Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1392: Two-pronged approach

"It's over, it's going to be disfigured!" Looking at the ground getting closer and closer to his face, Shi Xiangyun's head was blank at this time, and he even forgot that he could martial arts.

However, the imaginary pain did not come. After a long time, Shi Xiangyun opened her eyes and found that she had stopped a few inches from the ground. She turned her head mechanically and found that a calm and strong arm was clamped. Own waist.

"Hurry up and let me down!" Shi Xiangyun seemed to be greatly stimulated when he thought of being touched by that person, struggling desperately.

"Are you sure?" Song Qingshu asked coldly.

"Let go of me!" In Shi Xiangyun's mind, images of the other side of the Beggars humiliating him appeared, and he had already vowed to never let that man touch him again.

"Oh~" Song Qingshu didn't talk nonsense with her, just let go of her hand, and the woman in her arms fell to the ground without accident.

"Ouch~" Shi Xiangyun screamed. Fortunately, it was not high from the ground at this time, so it only hurt a bit from the fall, but it didn't really hurt anything.

"Those dead girls, twittering is very annoying on weekdays, but they disappeared one by one at the critical moment." Shi Xiangyun rubbed her sore buttocks while looking in the direction of the maids, although she knew the martial arts of this demon, those maids It's no use here, but having someone familiar with her can always make her feel more at ease.

"Don't look at them, they have been put down by my sleeping point." Song Qingshu said coldly as if he could see her thoughts.

"What do you want to do?" Shi Xiangyun folded his arms and looked at him warily as he stepped back.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Song Qingshu couldn't help crying or laughing: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your chestless body."

Shi Xiangyun suffocated her breath, and the other party made it clear that she would not "bully" her, but she was not happy at all, and was almost blown up with anger. Which eye did you see that this girl had no chest and butt?

I wanted to ask him angrily, but the fear in her heart made her dare not act.

"Where is Wei Ruolan?" In normal times, Song Qingshu might still take the opportunity to tease the little girl, but today he is concerned about Huang Rong's safety, and he does not have this leisurely feeling at all.

"How do I know!" Shi Xiangyun bit his lip, anger in his heart but did not dare to break out.

"He is your fiance, how could you not know." Song Qingshu said coldly.

"I..." Shi Xiangyun originally wanted to say that the relationship between the two has become a little delicate since the day of the Beggar Gang. Although everyone didn't say it, everyone knew that the previous feeling of love would never go back.

After hesitating, Shi Xiangyun didn't tell these things, but changed his words and replied: "He should be in the early morning at this moment."

"Oh~" Song Qingshu responded nonchalantly, "Suddenly asked again, can you contact Tang Saier?"

"Tang Saier?" Shi Xiangyun was puzzled at first, and then finally reacted, "That Bailian counter-thief? How could I contact her!"

Song Qingshu stared at her carefully, and saw that she didn’t look like a lie. Tang Saier came to the door that night after the beggar gang general rudder put her back. I thought there was some connection between them, it seems. It's because I have been thinking about it too much.

"It seems that Shi Xiangyun doesn't know Wei Ruolan's true identity," Song Qingshu secretly pondered, "Does Shi Miyuan actually know?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Seeing him suddenly fell silent, Shi Xiangyun felt that the atmosphere was too difficult, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Now I'll give you half an hour, and I will see Wei Ruolan in half an hour." Song Qingshu said as he walked straight to the inner house.

"Half an hour?" Shi Xiangyun was startled, "How is it possible!"

"That's your business, if I don't see him in half an hour..." Song Qingshu paused, leaning into her ear and let out a sigh of relief, "You know the consequences."

"Ah~" Shi Xiangyun hurriedly backed away, a thin layer of pimple had formed on the delicate skin, "You are shameless!"

Song Qingshu shrugged, "As long as you find Wei Ruolan in time, nothing will happen?" At this moment, the two of Kung Fu had arrived in Shi Xiangyun's boudoir. Song Qingshu stretched out and lay directly on her bed. Going down, "I will sleep for a while, remember half an hour."

Song Qingshu rushed around for a day and night, but just took a nap in the hut. It was inevitable that the whole person was a little tired. He decided to recharge his energy first, and then he could better find Huang Rong.

"Hey~" Seeing the other person lying directly on her bed, Shi Xiangyun's face instantly blushed, usually annoyed and generally shy. After all, she was the only one who slept in this bed, and the quilt and everything were her personal things. How could she not be ashamed of being asleep by another man.

If she were to be an ordinary man, she would have called Jiading to drag him out and interrupted him, but it was a pity that the other party was Song Qingshu, and she had nothing to do.

"After you left, I had people throw away the sheets and quilts. No, the whole bed was burnt." Shi Xiangyun secretly felt ruthless, but as a matter of urgency, he had to go to Wei Ruolan.

She didn't think about notifying her family, but she thought that Song Qingshu is now the king of Qi and his martial arts is so high that these people in the family can't deal with him at all, but it is easy to provoke revenge from the other party.

"Smelly grandfather, not going out early or late late, but it's just this period of time that you've gone out to travel, you don't know what it's like to be bullied by your precious granddaughter." Shi Xiangyun wiped away his tears, pouting and complaining as he ran towards the palace.

