Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1388: Thatched cottage

After the initial bold impulse, Ren Yingying now returned to rationality and instantly became shy.

Seeing her embarrassed appearance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "What block, I haven't seen it?"

Ren Yingying's face turned redder, thinking that every time she was with him, he would fight more and more by him because of the cheaper price, and now she has even developed into a naked relative.

After all, she was still a young girl, and she was not used to such a change of status for a while, and she was so anxious that she was crying: "Why do you always bully me?"

Seeing her tears came out, Song Qingshu then remembered that her face was famously thin among the heroines of Jinshu, and he didn't dare to tease her anymore. He hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll cover it for you."

Then she took up her dress and spread it out on the hanger. On the one hand, she used the bonfire to bake, and on the other hand, she could cover her.

Ren Yingying pursed her small mouth, and quickly hid behind her clothes, and the pounding heart gradually calmed down.

Seeing her frightened appearance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but want to laugh. After all, the two of them were close to that level just now, and they did everything that should and shouldn't be done, only one step, but now she is still so shy.

Song Qingshu shook his head, and set up a new shelf to dry and bake his clothes on it.

The room was quiet for an instant, and only the crackling and burning sound of the campfire was left.

After a while, Song Qingshu felt that it was not a problem to stay silent like this, so he said, "Yingying, are you ready? I'm going to use a yang finger to clear the meridians for you."

Behind the hanger, Ren Yingying popped his head out, and quickly retracted: "Wait... wait a second."

"What are you waiting for?" Song Qingshu frowned, "The longer the delay, the worse for your injury."

Ren Yingying was silent for a moment, and she didn't know the truth, and she replied after a long time: "Wait...wait for the clothes to dry."

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, and then he realized that Ren Yingying was embarrassed to be naked and let herself heal, so he planned to put on the clothes and then heal after the clothes were dry.

"But the clothes are all soaked, and how can they dry out in a while?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but have a headache.

Ren Yingying did not answer, but Song Qingshu could feel her stubbornness and persistence, so she could only say: "I'm really afraid of you, let me help you."

After speaking, Song Qingshu walked over, put his palm on his clothes, and soon a cloud of mist rose.

Ren Yingying blinked, and she could see that the other party was using internal force to dry the clothes for her. She couldn't help but moved and apologized: "You were already very tired just now. Will you not be able to hold it up if you consume internal energy now?"

"My internal strength has reached the realm of endless life. I just did too many things that consumed internal energy in a short time, which caused the replenishment speed to be a little bit unable to keep up. I just slept, and now I have recovered most of it." Song Qingshu laughed Explained.

Hearing that he slept, Ren Yingying's face became more and more delicate when thinking of the scene of him hugging herself to sleep.

Song Qingshu used his internal strength to bake for a while, frowning: "This is too slow."

With a movement in his heart, he pulled off the clothes on the hanger and put it on himself, and then fully energized, using the heat of the whole body to start to evaporate the water vapor on the clothes, the speed is much faster than just using only one hand.

"Ah~" Seeing that the clothes were suddenly torn off, Ren Yingying subconsciously exclaimed, but soon discovered that the other party was deliberately facing her back, obviously not wanting to take advantage of the opportunity, and she secretly relieved.

Then, seeing Song Qingshu's funny appearance in her dress, Ren Yingying couldn't help but stunned, and laughed out loudly: "You are a macho man, you are not afraid of being ashamed in women's clothes."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Of course I can't wear ordinary women's clothes, but it doesn't hurt to wear my own women's clothes."

Hearing what he said, Ren Yingying couldn't help being stunned. Thinking of what he meant, she felt ashamed and sweet in her heart.

You must know that this world is not as open as the society of later generations. Wearing women's clothes is a huge insult to men in the eyes of ordinary people. Sima Yi couldn't hold on to it back then. Zhuge Liang asked the soldiers to take women's clothes to make a battle. Sima Yi almost couldn't stand the stimulus, and ran out impulsively to fight him decisively, which shows how the society thinks about this.

Ren Yingying knew that Song Qingshu was doing this to dry the clothes for herself, and she couldn't help but feel greatly moved, and the look in his eyes became more gentle. This was something Song Qingshu did not expect.

"Okay, it's almost done." Song Qingshu touched her dress and was about to turn her head.

"Don't look back!" Ren Yingying exclaimed, and hurriedly hid behind him, "You... just give me your clothes."

Song Qingshu smiled, but couldn't bear to tease her anymore, so he took off his clothes and tucked it behind and handed it to her.

"Thanks...Thanks." Ren Yingying said softly after taking over the clothes.

Song Qingshu sighed, "I have never seen you be so gentle to me."

Ren Yingying couldn't help but think of all the things that happened between the two. Thinking of the things that she called and killed him, she couldn't help but smile knowingly: "Who made you so annoying before."

"I don't hate it now?" Song Qingshu asked on the snake and stick.

