Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1397: Tianxianglou

"Master~" Yue Lingshan hugged him tightly, as if worried that he would suddenly run away.

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed and coughed twice to explain the misunderstanding, but he didn't know where to start. After all, she was shy and she had a headache, and she would be awkward to get along with each other in the future. It would be wrong to think about it or decide to make a mistake.

Hearing his coughing, Yue Lingshan also realized something. He let go of her hand and took a small step back, with a hint of pink on her cheek: "Sorry, I saw that Grand Master was so excited. Since Grand Master you... left After the Huashan Sect, we have no news of you again. The brothers and sisters of the Huashan Sect miss you very much."

Seeing the charming and beautiful girl in front of him, Song Qingshu suddenly moved in his heart. He just felt a little sorry for Linghu Chong, so why don't you help him?

Thinking like this in his heart, Song Qingshu imitated his voice and said, "The little junior sister, do you miss me?"

Yue Lingshan was stunned and didn't expect that the other party would ask like this. After all, Linghu Chong had always been very disciplined in front of her, for fear that she would abruptly: "I...I certainly miss Grandmaster, especially if it wasn't for Grandmaster's rescue this time. , I’m afraid I’ve... always wanted to find an opportunity to thank you, but I haven’t found a chance..."

Seeing the girl's expression in front of him, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Yue Lingshan may have a good impression of Linghu Chong, but the love between brothers and sisters is greater than the love between men and women. The momentary excitement of her just now was just the normal reaction of her sister seeing her brother.

"Well, just help you pierce this layer of window paper..." Song Qingshu thought about it together, and hugged the girl into her arms in the shocked eyes of the girl, bowed her head and kissed it before she could react.

Yue Lingshan was completely stupid, and she didn't expect that the big brother would treat her like this, so that her hands and feet froze, and she even forgot to resist.

Song Qingshu had to secretly admire the girl's lips for how soft and soft, as well as the unique youthful breath... I thought Linghuchong would blame me or thank me if he knew it? After all, he was chasing girls for him.

Yue Lingshan, a girl with a yellow flower, has experienced this kind of battle. Under Song Qingshu's superb skills, she soon became soft and turned into water, and her heart was already beating out of her throat.

"How can he treat me like this~ How can he treat me like this?" Yue Lingshan's mind was already a mess.

Feeling the changes in the girl’s body in her arms, Song Qingshu knew that it was almost time to kiss. Maybe something really happened when she kissed. Especially the voice coming from not far away showed that someone was coming here, so she gently pushed away. The girl in her arms smiled at her and jumped out of the courtyard wall lightly and disappeared in front of her.

Yue Lingshan stayed there alone, touching her lips as if she was out of her body.

"Senior Sister, what happened?" Lin Pingzhi's voice came from behind him at this time.

"Huh?" Yue Lingshan was taken aback, and hurriedly returned to her country to wave her hand, "No, nothing..." She didn't understand why she lied, but her instinctive reaction made her bury the matter in her stomach.

"Oh, it's windy here, go back and rest soon." Lin Pingzhi didn't think much.

"Okay... OK." Yue Lingshan can still feel the feeling of beating her heart just now, and her heart gradually becomes a little angry, how could Grand Master treat me like this...

"Linghu Chong, Linghu Chong, I really didn't want to take advantage of her," Song Qingshu said to herself as she walked on the road, "Yue Lingshan's relationship has been subconsciously regarded as brothers and sisters. Even if you treat her well, she will take it for granted. I should not think about the relationship between men and women. Now I will break this shackle for you. She will never treat you as a brother anymore. After all, there is no brother who kisses his sister..."

Unknowingly, he came to the Beijing Palace, handed over the invitation, and the porter welcomed him in very politely. The trees were lush along the way, the rockery and the like were also very unique, the pavilions, terraces and pavilions were even more original, and Song Qingshu secretly saw Nodding: This style is a bit better than the Rongguo Mansion. Whenever I send someone to investigate and inspect, go back and reform the Qi Palace.

He doesn't have low-key and simple ideas. After all, he has traveled to this world and possessed such a great power. He is not a saint, so why wronged himself.

After the two courtyards, there are fewer and fewer male family members, replaced by very beautiful maids, and many of them are even in their own time, which is really the age of three years of starting death penalty.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the lives of these nobles in ancient times are really more decayed than capitalism." Song Qingshu sighed and was secretly puzzled. Looking at the situation of these maids in this courtyard, the character of King Beijing is obvious. Why do such people marry? What about a second married woman? Although Tang Wan could be called dignified and beautiful, it was far from Chen Yuanyuan's level of overwhelming power, and it was not worth marrying back as a princess in spite of the secular perspective.

While in doubt, I heard the maid’s crisp voice: "General Wu, here it is."

Song Qingshu looked up and saw a luxurious and beautiful attic standing in front of him. Looking at the three words "Tianxianglou" on the plaque, his expression instantly became extremely weird. You should know that Qin Keqing made few appearances in "Dream of Red Mansions". She is also a dignified and gentle young grandmother. The reason why everyone knows about her pink deeds is that, apart from Jiao Da when he was drunk, he scolded the word "climbing grey", to a large extent, it is also related to "Qin Keqing's mourning Tianxianglou" in the first draft of the Red Chamber. The title of this paragraph is related, and people can't help but associate her with the word lewdness.

