Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1409: Pregnancy time

"Finger broken?" Song Qingshu was thoughtful. In fact, Ren Yingying had also told him about this before. At that time, he thought that the famous finger-severing master in the rivers and lakes was the nine-fingered beggar Hong Qigong, but Hong Qigong It's impossible to rob Huang Rong, "What is his martial arts like?"

Huang Rong recalled for a while and shook her head: "His martial arts are very complicated, with tricks from all schools, but his power is greater than those of the clansmen..." She described as she spoke.

Listening to Song Qingshu, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind: "I know who he is!"

"Who is it?" Huang Rong's eyes widened, also curious.

"Murong Bo!" It turns out that Song Qingshu just remembered an old story. When he was in the Kingdom of Jin, Murong Bo used the reference finger and his sword qi to fight, and finally hurt his finger. In addition, he knew all kinds of martial arts. , Can still be better than blue, except for Gusu Murong, it is hard to think of others.

"Isn't Murong Bo already dead?" Huang Rong was startled, North Qiaofeng, South Murong, and most of Nan Murong's prestige was played by Murong Bo. He was also considered a master-level figure in the rivers and lakes. He also made a sensation when he passed away. Temporarily.

"Fake death..." Song Qingshu continued Murong's ambition to rejuvenate the Kingdom of Yan.

"So that's it!" Huang Rong was so clever. With enough information, she sorted everything out instantly. "He wants his son Murongfu to be in charge of Sichuan's military power, so he can take the opportunity to betray and restore Dayan. Only Jing Jing is Jia Si. The first candidate under Dao's command, Murong Bo arrested me and forced Brother Jing to give up the competition, so that Murong Fu had a chance..."

Thinking of the result of the final competition, Huang Rong showed a cheerful expression: "It's a pity that he has exhausted his organs, and in the end he will make wedding dresses for others."

Song Qingshu snorted: "Although his trickery didn't succeed, but the thing about bullying you can't just leave it alone. Do you want revenge?"

Hearing his words, Huang Rong's eyes flashed with a strange light, he hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Yes!" At this moment, she seemed to have recovered the demon goddess who had a clear grudge and resentment, and was no longer the rule-based wise man all these years. Wife and mother.

"Well, I'll take you to find him to settle the account now." Song Qing wrote Shen Rushui, and it was not once or twice that he had a conflict with Murong. This time, he simply settled everything.

"Now?" Huang Rong was taken aback, "I look like this now, what if I reveal my identity?"

"That's what I said," Song Qingshu pondered for a while, "Well, let's go back to the Qi Palace first, you change your casual clothes, and then disguise, we will go together again."

"Okay!" Huang Rong nodded, although on the surface she was calm, she was a little excited in her heart uncontrollably.

She hasn't done anything adventurous for many, many years. After a long time, she has forgotten that she is not a traditional woman with three obediences and four virtues, but an aggressive and adventurous little demon girl.

"Although it is very happy to be respectful to Rubin with Brother Jing, it seems good to take risks occasionally..." Huang Rong lost consciousness for a moment.

"Rong'er, your body smells so good." Song Qingshu leaned closer to her cheek less than an inch, and sniffed gently, "You obviously can't wipe rouge gouache during this time, why is it still so smelling? Well, it seems There is a smell of milk..."

Huang Rong was flushed with his smell and was uncomfortable. She pushed him away: "Don't get so close."

Song Qingshu smiled and pointed to the wall on the side: "I can't help it."

Huang Rong was so exhausted by his lazy expression that she had no choice but to say: "You want me to go back to the house with you, we have to make three chapters!"

"Three chapters?" Song Qingshu smiled, "How about three chapters?"

"There are so many women in your house, if you treat me like this, they are not blind, they can naturally see the relationship between us," Huang Rong bit her lip tightly, "If someone else sees something, you How do I behave!"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be so confused about the importance. When someone is present, I will definitely treat you respectfully."

"I hope you can do what you say." Huang Rong even wanted him to treat herself respectfully regardless of whether there were people or no one, but she knew that this was impossible, so she didn't waste any more words.

"I won't be able to make out with you in a while, then, Rong'er, would you please make up for me now?" Song Qingshu scowled and leaned forward again.

Huang Rong almost fainted out of breath: "Who wants to have **** with you!"

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "This sedan chair is too crowded. We are sitting side by side like this. I'm worried about squeezing your stomach and hurting the baby inside. Why don't I hold you." She didn't wait for her to respond, and could not help but hug her. I got up and put it in my arms.

"You!" Song Qingshu was so agile, when Huang Rong reacted, the whole person was already sitting in his arms.

"Don't get excited, be careful of your fetal gas." Song Qingshu put her face to her face and said softly.

