Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1402: misunderstanding

"In fact, I should be more grateful to Wang Yuyan than Murongfu." Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing at the desolation of the year. If it hadn't been for Wang Yuyan to be familiar with the world of martial arts, she might have died in some stalemate.

And Bing Xueer, she protected herself all the way back then... It has been a long time since I heard from her, I don't know where she is now...

As for Murong Fu's kindness, he had already paid off, and later helped him several times. If there were any conflicts, Song Qingshu didn't want to be soft-hearted.

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the crowd. Song Qingshu looked up and found that it was Wu Tiande who had also appeared. Perhaps Han Tongxuan had sent someone to notify him in advance. At this time, although he looks still heroic and martial, but a little bit Anyone with eyesight can see that his face is pale and his eyes are blank.

"It's just a strong outsider." Sure enough, whether it was Jia Sidao or Murong Fu, a sneer appeared on their faces invariably.

Other officials are also talking about who will win today’s competition. There are those who support Wu Tiande, and many who support Murongfu. They say that the public is reasonable and the wife is reasonable. Unfortunately, they can only speculate based on some superficial information. .

Soon a group of people came to the Zichen Temple and stood in the order of the hundred officials. Song Qingshu has a special status, and now has the title of King Qi, naturally standing in the forefront position.

Next to him, besides the king of Yi he met at the dinner that day, there was another prince, the current prince Zhao Guihe, who was sent to the south for disaster relief a while ago, so Song Qingshu only saw him today.

Quietly looking at the future heir to the throne, Song Qing's writing is odd, the king of Yi Zhao Guicheng Yuxuan is handsome and tall, and the crown prince Zhao Guihe is much worse. Although it is not trivial, but the appearance is ordinary, that's it. This kind of look that you can't recognize when you throw it on the street.

In the words of later generations, the prince looked like an obscure and honest person, while the king of Yi was the kind of tall, rich and handsome man who held the moon with stars.

Although he is a little more familiar with King Yi, Song Qingshu still has a more favorable impression of the honest and ordinary prince.

"Is this the resentment of the honest people?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile at the thought of those remarks on the Internet in his previous life.

Not long after, Zhao Gou also came out of the harem, and the court meeting unfolded as usual. At the reminder of Han Tong, Song Qingshu also had to go out to give thanks. After all, after being Feng Qi, he had been busy looking for Huang Rong, and he had not come to give thanks. In response, Zhao Xou has always been a little unsightly on his face.

However, Zhao Gou still has a fresh memory of his toughness in the temple, so even though he was extremely unhappy, he hadn't shown it some time ago, for fear that Song Qingshu would be scammed, and he would not be able to step down. That would be a laugh. .

Now that Song Qingshu took the initiative to give thanks, Zhao Gou actually felt a little overjoyed: "King Qi does not need to be polite. Today is the day when you are fighting for the handsome. King Qi, you martial arts, you can just be a witness by the side and give them a judgement. ."

Song Qingshu frowned. He was about to secretly rescue Huang Rong. Wouldn't it be inconvenient if he became a referee? But the other party made sense again, and it was hard to shirk under the eyes of everyone.

With a move in his heart, Song Qing Shuji came to his heart, and stepped forward and replied: "There are many masters in the palace. Naturally, there are many judges. What's more, the emperor's wise and martial gaze is like a torch. When it comes to judging candidates, who can compare to the emperor."

Zhao Gou didn't expect Song Qingshu to "give up face" like this, and he couldn't help but make Longyan Joye for a while, but he forgot to mention him as a referee again.

The next step is the normal process of going to the court. After listening to the various events, Song Qingshu couldn't help but want to yawn. It was really tormenting here. If it weren't for saving Huang Rong, I wouldn't be too busy to participate in this kind of court meeting. of.

He wanted to sneak away to find Huang Rong, but it was a pity that he stood in the forefront of the civil and military officials, the goal was too conspicuous, and it was impossible to raise his hand to urinate like the school of later generations, and he couldn't help but torture incomparably.

Fortunately, today’s most important theme is the battle to win the command. The dynasty ended much earlier than usual. Next, Zhao Gou took the civil and military officials to the Daqing Hall and began to hold sacrifices to congratulate the ancestors that the land of Sichuan has been recovered. Because there were so many people participating in the sacrifice, coupled with the cumbersome process and lengthy preparations, Song Qingshu finally found a chance to escape.

The eunuchs of the imperial military were walking around, and the **** had already come and led him to his convenience. On the way, Song Qingshu took advantage of people's attention and controlled the **** with the soul-moving method, and then sneaked into the inner palace.

After experiencing the incident of Huang Chang, Song Qingshu was still quite jealous and ran to the inner palace. After all, although his martial arts were high, it was easy to hide from the guards in the palace, but it was difficult to hide from Huang Chang.

