Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1403: Reunion with Qiao Huang Rong

The reason why this yard is special is mainly because there are no people here in Lenggong on weekdays. It can be described as empty, lonely and cold, but this small courtyard is full of guards inside and out, even though they Instead of wearing the uniforms of the guards in the palace, they wore some ordinary clothes, which were said to be ordinary, but the quality of the clothes was a few blocks better than those of ordinary people.

Song Qingshu's toe is a little bit, and the whole person is silently hidden on a tree a dozen feet away from the courtyard. He looks down into the courtyard through the dense leaves, looking for the weak spot of the line of defense. After all, he just wants to save people quietly. I don't want to make the whole palace come to catch the assassin again.

I remembered the positions of those secret whistles one by one. Song Qingshu was about to descend the tree, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and saw a graceful young woman walking from the room inside to the courtyard outside. The slightly raised belly was eye-catching, no Who is Huang Rong!

"Finally found you!" Song Qingshu was extremely excited, because he knew that if he ran away again this time, he would still be able to withstand such a blow.

From a distance, although Huang Rong has a sad look between her eyebrows, she has a ruddy complexion and clean clothes. She has obviously not been abused. Song Qingshu's heart that had been mentioning all this time finally let go.

"Why did Zhao Gou arrest Huang Rong?" After the worries dissipated, Song Qingshu gradually began to think about this issue. As he thought, there was no conflict of interest between Zhao Gou and Huang Rong, and Guo Jingyi was the pillar of the country when he was guarding Xiangyang. Why Do you want to touch his family?

Is it because Guo Jing belongs to the Jia Sidao faction, and Zhao Gou wants to balance the forces on both sides? Song Qingshu's heart moved, the more he thought about it, the more possible it became. After all, Jingzhou now has a strong symbol of the Jia Sidao faction. If Sichuan also falls into the hands of the people of Jia Sidao, then two-thirds of the power of the entire imperial court They are all controlled by him, and Zhao Gou, the emperor, will probably have trouble sleeping.

There was a quarrel not far away. Song Qingshu looked up, and it turned out that it was Huang Rong who wanted to walk out of the yard, but it was a pity that the guards wouldn't let her leave for half a step.

"Hey, although these guards look very capable, but with Huang Rong's martial arts, they should not be able to stop her." Song Qingshu took a closer look and noticed that Huang Rong's footsteps were much heavier than usual. Sealed the skill.

"Zhao Gou, you better hope she is fine, if there is any damage to her or the child in her stomach..." Song Qingshu's eyes flashed with cold light, and he sneaked over quietly.

Huang Rong was stopped and could only return to the house. Because of her pregnancy, the tossing at this moment made her a little tired, so she had to sit down on the bed and sulking.

"I'm really mad!" Thinking of the soft nail she just touched, Huang Rong only felt upset in her heart, and she couldn't help stomping her feet with anger.

"Be careful, it won't be good to hurt the child." At this time, a gentle voice sounded from the side.

"You need to care!" Huang Rong replied subconsciously, suddenly realizing something, and turning her head in disbelief, she saw a face that made her love and hate.

Huang Rong was wondering what kind of posture he should face her, Song Qingshu had already rushed up and hugged her, and murmured affectionately: "Rong'er~"

Huang Rong originally wanted to push him away, but when he heard the deep emotions in his tone, her heart softened, and her half-stretched hand dropped, but instead she gently hugged his back.

The two of them hugged quietly for a while, and Huang Rong suddenly pushed him away in a hurry: "Don't hug so tightly, my belly..."

Song Qingshu hurriedly let go after hearing the words, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I almost forgot." While talking, squatted down and put his face on her stomach: "Come on, let uncle hear if you have any protest ."

"Uncle?" A weird look flashed across Huang Rong's face when she heard these two words, she couldn't help but be in a daze.

Suddenly sensing the movement of Song Qingshu's hand, Huang Rong's face turned red, and she slapped his hand on her stomach: "Don't touch it, it's only a few months. How can he interact with you?" She was born after all. Once I was a child, the experience was far beyond that of a junior brother like Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu smirked: "No way, I'm so excited."

Huang Rong's face flushed: "It's not your child, how excited are you."

"What does it matter? It's your child anyway," Song Qingshu suddenly changed his style, "not to mention it's not easy for them to call my father."

Hearing his words, Huang Rong's heart jumped wildly: "What do you mean?"

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "With my friendship with Brother Guo, and save you time and time again, I will agree with him when the children are born to recognize me as godfather. I think Brother Guo will definitely not refuse. "

"I want to be beautiful!" Huang Rong sipped, thinking that she must ask her husband not to agree in the future, but she didn't know why, she suddenly felt that this kind of ending seemed good...

"Wait, why have you been saying ‘them’, ‘children’ and the like since just now?" Huang Rong sensitively discovered the anomaly in his words.

"Because I know you have twins in your belly, and you are still a male and a female dragon and phoenix." Looking at her slightly raised belly, Song Qingshu said with joy.

"Nonsense, how do you know." Huang Rong touched her stomach, snorted, and said angrily.

"Do you want us to make a bet?" Song Qingshu said confidently.

