Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1386: Joy begets sorrow

Song Qingshu is thinking about how to make up for Ren Yingying's loss of Yangshou, nine yin, nine yang, Yijin sunflower... all kinds of unique skills popped up in his mind, but he quickly denied them one by one. uuk. la

There are so many magical martial arts in this world, but none of them have the effect of increasing lifespan.

When Song Qingshu was in distress, he suddenly heard Ren Yingying's question and couldn't help crying or laughing for a while.

Ren Yingying was tapped with a finger on his body just now, and there are many sensitive parts in it. At first, she was a little hesitant, but thought that the two had already come to marry, not to mention that the two had almost reached the last step just now...

Therefore, even though he was embarrassed, he was still walking around with the opponent's fingers, but Ren Yingying soon regretted it a little.

Because that feeling is really weird, as if there are countless ants crawling on the body, and as if countless hands are gently caressing the body, for a while it is like roasting by the fire, and for a while it is like being in the ice and snow.

Ren Yingying asked herself that her endurance was good, but it didn't take long for her to suppress her body's reaction, and she couldn't help but let out humiliating gasps in her throat.

At first, she gritted her teeth and endured it, but afterwards, there was a tremor from the soul. How could she still bear it? There were bursts of joyous grunts in the small hut.

Looking back afterwards, Ren Yingying, who had always been good-looking, couldn't wait to get in. She suddenly thought that she was so embarrassed, and other people must be no better.

Thinking of the sensitive places where the opponent's fingers passed during the treatment, Ren Yingying suddenly realized that if he healed other women, wouldn't he also touch those places?

As soon as this thought came out, she suddenly felt a little bit sour, so she pouted and asked.

"Not much..." Song Qingshu was a little guilty, noticed that her willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and hurriedly changed her words, "You are the first, the first..."

Resist and go home with strictness for the New Year, frankly and sat down in prison, how stupid Song Qingshu would be to tell the truth at this juncture.

"You don't have a few truths in your mouth." Ren Yingying took a sip, how could she not know that the other party was lying to herself, but her wisdom would not be so stupid to continue pursuing the matter, and she changed the subject casually. "By the way, Gang Master Huang and Miss Yue are all right."

At this time she thought of the three people who had been imprisoned together.

"The Lord Huang has been saved, but Miss Yue is probably just..." Song Qingshu thought that he had chosen to give up Yue Lingshan, and couldn't help feeling very guilty, but if he chooses again, he might still make the same choice.

"What's the matter?" Ren Yingying could not help being shocked when she heard it, and could not help but ask if she could no longer be immersed in the enchanting atmosphere.

"Zhang Rou's servant..." Song Qingshu roughly said all the things that happened last night.

Hearing that Zhang Rou designed Song Qing to write about the difficult problem of choosing one of three, Ren Yingying couldn't help but exclaimed, and at the same time was curious about what choice he would make; when he heard that he went directly to the gem mountain, he could not help but admire him in a panic. I can still analyze it calmly. When I heard that Zhang Rou deliberately said the wrong address of the three people, I regretted it for a lifetime. I couldn’t help but hate the cunning and viciousness of the other party. When I heard that he almost ran the entire Lin'an city in the middle of the night to save himself, I couldn’t help but feel in my heart. It was moved and fortunate.

"Poor Miss Yue..." Ren Yingying frowned. Although yesterday's events were thrilling, it can be said that the final outcome was relatively happy, except for Yue Lingshan.

"I also know I'm sorry for her, but in that case, I can't leave you behind to save her." Song Qingshu looked at her quietly, her eyes full of determination, but she secretly sighed, Lin Pingzhi I will hate me.

Knowing that he had chosen himself without hesitation, Ren Yingying was greatly moved, but thinking of something, she couldn't help but sighed quietly: "Chong... Young Master Linghu might be heartbroken."

Recalling what happened in Luzhu Alley that year, she knew Linghu Chong's love for Yue Lingshan better than anyone in the world. Although Yue Lingshan's death was not caused by herself, to a certain extent, it was also because of her that Yue Lingshan could not be rescued... Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling very guilty.

"I changed my mouth so soon, are you worried that I will be jealous?" Song Qingshu's heart moved when he noticed the change in her name, he couldn't help poking her shoulder and asked curiously.

Ren Yingying's face flushed, and said: "I...I am already married to you after all. It is always inconvenient to call other men like that."

Seeing Ren Yingying's changes, Song Qingshu was not surprised. It is not that there is no lasting love in this world, but that kind of love requires many harsh conditions to achieve. For most love, getting along day and night, the life of the two parties often have intersections is the basis for good impressions. If the two parties have no chance to get along, then love will lose the soil on which it depends. Fade down.

