Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1399: I lost my wife and broke down again

Song Qingshu almost didn't spit out a nosebleed when she heard her, especially her suggestive tone, provocative, and it is enough to make a man's heart shake.uuk.la

"It's really a goblin who doesn't pay for his life." Zhao Shicheng cursed secretly, he couldn't help being jealous, and interrupted the two of them with a smile. "General Wu is indeed worthy of staying in Quanzhou, and he actually recognizes every kind of wine. I don’t know the name and origin of the remaining wine generals?"

Qin Keqing also poured another glass of wine and handed it over: "General please."

Seeing her smiling sweetly, but one cup after another persuading herself to drink, Song Qingshu secretly sneered, since you have a bad heart, you don't need to be polite.

When receiving the wine glass, Song Qingshu didn't take it immediately, but deliberately touched it on her hand.

Qin Keqing wanted to withdraw as if he was electrocuted, but he was held tightly by the other party, and his cheek instantly rose with a flush of rouge, becoming more and more charming and charming.

"General~" Qin Keqing glanced at him a bit irritably, but Song Qingshu pulled her into his arms, and while holding her, he began to taste a glass of fine wine: "Amber-colored wine, mixed with floral and fruity aromas... …And the smoky taste. It must be Scottish whiskey. This wine is suitable for enterprising men. Only such a man can accept so many complex and heavy flavors."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Zhao Shicheng admired while applauding, "Unexpectedly, General Wu is not only capable of swordsmanship, but also a master of wine country. It is really admirable."

"The prince is absurd." Song Qingshu nodded in response without humbly or arrogantly, but the other hand tightly hugged the slender waist of the beautiful woman in her arms, making her unable to stand up at all.

"This man is really bold! In the presence of King Beijing, he dared to treat the dancers in his house like this." Qin Keqing was secretly annoyed. Although she promised to show her beauty, she would just give him something when she wanted to deal with such a reckless man. A taste of the sweetness can make him fascinated and fascinated, but so far, his sacrifice has been much more than expected.

Zhao Shicheng was secretly pleased, not afraid of you having sex, just afraid that you did not. It seems that this foreign wine is really strong enough to let him drink so quickly, otherwise he would never make such a rude move.

Qin Keqing was secretly annoyed, bit her lip, and poured out a glass of wine to the man next to him: "How about the general taste this wine again?" At the same time, he kept cursing in his heart. The person said that these wines were very strong and mixed in. The power is even more multiplied together, drinking so many cups in a row, to see if you die.

Song Qingshu did not refuse to come, and drank the wine in front of him again. In fact, he roughly guessed the other party's plan. After passing through the later life, would he not know that these wines are very easy to be intoxicated when they are mixed together? However, he now has a deep inner strength, and the wine has been refined by the inner strength as soon as he drank it into his body, so he naturally didn't worry about getting drunk.

"This wine is mellow and delicious, full-bodied, and the color is crystal clear. Back then, Dutch merchants shipped French wines to all over the world. Unfortunately, the long journey caused the wine to deteriorate. Those merchants used these deteriorated wines to distill more concentrated wines. The high-grape distilled wine, named brandy, means "burnt wine"." Song Qingshu paused, shaking his head and said, "But I suggest that the lord can store this wine in oak barrels for three years before drinking. At that time, the wine will not only have a richer aroma, but will also turn your eyes into an amber-like golden yellow, which will set off your identity as the lord."

"Really?" Zhao Shicheng originally came to take out these wines as a cover, but now he is gradually aroused by the other party's interest.

"The prince will know if you try it." Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

Zhao Shicheng laughed haha: "The king placed the remaining wine in oak barrels for three years, and then tasting with the general after three years."

Song Qingshu sneered in his heart. After tomorrow I am defeated by Wu Tiande, how can you still look at such a role.

"How about the general taste this wine again?" Qin Keqing took the opportunity to pour another glass of wine and handed it to him. A pair of peach blossom eyes were blurry and oozing out of water. It turned out that Song Qingshu's fingers had been wandering around her intentionally or unintentionally during this period. Qin Keqing was originally a romantic and passionate temperament, and coupled with how superb his techniques, her whole body became soft and lustful within a short while.

Song Qingshu tasted the taste, "Well, this wine has a sweet and fragrant taste. It should be rum from the Caribbean. Although the wine is a good wine, it is a bit violent to drink it directly."

"Oh, how should I drink it?" Zhao Shicheng became interested in an instant, and even Qin Keqing blinked and looked at him curiously with his big watery eyes.

"First pound the juice with lemon, then add a few mint leaves, pour in the rum, and put it in the ice cellar to chill a cup of tea. If it is drunk during the heat, make sure that it is transparent from the beginning to the toe. The feeling." The more Song Qingshu said, the more he missed the taste in his past life.

"Then I really want to try it." Even though it is not midsummer, Zhao Shicheng couldn't wait to take a pot of rum and left, and said to Song Qingshu as he walked, "General Wu, please feel free."

"The prince is really good wine like fate." Looking at the back of Zhao Shicheng's departure, Qin Keqing sighed bitterly.

