Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1408: Sister-in-law

Hearing what Han Tong said, Guo Jing looked at his wife in shock: "Rong'er, have you been arrested in the palace?"

Huang Rong hesitated. Originally, she wanted to go back and talk to him quietly, but now she has no choice but to tell the truth: "Yes, it was Song just now... Qing Shu and Han Xiang rescued me from the palace. from."

"Why did the emperor arrest you?" Guo Jing was very puzzled. He asked himself to be loyal to the Southern Song court. Who knew that in exchange for such an ending, he would inevitably feel a little disappointed no matter how broad his heart was.

Song Qingshu explained: "Brother Guo, you don't have to care too much. According to our guess, it is probably because you have too strong marks of Jia Sidao faction. Now the imperial palace Jinghu battle zone is all his people. The emperor doesn't want to. Let Sichuan also be controlled by him."

This is the result of unanimous analysis by him, Huang Rong, and Han Tong. Unfortunately, they did not know why Zhao Go did this. In addition to this reason, there is a more important reason, that is, Guo Jing is Chai Rong... No, it should be. Descendants of Guo Rong.

Huang Rong gave her husband a worried look: "Brother Jing~"

Guo Jing let out a long sigh of relief: "So, I thought it was our couple who did something that made the emperor taboo."

Seeing his open-minded appearance, Han Tong asked in surprise: "Does Guo Daxia mind at all?"

"What does it matter?" Guo Jing smiled heartily. "The power of the court is concentrated in the hands of a powerful official. It is destined to cause turmoil in the future. It is not a blessing for the people. It is not a blessing for the people. I can prevent it in the future. What a sacrifice is."

Han Zhang couldn't help sighing: "I have long heard that Da Xia Guo is righteous and righteous, and that the great man is for the country and the people. I was a bit disapproved at first, but now when I see him, Daxia Guo's demeanor is really heartbreaking."

"Master Han is serious." Guo Jing hurriedly replied.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Han Tong said again: "Guo Daxia is as broad as the sea, but is it the sage now... Hey, there will inevitably be a villain around you, in case the yellow gang leader appears by your side and is fanned by the villain around you, you The couple is in danger."

Song Qingshu can't wait to go up and hug him and give him a kiss, thinking that he was still scolding you for beating a mandarin duck. I didn't expect you to send a wonderful assist so quickly. For the sake of this assist, what happened before. It was written off.

Although Han Dongxuan did not say anything, these people in the field are not stupid people. They naturally understand what he means. Zhao Gou has always been narrow-minded. If he knew that Huang Rong had escaped from the palace and returned to Guo Jing, he would not be able to guarantee that he would not have a lot of speculation. What is it to kill a Yue Fei and a mere Guo Jing?

Huang Rong’s thoughts were like electricity, and she instantly figured out the key points, and nodded and said, “Yes, Brother Jing, I can’t be by your side now, so as not to bring you danger.” Originally, she didn’t think of Song Qingshu’s place, but was worried that her husband would suffer. Implicated, she can only take the lesser of two evils.

Guo Jing snorted: "I'm not afraid of danger, the big deal is that we will go back to Xiangyang together."

"Could it be Wang Tu in the whole world? Will we be all right when we return to Xiangyang?" Huang Rong gave her husband angrily, "Besides, you are not afraid of danger, and you have to think about me and... and the children in your stomach. "

"It's because I didn't think it thoughtfully enough," Guo Jing smiled bitterly, and walked to Song Qing to write, "Brother Song, I will trouble you again before I really appreciate you. I will take care of my sister-in-law, so I can rest assured."

Hearing his words, Song Qingshu gave Huang Rong a ghostly glance, and found that she was also looking to her side. The two sides looked at each other, and Huang Rong looked away in a panic.

"Brother Guo, don't worry, I must take good care of my sister-in-law and not let other people bully her." Song Qingshu said, patting his chest.

Guo Jing didn't react to the mystery in his words, but Huang Rong understood it instantly, and couldn't help glaring at him fiercely. Why don't "other people" bully me, can you bully me upright?

Of course, she couldn't express these concerns, she could only sulk secretly there.

The next few people talked about the precautions again. Time passed unconsciously, and Han Tong looked at the sky outside the window: "Guo Daxia, you have been here for a long time, or you should go back first, so as not to attract the attention of interested people. Especially. If you go out with Qingshu and the others later, the target will be too conspicuous."

Although he was reluctant to part with his wife, Guo Jing knew how powerful it was and nodded and said to Huang Rong, "Rong'er, you have to take care of your body. I'll go first."

Huang Rong nodded, and a mist filled her eyes: "Brother Jing, you have to be careful about everything, and after you leave, you have to pretend to continue looking for me, lest the contrast is too great and the people in the palace suspect you. Come on."

Song Qingshu secretly admired that Huang Rong was really smart, she had forgotten this, but she didn't expect her to be so thoughtful when she was excited.

After sending Guo Jing away, Han Tongzhe chatted with Song Qingshu about the situation in Sichuan for a while. He estimated that the time was almost up. He said, "Guo Daxia has been away for a while. Now you should not be so conspicuous when you go out."

Song Qingshu got up and said, "Thank you Jiefu for your help today."

Han Dongzhu laughed: "You still use such politeness between you and me, you know you also helped me a lot." While talking, he winked quietly at him.

