Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1386: Enemy with death

"Yingying, Yingying~" Ren Yingying was up and down in the river, vaguely heard someone calling his name.

"Who is yelling?" Ren Yingying felt a little strange, "Is it possible that I have reached the Naihe Bridge?"

"Yingying, Yingying~" The call still echoed everywhere, and the other party was full of anxiety.

"That person must really like this one called Yingying, and he cares more about his voice..." Ren Yingying was on the verge of life and death at this time, and his consciousness became a little fuzzy.

"Why does this name sound so familiar?" A trace of doubt flashed in Ren Yingying's mind, "Wait... Am I just Yingying?"

Tide-like memories kept pouring into her mind, and she gradually remembered her identity, her previous experience, and why she was in the river.

Who is going to save me? There was a hint of surprise in Ren Yingying's heart.

"I... I'm here..." She just wanted to respond, and the cold river water instantly poured into her throat, drowning all the rest of her words.

In fact, even if there was no river backflow, she would not have the energy to respond at this time, and her voice would instantly be submerged in the surrounding river water.

Because she drank a few sips of water, her whole body gradually sank, and the sun from the sky fell on the surface of the river, which made her feel a little bit more relieved: "It seems that God treats me well, so that I can still die before death. Take a look at the sunrise."

At the moment when the river flooded her eyes, she faintly saw a loud voice coming out of the golden sunlight, running towards her anxiously.

"It's him? Why does he come to save me every time I encounter danger..." This was Ren Yingying's last thought, and she fell into endless darkness.

The person here is naturally Song Qingshu. It turns out that although he can't cover a city with God's consciousness, he can barely do it by enlarging the God's consciousness to a radius of tens of meters. Although Ren Yingying's voice is small, he is still tight in his brain. Song Qingshu with a thread said it was tantamount to Xianyin, and he rushed over here in an instant.

Seeing Ren Yingying sinking into the water, Song Qingshu didn't care so much, and plunged into the water instantly.

"Yingying, Yingying, don't you scare me?" Jiangbian Song Qingshu hugged Ren Yingying in his arms, but his voice trembled uncontrollably.

Because the beauty in her arms is cold and bitter, she has no breath!

"What should I do in this case?" Song Qingshu's head seemed to explode, making it messy and unable to think normally.

"Yes, chest compressions are first aid." Thinking of the methods seen in previous movies and TV series, Song Qingshu didn't know how to do it, but still hurriedly pressed her chest.

Although the palm of her hand held her soft and charming chest, Song Qingshu didn't have the half-glamorous thoughts in her mind at this time. He just pressed it and watched her nervously whether she would react.

Ren Yingying's cheeks are still beautiful, without a trace of blemishes. Compared with the usual ruddy luster, her face is now faintly tinged with blue and gray. Song Qingshu looked in his eyes and only felt that some of the most important things in life Is gradually leaving him.

Wiping his eyes, it was already unclear whether it was river water or tears. Song Qingshu kept muttering to himself: "Why is it useless? Why is it useless..."

Song Qingshu had all the thoughts of killing people at this time. If it was possible, he really wanted to travel back to his time and cut off those brain-dead screenwriters.

Looking at Ren Yingying's slightly raised belly, Song Qingshu was startled: "Why is she pregnant too?" But he quickly realized that she must have drunk too much water.

He hurriedly put her face down and put her on her knees, and the internal force was continuously input into her body.

With the help of his internal strength, Ren Yingying quickly vomited a barren of river water, but unfortunately there was still no sign of life in the whole person.

"What else? What else?" Song Qingshu kept torturing herself, "Artificial respiration? Yes, artificial respiration."

Thinking of some common medical knowledge in previous lives, patients with coma or cardiac arrest should be given artificial respiration immediately after removing foreign bodies in the airway and unblocking the airway with bare hands. If they do not breathe spontaneously, they should be given artificial respiration immediately to ensure uninterrupted oxygen supply to the patient and prevent vital organs. Irreversible damage caused by hypoxia.

Song Qingshu leaned close to her mouth, and Ren Yingying's usual soft lips were chilling to him at this moment, but he still persevered in delivering oxygen into her body.

"Yingying, please wake up. Even if you want to dissolve the marriage contract after waking up, I will agree to it immediately." Song Qingshu previously sneered at remarks such as "love is not possession, but to make her live better", but Now he can faintly experience that kind of feeling, as long as she can survive, even if he can't own her, what is it?

It's a pity that Song Qingshu's prayers seemed useless at all, and Ren Yingying still had no reaction at all, no breathing, no pulse, and no heartbeat.

"After performing the Burning Blood Fa, she was already badly injured, and after soaking in the icy river for so long, the iron-beaten body couldn't support it. Maybe she died before I rescued her. Jade is dead." A desperate guess arose in Song Qingshu's mind.

"No, she clearly responded to me just now!" Song Qingshu suddenly thought of the voice just now, and his lustrous eyes instantly regained their spirit, and the whole person regained their fighting spirit.

"Yingying, I must save you back!" Song Qingshu secretly vowed.

"Unfortunately, there is no ECG defibrillator in this world, and there is no hospital emergency treatment for later generations..." Song Qingshu almost twisted his sword eyebrows into the word "Chuan".

