Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1407: Breakdowns and assists

Murong Fu did not return him at all. At this time, his mind was already blank. Thinking of his failures over the years, he originally planned to take this good opportunity to completely turn back. The result was another miserable defeat. Everyone must know his aunt after today. Su Murongfu is an ever-defeating general, and Nan Murong will only become a laughing stock on the rivers and lakes. The great cause of rejuvenation is also a foolish dream...

Seeing Murong Fu's face like a bereaved concubine, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. This world is the winner and loser. Murong Fuming is a top master in the world, and his martial arts qualifications are also excellent, but every time he encounters opponents They are some wonderful people who can only sigh that fate has made people. Fast update without ads.

Next, Zhao Gou announced the appointment of Cheng Song to be an envoy to Chengdu and Sichuan Province; Wu Tiande was appointed as the commander of the former military capitals in Xingzhou stationed in Xingzhou, and concurrently served as an envoy of Xingzhou Zhizhou and Lizhou West Road; A series of Sichuan officials have been appointed...

In the evening, hosting a banquet in the imperial palace to entertain the newly appointed Sichuan officials was not lacking in the emperor’s encouragement.

Because it was still early, the civil and military officials began to leave the palace one after another. Song Qingshu took several attendants, including Huang Rong, to the palace gate, thinking about if something abnormal would be discovered by the palace gate guard later, he had to It's time to use the soul-moving great method again.

At this moment, a cold voice called him: "Song Qingshu!"

Song Qingshu stiffened and couldn't help but groan secretly. Why did you see this aunt at this moment? Hearing that not only did not stop, but speeded up his pace, trying to get out of the ranks of civil and military officials.

Huang Rong quietly glanced back, and saw a woman with a graceful and indifferent expression in a beautiful palace dress looking towards this side, she couldn't help but said a bit sourly: "Your romantic debt is here."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "What romantic debt, the romantic disaster is almost the same, don't watch it and go."

Huang Rong curled her lips: "Can't leave."

As soon as she finished speaking, a beautiful shadow stood in front of the two of them: "My surname is Song, am I a tiger? Why are you hiding from me?"

Looking at the fairy-like character in front of him, Song Qingshu secretly had a headache, but a smile appeared on his face: "If tigers in this world are so beautiful, then all men will become hunters."

The woman in front of me is naturally the yellow-shirted woman Zhao Yingluo. If Song Qingshu is usually eager to talk to such a beautiful girl, but now Huang Rong is still behind her, her disguise is more than ordinary guards, but she may not be able to hide it. Women in yellow shirts.

Song Qingshu was worried about revealing any flaws, so Huang Rong covered her mouth and ran to the side and retched violently.

It turns out that Huang Rong rolled her eyes when she heard Song Qingshu’s words just now, thinking that this **** usually hooks up with women like this...I don’t know if it’s because of her pregnancy, this numb remark made her stomach upset and she couldn’t help running to the side anymore. It retched.

"He..." Seeing Huang Rong's slender and attractive figure, the woman in the yellow shirt was puzzled.

While Song Qingshu was worrying, Han Dongzhe walked over with a smile, as if inadvertently blocking the yellow shirt woman's sight: "Qingshu, why are you walking so fast? Let's go back for a drink together."

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and agreed: "I just saw you talking to someone over there, so I didn't call you."

At this time, Han Tong looked like she had just seen the woman in the yellow shirt: "It turns out that the princess is here too." Although her public identity is Yang, her true identity can never be concealed from someone like Han Tong.

The girl in the yellow shirt frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Master Han, am I talking to Song Qingshu?" As the daughter of Song Huizong, the sister of the emperor at the time, and the saint of Jianshan Academy, her status has always been detached. Naturally, he is not afraid to offend Han Dong who is the prime minister.

Han Tongzhu laughed and said, "In that case, I won't disturb the chat between you two, Qingshu, I will go back to the house and wait for you." After two steps, he stopped and stared at Song Qingshu's attendants: "You are still stupid. What are you doing here? I don’t have any eyesight."

The few attendants looked at each other, but Huang Rong reacted quickly, lowered his head and followed, and the other attendants suddenly realized that they followed.

Seeing the group of people leaving, Song Qingshu was a little worried that Huang Rong would be stopped by the guards at the gate of the palace for a while. After all, Han Tong would not transfer his soul to Dafa, but after another thought, based on the background of Han Tong in the court, those guards at the palace gate. Who dares to really check him? Feel at ease for a moment like this.

"It seems that you and Han Tong are very familiar." Thinking of Han Tong's ambiguous smile when he left, the woman in the yellow shirt only felt a little hot on her cheeks.

"It's okay, the friendship established in Yangzhou at the beginning." So as not to see any flaws in her, Song Qingshu calmly withdrew his gaze.

"Oh~" The girl in the yellow shirt said casually just to resolve the embarrassment in her heart, and she didn't care about the friendship between them at all. "Why didn't I see you during the competition just now?"

Song Qingshu's heart shuddered, and subconsciously replied, "I feel sick in my stomach. It's easier to go out."

"Really?" The woman in the yellow shirt said with a faint smile, "With your cultivation base, the heat and cold are no longer invaded. It is no problem if you don't eat for a few days. How can you feel uncomfortable in your stomach?"

