Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1400: Lose money

In the next room, Zhao Shicheng fanned unnaturally, and ran to the side to pick up a cup of herbal tea and drank it before relieving the warmth in his body. Only then did he notice that Jia Zhen was still standing by the wall and listening intently. The movement can't help but secretly despise: This guy not only likes to climb dust, but also likes to listen to the corner.

Jia Zhen stood there, wringing her brows into Sichuan for a while, squeezing her fists for a while, and swallowing involuntarily for a while, with a very rich expression.

On the other side, Qin Keqing has long been scattered, her eyes blurred, and there is more sadness in her heart. She knows that Jia Zhen is at the house, maybe it is next door. Jia Zhen also knows that she knows all this, but he still has no intention to stop it. , I have already made clear what idea was in my mind.

She suddenly felt a little ridiculous. She had always believed that the two parties were true love. He saved herself and gave everything to herself. For him, she even married a man who didn’t love him, and was willing to secretly interact with him at the expense of the world. , But now I think about it, I am just a plaything of him, a plaything that can be used to entertain other men at any time, and a plaything that can be discarded at any time.

"Since you want me to seduce me, then I will seduce you to see if you will regret it afterwards!" With this thought, she became more and more self-defeating, and the resistance that was originally in her heart instantly disappeared without a trace. The rugged man in the house kissed himself, and even offered a fragrant kiss in response to him.

Song Qingshu was originally just taking advantage of the trend to test the two people next door at the same time, who knew that the other party had no reaction at all, making him a bit dilemma instead.

Such a beautiful woman has turned into water like water, and she looks like a gentleman. If she retreats, it will make people wonder if it is a man; but come in, and don't know what conspiracy the other party is playing, it will not be in vain. Take out such a disaster-like stunner to make yourself cheap, right?

At this moment, Qin Keqing didn't dodge like before, but actively offered a fragrant kiss. Two jade lotus-like arms were also placed on his shoulders, and a faintly sweet, greasy hum groaned from his throat.

"Forget it, no matter what plots and tricks he has, would I still be afraid that he will not succeed?" Song Qingshu's heart was hot, and she gently untied the belt on the hem of her skirt, and took advantage of the situation to put her on the ground...

Zhao Shicheng next door also didn't know how many cups of tea he had drunk. When trying to pour the tea, he found that the water in the teapot had already been poured. In order to hide his embarrassment, he coughed and said, "Wu Tiande's physical strength is pretty good."

Jia Zhen's eyes were reddening, and since just now, he was fidgeting and pacing around in the room. He opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to answer when he heard what he said, but suddenly realized that he didn't know what to answer. Could he answer "Yes, he does have physical strength? That’s fine"? Thinking that the chanting and singing that belonged to him usually belonged to another man now, he felt that he was so fucking, his eyes were so gloomy that water was about to drip: Luo Bing, you bitch! You made me so miserable!

At this time, Song Qingshu on the other side finally understood what the other party's idea was. Qin Keqing was born to be charming, and ordinary men would vent as soon as they touched her. On this basis, she actually cultivated a special kind of charm, which multiplied the power!

The feeling of numb scalp made Song Qingshu's heart startled. You must know that even he can't support it, let alone ordinary people. If Linghu rushed to the banquet tonight, I am afraid that the sun will be exhausted by this time, and the next few days will be energetic. Faint, it's not bad to be able to perform three achievements in the competition tomorrow.

At this time, Qin Keqing's shock was not inferior to him. On weekdays, she didn't need to use Mei Gong at all. She just relied on her physical talent to make men easily throw away their helmets and unarmor. Now she used her full strength, and the other party had nothing!

But this wasn't the thing that shocked her the most. What shocked her the most was another thing: "This breath... you were the person that night!"

Song Qingshu was a little surprised, and she had to sigh that sometimes women feel so keen. She has never seen her face, but she still recognizes herself: "It seems that Miss Qin and I are really destined, oh, no..."

Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and said softly: "You should not be called Ms. Qin, you should be called Grandma Rong."

"Ah!" Qin Keqing was suddenly called out of identity by him, and her whole body froze all of a sudden, "You...you..." The reason why she agreed to come and use her beauty tricks this time was largely because the other party didn't know her identity. , So she was more courageous. Now that her true identity was exposed, she instantly felt that she was not in front of the other party from the inside out, and her heart was about to jump out of tension.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Seeing her panicked eyes, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a trace of pity.

As if feeling the gentleness in the other party’s tone, Qin Keqing gradually calmed down, and suddenly felt the sting of his beard on her cheek, as if remembering something for a moment: "No, you didn’t have this big beard that night. !"

Even though they couldn’t see anything that night, the two of them were in such close contact with each other, and they couldn’t hide it with such a big beard; but this warm and broad embrace, and the sun-like comfort of each other’s body, all showed him It was the mysterious man that night.