Huang Rong was about to resist. After hearing these words, her body gradually weakened. She thought that he had rescued herself twice when she was in danger. At that time, seeing his excitement, her heart also softened. Stopped: "When you get to your house later, let me go!"

"Okay." Song Qingshu reached out and hooked her chin and kissed it slowly.

A trace of dazedness and hesitation appeared in Huang Rong's eyes, and gradually closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and seeing her lips about to meet, she suddenly turned her face away: "No, it can't be like this."

Song Qingshu sighed, "I rescued you from Gems Mountain before, didn't you just kiss me? Why do you refuse now?"

"Don't mention that!" Huang Rong's face was hot, "It was on the line of life and death at the time. I just happened to... Anyway, it was just an accident."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "It seems that only by walking on the edge of life and death can you let go of all the shackles of the world and reveal your true feelings inadvertently."

Huang Rong was silent, and said after a long time: "Between us... It was originally due to a mistake, but we knew it was a mistake. Why should we make mistakes again and again?"

"Love has never been right or wrong." Song Qingshu sighed.

"Love?" Huang Rong raised her head, her pair of beautiful eyes are as magnificent as gems, "You ask yourself, your love is more interested in my body, right?"

"You always look at problems from such a sharp angle," Song Qingshu wryly smiled, "I don't deny that your body has a great temptation for me, but I believe you should feel my feelings for you."

"It sounds good." Huang Rong took a sip, thinking of the anxious look on the other side when he rescued herself these few times, it was indeed sincere.

Regardless of the thought of him admitting that he was very interested in his body, Huang Rong was so angry that she was about to talk about him, suddenly a strange look flashed between her eyebrows, and she said angrily: "You have hit me. ."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu didn't hear clearly at first, but she didn't wake up until she repeated it, and said with a slight embarrassment, "Normal physiological reaction, who makes you so charming, I'm afraid it will be the same for any man holding you. Right."

Huang Rong snorted, "It's still my fault?" If it is an ordinary girl, I am afraid that she is too ashamed to speak, but after all, she is a woman who has been married for many years, and her daughter is in her teens. It is also a little uncomfortable, but still barely able to communicate with each other on this issue.

"My fault, my fault." Song Qingshu hurriedly told Rao.

Soon there was silence in the sedan chair, and there seemed to be an ambiguous atmosphere in the small space.

Because the sedan chair is lifted by humans, it is inevitable that there will be a certain amount of up and down vibration during operation. The two people are hugging each other like this now. With the vibration of the sedan chair, there will inevitably be some friction and contact between their bodies. The physiological state of Qingshu of the Upper Song Dynasty at this time.

Huang Rong's face was getting redder and red, and there seemed to be a layer of water flowing in her eyes. She finally couldn't help but speak, but her voice became a little unnatural: "You...let me down."

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows: "Why do you want to come down? Don't you hold it like this...Are you uncomfortable?"

Huang Rong opened her lips and whispered, "You promised me three chapters."

"But you haven't arrived at the house yet?" Song Qingshu said solemnly.

"Aren't you playing a rogue?" Huang Rong said angrily.

"So what?" Song Qingshu simply broke the jar.

Huang Rong was about to say something, the sedan was shaking again, causing her body to be a little unstable and sitting heavily in Song Qingshu's arms again, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

"You!" Huang Rong stiffened, and now she was a little speechless in this situation.

"Have you been pregnant for three months?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

"What does it have to do with you!" Huang Rong gritted her teeth and said.

"Of course it does matter. According to my cousin in scientific research, sexual **** is not allowed in the first three months and two months after pregnancy." Song Qingshu popularized science.

"You bastard!" Huang Rong couldn't help being ashamed and angry when she heard him.

"Looking at Rong'er's reaction, it should have been three months." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Regarding his question, Huang Rong turned his face away and ignored him. At the same time, she secretly regretted that the maids had sent a few alternative dresses at Han Tong's mansion just now. She shouldn't choose this one. Although it is beautiful enough, But the material of the dress is too thin.

As the chief assistant of the imperial court, the clothes on the mansion are naturally made of the finest silk, which is extremely light on his body. Several layers of skirts are attached to each other, so the light is as thin as a cicada's wings.

On weekdays, Huang Rong would be quite satisfied with this dress, but now she is sitting in Song Qingshu’s arms, wishing that the rougher and heavier the material, the better, it can at least play a defensive role. Even the heat of the opponent's body can be clearly felt.

Huang Rong grabbed the wall of the sedan chair and tried to lift her body a little bit, with shame and anger on her face: "There are so many confidantes around you. It's okay to go back to the house and find them to solve it later. Why... Why come and pester me!"

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