of enthusiastic book friends

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