Song Qingshu's heart was like a mirror. Zhao Shicheng was a good wine like life. He obviously left with excuses to create a chance for the two to get along alone. In other words, it was also an opportunity to seduce himself.

Qin Keqing suddenly moved her ears, as if she had heard a sound, her soft body froze in an instant. Song Qingshu was holding her and felt very obvious. If she looked at the back of a certain wall thoughtfully, it was obvious that someone over there was using transmission. What Yinrumi said to Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing took a deep breath, as if determined, and suddenly smiled at him: "General Wu, the concubine actually knows a more interesting way to drink rum. Do you want to try it?"

Song Qingshu was startled, wondering if people in this world still know any clever bartending methods? "Listening to Miss Qin's words, I am really curious."

Qin Keqing didn't answer, but instead waved to the singers around him, beckoning them to retreat first. Those singers owed their bodies and withdrew one after another.

"Does this drinking method require solitary men and women?" Song Qingshu gently drew a circle on her body with his fingers, and said with a playful smile.

"This kind of concubine drinking method is the exclusive secret recipe, which cannot be seen by outsiders." Qin Keqing pursed his lips, then turned around and poured another glass of wine.

"Do you still want to continue pouring my wine?" Song Qingshu was curious about what medicine she sold in the gourd, so he looked at her quietly in his spare time.

However, to his surprise, Qin Keqing did not bring the wine to him. Instead, he picked up the wine glass and drank it. Before he could be astonished, Qin Keqing suddenly turned around and kissed it directly.

"Um..." Song Qingshu just wanted to speak, when she noticed a sweet and delicious liquor coming from her mouth.

"It turned out to be this way of drinking." Song Qingshu laughed blankly. It seemed that she hadn't been drunk after drinking so much wine, and she had to make a move.

Song Qing's book is not a pure-hearted guardian, since it was delivered to the door... don't let it go for nothing.

Even though he knew that the other party was using beauties, Song Qingshu didn't care at all. Anyway, he wasn't Wu Tiande, and there would be no contest tomorrow, even if the other party did anything about it?

Of course, if it were an ordinary beauty, Song Qingshu might really know Liu Xiahui once, but now he is such a delicate and graceful beauty. If he can remain indifferent, it can be said that he is not a man.

After drinking, Qin Keqing was about to get up, who knew Song Qingshu couldn't help her at all, so he took her arms around her neck and kissed it back.

"Hmm~" Qin Keqing's eyes widened when the other party knocked her teeth and drove in. He subconsciously wanted to push her away, but Song Qingshu didn't give her a chance to regret it.

"Does it really mean sacrificing innocence today?" A trace of fear flashed in Qin Keqing's heart. Although she is not a chaste woman in the traditional sense, she is not a woman who just let a man touch her body. Just my husband and...touched myself...

The reason why she agreed to this task was to repay her gratitude and to be involuntarily involuntarily second. Of course, the most important thing was that she was confident that she could achieve the goal with a little trick with her own charm, and she didn't have to go to the last step, but now The development of the situation was beyond her expectations, completely beyond her control.

"Why didn't King Beijing come back?" Qin Keqing wanted to bite her lip subconsciously, but it was a pity that her lips could not close together at this time.

Her body was originally more sensitive than ordinary women, coupled with her natural femininity and affection, Song Qingshu had long since kissed her. She breathed again and again, her whole body was soft and boneless, and the weight of her whole person was completely hung on this man.

"He is also in the palace, is it because I was so insulted by other men?" Qin Keqing's lover's elegant and mature face flashed in his mind, and Qin Keqing's heart flashed in a daze.

At this time, in the next room, Zhao Shicheng smiled and said to a man next to him: "Why did she really get her surnamed Wu?"

The man was silent, and then replied after a long time: "I can't bear to let the child be too wolves."

Zhao Shicheng smiled, and the joking in his eyes became more obvious: "You are willing."

"As the daughter-in-law of the Jia family, I should have been ready to sacrifice for the benefit of the family at all times." The man said lightly.

"Is it really just a daughter-in-law?" Zhao Shicheng looked at the man in front of him and said with a smile, "According to the king, I know that you have already eaten this famous daughter-in-law in Beijing. Let your lover go with other men... ...Hehe, you are also big-hearted."

The other man in the room was naturally Jia Zhen. As the prince, Zhao Shicheng naturally did not have so much scruples, nor was he afraid that this sentence would hurt the other's face.

Jia Zhen's expression changed slightly, and it took a long time to say: "Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial." However, when he thinks of Qin Keqing's bright and moving appearance, her heart becomes more sour. If it is before, even if Jia Sidao personally ordered it, he still I'm not really willing to let Qin Keqing do this kind of thing, but I was kicked and scrapped by Luo Bing's wife not long ago, and I can no longer be humane...

Song Qing's book spirit stretched out, and he had already detected two people next door, knowing that they must be watching him nearby, and couldn't help but sneer secretly. Since you want to use the beauty trick, then I will let you lose your wife and break the soldiers.


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