Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1401: Sister or aunt

Jia Zhen sighed: "This is my uncle's opinion. If it is a direct threat, he will fall behind. Maybe Han Chung will attack the result of the match afterwards. uuk.la still has no trace of this method. Even if Han Dongxuan learned about it afterwards, he could only blame Wu Tiande for not being able to hold it, and unable to use the question to attack. As the so-called dumb eats Huanglian, it is hard to tell."

"So, Jia Shixian really looks forward and admire you!" Zhao Shicheng admired him, but he sneered in his heart when he saw Jia Zhen's frustrated expression. He didn't know who the dumb ate Huanglian and couldn't tell.

Jia Zhen was not in the mood to continue chattering with him at this time, arched his hands and said, "I want to go back and report the results to my uncle. By the way, I am comforting and comforting Keqing, so I won't stay with the prince any longer and leave."

"Walk slowly, this king will not be far away." Zhao Shicheng secretly shook his head, a woman was handed to other men by his beloved man, her heart was already broken, how could it be restored by your comfort .

"Lord, please stay!" Jia Zhen arched her hands and trot away in a hurry.

Looking at his leaving back, Zhao Shicheng thoughtfully, suddenly a faint sigh sounded in his ear: "Master, did you harm people again last night?"

Zhao Shicheng looked back and saw his wife Tang Wanzheng standing not far behind him with a sad look. He couldn't help but walk quickly to help her: "Why do you get up so early in the garden? The dew in the garden is so cold. Go back to your house and rest."

Tang Wan sighed: "You didn't go back to your room all night, so how can I sleep? I heard someone say you are here in Tianxiang Tower. I know you have something to do, and I dare not bother you. Now I guess you can do it. It's almost time, just come and take a look."

Zhao Shicheng held his wife's hand, his eyes filled with tenderness: "It's because the king is not good, so my wife is worried."

Tang Wan shook his head, looked at the direction Jia Zhen disappeared, and said quietly, "Master, you are noble, and outsiders think you never participated in the court battles, but I, a wife, would not know that you secretly turned to one of them. But the political struggle has always been extremely dangerous, so why should the prince blend into this vortex?"

"Madam, don't worry, this king has his own way," Zhao Shicheng's eyes flashed, thinking that if he is satisfied to be a prince, naturally there is no need to participate in the battle of the court, but if you want to go further...

They are all descendants of Emperor Taizong, so why don't you die with others!

Seeing what Tang Wan had to say, Zhao Shicheng helped her and said, "Madam, let me help you go back to the house and rest."

Tang Wan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and let him walk back with his support.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu came out of the Beijing Palace, and soon noticed that someone was following him, and couldn’t help but sneer secretly. The footsteps completely shake off the trailing tail.

After that, he picked up light work and rushed to Han Mansion all the way eagerly, where Han Tong had already been waiting for him in the mansion.

Before Song Qingshu had spoken, Han Tong asked first: "What was the trap in the Beijing Palace last night?" Although the position of the Beijing King was uncertain, the politician's keen sense made him sure that it was a Hongmen Banquet last night.

Song Qingshu frowned, still replied: "Last night King Beijing asked me to help tasting wine..."

"Is it drugging in the wine?" Han Tong quickly denied this speculation himself, "No, it is easy to leave a handle when drugging, Jia Sidao wouldn't be so unwise."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, wine tasting is only one of the methods. In the end, the killer is still a beauty..." Then he talked about the fact that they sent a woman who knows how to charm them. Of course, many of the details were hidden. Did not say Po Qin Keqing's identity.

"It's really a horrible trick. If you didn't come out of Qingshu this time, Tiande would definitely be recruited," Han Dongzhan said with a grateful look. "I was sucked up by those enchanted girls. Today, the game was lost. They settle the accounts...thanks to you."

Song Qingshu waved his hand: "Needless to say those polite remarks, should Jiefu tell me the whereabouts of Huang Rong now?"

Han Tong smiled faintly, and said unhurriedly: "I heard that you have launched various forces to search for Lin'an during this period of time, and Jia Sidao is also sending his people to find him. You have almost searched Lin'an city. Have you ever wondered why after finding the whereabouts of the leader of the Huang Gang?"

"I've always been wondering about this. Could it be that Huang Rong is now in Jiefu's hands?" Song Qingshu looked at him meaningfully.

Han Tong hurriedly waved his hand: "Qingshu, you look at me highly. Although I have some energy, I still can't hide the eyeliner on both sides of you and Jia Sidao at the same time."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu thought, too. If he could really do this seamlessly, Jia Sidao wouldn't be able to fight him at all. "Where is she now?"

Han Tongxuan did not answer directly, but showed a mysterious smile: "In fact, the answer is already obvious. The entire Lin'an City can make a person disappear out of thin air under the eyelids of you, me, and Jia Sidao, and the force must be above us. ..."

He paused, and did not say the following words, but Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, and there was an enlightenment in his heart. Han Yuan and Jia Si Daoquan were in the field. The power in Lin'an city was still above them, except for the emperor. Who can there be?