Song Qingshu instantly understood that he was talking about replacing Wu Tiande in the Beijing Palace. Thinking of Qin Keqing's slightly opened mouth, his breathless, joyful and sweet expression, he couldn't help but feel like Huang Rong. Still on the side, he hurriedly reduced the expression on his face.

Huang Rong glanced at him suspiciously, her expression thoughtful.

"By the way, don't go out directly in a while. I will ask the people to carry the sedan chair here, and you will get on the sedan chair directly back to the Qi Palace, so that no one will know that the Huang Gang leader is there in the middle of the journey." The reason why Han Tong is so careful , Largely because he was also involved in this matter, and didn't want Huang Rong to be discovered here, so as not to catch the fire.

"This...this is not so good." Huang Rong said embarrassedly.

"What's wrong?" Han Tong was stunned, but when he saw her shy expression, he instantly understood, "Oh, it turns out that the lady is worried about whether men and women will get married or not, so the matter is urgent. Daxia Guo won't say anything here. Hahaha, don't worry, let alone we are a gentleman."

Huang Rong sipped secretly, thinking that Song Qingshu was considered a gentleman, and that sow could climb the tree.

"Yes... I'm worrying too much." How can Huang Rong be such a confused person, knowing that she will sit in the same sedan chair with Song Qingshu next to avoid the eyeliners of all parties, so she deliberately made a look of embarrassment. , Mainly to show Han Tongxuan, after all, he is a married woman, and he does not want to be seen by him of any clues about his unusual relationship with Song Qingshu.

Soon the sedan chair was carried over, and Han Tong first dispersed the people, and then said to Song Qingshu and the others: "Please, please!"

"Sister-in-law, please." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and saluted.

Seeing his hippie smiling face, Huang Rong couldn't get angry, thinking about how you really thought of me as a sister-in-law!

But she couldn't have a seizure in front of Han Yun, so she could only press her lips and walk into the sedan chair. Song Qingshu bowed her hand to Han Yun: "Farewell!"

Han Tong nodded, and then he began to order the people to come in and lift the sedan chair. After watching the sedan chair leave, a person came out from the rockery next to him, and it was Su Shidan, his chief staff officer: "My Lord."

Han Tong said: "Shi Dan, I plan to recommend Guo Jing as the deputy commander of the front of the palace, and you can help me draft a memorial."

Su Shidan stunned: "Guo Jing is from Jia Sidao. We use our own strength to push him to such a critical position. Don't we make wedding dresses for the other party?"

"I only recommend him because he is Jia Sidao," Han Tong smiled unpredictably, "and the more critical the position, the better."

Su Shidan was puzzled, and suddenly understood, he couldn't help but thumbs up: "Go, Jia Sidao was originally dissatisfied with Guo Jing not participating in the competition. It would be nice to say that Murong had won, but now he has lost. He will definitely turn his anger on Guo Jing. At this time, you will recommend Guo Jing to be the deputy commander of the palace. With Jia's suspicious character, he will definitely doubt whether Guo Jing has fallen on your side."

Han Tong stroked his chin and smiled proudly, "Why not make a profit without any effort?"

Besides, in the sedan chair that left Han Mansion, Huang Rong pushed the man next to him, and whispered, "Hey, sit there."

Song Qing's book stall spread his hands, enjoying the warm touch on her body, while defending: "The sedan chair is so big, why should I sit there?"

Huang Rong bit her lip and said, "What kind of King Qi are you bragging about? It's not shameful to get such a broken sedan chair." As he spoke, he reached out and touched the man next to him.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "You are misunderstanding this. I didn't use the outfits of my house this time when I went out. This sedan chair belongs to Han Tong."

Huang Rong also took a sip, and instantly moved her anger to Han Yun's body: "He is a magnificent grandfather, and such a sedan chair can also be used."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "You have misunderstood him. He specially prepared a small sedan chair, so that the eyes of all parties will subconsciously think that there is only me in this sedan chair."

Huang Rong actually guessed it too, but the close contact with him in the sedan made her a little annoyed: "Anyway, I don't think you two are good things. Just before leaving, we blinked at each other. What secret signals were you playing? "

Song Qingshu was too embarrassed to talk about Qin Keqing's affairs, so he had to say in a perfunctory manner: "The day before the martial arts competition, King Beijing invited Wu Tiande to a banquet at the mansion. I blocked him for a while, so Han Tong thanked me."

Worried about her questioning, Song Qingshu hurriedly changed the subject: "Right, who robbed you before?"

"Naturally, he is a master in the palace," Huang Rong recalled as he recalled, "I heard them speak a little bit high-pitched, it's probably the **** in the palace."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. It seems that Huang Chang and the girl in the yellow shirt were not involved in this matter, but they don't know which two father-in-laws are in the palace...

"Then who robbed you for the first time?" Song Qingshu suddenly asked again. I asked Ren Yingying before, knowing that Zhang Rou was carrying a master of the Loyalty Army to catch her, Linghuchong, Yue Lingshan, and others in the Loyalty Army. No matter how people think, they don't have the ability to rob Huang Rong.

Huang Rong recalled the scene, and replied slowly: "The man was covered in his face, and his martial arts was very high... Well, I can see that he is not young... By the way, he still has a finger that seems to be broken." (.)

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