Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1398: Rough, fierce and grumpy

Song Qingshu frowned and said: "The prince can wait until I finish the test tomorrow before tasting these wines." Although I can't guess what the other party is going to do, I always feel that there is some conspiracy in it. Under the dangerous wall.

Zhao Shicheng shook his head: "General Wu knows something. Sichuan has just returned from Mongolia and is waiting for the handover of the imperial court. Once the winner is decided tomorrow, the selected Sichuan officials will leave Beijing the day after tomorrow. When you take office, how can the king have time to invite you to the house for a wine tasting?"

"I had time tomorrow night," Zhao Shicheng paused and continued, "but the emperor will definitely host a banquet to entertain the general tomorrow night. I can't rob someone from the emperor."

Song Qingshu smiled and asked curiously: "Am I going to win in the king's heart? If I lose tomorrow, I won't have to go to Sichuan the day after tomorrow. If I have more time, I can come to the palace for wine tasting."

Zhao Shicheng glanced at him unpredictably and smiled: "Isn't this king said that he is very keen on swordsmanship. Although he has not achieved much, he still has his eyesight. Although Nan Murong has a great reputation in the world, how can he compare? You can be a general with swordsmanship."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, not knowing if he really sighed like this or was pouring soup for Jia Sidao.

He was stunned at this moment, Zhao Shicheng clapped his hands, and then a stunning woman slowly walked out from behind the screen.

The woman was holding a wooden plate in her hand with various peculiarly shaped wine jugs, but Song Qingshu had no time to appreciate these novel wine utensils at this time. His attention was all on the woman, her bright eyes were like water and her temples were like clouds. , Fragrant cheeks are like snow, it really looks graceful and delicate, charming and charming just like that.

Song Qingshu was used to seeing beauty, and he didn't even see a woman who couldn't remove her eyes. The main reason for being a little gaffe was that he had just met the other person not long ago, and it was Qin Keqing, the young lady of Ningguo Mansion!

"Tianxianglou, Qin Keqing, what a coincidence." Thinking of the title on the plaque just now, Song Qing couldn't help but feel a little strange in writing.

Zhao Shicheng had been paying attention to Song Qingshu's reaction. Seeing him staring at Qin Keqing intently, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: I thought you were really a saint. Now that your heart is moved, it will be easier.

In fact, it's not like the other party is a brash man, that is, his own status is noble, and I don't know how many stunning beauties have been in these years, and they are somewhat unable to resist the charm of the young lady of the Ning State House. If he hadn't cared about the hidden power of Jia's family in the dark, he Even if you take some risks, you have to get this beautiful and alluring little lady to play with, but it's a pity...

"It's cheaper today." Zhao Shicheng glanced at Song Qingshu jealously, but did not show any emotion in his tone: "General Wu, you are used to seeing all kinds of Nanyang goods in Quanzhou, so help this king taste the products. What about Jian?"

"This..." Song Qingshu couldn't help but hesitate.

At this time, Qin Keqing had already knelt down at his table with various wine utensils, slender hands poured a glass of wine from one of the flasks to him, and said softly: "I hope the general will appreciate his face~"

Looking at her bright and charming face up close, and smelling a refreshing sweet scent on her body, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Fortunately, she was used to seeing the wind and waves. If it were an ordinary man facing such a scene, I’m afraid it’s not yet Already a little drunk after drinking.

"I don't know what the girl is called?" Even though she already knew her identity, Song Qingshu asked deliberately, just to see how they rounded up this lie.

"The slave's surname is Qin, and his nickname is Keqing." Qin Keqing replied sweetly.

Song Qingshu was startled and didn't expect that she would tell her by her real name, but she was relieved immediately. This world is different from later generations. Women's names are often only known by their parents and a few husbands, so they are not afraid of passing a name by themselves. Guess the true identity of Qin Keqing.

"General, people have raised their hands softly, can't you take it?" Qin Keqing's eyes moved, and although his tone was a bit irritating, it sounded as if he was acting like a baby.

"It was my negligence." Song Qingshu smiled, took the glass of wine from her hand, and touched her slender hand midway, the feeling that the skin was so condensed made his heart move.

Besides, Zhao Shicheng on the other side also gave Qin Keqing a greedy look, thinking that he was a stunner in the world, and just a few hums would make people feel happy.

"General Wu, this girl Qin is someone I brought back from Qinhuai River with great effort these days. It can be described as a combination of **** and dance," Zhao Shicheng said with a smile, "Unfortunately, Miss Qin has a big temper. I still have no chance to appreciate her dancing. I wonder if General Wu can help me feast my eyes?"

"The prince was joking. Since Ms. Qin doesn't even buy the prince, how can I please move her." Although Song Qingshu was polite, she secretly sneered. If she hadn't met Qin Keqing, she might have been sneered. You fool around.

"General Wu is too self-effacing, not to mention that Miss Qin has always admired heroes like generals, but she is also curious about the origin of these wines. If the general can help her solve her confusion, she must not be stingy in dancing," Zhao Shicheng turned to Qin Keqing as he said, "Miss Qin, don't you think?"