Song Qingshu replied: "People have three urgency, no matter how high martial arts is, you can't go against the sky."

The woman in the yellow shirt didn't believe his nonsense at all, and snorted coldly, "I'm afraid it's not the three urgency, but the concubine Wu."

Song Qingshu was startled, knowing that she wanted to go wrong, but it was better than letting her know that she had taken Huang Rong away, so she acquiesced.

Seeing that he didn't refute, a hint of anger flashed between the yellow shirt woman's eyebrows: "Although Gui Concubine Wu is stunning in the world, but many confidantes around you are no worse than her, so why bother to make a mistake in your future? After all, they are noble concubines , Once the matter between you and her is exposed, where can the whole Song Dynasty be able to tolerate you?" She is already ice and snow smart. From the previous clues plus the few words revealed from the master, it is easy to judge Song Qingshu and The relationship between Akko is extraordinary.

"Are there many confidantes around me who are as beautiful as Concubine Wu? Let me think about it..." Song Qingshu paused, and suddenly looked at the woman in the yellow shirt.

The woman in the yellow shirt was extremely uncomfortable by him, and tweeted: "What do you see me doing!"

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "I finally thought of a confidant who meets the requirements, and that's you girl."

Although she knew that he was deliberately coaxing herself, the woman in the yellow shirt still couldn't help her heart beating, but she quickly reacted and used a cold snort to cover up the fluctuations in her heart: "Don't change the subject, paper can't contain the fire. Sooner or later, the matter between you and Concubine Wu will be known, so I can do it for myself." After speaking, he turned and left, disappearing into the distance without looking back.

Seeing her leaving unrestrainedly, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing wryly, but now Huang Rong is more urgent, and Ake's affairs will be explained to her slowly in the future.

Worried about Huang Rong being robbed again or Han Dongxuan using her as a bargaining chip to threaten him or something, Song Qingshu can be said to be able to walk like flying along the way, almost without stopping to rush to the Han Mansion.

Han Tongxuan had already waited for him in the study, and Huang Rong had also changed back to women's clothing at this time and was sitting on the other side of the room.

"Rong... are you okay?" Song Qingshu quickly walked to Huang Rong and asked. He originally wanted to call Rong'er, but when he realized that Han Tong was on the side, shouting such intimacy was a little inappropriate, so he changed his words temporarily.

"I'm okay." Huang Rong smiled. He obviously understood what Song Qingshu was asking her, so he implied that Han Tong didn't embarrass her.

At this time, Huang Rong was out of the predicament, the depression of the past few days was wiped out, and she was restored to her usual charming and charming. At this time, Yan Ran smiled and really wanted to get the soul of the person away.

"I'll take you back right away." Song Qingshu whispered, he was really worried about leaving Huang Rong in the Han Mansion.

Huang Rong's face flushed, and she also whispered back: "Brother Jing is coming soon."

"What?" Song Qingshu was shocked. Before the two had been alone for so long, they wanted to be separated again. When he thought of this, he wanted to choke Han Tong to death.

If Han Dongxun feels something, he smiled and said: "The Huang Gang master wants to see Guo Daxia. I can't stop him from seeing him, so I'll send someone to invite him over. Now that counts as time, I'm afraid it will be there soon."

As the saying goes, Cao Cao will be here. As soon as he finished speaking, a small servant came to report: "My Lord, is Daxia Guo here?"

"I don't know why Mr. Han is looking for me, Mr. Guo..." Guo Jing strode in. Meteor walked in, and suddenly saw the bright and charming wife in the room. For a moment he couldn't help being surprised and happy. He rushed over excitedly, "Rong'er!"

"Brother Jing!" Huang Rong was also very excited after being separated from her husband for so long. She couldn't help standing up and greeted him. She was about to plunge into her husband's arms. I don't know why her eyes swept over Song Qingshu who was not far away, and she stopped abruptly. Shape, just let her husband hold her arm.

"Ronger, am I dreaming?" Guo Jing said incredulously.

"You didn't dream," Huang Rong's voice was also a little choked. Seeing her husband's uncut and bloodshot eyes, she felt heartache and pity in her heart. "Brother Jing, you have been working hard during this time."


Seeing the two of them showing their true feelings, Song Qingshu on the side was quite uncomfortable, but soon he laughed at himself again. They are married couples who are so respectful, so why are they jealous here?

"Rong'er, who caught you and how did you escape?" Guo Jing suddenly asked.

"Thanks to Song Gongzi's rescue this time, I was able to escape the danger." Huang Rong hesitated for a while, and did not answer the first question.

When Guo Jing heard the words, he went to Song Qing and arched his hands: "The great grace does not say thank you. In the future, if Brother Song has any dispatch, Guo will never frown."

There was a sense of righteousness in Guo Jing. Song Qingshu screamed ashamed and hurriedly helped him: "Brother Guo is serious, this is what I should do."

Seeing her husband's gratitude to Song Qingshu, Huang Rong always felt weird in her heart, and hurriedly interrupted the two of them: "And thank you Han Xiang for helping."

Guo Jing moved his eyebrows and walked over to thank Han Tong. Han Tong responded with a smile and suddenly said: "Ms. Guo was rescued secretly from the palace. During this period, I really didn't show up in public. In my opinion Why don't you let Mrs. Zun live in Qingshu Mansion for a while and wait for the wind to pass?"

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