Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1406: The dust settles

Huang Rong listened to the straightforward and insignificant whistles around her, and she was immediately ashamed and angry. At this moment, she suddenly realized that although Song Qingshu is sometimes like this... so frivolous than her, it seems to be compared to the vulgarity of these people. It feels much better.uuk.la

"Turn your face and let my brother take a look." Seeing Huang Rong had been standing still, the guard suddenly became a little dissatisfied, and walked directly in front of her.

When she saw her appearance, the guard was startled at first, and then shocked. Although Song Qingshu’s rough disguise was somewhat similar, it certainly couldn’t stand the closer look of someone who knew her. The guard was obviously Recognizing that she was not the previous court lady, she instantly pressed her hand on her waist knife, and opened her mouth to subconsciously shout.

At this moment Song Qingshu suddenly stood in front of Huang Rong and looked at him with a grin: "What happened?"

The guard was startled, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and his hand on the handle of the knife gradually loosened: "No... it's okay, you can go."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly and gave Huang Rong a color. The two left the courtyard one after another. When they turned a long corridor, Song Qingshu put his arms around her waist and quickly moved around the palace with light work.

It was not until he came to a relatively safe place that Song Qingshu put down the beautiful woman in his arms and said softly: "Okay, it's all right now."

Huang Rong's complexion was reddish, and she unnaturally tucked the hair that fell from her ears: "Did you use the soul-shifting method just now?"

"Yeah, I don't want to confront those guards head-on, so I have to do this." Song Qingshu shrugged.

Huang Rong was secretly frightened. At that moment Song Qingshu controlled the mind of a guard with high martial arts, and her own soul-shifting method was really different from her.

"You will not be allowed to use the soul-shifting magic on me in the future!" Huang Rong glared at Song Qingshu with a stern look, with an inexplicable fear in his heart.

Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "It depends on the situation. If you annoy me, I will use the soul-shifting method on you, so that you will love me forever, be my slave, and do something in bed every day. Things that are not ashamed or irritable...Hey, why do you feel more and more as you talk."

"You bastard!" Huang Rong was so angry that she grabbed the hairpin on her head and threw it at him.

Song Qingshu dodged lightly and drew away, haha ​​laughed: "Okay, well, quickly take off the palace maid's clothes and let's go back to the main hall of the competition. At this moment, the kung fu may have decided the victory or defeat."

Huang Rong gritted her teeth, knowing that she hadn't escaped the danger yet, so she had to take off the maid's clothes outside according to his instructions, revealing the servant clothes she had worn before.

Song Qingshu stared at her for a long while, then walked over to pull up her messy hair, and then took out a hat to cover the blue silk on her head: "Well, this should be almost done."

"Will it be recognized?" Huang Rong pulled the lower edge of the hat, and asked with some guilty conscience. Just now the other party's hand was stroking her hair, and the touch still felt a little palpitating.

"Don't worry, even if Brother Guo is here, I won't recognize you." Song Qingshu smiled, took her hand and walked in the direction of the competition hall.

Song Qingshu returned to his original appearance, because he is now distinguished, and the guards did not dare to stop him. As for the entourage behind him, it would naturally not be noticeable.

At this time, the competition had already reached a fever pitch, and everyone's attention in the field was attracted, but no one noticed the arrival of Song Qingshu.

Returning to his seat and sitting down, Song Qingshu arranged for Huang Rong to stand behind him, while quietly transmitting his voice to secretly said: "First, you are wronged and stand here for a while. When the game is over, when the civil and military officials leave the palace, I will take the opportunity to take you out. "

"Yeah." Huang Rong let out a faintly hum. Although she became weaker after pregnancy, Song Qingshu had already released the prohibition in her body just now. Now that she has regained her internal strength, she can stand still for a while.

Seeing that she was okay, Song Qingshu's attention had just returned to the martial arts two. It can be seen that Murong Fu has already performed a bit above the level. The essence of swordsmanship of various schools is used by him from time to time, between the sword move and the sword move. It’s a pity that Linghu Chong’s Dugu Nine Swords is too magical. The more extraordinary Murong Fu plays, the more exquisite Dugu Nine Swords appear. Some spectators around me marveled at the high swordsmanship of the two. It is rare in the world.

Han Tong saw Song Qingshu come back to say hello to him. At this time, seeing Murongfu gradually be forced into embarrassment, he became more and more happy, and he leaned in and said to Song Qing: "I let the natural virtues show the enemy's weakness. At first, Murong The repeated attack is like a torrential rain, Jia Sidao looks at that servant with eyebrows dancing; now Tiande is gradually exerting strength, you see that his eyebrows are twisted like a Sichuan character, hahahaha, it's so happy!"

Song Qingshu looked at Jia Sidao when he heard the words, and found that his face was as sinking as water. The king of Beijing on the side seemed to be explaining something to him. He couldn't help but laugh. Like the Tao once, he was actually as happy as a child.

Han Tong said a few words with Song Qingshu, then sat up straight, and began to communicate quietly with other friends around him. Huang Rong took the opportunity to call Song Qing and said, “Hmph, if Brother Jing is here, neither of them would be his opponent.”

