Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1387: Love and hate

Ren Yingying felt as if she had had a long dream. In the dream, she had already come to the underworld, and it was dark and windy. Although she was a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect, she was more knowledgeable and courageous. Generally women are much older, but they are still a bit creepy, especially the bitter cold, which almost freezes her thinking.

Wandering aimlessly in this empty and cold world, unknowingly following the crowds of other little ghosts, no, it should have caused the ghost tide to reach the Naihe Bridge involuntarily, and Po Meng brought a bowl of soup for her to drink.

Ren Yingying hesitated a little, faintly felt that she could not drink this soup, there seemed to be some important person waiting for her, but when she thought about it, she couldn't remember the name of that person at all, and even his appearance was vague. Muddy, a shining person appeared and knocked over the bowl of Meng Po soup, then picked her up and ran back, followed by a lot of ghosts chasing the two.

Being in a woman's reserved nature, Ren Yingying subconsciously wanted to push away the man who was holding her, but after pushing a few times, the other party hugged her tighter.

Although she was extremely shy in her heart, the man's body was warm, dispelling the chill from her bones since she came to this world.

Suddenly, she felt a little reluctant to feel comfortable in her heart. Ren Yingying pushed a few times without success. In the end, her strength became weaker and weaker, so she acquiesced to the other party holding herself.

She always wanted to see the appearance of that man, but unfortunately she didn't know whether it was the problem with her eyes or the other party was shrouded in golden light. His appearance was always vague and indistinct.

"Who is he?" Lazily stretched her body in his arms, Ren Yingying left a huge question mark in her heart.

Looking up at the other person in this way, Ren Yingying was suddenly delighted to find that her eyes were a little clearer. Although it was only a little change, it was enough to inspire her. She tried to open her eyes wide, and the world began to clear up a little bit. The mist on the top also dispersed little by little.

Finally, she saw the person's appearance clearly, and the firm lines became more handsome under the golden light.

"Song Qingshu?" A name appeared in Ren Yingying's mind, but she was still a little confused, who was Song Qingshu? Immediately after the flood of memories came surging, one by one, one by one... She remembered everything, and at the same time, she also remembered the various things that had happened between herself and Song Qingshu.

"The way he sleeps doesn't seem to be that annoying." Looking at the face close at hand, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Ren Yingying's lips.

But the next second her smile froze instantly, because she realized that it was not a dream, but really close to that person.

Ren Yingying stepped back subconsciously, and suddenly noticed the abnormality of her body. She lowered her head in disbelief, and first saw the naked chest of the other party... But this was not what she cared about at this time, she instantly looked away from her body...

"Ah~" A woman's panic calling sounded in the small hut.

Song Qingshu woke up in a daze, just looking angry at the predecessor Yingying, before he had time to say anything, the other party desperately took the thing on the side and threw it at him:

"Despicable and shameless!"

"Perverted dirty!"

"Take advantage of the danger!"


Although the other party kept scolding herself, Song Qingshu was not angry at all, just looked at her excitedly.

Ren Yingying was even more embarrassed when she saw this, and she desperately waved her hands and scratched him, but Song Qingshu suddenly pulled her into her arms and kissed her before she could react.

"Woo~" Ren Yingying had a pair of apricot eyes widened as her boss, struggling desperately, her nails even dug out blood stains on his body, but Song Qingshu seemed to be unable to feel it, just hugging her tightly and kissing desperately Holding her.

"I finally rescued you!" Song Qingshu said silently in his heart.

Seeing the excited look in his eyes, Ren Yingying seemed to feel something, and the struggling hands gradually slowed down.

After the initial instinctive reaction, she gradually recalled many things. When she gradually sank to the bottom, the other party came from the morning sun. He cried bitterly by the riverside holding his own. In the small hut, he used his body temperature to warm himself and kept feeding him. The inner strength finally exhausted and fell asleep...

It was strange to say that she hadn't had a heartbeat before, but she actually remembered everything that happened just now.

After thinking about all of this, Ren Yingying’s heart was touched at the softest part of her heart, and she thought of the thought before jumping into the river: Why do you show up to save me every time I am in danger...

Recalling all the things Song Qingshu had when he was saving herself, Ren Yingying could clearly feel his deep affection for herself, and then think of her having been married to him, she couldn’t help being secretly bitter: What a bastard, why did she do it before? Bully me like that~

Sometimes people's feelings are so strange, and there is a fine line between love and hate. Ren Yingying's calm heart was full of ripples, as well as more and more intense tenderness.

Unknowingly, her hands were not struggling desperately, but instead gently hugged the man on her body, Ren Yingying gradually closed her eyes and began to kiss back.

Feeling her changes, Song Qingshu couldn't help being ecstatic, kissing her more passionately, as if to rub her whole body into his body.