The "Five Centimeters Per Second" of the later generation Xin Haicheng almost talked about this principle. The male and female masters have been childhood sweethearts and love each other deeply, thinking that when they grow up in the future, each other will be their significant other. It is a pity that due to the work of both parents, the male and female leaders were forced to transfer to another school and separated. Later, the distance between the two parties became farther and farther...

Although the host and the host insisted on writing letters to each other and staying with each other at the beginning, after a long time, the two sides found that there was less and less to talk about. They did not know who started to give up writing letters. The two who were in love with each other finally parted ways. .

Many boys and girls burst into tears when they saw this ending, but as they matured, they would gradually find that the ending of the two is inevitable.

The male and female masters really loved each other deeply at first, but they only loved the image of each other when they were young. The two grew up and got in touch with new people and things. They have long since become a brand new person. The image when they were young is just They are just a small part of their new image. Because of time and space, the male and female masters do not understand the other half of the new side at all, and the feeling of love is doomed to not return to the past.

Although Ren Yingying and Ling Huchong are in a good relationship, there are too few things happening on the two sides. There are only a few things about learning the piano in Lvzhuxiang, gathering in Wubagang, and the undefeated battle of Heimiya against the East. During this period, she also had a lot of things with Song Qingshu Intersection.

Then it didn’t take long for Ren Yingying and Ling Huchong to be separated. They didn’t spend as much time with Song Qingshu. In addition, there were more thrilling things that happened with Song Qingshu. In fact, Song Qingshu’s weight in Ren Yingying’s life has long been. Beyond Linghu Chong, what was missing was an opportunity to make her realize this. And the experience of the edge of life and death just now is the perfect opportunity.

"Is this a successful corner?" Song Qingshu apologized at first, but he already understood that love was not fair and reasonable, so he soon decided to face it all calmly.

Seeing Ren Yingying's eagerness and stillness, she was so cute, Song Qingshu's heart moved and couldn't help but want to tease her: "You got married with me before, didn't you also yell at your brother?"

How could Ren Yingying stand up to such a joke, suddenly became a little angry and turned into anger: "You are still the same **** as before~"

Song Qingshu repeatedly told Rao, she finally calmed down her anger, and Ren Yingying suddenly said: "Let's go back. We have to check Miss Yue's whereabouts."

Song Qingshu also put away his smile, nodded solemnly, "Okay!"

Before leaving, Song Qingshu suddenly stopped, took out an ingot of silver from his arms and put it on the table, looking at Yingying's puzzled eyes, and explained: "This is a supply station prepared by other hunters. We made a mess of it and used it. He had a lot of things, so I should make up for him."

Ren Yingying gave him a weird look, and shook his head and said: "Sometimes I really find that I don't know you. For a while, I feel like a devil, and for a while, I'm as good as a saint."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I'm pretty good to most people, so I'm a bit devil to you, isn't it just to get your attention?"

"Shameless~" Ren Yingying blushed and sipped, but a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Unexpectedly, I would still have a chance to see the sunrise." After leaving the hut, looking at the sunrise in the east sky, Ren Yingying thought of the regret when he was hunted down before, and couldn't help but feel full of emotion.

"If you want, I can watch the sunrise with you every day." Song Qingshu walked to her and hugged her shoulders tightly.

"You have so many women to accompany, how can there be so much space." Ren Yingying sighed quietly. The previous Yue Lingshan worried her, but now there are more strong competitors. She suddenly stopped. Know whether your choice is right or wrong.

Song Qingshu's scalp was numb, and she wisely did not discuss this issue: "Let's go check the whereabouts of Miss Yue first."

"Yeah." Ren Yingying also didn't want to think about the annoying things at this time.

Song Qingshu took Ren Yingying back to Lin'an City. Originally, he was thinking about going back to the Qi Palace first, because there should be the latest news. However, he hesitated and decided to go east of the city. No matter what the reason, he also had to go. A trip to Qingtai Bridge.

Who knows that just halfway there, a group of people suddenly came out to face each other. The leaders were Lin Pingzhi and Li Haonan. They only saw their faces depressed and full of sadness.

Song Qingshu hesitated, but he knew that he would face this moment sooner or later, so he walked over and shouted apologetically: "Pingzhi~"

When Lin Pingzhi saw him, he showed a surprised expression from the heart: "Big Brother Song!"

"Pingzhi, I..." Song Qingshu was thinking about how to explain Yue Lingshan's affairs, but the other party spoke first:

"Sorry, Brother Song!"

Song Qingshu was confused and wondered how you apologized to me, but Lin Pingzhi's next words instantly changed his expression: "We lost the Huang Gang!"——

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