"That's not necessarily." Song Qingshu was non-committal. Guo Jing should have no problem surpassing Murongfu, but Linghu Chong Dugu Nine Swords are too wonderful, and combined with Yi Jin Jing and Star Absorption Law, Guo Jing may not be able to defeat him.

At this moment, there was a cry of exclamation in the field. It turned out that Linghu Chong and Murong Fu's double swords intersected, and he flew the long sword in the opponent's hand with an unexpected angle.

"Won!" Han Tong laughed with his palms, and was about to stand up.

Song Qingshu looked at it and frowned secretly: "Not necessarily!"

Han Tong was stunned and asked subconsciously: "According to information, Murong Fu is best at swordsmanship. Now that the sword has been released, does he still rely on not admitting defeat?"

Song Qingshu didn't answer, but just sucked his lips and motioned for him to see for himself. Han Tong looked suspiciously, his eyes widened in an instant. It turned out that after Murong Fu's long sword was shot and flew, not only did he not look depressed at all, but his palms flew like flying, and he counterattacked Linghu Chong's body.

After Linghu Chong defeated the opponent's long sword, he originally thought that the dust had settled, and he subconsciously relaxed. Who knew that the opponent's palm power surged like a stormy sea, and the power was even higher than the sword technique he used before! He was quite embarrassed to deal with it in a hurry. If it weren't for his extremely clever fighting instinct, he might have been injured several times by the opponent.

"Jianglong Eighteen Palms?" Huang Rong blurted out, her eyes full of shock.

"Yes, it is indeed the eighteen palms of the dragon." Song Qingshu nodded, among the nine swords of Dugu, Linghu Chong is the best at breaking sword style. Now facing the same martial arts mastery, he is somewhat unable to use the eighteen palms of the dragon. Fell into a disadvantage.

"Why did he know my beggar gang's knowledge?" Huang Rong was shocked, knowing that the eighteen palms of the dragon and the method of hitting the dog are the secrets of the previous beggar gangs, and often only a few of the gang leaders and the elders know it. Gusu Murong's family really knows the world martial arts as rumored?

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I taught it."

"You taught?" Huang Rong was even more shocked.

Song Qingshu did not speak any more, and the scene of teaching Murong Fu descending the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon appeared in his mind. It turned out that the meridians were cut off when he first passed through, and finally he was able to change his fate against the sky. Murong Fu had a lot of help in it. It's a pity that the two gradually took different paths and even started to confront each other. In order to break the kindness that year, Song Qingshu helped Murongfu several times, and even finally gave him the secret book of "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon".

Seeing the unpredictable appearance of Song Qingshu, Huang Rong secretly sighed. Brother Jing was a master of unpredictability. Among them, the most important "Nine Yin Zhenjing" and "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" Song Qingshu are both good, but these two martial arts are not the best in Song Qingshu Important martial arts, from this we can see how big the gap between the two sides is...

"Qing Shu, do you think Tiande is okay?" Han Dongzhu was still laughing at Jia Sidao just now, but at this time it was his turn to also have a worried expression on his face. After all, the victory and defeat this time had too much influence on the two of them. Big.

After reading it for a while, Song Qingshu replied: "Murongfu's chance of victory lies in the sudden use of the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong... Failure is not far away."

Hearing him say this, Han Tongzhe was slightly relieved: "Since Yi Qingshu's martial arts said this, then it must be fine."

At this time, Huang Rong was also watching the competition in the field closely, because he was used to seeing Hong Qigong and Guo Jingshi’s Jianglong Eighteen Palms, and looking at Murongfu’s look, he felt something was wrong. His moves were too fast, and Too much attention to tricks.

At the beginning, she heard her husband mentioned that the essence of Jianglong’s Eighteen Palms lies in palm strength rather than tricks. The palm strength has to be fast, slow, slow and vomiting before it can be considered a great success. Murong Fu’s desire for quickness is obviously a success. Astray.

At this moment, hearing Song Qingshu’s answer to Han Tong, Huang Rong had to secretly admire the other’s eyesight. You must know that she vaguely felt that Murong was about to lose because she was too familiar with the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong. Given the judgment, the vision is really extreme.

Sure enough, not long after Song Qingshu's voice fell, Linghu Chong discovered that Murongfu's palms were repeating, keenly grasping the flaws, and the sword in his hand was like a flying fairy from a fundamentally impossible angle. Murong Fu's throat.

Murong Fu's figure froze for an instant, and his face was instantly embarrassed to the extreme. The long sword in his hand was knocked down before it could be said that he deliberately did it, but now the key is restrained, as long as the opponent's long sword is moved forward an inch, he will be splashed with blood. On the spot, even a three-year-old can tell who wins and who loses.

"The winner is divided, please stop both of you!" Ding Dian, who is equipped with imperial equipment, said loudly after receiving Zhao Go's signal.

Linghu Chong withdrew the long sword upon hearing the words, arched his hands and said, "Concession!"


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