Qin Keqing smiled sweetly: "The prince is serious, if the prince orders, how dare the little girl resist her orders? But..." She paused, looked at Song Qingshu's paragraph and said: "The concubine is indeed very curious about the origin of these wines, if it is Wu The general can really recognize it, and it doesn't matter if the concubine dances a few more dances."

Her hyphenation is different from ordinary women. There is a unique rhythm, which sounds very comfortable, and it seems to have a seductive meaning.

Song Qingshu was actually very curious about the methods King Beijing and the others would use to deal with himself, so he took the opportunity to hold up a glass of wine and smiled: "I'm shallow, I'm afraid that I will disappoint the prince and Miss Qin."

After speaking, he drank the wine in one cup, closed his eyes and fell into contemplation.

Originally, Zhao Shicheng just let him taste it, and he was ready to spit out the wine, but he didn't know that he actually swallowed a glass of wine directly! I have tasted this kind of wine specially before, it is very strong, and people with average drinkers may get drunk after drinking a glass.

Song Qingshu slowly opened his eyes: "The wine is crystal clear, colorless and tasteless. Unlike other wines, it has no irritating taste. After drinking it, there will be a warmth in the throat and belly. It should be vodka from the Raksha country. "

Zhao Shicheng's face was different. He asked the other party to try the wine as an excuse. He didn't really expect Wu Tiande to recognize it. In fact, he had known the origins of the names of these kinds of wines from the Nanyang merchants, but he didn't expect that the other party would recognize them in the first cup of wine.

Song Qingshu was also full of emotions at this time. After he traveled into this world, he did not expect to have the opportunity to drink those foreign wines from the previous life.

Qin Keqing also flashed a hint of surprise, but quickly concealed it, and said with a smile: "General Wu is really knowledgeable, and the concubine can't break his words."

She saw her face like a peach blossom, with a smile on her lips, she stood up, Qingwu's neon clothes began to dance lightly, and the whole room seemed to be a bit brighter in an instant.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. Although she knew that the other party was doing a show, she was still deeply attracted by her graceful dance. Not only was her graceful and slender, but the key was that her eyes were staring at you affectionately, which made people couldn't help but think. The urge to fall under her pomegranate skirt.

Zhao Shicheng swallowed his saliva, thinking that this woman is really a stunner, different from the coquettishness of ordinary women, her charm is hidden but not revealed. It can be said that the charm is to the bone, and the smile is natural, making people unable to bear the slightest revulsion. With defensive psychology, it's no wonder that Jia Sidao sent her out this time, obviously because he was afraid that ordinary vulgar fans would not be able to seduce Wu Tiande and would ruin tomorrow's major event.

Song Qingshu was also full of emotions. Fortunately, she had seen too many things, and her concentration was already extraordinary. Otherwise, her big watery eyes would have been watching, maybe it would melt.

"The general will taste this glass of wine again." Unknowingly, Qin Keqing had already lay in his arms, holding another glass of wine in his hand and brought it to his mouth.

Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows. Although Qin Keqing is a grandmother of a wealthy grandmother, but these superb methods of enticing men to the Qinhuai River may not be comparable to many oirans, and she does not know what kind of drugs the Jia family has used to her, so she is willing to do this. Practice yourself as usual.

"Ms. Qin invited me, how dare I not follow my order." Song Qingshu wrapped her slender body in one hand, and held her catkin in the other hand, and drank the wine to his mouth.

Zhao Shicheng, who was not far away, saw this scene with envy, jealousy and hatred in his eyes: "It's really cheap, this stinky kid."

As if hearing his psychological activities, Qin Keqing twisted her waist, and her whole body broke free from Song Qingshu's arms like a light butterfly. He stepped back without showing a trace, but his eyes were charming and passionate: "The general may What kind of wine did you taste this?"

Song Qingshu recalled in detail: "This wine is colorless and transparent, and the taste is fresh and refreshing. The most special thing is that it has a fragrant and attractive aroma. I think it should be British gin, and it is also called gin, because the wine is The aroma comes from the taste of juniper berries."

"The general is so powerful. I have always wondered what scent is inside. It turns out to be the smell of juniper berries." Qin Keqing blinked a pair of big eyes, his eyes full of admiration and admiration.

Even though she knew she was acting, Song Qingshu was still a little airy.

"The general will taste this glass of wine again?" A strange color flashed in Qin Keqing's eyes when he saw him swallowing two glasses of wine in a row.

Song Qingshu smiled, took it and drank it all, then frowned: "This wine must be Indian agave."

"Tequila?" Qin Keqing blinked, "What a beautiful name."

Song Qingshu replied: "Although the name is beautiful, this wine is strong, rough and irritable. I don't like it very much."

"But my concubine feels that this wine is very suitable for the general," Qin Keqing licked his lips, and there was a touch of charm between his eyebrows. "Compared to those weak scholars, I like the generals that are strong, thick and... A grumpy man." (.)

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