"Gamble, gamble!" Seeing the other person's self-confident appearance, Huang Rong snorted, as if she was no longer the dignified and wise Mrs. Guo, but had changed back to the little demon girl who was fearless and fearless. "The key is to bet?"

"If I win in the future, let them call me father after the children are born..." Seeing Huang Rong and Liu's eyebrows frowning, he hurriedly added, "God father...God father..."

Huang Rong hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay! But what if you lose?"

"If you lose, just ask for it," Song Qingshu said, patting his chest.

"Aren't you afraid that I will make you do something very difficult?" Huang Rongqi asked.

"Not afraid, because I know I won't lose." Song Qingshu's face exuded a confident look.

"I hope you remember what you said today." Huang Rong snorted, then lowered her head and gently touched her stomach. On the one hand, she wanted to win the gambling contract, but on the other hand, she was very excited by the thought of being a dragon and phoenix. stand up.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and a soft voice said, "The slave and maid have come to give the wife fruit."

While talking while pushing the door open to come in, Song Qingshu raised his head and looked up, and found that there was no place to hide in the beams, so he could only jump onto the bed in a hurry, and pulled the quilt over to cover him.

Huang Rong reacted very quickly. She glanced at it roughly, and it was easy to see that there were more people in the quilt. She also got into the quilt in desperation, blocking the sight of the maid who came in with her body.

After the maid came in, she saw Huang Rong lying on the bed, and she couldn't help being shocked: "Why does the madam sleep so early?"

Huang Rong's face flushed: "I'm a little tired, I want to lie down for a while."

"The maid took the clothes to wash for the lady." The maid said, she was about to walk over.

Huang Rong hurriedly said: "No need!" She is now lying on the bed with her clothes, and she is not really taking off her clothes and sleeping. Isn't it all exposed when the other party comes over?

Seeing the maid’s puzzled look, Huang Rong worried that she would see something strange, and hurriedly said: "You can order some sandalwood for me, soothe the nerves and help sleep."

"Okay." The maid put down the fruit bowl in her hand and ran to the side to light the sandalwood.

"You have a very moist life now. It's fruit and there are special maids to serve you." Song Qingshu suddenly touched it, leaning over to Huang Rong and said.

Huang Rong was picked up and hurriedly pressed his head into the quilt. As a result, he didn't know whether the direction of the force was wrong or the other party deliberately. Song Qingshu's entire head was suddenly buried between her breasts.

Her **** were already full. Because of her pregnancy, her **** swelled nearly twice the size. So when she hit Song Qingshu, she felt as though she had hit a ball of cotton, but Huang Rong trembled all over, almost exclaiming. Come.

"Madam, are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to tell you too... the doctor will come over?" The sound on the bed alarmed the maid. She turned her head and found that Huang Rong's face was much redder than usual, and she couldn't help asking worriedly.

"No, I just want to take a break, you can go out after you light a good incense." Huang Rongqiang endured her voice to calm down.

"Yes~" These people in the palace are all people who are observant of words and colors. Hearing a little impatience in her tone, the maid hurriedly confessed the crime and retired.

After seeing her going out and closing the door, Huang Rong unhappily opened the quilt and stared at Song Qingshu, whose whole body was glued to her body: "Let go!"

Song Qingshu pulled back the quilt without changing his face to cover both of them, and said solemnly: "In order to avoid being caught by someone coming in suddenly, we'd better just chat like this to be safer."

Huang Rong looked directly into his eyes, and said angrily: "I still don't know what idea you have made?"

Song Qingshu was also a bachelor. Seeing that the fake public help was exposed, he couldn't help but laughed: "We have more intimate relationships. Now this is nothing."

Huang Rong's face suddenly became frosty, and she sat up directly from the bed: "You go, I don't want you to save it."

"It's my mouth, your dignified beggar gang leader, but the adults don't remember the villain's life." Song Qingshu laughed bitterly and repeatedly told Rao.

The corner of Huang Rong's mouth rose slightly: "Are you still the dignified King of Qi, what is a girl like me?"

"Do you want to believe this king again to come to a drama of robbing a civic girl?" Song Qingshu deliberately scowled, pretending to be vicious and said.

Huang Rong took a sip: "I have to be... ahem, I'm such a rascal now as a prince."

Song Qingshu made fun of her for a while, and suddenly said with a serious face: "It's getting late, I'll take you out now."

"But now in the palace, how easy is it to go out?" Huang Rong said with a worried expression.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Do you know this is the palace?"

Huang Rong gave him an angry look: "I'm not stupid. The entire Lin'an city has the ability to steal me from Jia Sidao, Han Tong and your nose. Who else but the people in the palace? Instead, you. ... I thought you should have figured out this truth a few days ago to save me, but I didn't come until today."

Song Qingshu was fascinated by the beauty of the young woman in front of her. "You are Zhuge, a well-known female middle school in the rivers and lakes. Why are you so smart? Besides, why are you only complaining about me and not complaining about Guo." What about brother?"

Huang Rong's face was reddened: "Brother Jing is loyal and honest. Naturally, it is hard to think of this. Only a slick and cunning person like you can find this place."


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