Ren Yingying quickly put on her clothes, with the other's body temperature still remaining on them. Thinking of wearing this clothes on a man just now, her heartbeat speeded up again, biting her lip and whispering, "It's still annoying~"

Although she said so, the flirtatious tone in her words had completely betrayed her inner thoughts.

Song Qingshu felt a hard night at this time and it was worth everything. Thinking of the other party's injury, he hurriedly asked: "Have you put on your clothes?"

Having just fastened the belt, Ren Yingying said, "Okay."

Song Qingshu turned her head and saw her leaning on the pillar beside her with a timid look of a weak wind. At that time, the sun was rising, and sunlight came in from outside the window. The bonfire in the room crackled and burned, and the flames kept shaking and smoky. The shadow floated over her face, which was as white as a white jade, and her beauty was even more beautiful.

"Yingying, you are so beautiful~" Song Qingshu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ren Yingying made a big red face, and his eyes fell on the majestic thing three inches below his umbilicus. She couldn't help turning her face away and screaming: "I don't know what pickled things are thinking in my mind~"

Although her tone was irritated, her cheeks were red and her eyes flowed. In fact, she was not that angry.

"This is an accident." Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, this time he really didn't mean it.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes." Ren Yingying was so embarrassed that her ears were almost red.

Song Qing's book originally thought about babbling a few words, but seeing that the little things he couldn't live up to were really offensive, he had to put on the clothes again, and then the internal force was running, and the water vapor was quickly dried out.

"I'm fine here." Song Qingshu's voice was a bit awkward, after all, the scene just now was a bit embarrassing.

"Yeah." Ren Yingying turned her head, but her eyes flickered a bit. Now that they both got dressed, she didn't know what attitude to face him.

What a character Song Qingshu, who was sensitively aware of the changes in her mood at this time, immediately stretched out her hand and pulled her into her arms: "What are you thinking about, we are both husband and wife."

Sometimes the relationship between men and women reaches a delicate balance. It is indeed necessary for one party to break the deadlock first. Fortunately, Song Qingshu is not the kind of bewildered first brother. Ren Yingying was embraced by him. At first, although his body was a little stiff, Soon I relaxed, I couldn't help but pouted: "You lied to me, it was a lied marriage."

Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and squeezed her straight nose: "If I remember correctly, someone begged me to marry her."

Ren Yingying couldn't help but squeezed her fan fist and punched him: "At that time, I didn't know your true identity. Who told you to lie to me."

"It can only be said that God cares for me. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't know if my wife married someone else." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Bah, who is your wife." Ren Yingying ranted lightly.

"Do you want to admit it?" Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows. "We will go back to Heimuya immediately and ask your father in front of you to see whose wife you are."

"Hate!" Ren Yingying hooked his neck with both hands, and her whole body was shrunk in his arms, a pair of eyes dripping with water.

She herself was also secretly surprised. She was so angry when she thought of these things before, why now she thinks of these same things, but she feels... a touch of sweetness?

"Okay, I'll use a Yang finger to open up the meridians now. You can't delay any longer." Song Qingshu said sternly.

"Okay!" Ren Yingying nodded and didn't refuse.

Next, Song Qingshu used Yiyang Finger and began to warm her meridians. He has used it several times. Now he is naturally familiar with the road. It is only a bitter for Ren Yingying. A girl like her who is extremely shy in her bones has to accept the sensitive parts of her body. Was ordered by a man.

Had it not been for Song Qingshu that she had just brushed her favorability to max, she might have already turned her face.

After finishing her work, Ren Yingying was already sweating all over her body, and her clothes were wet tightly against her skin, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Holding the delicate girl in her arms, Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and whispered, "I told you not to wear clothes anymore. This clothes is wet again."

Ren Yingying gasped softly and squeezed him out of breath: "You know you are bullying me!"

"Where did I bully you?" Song Qingshu looked wronged, "I have lost so much skill, and even saved you nearly ten years of life, you still say I bully you?"

One yang finger is indeed a weapon for saving lives and healing wounds. By opening up the meridians of the human body, the dying person can be rescued. Song Qingshu uses one yang finger to warm and nourish the meridians in Ren Yingying's body that are severely damaged by the burning of blood and the law, reducing its negative effects to The lowest, coupled with the previously resurgent nerves, directly saved her ten years of life, but it was a pity that the blood burned too much. The law was too domineering, and there was still twenty years of Yangshou that even one Yangzhi and Shenzhaojing could do nothing.

However, Ren Yingying's focus is not on this, instead, she looked at him with scorching eyes: "Frankly explain, how many girls have you treated injuries with this method?" ——

Thank you, Bai Hailang, Beast 12345 and other book friends for their enthusiasm!

The double monthly pass ends at 12 o'clock today. In order to thank all the book friends for their enthusiastic support during this period, we should be able to update 4D today. Thank you everyone!

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