Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1395: Li Daitao

After another two days, there was still no news of Huang Rong. Song Qingshu stood by the study window, looking at the distant scenery, lost in thought: The Beggar Gang and Bailianjiao searched together, and it stands to reason that even an ant should be found. It came out, but now I still find nothing...

Thinking of the feedback from Guo Jing, Jia Sidao seems to have sent his subordinates to investigate and found nothing. uuk.la

"Who actually captured Huang Rong?" Song Qingshu had a headache.

At this time, Ren Yingying brought a plate in, and saw his worried look, and said softly: "Green book, drink some lotus soup." The sensitivity of the woman made her realize that the relationship between lover and Huang Rong is somewhat abnormal. But she didn't think about that. After all, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were a well-known celestial couple in the rivers and lakes. The identities between Song Qingshu and her were very different. If there was anything really shocking.

"Why did you come out? Let the maids do all this." Seeing Yingying standing there timidly, her slender waist and her grip, as if it would break when the wind blows, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel sorry for it and hurried over to help. she was.

"Hey," Ren Yingying blushed when she felt the temperature in his hand, "I'm not so weak and can't help but wind."

"You are badly injured now, so you have to take care of it." Song Qingshu untied the plate for her, and helped her sit down.

For some reason, Ren Yingying suddenly thought that in the hut before, the two were intimate with each other to the key point, but because he was too weak to vomit blood, he couldn't help but a burst of heartbeat, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Is there no news about the yellow gang leader?"

"No," Song Qingshu said with a wry smile. "She seems to have suddenly disappeared from this world." Then he told her about the results of the beggars, the Bailianjiao, and even Jia Sidao.

Ren Yingying's eyebrows furrowed slightly: "There is no reason, the two lines of black and white, coupled with Jia Sidao's use of officialdom, can't find any clues."

"I'm also wondering about this," Song Qingshu frowned. "It seems that another mysterious force has taken her away. The strength of that force may be higher than Jia Sidao, the Beggar Gang, and the Bailian Sect, but it is the capital city. Is there such a force in China?"

Ren Yingying suddenly thought of something, and said in an uncertain tone: "Why don't you go to Han Dongzhu to check? He is the one who can fight Jia Sidao in Lin'an City."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, as if suddenly enlightened: "Yes, maybe it's with Han Tong!"

The reason why he didn't expect this was entirely due to inertial thinking. Ren Yingying and Huang Rong were taken away for the first time. At that time, it appeared that Han Tong and Jia Si Dao were responsible, but he quickly analyzed that someone was deliberately planting and framing. , The follow-up development really proved his inference, so this time Huang Rong was robbed, he subconsciously ruled out the suspicion of Han Qi and Jia Sidao in his heart.

But now he suddenly realized that the first time Huang Rong was robbed was indeed not instructed by Han Tong, but this does not mean that it was not him who was robbed the second time! Especially those two masters in black wounded the guards in the palace, but they did not kill them. It must be because he thought of the friendship between the two sides and specifically ordered his men not to do things absolutely...

The more Song Qingshu thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He couldn't help but hugged Ren Yingying and kissed her cheek: "Yingying, you are really my wise helper, well~"

Ren Yingying's cheeks were flushed with shame, and she tried to push him away while dodge. After all, she has always been reserved and arrogant, where is she used to such a warm expression?

It's a pity that she didn't have time to get angry. Song Qingshu had already ran out and waved to her as he ran, "I'll check with Han Tong first, and I'll be back soon."

Seeing him disappear outside the door, Ren Yingying's full of shame and anger had nowhere to vent, but finally turned into a chuckle, stroking the place where he had just kissed on his cheek, and the whole person became more and more charming: what a The lustful disciple, every time he changes the law to take advantage of me~

After a while, his gaze fell on the steamy lotus soup that hadn't been passive, his smile stiffened, and his little mouth gradually pouted.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu came to the vicinity of Han Mansion. He originally wanted to sneak in and investigate, but finally dispelled this idea. It is easy to be exposed now in broad daylight. Secondly, the relationship between the two sides can still be called a honeymoon period. There is no need For such a temptation, just ask him directly about it. If you don't get the answer, it won't be too late for you to check it out at night.

With a decision in his mind, he walked straight to the gate. Hearing that the new King Qi was visiting, the concierge was shocked. While sending someone to inform the owner, he welcomed him in with a smile. Obviously he knew this too. Wang had a good relationship with his owner, so he didn't let him wait outside the door.

After a while, Han Dongzhe smiled and greeted him: "Qingshu, what is the wind that blows you here today?" The two had already agreed to call their names to show their closeness.

Song Qingshu wasn't polite with him, and asked directly, "I want to ask Jiefu about Huang Rong's whereabouts." As he spoke, he stared closely at his eyes to see how his expression changed.

Hearing his question, Han Tong was stunned for a while, and then smiled: "Actually, if you are not coming today, I am planning to visit you."

