Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1393: Go back to old business

Tang Saier didn't expect that he had understood this level of Bailian Sect, and couldn't help but stunned, and hurriedly replied, "Okay, I'll go and arrange it right away."

"Wait a minute," Song Qingshu called to her, "You can go directly to Prince Qi Mansion if you want me. What should I do if I want to find you? I can't always go around a big circle like this every time."

Tang Saier hesitated for a moment, and took out a piccolo similar to Wei Ruolan from her arms: "If the son wants to find me, he can use this piccolo to make a sound, and the nearby believers will preach to me when he hears it. ."

"Do different melodies represent different information?" Haven't you seen a pig run off without eating pork? Song Qingshu doesn't believe that this piccolo has no similar function with so many weird password communication methods in previous movies and TV dramas.

Tang Saier did not expect that he would be so clear, so she picked up the piccolo and demonstrated: "This means that you are eager to play. This means that you are in danger."

Since knowing Song Qingshu, she has been led by the nose by the other party, making her proud of herself very unhappy, so she deliberately talked about a lot of secret codes from the Bailian Sect, just to see him make a fool of herself.

After all, these complicated codes take ten and a half months to learn one by one for the most clever people in the White Lotus Sect. Now that a brain has come out like a bean, Tang Saier can already imagine the next Song Qingshu with an embarrassed look. The scene to ask myself.

Imagine him deflated, Tang Saier almost laughed.

"Do you remember the son?" Tang Saier forced a smile and asked solemnly.

Song Qing was expressionless in writing, stretched out his hand to inhale, and flew the piccolo into his hand, then took it to his mouth and repeated the melody she had just played again without any difference: "Is that right?"

Tang Saier was stunned. She never expected that the other party could remember it all. She couldn't help but glanced at him with a complicated expression: "It's no wonder that the son can be proud of the rivers and lakes. With this unforgettable ability, few people in this world can Comparable."

Song Qingshu snorted faintly: "Rather than flattering, it is better to put away your careful thoughts. Let's not take this as an example. I will never tease me like this in the future. I will never be merciless."

"Don't dare!" Tang Saier's heart was cold, it turned out that his mind was clear to the other party.

"You go and arrange to investigate Huang Rong." Song Qingshu took Piccolo into his arms.

"Hey" Tang Saier stretched out her hand, thinking that the piccolo is my personal item. She originally planned to give him another new one, but she didn't know that the other party received it so quickly.

When he thought of his lips brushing the place where he often played, Tang Saier suddenly thought: Isn't this an indirect kiss?

"Is there anything else?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

"It's okay." Tang Saier squeezed out a smile, exhorted his younger brother, and disappeared out of the window.

After Tang Saier had left, Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to unlock Shi Xiangyun's acupuncture points while he was sleeping.

"What did you do to me?" When Shi Xiangyun woke up, he instantly took a few steps back with his chest, and looked at him with a panic expression on his face.

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Your fiancé is by the side, can I still insult you in front of him?"

Shi Xiangyun looked back and found that Wei Ruolan was standing next to him with an awkward look, and he was slightly relieved.

"Okay, I'm done with my business, let's go now." Song Qingshu left a light sentence, and the person had disappeared.

Shi Xiangyun saw that his chin was about to fall off, and after a long time he said angrily: "This **** martial arts is really good."

"Yes", Wei Ruolan sighed quietly. He didn't know why, but he was always full of fear for that man.

Now that the outsiders have left, it is reasonable to say that Shi Xiangyun and Wei Ruolan should have a lot of words, but the two looked at each other, only to find that they couldn't speak.

"You take a good rest, I'll go first." When Wei Ruolan saw the big watery eyes of her fiancee, some unpleasant pictures of the beggars always appeared in her mind. At the same time, she seemed to remind her of her incompetence and let him. Sitting on pins and needles in front of Shi Xiangyun.

"Yeah." Shi Xiangyun replied in a low voice. Both sides were still polite and polite on the surface, but both sides understood that they would never get back the feeling of intimacy they had before.

After Song Qingshu returned to the Qi Palace, he found that the three daughters were still chatting, or it should be said that Ren Yingying and Luo Bing were asking Chen Yuanyuan about maintenance and makeup. After all, Chen Yuanyuan was too famous, but now she is not young but still watching There is no trace of time, and the two girls are really itchy.

"Cough, cough, cough" Song Qingshu deliberately coughed twice to signal that he was back. The three girls turned around to see him, and fell silent for a moment.

"It's really three monks who don't have water to drink." Feeling the embarrassing restraint in the air, Song Qingshu suddenly became one head or two. Suddenly he thought of a solution: "Our forces have always been in a vacuum here in Lin'an. What happened in the past two days has caused me to ask for help from the Beggar Gang and other forces every time. This is not the way to do it all the time, so I plan to establish my own forces here, and Yingying will be responsible for these things.

