Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1396: Unexpected benefits

Song Qingshu looked at him like a fool: "Wu Tiande was invited by King Beijing. I ran to replace him. Is King Beijing blind?"

Han Tong showed a mysterious smile, clapped his hands behind him, and an old man walked out of the back room.

Han Tongzhu took him to introduce him: "Mr. Yi is a master of disguise. With his wonderful hands, he will dress you as exactly the same as Wu Tiande."

Song Qingshu was shocked. Could there be other masters of disguise in this world? Isn’t your biggest trump card...

The old man stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "If you want to change your appearance to other people, the old man really can't be seamless, but Wu Tiande, that big beard is the best cover for his appearance."

Song Qingshu secretly nodded in agreement. You must know that Linghu pretended to be Wu Tiande. Now no one in Lin'an City recognizes it. Except for Wu Tiande who lived in Quanzhou as a boy and his father Wu Ting is dead, the most important thing is the big beard. , Everyone only vaguely remembered the obvious characteristics of his big beard, so that his original face was a little blurred.

Han Dongxuan continued: "The game is going to be tomorrow. I can't let Tiande take the slightest risk, so I leave him at the house to recharge his energy. I hope that Qingshu will replace him at the banquet. With Qingshu's talents and martial arts, even a banquet. There are really any pitfalls, I must not trouble you."

Song Qingshu frowned, thinking that this was the truth. Now that he has mastered mystery skills, even Jin Bo Xunhua has survived, and he is really not afraid of any conspiracy and tricks by the other party.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Han Tong just thought he was a little scared, and hurriedly added: "You can rest assured that Qingshu, after all, Tiande will compete in martial arts tomorrow, and they don't dare to be brazen, so you should be careful. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Song Qingshu looked at him and said, "Brother Han really knows the whereabouts of Huang Rong? Don't deliberately fool me to work for you."

Hearing the faint murderous intent in his tone, Han Dongxun's heart was stunned, and he hurriedly put a smile on his face: "What is our relationship, how could I fool you."

"Will she be in danger because of the delay of time?" Song Qingshu still asked worriedly.

Han Dongzuo thought for a while and replied: "According to the information I got, the yellow gang leader will not be in any danger in a short time."

"Okay, I'll take a trip to the King of Beijing." After receiving a guarantee, a big rock fell in Song Qingshu's heart. After all, Han Dongzuo was one of the most powerful people in the Southern Song Dynasty. If he said so, he must be confident. In addition, with the current relationship between the two parties, he doesn’t need to risk offending himself to fool me...

In the next hour or so, the old man surnamed Yi kept making trouble in Song Qingshu's face, and the last face similar to Wu Tiande appeared in the mirror.

"It's really amazing." Han Tong, who was watching from the side, couldn't help exclaiming again and again.

Song Qingshu frowned secretly. This old man surnamed Yi was good at making two completely different people so alike, but only to this level. With his eyesight, he can still see that his current appearance is slightly different from Wu Tiande. The difference.

It stands to reason that unless you are a close acquaintance, this difference will be difficult for others to discover, but Song Qingshu doesn't want to take a risk. Who knows what capable person is on the side of King Beijing, if he sees a flaw, it will be troublesome.

"Next, I will work hard." Han Tong handed over the invitation from King Bei Jing.

Song Qingshu nodded, took the invitation and put it in his arms, then turned and left. He was really uneasy when he walked halfway, and finally went back to the Qi Palace, intending to make up for the flaws left by Old Man Yi.

Let’s say that Ren Yingying was sitting in the room with her hand resting her cheek in a daze. Suddenly she heard the movement and turned her head back subconsciously. After seeing the other side clearly, she was startled and blurted out subconsciously: "Chong... Younger Linghu, yes. you?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and then he remembered that he was holding the look of Wu Tiande at this time. Seeing Ren Yingying's complicated eyes, he couldn't help but move in his heart. Instead of revealing his identity, he continued to pretend and shouted affectionately: " Yingying~"

Ren Yingying's expression became more and more complicated, and she muttered, "I don't know why Young Master Linghu came here today?"

Song Qingshu deliberately imitated Linghuchong's tone: "Young Linghu? Yingying, when did we become so divided?"

Ren Yingying was silent, and it took a long time before she sighed quietly: "It can only be said that good luck makes people."

"I came to you specially today." Song Qingshu continued.

Seeing the other party walking over with excitement, Ren Yingying stepped back subconsciously, bit her lip and said: "Although we have had a relationship before, but now I am the wife of another person... I can only blame you for the relationship between us. No distinction... As the saying goes, whether men and women give or receive marriage, I hope Young Master Linghu respects himself."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed when she heard it, but she said excitedly: "What is unfavorable, it is obviously the surname Song who took you away with despicable means! Yingying, let's leave everything alone, I will take you far and high, let's find a place Live in seclusion and never ask what the world is like."

