Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1391: Another way

In addition to the inner house, Song Qingshu went to the place where the guards were healed. He looked for a few of them with mild injuries and good spirits and asked what happened last night.

"Last night on the way we escorted the leader of the Huang Gang back, passing by near Yongjinmen, two men in black suddenly appeared..." The group of guards began to describe the situation at that time.

"Two people beat you like this?" Song Qingshu was puzzled. Most of these guards were carefully selected by Han Tong. Although they weren't top masters, they were also quite capable. In addition, there were some who accompanied them. A Huang Rong, although her skill was affected by her pregnancy, but combined with her ingenuity and dog-playing skills, no matter how she can be regarded as a top-notch master in the world, this configuration was defeated by four people without any suspense. It shows that the other party's martial arts has. How high.

Hearing Song Qingshu's question, the guards looked ashamed: "The martial arts of those two men in black are too weird, and they are fast. We are not opponents."

"You were seriously injured. It can be seen that you were desperately protecting the Huang Gang leader, so you have done your best and don't have to blame yourself." Seeing the shame of a group of people, Song Qingshu comforted.

Hearing him say this, a group of guards looked excited, and a feeling of death for a confidant rose in their hearts.

"It's strange to say that our brother thought he was dead, but the two men in black just made sure that we lost our fighting power and didn't take our lives." One of the guards said suspiciously.

Song Qingshu had already wondered about this before, and frowned upon hearing this: "Could it be someone you know?"

The group of guards shook their heads one after another: "No, the two of them are unfamiliar in shape, and they don't seem to have a familiar feeling; not to mention that there is no person we know of such a high martial arts."

Song Qingshu pondered for a while, and then suddenly asked, "How are their martial arts skills?"

"Their trick is like this..." The two of them, the least injured, jumped out of the bed and began to make gestures while remembering.

Song Qingshu read it while pondering: "I can't see the number of their martial arts, either they deliberately hid them and didn't use their own martial arts; or...they are not people in the world at all."

It’s not easy to subdue Huang Rong, who knows how to beat the dog without revealing his own martial arts. It’s not easy even for a figure of the five masters. This is not the age when the saints are walking all over the floor and the sword master is not as good as the dog, the five masters. How can there be so many masters. Combined with the capital here, it seems that the latter may be even greater.

After a few words of condolences to the guards, Song Qingshu returned to the study and began to wonder where to start the investigation. Compared with the previous disappearance, this time there is less information and nowhere to start.

After thinking for a while, still clueless, Song Qingshu couldn't help being irritable.

"Enlighten the prince, Chen Youliang, please see you!" The maid outside reported.

"Let him in." Song Qingshu thought in his heart, it seems that the only way to find the needle in the haystack is with the help of beggars.

It didn't take long for Chen Youliang to trot in: "Youliang pays respects to the son! Oh no, it should be called King Qi."

"Hurry up, please, don't be so polite." Seeing the bloodshot eyes of the other party, it was obvious that he was busy all night. Song Qingshu had to admit that although Chen Youliang's character was questionable, he was serious in his work and had strong ability. Many talents.

"I just received the news, I heard that the prince has found the mistress and them?" Chen Youliang mobilized the beggar to help everyone find them all night, but there was no result at all. When he was uneasy, he heard that Song Qingshu had found someone, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. After all, the other party was happy after the reunion, and he would not be angry with him.

"Yingying and Miss Yue were indeed rescued. As for the leader of Huang Gang," Song Qingshu's face was a little ugly, "I was rescued, but was taken away in the middle of the way, so I will have to work hard for you for a few days and stay in the city. Find out her whereabouts."

Hearing Huang Rong’s disappearance, Chen Youliang felt a little bit of joy in his heart. You must know that he has stolen the power of the Jiangnan Beggar Gang. He has always been very afraid of the former gang leader, who is superior to him in terms of talent and prestige, and worried that she will trouble him , I wish she would never come back.

Of course, he only dared to think quietly about all of this in his heart. The man in front of him was not easy to fool. Thinking of the other's harsh methods before, he weighed whether he gave up his plan of violating the yang and the yin.

"Anyway, I can't find it if I try my best to find it. Why should I teach someone to be the object of his anger?" Chen Youliang was indifferent in his heart, but on the surface he looked attentive: "Okay, I will arrange for help when I go back. Brothers are looking in the city."

Song Qingshu nodded, and then he thought for a moment and said to him: "Now I have Prince Qi’s prince, I can open the same three divisions and appoint officials by myself. Well, forgive me, I decided to hire you and your master to come to the Qi Palace. Be a Sima and handle all kinds of things in the palace."

Chen Youliang was slightly stunned, then overjoyed, and directly bowed down and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

How could he not be happy? You must know that although he secretly took charge of the Jiangnan Beggar Gang, he is considered a figure in the world, but in the eyes of the rich and nobles, he is just a muddy leg, but after being a boss, he is very different. In an instant, a civilian became an official official of the imperial court.