"No, although this world does not have the advanced medical skills of later generations, it has magical martial arts that later generations do not have!" Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, feeling that he had faintly caught something.

"I know so much martial arts, isn't there any martial arts that can save people?" Song Qingshu's mind quickly moved.

Happy Zen? Song Qingshu's mind was the first to think of this, but he shook his head quickly, Huanxi Zen is indeed amazing. Using double cultivation can make people recover from serious injuries and increase the opponent's skill. But now Ren Yingying's situation...I don't have that. metamorphosis.

The Nine Yin Zhenjing Healing Chapter, the treatment of internal injuries is indeed magical, not to mention that Guo Jing and Huang Rong relied on it many times to save his life. But that was for living people, and it was completely out of sync with the current situation.

God's Foot Sutra, Star Absorbing Magic, Immortal Changchun Gong... Song Qingshu's mind came up with the names of the exercises, but they were eliminated one by one.

Shenzhaojing... Song Qingshu habitually wanted to get rid of it, but suddenly his eyes lit up: Yes, it was Shenzhaojing!

The only magical work in the golden book that has a successful case of saving the dead! Why did I forget this? Song Qingshu thought that when his muscles and veins were broken, he had to rely on "Shen Zhao Jing" to change his fate, and now he must rely on it to save Yingying. It seems that "Shen Zhao Jing" is really his own blessing!

Song Qingshu was about to rescue him, and suddenly a river breeze blew by. He couldn't help feeling a chill. It turned out that he had just jumped into the river and his clothes were all wet. At this time, he was clinging to his body, and the wind was so cold as the wind blew.

After touching Ren Yingying's body, the ice was frightening. Song Qingshu knew that she had lost temperature due to soaking in the river water for too long. Even a normal person would easily have life worry even when the temperature was lost. What's more, she doesn't even have a heartbeat now. .

The wind on the riverside is so strong that even if it is rescued, it is estimated that it will have to be cold to death. Song Qingshu looked around. He was dozens of miles away from Lin'an, and he didn't know where he was. The neighborhood was desolate, and no one could see any people.

Holding Ren Yingying in her arms, constantly sending internal force to her arms, hanging her last ray of life, Song Qingshu jumped and flew into the forest not far away.

Not too bad luck, and soon found a small hut, which seemed to be a temporary resting place for hunters in the mountains. Song Qingshu confirmed that there was no one nearby, so he took off her wet dress directly.

The slender and charming carcass was unreservedly displayed in front of him, but Song Qingshu had no evil thoughts at this time, and began to transport the "Shen Zhao Jing" to try to pull her back from the ghost gate.

In order to race against time, Song Qingshu had no time to light a bonfire, so he could only hold Ren Yingying tightly in his arms and use his body temperature to warm her during the exercise. Only when her body temperature was restored could the probability of being rescued be increased.

Song Qingshu felt that he had never been more pure than the current state. It should be said that there was no difference between men and women in his mind at this time, and the only thought was to rescue her with all his life.

"God bless me, I hope Lao Jin will not fool me." In the original book, Di Yun's qi will be half an hour, and Ding Dian can rescue him. Ren Yingying's death is much shorter than Di Yun's time. I hope there will be no accidents... …

Energetic and vigorous spirits poured into Ren Yingying's body continuously, and gradually her body was no longer as cold as before, and her pale complexion also added a little ruddy color.


After a while, Song Qingshu's ear moved, and he heard the sound of a heartbeat. Although the sound was very weak, he was quite sure that it was the sound of a heartbeat!

He had heard too many nice voices before, but they were completely incomparable with this heartbeat. Song Qingshu was immediately ecstatic, and his already exhausted body seemed to have been given a stimulant, and instantly regained its vitality.

Song Qingshu didn't dare to be careless. Shenzhao Zhenqi continued to run in her body as if she didn't need money. Gradually, Ren Yingying's heart beat again, and again for a third time...

"Live, live~" Song Qingshu cried with joy, "Yingying, I finally didn't lose you."

Ren Yingying, who was in a coma, seemed to feel a little bit, and hummed softly.

Song Qingshu only felt that his vision was a little blurred. At this moment, his hands were pressed on Ren Yingying and Ren Du's second meridian. He couldn't get free at all. He had to lower his head and wipe away the tears from his eyes with the round shoulders of the other party before he could continue to heal her injuries. stand up.

After his unremitting efforts, Ren Yingying's heartbeat finally stabilized, and Song Qingshu was completely relieved. He kept using the extremely internal energy-consuming "Jian Chi Tian Ya" to speed in several places all night, and then traveled for dozens of miles. Searching, and then continuously conveying infuriating energy to Ren Yingying, the whole person has long been exhausted. Just now, it was completely supported by the belief in saving people. Now the whole person relaxes, and instantly feels endless exhaustion. Unable to support him, he fell to the ground with his arms around Ren Yingying and fell asleep deeply. ——

Thank you er, Gao Fei Yuan Xiangyu, book friends 48753952, Ye Mufeng_ymf, Manman Qilu, Edogawa Tenpian and other enthusiastic book lovers for their rewards and monthly support!

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