As soon as he said it, he regretted it a bit. From his experience in feelings, he didn’t know how feelings were the most untestable truth. The idol dramas of the past life were very bloody, and he didn’t expect that he is actually doing it now. Made such a low-level mistake.

Ren Yingying opened her mouth, revealing a trace of struggling, Song Qingshu raised her heart in an instant, she was really dead.

After a while, Ren Yingying seemed to have made up his mind. Song Qingshu was a little flustered for a moment, and stepped forward to stop her when she said it, because he was afraid of hearing the answer that he didn't want to hear.

Seeing him, after all, Ren Yingying took two steps back in a panic. She accidentally tripped over a stool and fell onto the back bed. Song Qingshu was about to help her. She hurriedly reached out to stop her: "Don't come over! "

Song Qingshu was startled and stood in place subconsciously.

Ren Yingying sat on the bed, rubbing her feet, and sighed quietly: "Song Qingshu’s previous behaviors were really not very glorious, even... even despicable, but the people he can control me can’t control my heart. If I don’t want to, even if he has a marriage contract with me, I won’t recognize him. Now I’m with him, he didn’t force me, but I voluntarily..."

Halfway through the hearing, Song Qingshu's heart touched her throat. After listening, she couldn't help but rushed over, hugged her in her arms, and yelled affectionately: "Yingying~"

"Hey, let me go!" Ren Yingying was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, and hurriedly struggled.

"Don't get excited, it's me, it's me~" Song Qingshu returned to her original voice, and at the same time opened up a section of his beard and showed her half of his face.

Ren Yingying's eyes were startled at first, and then a red line appeared on her face with naked eyes, and she was so embarrassed that she cursed: "Song, you are a bastard!"

Song Qingshu hurriedly salivated and ran over to comfort her. Who knew that the more comforting Ren Yingying, the more wronged she would be, and she even burst into tears in the end.

Song Qingshu really wished to slap himself, it was nothing to look for, but the matter is over, it is still necessary to coax, but the normal coaxing method will definitely not work, he thought about it instantly, and deliberately sighed: "Yingying , I came back this time to say goodbye to you, and things tonight may be dangerous..." Said that I paused on purpose and did not continue.

Sure enough, Ren Yingying's attention was quickly attracted: "What is the danger?"

Song Qingshu told him about the fact that Linghu was rushed to the Beijing Palace for a banquet instead of Linghu. Ren Yingying heard Liu's eyebrows erect: "What does the surname Han mean, why did you take the risk?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "In order to find out the whereabouts of Huang Rong, this is also compelling, not to mention that it is better for me to go than Linghu to rush. I **** you from him, I always feel that I owe him a lot."

Ren Yingying glared at him fiercely: "What would you do if I promised to fly away with him just now?"

"Of course I continue to **** you back. Will I still bless you?" Song Qingshu's eyes widened, like a copper bell.

"Sure enough, it fits your temperament, always being so domineering and unreasonable." Ren Yingying said angrily, but the slightly raised corners of her lips betrayed her most true feelings.

"Don't worry, just be careful, there won't be any problems with my martial arts." Song Qingshu said softly.

Ren Yingying gave a hum, and then he was relieved.

Then Song Qingshu began to repair the blemishes on his face. Seeing his superb skills, Ren Yingying opened her small mouth as her boss: "That's OK?"

Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly: "You will know slowly, Xianggong, I have a lot of skills~"

"Smelly shameless." Ren Yingying turned away, but still couldn't help but glance at him from time to time.

After a while, Song Qingshu finally finished the tricks. Even if Wu Tiande was standing with him at this time, no one else could tell the difference.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm going to set off, come and hold one." Song Qingshu was about to hug her with an open hand.

Ren Yingying took a step back subconsciously, with a weird look on her face: "You look like this now...there is a barrier in your heart to let you hold me, so let's wait for you to come back."

Song Qing smiled: "Well, wait until I come back to hug you." Under Ren Yingying's blushing gaze, he quickly left.

After walking in the back garden for a while, about to turn out of the courtyard wall, a surprise voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Big Brother!" The voice was crisp and tender, like an oriole.

Song Qingshu turned his head in astonishment and found a girl with a graceful figure standing timidly at the corner of the corridor. Who was it if it wasn't Yue Lingshan?

"Big Brother~" Yue Lingshan trot over with joy, her rushing chest showing her excitement at this time. Song Qingshu didn't answer yet, and the other party threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Feeling the girl's youthful body, Song Qingshu had a weird look. He had just changed his face to look like Linghu Chong. In the end, it was Ren Yingying first and now Yue Lingshan. Wouldn't it be a little... not so good?


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