It should be understood that the highest official position in the palace is Wang Fu. As the prince’s counseling, he is often served by elders with high morals and talents. On; the next is the long history, in charge of the royal family money and food, litigation discs and other things, the official residence is under the fourth rank!

We must know that those scholars have been studying hard for decades. After fighting with thousands and thousands of horses to become two-ranked jinshi, most of them can get a seventh-rank position. Many people have even spent years in the capital and have not been able to wait for a vacancy. First of all, from the fourth rank, you can really envy countless people.

Seeing Chen Youliang's ecstatic expression, Song Qingshu secretly nodded. He had been relying on various pressures to make Chen Youliang obey his orders. After swinging the stick for a long time, he had to give him a carrot to taste, so that he could be more at ease. Do it yourself.

After Chen Youliang left, Song Qingshu thought for a while and sent someone to find Li Haonan. People took the initiative to take refuge, so he had to feel at ease.

The two chatted for a while, and finally Song Qingshu appointed their brother to be the advisory member of the army, that is, the staff officer, and the official position is the fifth grade.

Li Haonan was overjoyed. After all, they didn't want to be a bandit all their lives. They always wanted a serious identity. Now they have not only become an officer, but also a general, how can they not be happy?

Thinking of his mother's expression of joy after knowing it, Li Haonan felt more and more that surrendering to Song Qingshu was the best decision he had made in his life.

Song Qingshu asked about the situation of the Loyalty Army in Dabie Mountain. Now Zhang Rou and his son are dead, and their confidants were also lost last night, so they decided to send the brothers back to Dabie Mountain to gather the remnants of the Loyalty Army. Li Haonan was naturally willing, he had already done so. Intended, after all, I took a man and a horse to cast and two polished commanders to take refuge, think with my toes and know the difference.

Li Haonan decided to let his brother Li Haotian stay in the palace to recuperate, and he took the first step to return to Dabie Mountain. Once there is no time to wait for anyone, if he waits for Li Haotian to recover and then go back, the Loyalty Army might have already fallen away. In order to make the new master at ease, it is also a gesture to deliberately leave his brother in the palace.

Just as the so-called reciprocity, Song Qingshu also made a full gesture to send him out of the mansion personally. He just said goodbye to Li Haonan, and when he was about to return to the mansion, a familiar voice suddenly came not far away: "Brother Song!"

Song Qingshu looked back and saw Guo Jing ran over anxiously.

"Brother Guo, sit inside." Song Qingshu invited.

"I won't go in anymore," Guo Jing shook his head, obviously not having tea. "Do you have any news about Rong'er?"

Song Qingshu hesitated, and finally told the truth, telling the truth about what happened last night, and then said apologetically: "Sorry Brother Guo, I didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to be killed halfway in the end."

Guo Jing listened to him with a solemn expression, and finally shook his head and said, "How could I blame you? I am very grateful to you for being able to rescue Rong'er from the loyal army. As for the accident that happened later, no one can predict. To."

Song Qingshu had to sigh that Guo Jing is indeed a very reasonable person. He does not help his relatives in the typical helper in his heart. If he is replaced by Huang Rong, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not be emotional.

"Who are the two men in black? Are there any clues?" Guo Jing hurriedly asked.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't have a clue now."

Guo Jing sighed: "Then we will investigate separately, and notify each other in time if there is any latest news." As soon as the voice fell, he left anxiously without waiting for Song Qingshu to keep him.

"I hope he can make some progress over there." Song Qingshu sighed. Guo Jing has been famous for so long, and he naturally has his contacts. Coupled with the help of Jia Sidao behind him, it may be possible to find out nothing.

After hesitating, Song Qingshu did not return to the house, but went straight in the other direction.

Besides, in the Yushi Mansion, a charming red-clothed girl was swinging on the swing in the back garden, but her face did not have the usual smile on her face. She was in a irritable mood, and the servant girl who was accompanying her was driven far aside by her.

"I'm really mad, why does this lady stay at home every day!" Shi Xiangyun suddenly gritted his teeth and said, but his momentum quickly vented completely.

"That **** is terrible. If it's really troublesome to get out and run into it, it's better to be safe at home." Shi Xiangyun muttered to himself.

"Is the **** in Miss Shi's mouth talking about me?" At this moment, a voice that made her unforgettable suddenly sounded in her ear.

During this period of time, he often had nightmares and dreams of this sound. How could Shi Xiangyun couldn't hear it? He looked up stiffly and followed the prestige, only to see the devilish man standing on the swing stand looking at himself coldly.

"Ah~" Shi Xiangyun's heart tightened, his whole body was as heavy as if it was filled with lead, and one inadvertently fell directly from the swing to the ground.


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