"Me?" Ren Yingying's face was embarrassed. In fact, she has always had a leisurely temperament. She also lived in seclusion in Luoyang Luzhu Alley for most of the time in the Sun Moon God Sect. It was a bit difficult for her to deal with these things.

When I was about to refuse, I heard Song Qingshu’s secret transmission: "Yingying, I know your temperament, but now Zhiruo is in charge of the site in Yangzhou, and Jiu is presiding over the Golden Snake Camp. If you have no power at all, I am worried. You will be bullied in the future."

Ren Yingying's face blushed, thinking that you can just not bully me, but she also knows that the other party is kind, and seeing him think so for her own sake, she was moved in her heart.

"That's okay." Although Ren Yingying didn't like these things, she was not stupid. Thinking of the future situation, she finally agreed.

"But you still need to take good care of your health now, so let Sister Luo help you." Song Qingshu continued.

"Me?" It was Luo Bing's turn to be dumbfounded. In fact, she hadn't figured out how to face Song Qingshu since she was rescued. She originally planned to say goodbye to the other party as soon as possible. After all, in most people's eyes, she still belongs to the Red Flower Society. Sister Wen, it's not very suitable to live with another man, she didn't know that the other party actually made such a request first.

"Didn't you have a good chat just now? Does Sister Luo want to drag her weak body to work? You must know that because of her use of burning blood, she has lost her life for 20 years now." Song Qingshu Look into her eyes tightly like that.

Luo Bing almost fainted out of breath, thinking that you treated me as a slave in private, but at this moment, a sister Luo shouted affectionately, and used the girl’s hurt to crush me.

She was about to refuse, but seeing the gentleness in the other's eyes, she almost nodded: "Okay." In fact, she was also tired of the days of wandering and helplessness during this period. After Shengjing and the Honghua Society parted ways, she I felt like I was rootless duckweed. I woke up in the dead of night, and then buried in the bed and wept.

"It's okay to settle down like this." Luo Bing sighed quietly in his heart.

"Then I will trouble you with a lot of things in the early stage." Song Qingshu laughed. Luo Bing was once the head of the Red Flower Society and was familiar with the specific details of the Jianghu organization. Ren Yingying was a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect. They are well-connected and far-sighted, and the two are just a perfect match.

Arranging Ren Yingying to preside over the situation here, Song Qingshu actually made a small calculation, his own power in the Southern Song Dynasty is in a vacuum, and everything starts from scratch, which is too difficult, but Ren Yingying has the huge resources of the Sun Moon God Sect. , Ren Woxing will definitely support her after knowing what his daughter is doing. After all, he is most worried about his daughter being bullied in the harem battle in the future.

Regardless of whether it is Ren Yingying or Luo Bing, they are actually very satisfied with this arrangement. For Ren Yingying, she feels that Song Qingshu is considerate to herself, not only allows herself to be famous, but also lets people do specific things for herself; for Luo Bing, After breaking up with her husband, she has been insecure. She has self-knowledge. As she was married, she certainly couldn't get a place in Song Qingshu, but she also didn’t want to be treated as a pure plaything. Now she has a specific career. She instantly felt that her value was reflected.

On the contrary, Chen Yuanyuan on the other side saw that the two women had arrangements, and couldn’t help feeling self-pity. It seemed that she had only one beautiful face left. The only useful thing was to talk to them about makeup and maintenance. , The more I think about it, the more sad.

At this moment, Song Qingshu suddenly said, "Sister Yuanyuan, if you want to do something, there is one thing I am afraid that only you can do, but I am worried that you will get angry if you hear it."

"Let's talk about it?" Chen Yuanyuan was secretly happy, but the woman's reservedness did not show her.

"Really not angry?" Song Qingshu said with some guilty conscience.

Chen Yuanyuan looked curious: "Why should I be angry?"

Song Qingshu gritted his teeth, and said straightforwardly: "That's it, I have a friend who wants to build a high-end brothel that is chained all over the world," Song Qingshu paused, glanced at Chen Yuanyuan's expression before continuing, " During this period of time, her career has reached a bottleneck. If Sister Yuanyuan can guide her, she can take care of her business and break the bottleneck.

As soon as he finished speaking, both Ren Yingying and Luo Bing looked weird and looked at Chen Yuanyuan worriedly.

Chen Yuanyuan's smile had already frozen, and she sat there with a deep face and said nothing.

Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "Sister Yuanyuan, you just promised not to be angry."

Chen Yuanyuan glanced at him, and then said faintly: "If it's your business, I can help; if it's just your friend's forgiveness, I can't help."——

Thanks to Bai Hailang, lfyp1111, hug Xiao Yancheng, book friends 45522880, nicklu and other book friends for their rewards (.)

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