But today the emperor is offering sacrifices at the Daqing Hall. Huang Chang should be protected near him. In addition, it is broad daylight. At this time, the inner palace is the time when the defense is the weakest.

Soon Song Qingshu touched into the inner palace and found the palace where Ake was located in the direction she remembered, and found that she was holding a book in front of the window to read, and the uncle breathed a sigh of relief, originally worried that she would go to the imperial garden. It caused myself to jump into the air.

The figure flashed past, and he tapped the acupuncture points of several palace ladies in the house like lightning, and came to behind A Ke.

Hearing the movement behind her, Akko turned her head in surprise and looked at the court lady who had fallen to the ground. After her subconscious appearance, she hurriedly covered her mouth and swallowed the scream back.

"It's you!" Akko's voice was full of surprises, and he ran towards him subconsciously, but he seemed to realize something. Halfway through the run, he stopped. A faint blush appeared on his youthful and delicate face, which made him already beautiful. She became more and more attractive.

"Long time no see." Song Qingshu smiled softly.

Who knows that Akko became a little angry when he heard what he said: "What do you say, since the last time you took my mother out of the palace, there has been no more news. If I hadn't quietly asked the maid to find out that you were still there. In the city of Lin'an, I thought..." At this point, she suddenly blushed and did not continue.

"Why?" Song Qingshu was startled and asked curiously.

Unable to hold him back, Akko had no choice but to say: "I thought you kidnapped my mother!" No wonder she was so worried. After all, Chen Yuanyuan was once the world's number one beauty, and now she has no less grace in the past, and there is not much in the world. If a man can resist her charm, it is not surprising that Song Qingshu suddenly abducted her when she saw her.

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Is my character so untrustworthy in your heart?" When he said this, he was a little guilty. After all, although he didn't abduct Chen Yuanyuan, he had already abducted her to bed...

"Your character has nothing to be trusted," Akejiao snorted, "Is my mother okay now?"

"Everything is fine, she eats well and sleeps well. She looks a few years younger now." Song Qingshu secretly added, and there is no lack of my credit.

"So I'm relieved." Akke took a long sigh of relief, and then asked some things about Chen Yuanyuan after leaving the palace, Song Qingshu answered one by one.

"By the way, why are you running into the forbidden palace now?" Akko looked at the sky outside, and said worriedly, "Now in this broad daylight, if someone finds out you will be in trouble."

"That's it. A friend of mine was arrested by someone in the palace..." Song Qingshu roughly talked about Huang Rong's arrest, but didn't mention the specific details. "So I came to ask you during this period of time. Have you found anything unusual in the palace of any empress?"

"Is it a female friend?" Akko asked sourly.

"Uh, they are married, and the children are about the same age as you, don't think about it." Song Qingshu replied awkwardly.

"Oh," Akko looked better now, frowning as he recalled, "There seems to be nothing unusual in these empress palaces."

"If you think about it again, any clues will do." Song Qingshu's eyebrows were twisted. After all, it is too easy to hide a person in such a big palace. If there is no clue, it is no different than finding a needle in a haystack.

"That's right!" A Ke's eyes suddenly lit up, "I remembered. Once I missed my mother so much, I unknowingly walked to the cold palace where she was last time, but was stopped by someone at the cold palace. "I said that I’m a distinguished person, and I can’t go in to get bad luck, but I’ve been to Lenggong before, and I didn’t have those guards."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, the easiest Tibetan in the entire palace should be Lenggong. Thank you Ak, I'm going to save people now."

"Hey~" Akko hurriedly called to him, and under the other's puzzled eyes, his pretty face blushed and said, "Can you come to see me often when you are free?"

Noting that the other person's look became weird, she hurriedly explained: "Hey, don't think about it, it's because my mother has left, I'm too bored in this palace by myself."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "You don't have to be too sad. Sooner or later I will take you out of the palace."

"Really?" Akko exclaimed, her small chest undulating, obviously her heart was extremely agitated at this moment.

"Of course it's true." Song Qingshu smiled and waved goodbye to her. His light work quickly disappeared from her sight.

"I'm waiting for you~" Looking at his leaving back, Akko's eyes seemed to burst out with a burst of brilliant light.

Her whisper didn't escape Song Qingshu's ears. He couldn't help frowning slightly, faintly feeling something was wrong, but he was eager to save people at this time, and he didn't have the time to think about it.

The two obviously understood this promise as a different meaning. Song Qingshu was just out of friendship, but Ak was full of girlish feelings. Originally Song Qingshu was not so dull, but because of his relationship with Chen Yuanyuan, he subconsciously Regarding Ak as a junior, he really didn't think about that.

Song Qingshu sneaked all the way, avoided the guards in the palace, and soon came to the cold palace. Because of Li Yuanzhi, he was already familiar with the layout of the cold palace, and soon found a special courtyard inside.


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