Now that there is Qin Keqing in this world, and now there is another Tianxiang Tower, it shouldn't be a coincidence, right?

At this time, another beautiful maid greeted him: "General Wu, the prince has been waiting upstairs for a long time."

Song Qingshu was depressed. He was really counted by the title. He was a one-word king, but the other party was just a county king. He was two ranks short of him, and he didn't even come out to greet him personally.

However, he also understood that he was now posing as Linghu Chong, so he could only secretly despise it, and on the surface he still had to follow the maid upstairs politely.

Song Qingshu went upstairs and saw Wang Beijing sitting in the center from a distance, with two beauties on the left and right serving beside him. One peeled grapes to his lips, while the other was pouring wine for him with a smile. A row of women in the room were holding musical instruments and playing music, and all of them looked good.

There is a faint sweet fragrance of powdered cream in the house, coupled with the extravagant music, and the looming bodies of the women under the veil, the whole room is filled with an ambiguous breath.

"It's so decadent, extravagant and extremely lustful."

Song Qingshu secretly sighed and walked forward and arched his hands: "Wu Tiande has seen King Beijing."

Zhao Shicheng waved his hand: "General Wu don't have to be polite, this king has been waiting for you for a long time, please take a seat." A maid had long ago placed a table and stool in a position not far from his head.

Before Song Qingshu came here, he thought he would see Tang Wan today, and maybe he could help her pass a message to Lu You Chuan, but now this scene...is probably impossible, but this king of Beijing made such waves at home. Where is the face of Princess Beijing's Tang Wan?

There was a maid serving wine and delicacies long ago, but Song Qingshu didn't mean to move the chopsticks. Instead, he asked indifferently: "I don't know what the prince asked me about this time?"

Zhao Shicheng was not angry. After all, when he wanted to come to the game tomorrow, it was normal for Wu Tiande to be wary of it. He immediately said with a smile: "There is nothing wrong with the general knowledge of swordsmanship. Last time I was in Qi. With a startling glance at the palace, the king is really in love with him, so he specially invited the general."

"The prince is overwhelmed." Song Qingshu also didn't know what medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, so he planned to come up with a constant response to the changes.

Seeing him say a word, Zhao Shicheng had to say: "This king has always admired those martial arts masters, and he especially likes masters of swordsmanship. In this regard, he is almost obsessed with it. I don't know if the general can come to the sword dance to help me. Feast your eyes?"

Song Qingshu frowned, do they want to find out the number of Wu Tiande's swordsmanship in advance, so that they can make targeted arrangements?

Although he does not know Dugu Nine Swords, it is not difficult to imitate Dugu Nine Swords based on his current skills in swordsmanship. However, he did not intend to perform it, but faintly refused to say. "Tomorrow, I will participate in the competition in front of the palace. Naturally, there will be no reservations at that time. The prince can taste it carefully at that time." This is Wu Tiande's response.

Zhao Shicheng seemed to have expected his answer a long time ago, but he did not continue to entangle him: "That's a good point. In that case, we will not talk about swords today, but will talk about beautiful bars."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Wine?"

Zhao Shicheng smiled and said: "This king has recently obtained a batch of strange wines from Nanyang merchants by chance. It is said that they are all famous wines in many countries thousands of miles away. It's a pity that people around this king don't know the origin of these wines. In addition, the taste of many wines is a little strange. It is difficult for the king to appreciate the flavor. It is inevitable that the cow chews the peony. It has been known for a long time that General Wu is a master of wine country, and he has served as a general in Quanzhou for many years. The Secretary often deals with these wines from Nanyang, so he should be very familiar with these wines from Nanyang, so I would like to ask the army to give me some advice."

Song Qingshu's heart trembled, and he began to wonder what the other party was doing. He deliberately mentioned the words of Quanzhou Candidate, Quanzhou Shipping Division, etc. Did he start to doubt Wu Tiande's identity?

You must know that Linghu's pretense of pretending to be Wu Tiande was very daring. It is not so easy for people who want to hide it from the world, and it is not surprising that they are caught.

If it proves that there is a problem with Wu Tiande's identity, Linghu Chong will naturally not be eligible to participate in tomorrow's martial arts competition, then the people under Jia Sidao can win without fighting.

Although worried in his heart, Song Qingshu remained calm and calmly replied, "I will participate in the competition in front of the palace tomorrow. It is really not suitable to drink today. I hope the Lord will forgive me..."

"Hey~" Zhao Shicheng stopped him from continuing. "This king is not such an unreasonable person. He didn't let the general drink, but wanted the general to taste these wines for me. Just throw it up, there is no need to drink it, and you won't be drunk."

Song Qingshu was wondering: What idea did he make? Is it to test Wu Tiande's identity, or to use alcohol to get him drunk? However, it’s hard to get drunk with a tasting method that only tastes nothing.

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