The grandfather in her mouth is Shi Hao, who is an emperor, and his cultivation is unfathomable. He is recognized as the number one master of Lin'an City (of course, excluding Huang Chang and others who are hiding in the dark), but he has been out for a few months. Haven't come back now.

"But I don't know if Grandpa could beat that demon." Grandpa has always been an invincible existence in her heart, but thinking of Song Qingshu's reputation in the rivers and lakes, and his several shots in Lin'an City, Shi Xiangyun is not so sure. stand up.

Let's say that Song Qingshu slept in Shi Xiangyun's boudoir for a while, and suddenly felt something, and sat up from the bed, just as Shi Xiangyun brought Wei Ruolan over.

Seeing Song Qingshu sleeping on the bed of her fiancée, Wei Ruolan felt a burst of anger in her heart, but when she touched the deep eyes of the other party, thinking of his horror, the anger in her heart instantly disappeared without a trace, instead of endless fear.

"I don't know what the son is looking for?" Wei Ruolan asked cautiously. Seeing his appearance, Shi Xiangyun was heartbroken and disappointed.

Song Qingshu pointed to the wind, and Shi Xiangyun next to him fell to the ground.

Wei Ruolan was shocked and hurried to investigate. Song Qingshu said at this moment: "Don't worry, she just fell asleep. I just want to ask you about your sister. I guess you don't want these words to be heard by her."

Seeing Shi Xiangyun's breathing steady, Wei Ruolan just breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the words behind him, her heart instantly raised up: "I wonder why the son is looking for my sister?"

"It's none of your business," Song Qingshu hesitated and said, "Huang Rong was kidnapped last night. I need your sister to use the power of the White Lotus Sect to help find out which force she was kidnapped by." Gang and Bailianjiao cooperated with each other. Song Qingshu really didn't believe it and couldn't find any clues. Originally, if Li Qingluo was there, she would directly ask her for help. There was no need to trouble Tang Saier at all, but now Li Qingluo and Xiaolongnu went to Hubei to look for Yue Fei's orphans, and the distant water could not save the nearby fire.

Wei Ruolan was blank, and blurted out subconsciously: "No wonder..."

"No wonder what?" Song Qingshu asked with a frown.

Wei Ruolan hurriedly explained: "There was a lot of liveliness in the early dynasty today. The officials under Han Xiang and the officials of the Jia Shimi faction attacked each other, and the fight was so good. Many officials on both sides have already been impeached and stepped down. It's just to get the fuse."

Sure enough, Wei Ruolan has a very accurate grasp of the current situation. Song Qingshu secretly admires the two things so quickly, and said: "Yes, but according to my guess, Huang Rong should not be in Korea, Either side of Jia holds it, so you need your sister to help you find it."

"So that's the case, I'll inform my sister." Wei Ruolan didn't have any reluctance. After all, to some extent, their brothers and sisters have reached an alliance with Song Qingshu, and it doesn't matter if they help.

"I'm going to see her now." Song Qingshu said lightly. First, he was worried that Wei Ruolan would not spread the word in time. Second, he realized that he and Tang Saier were not close together, and the other party could easily find him, but he didn't know. Where to find her.

"Now?" Wei Ruolan looked embarrassed.

Song Qingshu's voice was cold: "Can't you?"

Wei Ruolan's heart trembled: "Okay, of course~" After speaking, she took out a peculiarly shaped piccolo, ran out of the window and played it, and a strange melody quickly spread out.

As a result, she immediately got another melody response. Wei Ruolan had a weird face, and she came back and said to Song Qingshu: "My sister happens to be nearby, she will come over immediately."

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows. This was a coincidence. As soon as the voice fell, he heard the sound of pierced clothes coming from the outer door, and soon a charming and graceful woman sat on the window, just as the whisperer laughed first. The peach blossom eyes with affectionate brows made her always carry a smile of her own. She was obviously a young girl but she had the amorous feelings of a young woman.

"Brother, you go to Miss Shi's boudoir and summon me, will you steal her?" Tang Saier said with a smile, but when she saw Song Qingshu sitting in the room, her smile instantly stiffened on her face.

"Miss Tang, long time no see." Song Qingshu paused, "Maybe you should call you Miss Fu or Miss Chai?"

"Let me call me Miss Tang. I have not completed my mission and dare not restore my ancestral surname." Seeing this man, Tang Saier became nervous and hurriedly jumped off the window sill, instantly disappearing the dashing and unrestrained appearance of the previous appearance. Arbitrarily.

"You don't have to be so restrained. I am looking for you because I have something to ask for your help." Song Qingshu cast a look, and Wei Ruolan hurriedly said about Huang Rong.

"Check Huang Rong's whereabouts?" Tang Saier murmured, "No problem, if she falls into the hands of a master underworld, we should be able to find out."

"It's not necessarily the people on the rivers and lakes, I guess it's probably a master raised by a certain court official," Song Qingshu glanced at Tang Saier, "I know that there are inextricable links between you Bailian Sect and the royal ministers of the court. Contact, so you need to check in this direction."——

Fuse/switch are forbidden words, what rhythm

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