"Why didn't I expect this!" Song Qingshu slapped his thigh and almost jumped up. In fact, this is no wonder he, since he rescued Li Yuanzhi and Chen Yuanyuan, there was no nostalgia in the palace, and he subconsciously ignored this place.

Thinking that Huang Rong had been missing for so many days, Song Qingshu was very anxious, wishing to rescue her right away, but quickly remembered that it was almost bright today. People in ancient times all got up very early. People in the Kung Fu Palace at this time I'm afraid they are all up. If you want to break in at this time, a slight negligence will reveal your identity.

As if seeing his estimate, Han Dongzhe smiled and said: "The martial arts contest will be held in the palace today. Why don't you come into the palace with me, Qingshu."

Song Qingshu's heart moved. It was a good choice to enter the imperial palace under the guise of a contest. Especially when everyone's attention was attracted by the contest, he could just save Huang Rong.

"Do you know where Huang Rong is being held?" Song Qingshu suddenly realized that if she was not in the palace, wouldn't she just go for nothing this time?

Han Tong said with a smile: "I can only tell you to go to the palace to watch the match today, you should be rewarded."

Song Qingshu nodded. When it comes to the emperor, an old fox like Han Zhang will definitely not be able to say it, but he has said it clearly now. Since he said so, he must have found through special channels that Huang Rong was indeed hidden in the palace. .

"Then let's set off now." Song Qingshu made a gesture of asking.

Han Tongzhang suddenly glanced at him with a weird face: "Qingshu, you fight for the night, don't you need to take a break?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No problem."

Han Dongzuo suddenly said in a tone full of envy, "It's so nice to be young!"


Although Song Qingshu's mouth was calm and gentle, he still took a nap on the sedan chair on the way to the palace. After all, he was not beaten with iron.

The sedan chair stopped in front of the palace gate. Song Qingshu found that too many people had gathered outside the palace. In addition to the officials who were qualified to enter the palace, there were also many lower-level military officers and people from the rivers and lakes waiting outside the palace gate. Obviously, they wanted to Get the result of the game the first time.

Not long after the palace gate was opened, hundreds of civil and military officials went to court. Song Qingshu is now the king of Qi and is naturally qualified to enter. As for the rest of the people, they are not so lucky and are strictly stopped by the guards of the imperial palace. Outside the palace gate.

On the way to the Jinluan Temple, Song Qingshu suddenly saw Murongfu in the crowd. He seemed to be talking to Jia Sidao, and walked straight over: "Jia Shumi~"

Jia Sidao looked up, with an unexpected look in his eyes, and replied, "Master Qi."

The two exchanged a few words at random, Song Qingshu suddenly said to Murong Fu who was on the side: "Mr Murong, it's been a long time."

"Long time no see." Looking at the high-spirited man in front of him, Murongfu had to sigh that the world is impermanent. A few years ago, he was the world-famous Nan Murong, and the other party was just a Wudang outcast who had broken all meridians. It was only a few years old. Inside, the other party grew up to an existence that he looked up to whether it was martial arts or power.

At that moment Murong Fu was suddenly full of frustration, feeling that he would never be able to catch up with the man in front of him in his entire life. However, he quickly woke up again. He was a descendant of the Dayan Dynasty and had the lofty ideal of rejuvenating the country. Song Qingshu was no more than a king if he was destined to be the emperor in the future.

Thinking of this, he rekindled his fighting spirit in an instant, so today he must defeat that Wu Tiande and be able to take control of Sichuan’s military power. After he has been in Sichuan for two years, he will use the land of Sichuan as the foundation and reproduce the glory of my Dayan. .

Although Murong Fu did not say these psychological activities, but with Song Qingshu's current cultivation level, he can already feel the changes in the surrounding aura, and he glanced at the opponent thoughtfully before he smiled and asked: "This time Why didn't you see Miss Wang? Miss Wang is familiar with martial arts in the world, and if you have her to guide her, you can increase your chances of winning by three points."

Hearing "familiar with the world of martial arts", Jia Sidao passed by with a contempt in his eyes. Although it was fleeting, it was still caught by Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu was not surprised by this. Wang Yuyan was only familiar with the martial arts of the general public. She didn't have the opportunity to read the real top magical secrets. As the owner of the island of Xia Ke, Jia Sidao would naturally not care about it.

"Some time ago, my aunt Fei Ge passed the book back to Mantuo Mountain Villa. My cousin left immediately after receiving the letter. I asked her what was written in the letter and she didn't say anything." Murong Fu replied with a wry smile, obviously having some reservations about Wang Yuyan. Dissatisfied, but he has always been a little afraid of that glamorous aunt, and dare not really bully that timid cousin.

Song Qingshu understood that Li Qingluo had obviously let Wang Yuyan go to Hubei to find relatives together. When she thought that she and Xiaolongnv were about the same age and similar in appearance, but they wanted to call each other auntie, the picture was really beautiful.


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