Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1404: Best assist king

"Slick and cunning?" Song Qingshu said with a black line, "Am I so unbearable?"

"Ask yourself, compared to Brother Jing, are you slick and cunning?" Huang Rong gave him an angry glance.

Song Qingshu sternly said: "If I am talking about being a gentleman, and about being selfless, I am indeed a bit worse than Guo Daxia in this respect; but when it comes to expelling the Tartars and restoring China, I think I am no worse than Guo Daxia."

Seeing his throwing sound, Huang Rong couldn't help but stunned. After a long time, she sighed quietly: "It's not bad. In this respect, Brother Jing is indeed far behind you."

This is also the knot she has always come to. The couple has been sticking to Xiangyang for so many years, and Guo Jing is even more versatile. There is almost no time left for the family. Although she has repelled the Mongolian offensive several times, she knows this in her heart. Passive defense, sooner or later Mongolia will break through the city of Xiangyang, and then the fate of their family can be imagined.

Although the world calls her Zhuge the female middle school, and at the same time is aware of the gloomy ending, she still has no power to change all of this, and all she can do is to prolong the arrival of that day as much as possible.

Until Song Qingshu's sudden emergence in the past two years, in just a few years, he has established a firm foothold among the major forces, snatched nearly half of the country from the hands of the Manchus, and greatly affected the arrogance of the grassland empires. If he can get his help, maybe It is really possible to change the destined tragic ending of his family.

Because of this, her tolerance for Song Qingshu was much higher than that of ordinary men. If not, how could she be the kind of woman who was entangled with him because of the accident that night?

Of course, there is a prerequisite for all this. After so many things, she doesn't really hate the other party in her heart, otherwise she would have resorted to those tricks that used to deal with Ouyang Ke.

"I will be proud to hear Rong'er you praise me like this." Although Song Qingshu's mouth was humble, there was an unstoppable expression of contentment between her eyebrows.

"Let’s stop talking, think about how we should go out." Huang Rong was also speechless for a while, thinking that he could be regarded as a domineering overlord, sometimes like a child, but it is precisely because of the occasional situation of the other party. The "childishness" she revealed made her sometimes completely put down her defenses.

"In fact, it is not difficult to get out. The difficult thing is how to get out without disturbing the guards in the palace," Song Qingshu said with a wry smile, "I don't know how many people saw me enter the palace today. For me, not to mention the competition is currently being held. I have to return to the scene."

Huang Rong's eyes lit up, and he asked happily, "Brother Jing is here too?"

Song Qingshu curled his lips: "Aren't you afraid of my chill when you say that?"

Huang Rong pursed her mouth and snorted: "I care about my husband, what is your heart?"

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, and could only reply: "Brother Guo did not come. He has been looking for you frantically when you are missing. He has no intention of participating in the competition. Jia Sidao can only let Gusu Murongfu replace him..." The matter was roughly said again.

Huang Rong stomped her foot and couldn't help but said, "Brother Jing is so stupid!" In her opinion, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as he wins the game, even if he barely enters the Southern Song Dynasty court, he can mobilize resources. I don’t know how many things I have done than when I was a Baiding in Xiangyang. At that time, I didn’t know how to do a lot of things like I did in Xiangyang.

"Guo Daxia is deeply affectionate, so don't blame him." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"Of course I know that Brother Jing is very affectionate," Huang Rong sighed, "It's just that this opportunity is really good, it's a shame to give up like this."

"In fact, there is nothing he can do if he doesn't give up. This time Zhao Go made it clear that he didn't want him to win the championship." Song Qingshu explained.

Huang Rong's expression dimmed: "In fact, I guessed one or two when I realized that this was the palace, but I didn't dare to continue thinking about it. Now it seems that the main reason is that we have the Jia family lineage."

"Rong'er, you really are Zhuge of the female middle school. With just a little bit of information, you can guess the whole thing." Song Qingshu couldn't help but gave a thumbs up.

"What's the use of Zhuge in the female middle school? As the saying goes, knowing the sky is easy to defend against the sky. Now that the emperor can't tolerate Brother Jing, I suddenly feel that it is inexplicably ridiculous to stick to Xiangyang for these years." Huang Rong became more and more angry. It is not someone who is loyal to the emperor and abiding by courtesy. His tone is naturally full of resentment towards Zhao Gou.

"Leaving talents like you aside, it can only mean that Zhao Gou is blind," Song Qingshu looked at her affectionately, "Or if you come to the Golden Snake Camp, I will let Brother Guo be the marshal of the army, and let your staff be thoroughly Show the talents of both of you."

Feeling the eager look in the other party's eyes, Huang Rong's heart jumped, and she subconsciously refused: "We won't go to your place... Isn't this sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger." The second half of the sentence is almost inaudible.

Song Qingshu sighed: "In fact, even if you are willing, Guo Daxia may not be willing. His ambition is to help Limin. Now let him abandon the people of Xiangyang City, he must not be able to do it."