"Oh, it seems that Huang Rong is here for you." Song Qingshu snorted, and his face suddenly became a little ugly when he thought of running around to check Huang Rong's whereabouts during this period.

Han Dongxu smiled and shook his head: "You misunderstood Qingshu, how could the leader Huang be with me, but I just got a message not long ago, but I know where she is."

"Oh, where is it?" Song Qingshu asked in a moment of spirit.

Han Yongzhe smiled without saying a word, instead he picked up his teacup and slowly sipped it.

"This old fox!" Song Qingshu couldn't help cursing secretly. Seeing him like this, he didn't understand that the other party was going to take the opportunity to sit on the floor and raise the price.

But for the sake of Huang Rong, Song Qingshu squeezed out a smile: "If Jiefu can tell me the whereabouts of Huang Rong, brother, I will be grateful, and I will go through water and fire."

"Qingshu, you are so polite," Han Dong put down his teacup in an instant and said with a smile, "What is our relationship? Let's talk about this."

Song Qing was slanderous, if it weren't for Huang Rong's safety, he really wanted to tear off his goatee one by one.

Han Tong turned his words and said, "But brother happened to encounter a difficult thing today. I really don't know how to deal with it. If Qingshu can help you, it would be great."

"Jiefu, please." Song Qingshu smiled, but secretly greeted his ancestors cordially.

Han Tong said with a smile, "That's it, tomorrow is going to be held in the palace for the competition..."

Song Qingshu was shocked. It turned out that it was unknowingly that it was time to compete in battle. During this time, he was busy looking for Huang Rong, but he didn't notice the passage of time.

Suddenly thinking of something, Song Qingshu asked, "Does Jia Sidao still send Guo Jing to participate?" It turned out that he thought that even he was like this. How could Guo Jing care about this Lao Shizi competition?

Sure enough, Han Tong shook his head: "They have already changed. It seems that Guo Jing's current state is not suitable for another martial arts contest."

Song Qingshu sighed. Guo Jing missed such a good opportunity. Next time he would like to have a similar opportunity. He didn't know what year and month he would have to wait. Suddenly he moved in his heart and asked, "Who is it for?"

"Gusu Murongfu, who is well-known in the arena," Han Tong replied.

"It's him?" Song Qing wrote a strange look, and looked at Han Tong with a smile. "This is a good thing for you. Murong Fu is not Ling...Wu Tiande's opponent."

Hearing what he said, despite deliberately suppressing it, Han Dongzhe still couldn't conceal his joy: "The staff in my mansion also analyzed this way. I was a little uneasy at first, but now I hear Qingshu you say this, so I am sure. "

Song Qingshu was stunned, and then realized that unknowingly his status in the arena has reached the point where he said nothing. Thinking of the embarrassment of entering this world at the beginning of the year, he couldn't help but feel like a world away.

Shaking his head, dispelling the thoughts in his mind, Song Qingshu looked back at Han Tong: "Since this is the case, what can you do to embarrass?"

"It's like this, the face-to-face confrontation, of course I don't worry about anything, but I'm afraid of what kind of extravagant tricks Jia Sidao will use." Han Tong sighed.

"Outside the game?" Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows, and thought secretly. Huang Rong's disappearance caused Guo Jing to abstain from voting. Jia Sidao had to change his general. I don't know if it counts as your outside.

Han Tong took out an invitation card from his sleeve and handed it over, with a wry smile: "No, the trick is coming."

Song Qingshu took it, and saw that the invitation was very delicate. The border was embroidered with silver thread. It instantly opened the gap with the general invitation. After opening it, he couldn't help but utter: "The King of Beijing invites Wu Tiande Going to a banquet?"

"Yeah," Han Tong said with a solemn expression, "tomorrow is going to compete in martial arts. At this time, I invite Tiande to a banquet, obviously uneasy and kind."

"King Beijing is a person from Jia Sidao?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

"I don't know this," Han Tong said with a hesitant expression on his face, "He has always been kind and has always had a good relationship with these ministers in the court, but I know that his superficial kindness is extremely alienated from everyone in his bones. At the same time, it is clear that he is not a member of my faction, but he suddenly appeared at this critical juncture. I even have reason to believe that he is from Jia Sidao."

"Why don't you go?" Song Qingshu wondered, wondering what he was struggling with.

"It would be great if it could be that simple," Han Tong said wryly. "The status of King Beijing is very special, uh...It is not a wise choice to refuse his invitation anyway, not to mention that he told the emperor this time in advance. It has already been said that the emperor has opened Chrysostom.

"That's it..." Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of various scenes in Shenyuan, Zhao Shicheng, Tang Wan, Lu You... Things are getting more and more interesting.

"Since there is no way to shirk it, just go, how can I help you?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

"Cough cough, I must go, but I knew that there were traps but made Tiande jump in. I don't know if I was tricked by them, so..." Han Tong glanced at Song Qingshu and said with a smile, "Can you please please? You go there for Tiande?" —

Ren Yingying. Full of anger, Ying. Man is actually a forbidden word orz


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