Song Qingshu took off his clothes because the river water had wetted his whole body just now. Because of the cold invading, Song Qingshu took off his clothes. The two of them had no strands on their bodies at this time. They hugged and kissed each other intimately. As the so-called dry wood and raging fire, the two bodies gradually reacted.

Feeling the change in the man's body, Ren Yingying's face was flushed, and she wanted to push the man away, but she pressed her delicate hand behind his chest, but she didn't make any effort for some reason.

But she didn't push, and then Song Qingshu pressed her shoulders and gently pushed to the ground.

Faintly aware of what was about to happen, Ren Yingying bit her lip, but in the end she said nothing.

Song Qingshu picked up her legs and gently moved towards her. Feeling the hot and masculine oppression, Ren Yingying turned her head away from looking at him with shame, the skin on her body was already blushing and bleeding quickly.

"I'm here?" Song Qingshu looked at her tenderly.

Ren Yingying's heart jumped wildly again. She had always been shy and didn't know how to answer in this situation. In the end, she just gave a vague hum.

With the beautiful woman's permission, Song Qingshu's waist sank. Just as he was about to hit the ground with his sword, Ren Yingying suddenly frowned, and then began to cough violently.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped and asked, feeling the strangeness of her body.

"It's okay, you continue..." Ren Yingying just started, but couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

Song Qingshu hurriedly helped her up and hugged her in her arms, and began to check her pulse with one hand, feeling the chaotic and weak pulse condition and her heart sank.

"I'm sorry." Ren Yingying looked apologetic, with her cheek pressed to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, even though her body was uncomfortable, she was extremely calm at this time.

"It's my fault. I forgot that you just used the blood burning technique, and after being soaked in the cold river water for so long, your body has already become extremely weak." Song Qingshu blamed himself.

"How do you know that I used the blood-burning magic?" Ren Yingying asked curiously.

"I know from the people of the loyal army." Song Qingshu frowned and asked while checking her pulse. "You have exhausted most of the blood in your body. I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover."

Ren Yingying smiled faintly: "Why do you comfort me? I know that the blood is great. Once the Fa is used, it will consume at least 30 years of life."

Song Qingshu fell into silence. Although he had never seen the mantra of Burning Blood Dafa, Ren Yingying's body was really not optimistic at this time. After burning her essence and blood, she was soaked in the piercing river water for so long and injured the meridians. , I was forced to pull back from the gate of the ghost again, really counting, I am afraid that more than 30 years of life will be lost.

"You don't have to worry about it. I don't regret this choice. If I didn't show it back then, I won't have the chance to meet you now." Seeing him look sad, Ren Yingying comforted him thoughtfully.

Song Qingshu held her cold little hand tightly, and said solemnly: "Yingying, I will definitely find a way to repair your damaged Yangshou."

Ren Yingying smiled slightly, did not say anything, just twisted her body, changed a more comfortable position and lay in his arms.

"You don't believe it?" Song Qingshu raised an eyebrow.

"I believe it." Ren Yingying replied with a smile.

"I know you don't believe me," Song Qingshu laughed bitterly, and then there was a firm light in his eyes. "But I have done everything in the eyes of the world to ask for rain, and I will definitely be able to change your fate for you!"

Ren Yingying also gradually put away her smile, looking at him quietly with a pair of big shiny eyes: "I believe you."

In the same way, the tone is completely different.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Your body is seriously damaged now. I will use a Yang finger to warm and nourish your meridians and heal your internal injuries."

Ren Yingying hummed, but immediately thought of something, her face turned red: "Can we get dressed first?" She didn't pay attention to this when she was confused just now, but now the passion has receded, she has always been shy and shy. Temperament is starting to cause trouble again.

Song Qingshu shook his head. Seeing a thin anger rising on the other's face, he took the clothes scattered around and stuffed her into her hands: "Look at the clothes that are all wet by the river, how can they be worn."

Ren Yingying felt unbelief and realized that it was so, and she couldn't help but said angrily: "Then you start a fire."

Song Qingshu knows that she has always had an extremely good face, and what she said and what she thought was often the opposite. Although she was a little angry now, she was just a little uncomfortable and didn't really get angry.

"Well, well, I made a fire." Song Qingshu knew that her face was very tender, but he wouldn't deliberately irritate her.

Finding a pile of firewood, Song Qingshu used the masculine force of a masculine finger to poke a flame on the dead grass, and soon a bonfire ignited in the room.

Ren Yingying squatted on the ground, clasping her hands tightly on her chest, trying to cover her body as best as she could, while blushing, said, "You help me build a shelf in front, take my clothes... cover it."——

Thank you Tiger Brother 526, Time Space 4658, Jiang Zhanghua, Book Friends 32lzhang, Book Friends 43968325, Jianghu Ren 268, Drunk Street Loss Friends, Blood Ink Smoke Bo, Book Friends 48753952 and other book friends for their rewards and monthly support

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