Huang Rong smiled bitterly: "He has such a temperament, and all I can do is support him."


There was a faint drum sound in the distance, and Song Qingshu quickly said: "It seems that the martial arts competition has already begun. We have to hurry and leave. I am wronged. There is a set of entourage clothes here. You can change it first."

As King Qi, he is qualified to bring a few entourages when entering the palace at this level. He intends to disguise Huang Rong and go out of the palace with himself later.

"When you enter the palace, everyone has a registration. When there is one more person beside you out of thin air, how can the guards of the palace fail to find out?" Huang Rong quickly realized the potential risks.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten the Great Soul Transfer Technique? When the time comes, secretly display the investigator, where will he stop us." Song Qingshu laughed.

Huang Rong nodded secretly, and she would also move her soul to great law. It was completely okay to confuse an ordinary person. Song Qingshu's martial arts were ten times better than her, and it was not a big problem to deal with a palace guard.

Suddenly realizing something, Huang Rong's face turned red: "You avoid it first."

Song Qingshu glanced at the clothes in her hand, smiled and spread out her hands: "Look at it for yourself, where can you avoid the whole room?"

After all, this house was meant to detain her, and all irrelevant items had already been taken away, so as to be able to see it as soon as he entered the house, it was impossible to avoid it.

"Then turn around..." Huang Rong suddenly thought of something and quickly added, "No, you have to blindfold!"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "Rong'er, are you serious? We are in a dangerous situation. Someone will come in at any time. You let me blindfold this time?"

Huang Rong's face was hot, realizing that this request was indeed a bit out of date, but if the other party did not cover her eyes, she would be really worried.

"Rong'er, do things urgently, don't waste your time," Song Qingshu continued muttering, "Besides, it's not that I haven't read it~"

This sentence immediately caused Huang Rong and Liu's eyebrows to rise, and Song Qingshu hurriedly turned around: "Don't worry, I just leave it alone."

"You promise not to look back?" Huang Rong looked at his eyes quietly.

"I promise!" Song Qingshu raised his hand, swearing.

"Okay, I believe you for the time being." Huang Rong bit her lip, hesitating for a long time and finally started to change her clothes.

"Are you a gentleman or an improper gentleman?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but start a fierce psychological struggle when he heard the reverie voice behind him.

"Oh~" At this moment, Huang Rong's exclamation was suddenly heard behind her.

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu turned around subconsciously, who knew that Huang Rong was sitting neatly on the bed and sneered at herself.

"I knew your words were unreliable!" Huang Rong glared at him angrily.

Song Qingshu shouted injustice: "I thought something happened to you."

Huang Rong said angrily: "You and I are in the room, what can happen to me? Are you still thinking about taking the opportunity to see me...look at me...?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "No wonder everyone says that Rong'er has a lot of wisdom, can you not be so deep in your routine?"

"Who made you feel bad about yourself?" Huang Rong snorted triumphantly, "Quickly turn around, don't look back this time!"

"Fine, even if you take off your clothes now and seduce me to bed, I won't look back." Song Qingshu said angrily.

"The dog can't spit out ivory!" Huang Rong blushed and took a sip, looked at him carefully, and found that he really didn't mean to look back, and then began to change his clothes.

However, she was still worried about changing behind him. She looked around and finally climbed onto the bed. She shrank to the bed before **** and undressing. She was ready to change clothes in the bed, so even if the other person turned around. I can't see anything...I was thinking about Huang Rong's lips turning up slightly, and a smug smile appeared.

"Doctor Li, please here." Suddenly there was the sound of pushing the door.

The smile on Huang Rong's face instantly solidified. Seeing that people outside were about to come in, Song Qingshu's figure flashed and he went back into the bed again.

At this time, Huang Rong had taken off her clothes, and she was like a smooth mermaid. As soon as Song Qingshu entered the bed, it was inevitable that she would have skin-to-skin contact with her. A smooth and elastic touch came, and the bed was filled with orchids like orchids at the same time. The fragrant and delicate fragrance of musk is not musk.

"You!" Huang Rong's skin instantly appeared a layer of rose-like blush. Just as it was about to happen, people outside had already entered. In desperation, she had to pull the quilt to cover her exposed skin, revealing only one head. Outside the quilt.

In this way, it is inevitable to have physical contact with another man in the bed, especially the **** didn't mean to evade at all. Instead, she became more and more entangled. If she hadn't been worried about being discovered by those who came in, she would have already been angry and embarrassed.

"She seems to be a little uncomfortable, or you can show her, in case something goes wrong with the child in her stomach, we will all lose our heads." A timid female voice said, obviously the one who left just now. The voice of the maid.

Holding the body like a goat fat jade in the bed, Song Qingshu couldn't wait to go up and hug the court lady and kiss her. She is the best assist king of the season. Just now, she assisted once, but this time she actually assisted again.

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