"Who are you!" Qin Keqing was not a stupid person, and suddenly realized that since his beard is fake, then this man is not Wu Tiande.

"Hush~" Song Qingshu kissed her, and then said in her ear, "This is our secret."

Qin Keqing frowned as if she felt something in her body, her eyes were filled with mist, and she glared at him angrily: "Who wants to keep a secret for you."

"It won't be good for you if you expose my identity," Song Qingshu paused, and continued to whisper in her ear, "Do you want to be forced to seduce another man again?"

Qin Keqing bit his shoulder with embarrassment, but what the other person said was in her heart. If the Jia family knew that she had made a mistake this time, then her sacrifice of innocence this time would be completely meaningless. Being disgusted and disgusted by them, maybe they will force her to perform beautiful tricks on the real Wu Tiande again. When she thinks that she will be reduced to a scene like a woman in a brothel, she will feel endless sadness, two lines of tears. Involuntarily slipped down.

Song Qingshu wiped away the tears for her, and said softly, "Don't worry, no one will know if you don't tell me about this."

"But I know it myself!" Qin Keqing yelled from the bottom of her heart, but she knew that until now, she could only comfort herself in this way.

As if remembering something, Qin Keqing suddenly blushed and looked at him: "Have you ever practiced some evil skills?"

Song Qingshu looked at her with a faint smile, "Why do you ask?"

Qin Keqing opened her mouth, but in the end she turned her face away and said, "You know it in your heart."

"I haven't practiced any wicked kungfu," Song Qingshu said jokingly, "In fact, it should be my wife who has practiced such kungfu."

"Oh, don't say it~" Qin Keqing hooked his neck and kissed him again, never thinking about anything upsetting...

At this time, Jia Zhen next door was already irritable, and she said something in her mouth: "Why isn't it over yet? Did she forget to use the secret technique?"

He didn't believe that a man could persist in front of Qin Keqing for so long, only when she hadn't performed that kind of secret technique on Wu Tiande, and couldn't help but become jealous for a while.

Qin Keqing is his daughter-in-law in name, but he knows that she and Jia Rong are only in the name of husband and wife, and there is no real relationship between husband and wife. To some extent, Qin Keqing is actually his wife and concubine. Now how can he think about things next door? Not jealous?

Zhao Shicheng smiled and calmed him and said, "Brother Jia, don't be irritable. Actually, think about it from another perspective. The longer they quarrel now, the more energy Wu Tiande will consume. The worse he will lose in the martial arts competition tomorrow. Is it in line with our original plan?"

"Okay!" Jia Zhen could only sigh in desperation, thinking that she had made such a big sacrifice this time, and she didn't know what compensation her uncle would give me...

Thinking of Jia Sidao's power and power hidden in the dark is even more shocking, Jia Zhen gradually became enthusiastic, but she soon thought of Luo Bing's severed offspring that night, and the whole person instantly became frustrated.

Song Qingshu didn’t leave until dawn. Qin Keqing’s aptitude was very good. Coupled with the bonus of cultivation techniques, he refined a lot of pure Yin Qi this night, not only did not lose energy, but on the contrary, he improved a lot of skill. . However, he was aware of the other party's poisonous tactics, and naturally would not show a refreshing appearance. He deliberately made his complexion extremely pale by his destiny, and he deliberately walked vainly when he walked.

As the saying goes, when someone is happy, someone is worried. Hearing that he is finally gone, the eyes of the two people listening next door are already full of bloodshot eyes, and they are exhausted if they don't sleep much all night.

"This **** is really desperate. After tossing all night, I'm walking now!" Jia Zhen gritted his teeth while looking at Song Qingshu's leaving back through the window. After all, the other party was tossing his own woman last night, so why didn't he? anger.

Zhao Shicheng patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "At least the effect is still obvious now."

Jia Zhen snorted coldly, her face still a little ugly, and hurriedly ran to the next door to investigate. Zhao Shicheng's eyes lit up and hurriedly followed. At this time, she might be able to feast his eyes.

But he soon became disappointed, because Qin Keqing had already put on his dresses, except for the fact that Yun Temple was still scattered. Nevertheless, the lazy and charming amorous feelings revealed at that moment still made him amazed.

"Keqing, how are you?" Jia Zhen hurried over to help her.

Qin Keqing avoided his hand directly, looked at him indifferently, said nothing, and walked straight out, but just after taking two steps, suddenly the strangeness in her body made her involuntarily hold down the skirt, a piece of The pretty face instantly turned red and walked out tremblingly, holding back the shame.

Jia Zhen wants to catch up, but she doesn't know what she can say to catch up at this time. After thinking about it, let her calm down before talking.

Seeing that Qin Keqing was a little erratic in walking when he left, Zhao Shicheng had to envy the man who was very lucky last night. He couldn't help but said sourly: "Since you are so reluctant, why don't Wu Tiande lose money during his tenure in Quanzhou To coerce him, have to spend such a large amount of money?"


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