Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1410: Man and sword

"Because they are not you." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Huang Rong was startled, when he was hit by his ordinary words in a soft place in the heart, she couldn't help but sighed secretly. This **** is obviously greedy for beauty, but he can make a woman feel his true feelings, no wonder he is around So many excellent confidantes.

She lost her mind at this moment, Song Qingshu has taken a step further, Huang Rong's heart swayed, and she subconsciously wanted to scold the other person, but suddenly she thought that this seemed to be fine, after all, she was separated from the clothes...not to mention that she also enjoyed it a bit.

As soon as this thought came up, Huang Rong instantly became sober: No, I can't do the things I'm sorry for Brother Jing again!

She stood up swiftly, trying to blame the other party righteously, but just as her mouth opened, the sedan chair suddenly stopped, and she fell to the front when she was unstable.

"It's over!" Huang Rong's face was pale. When she thought that falling to the ground might cause a miscarriage or something, her mother's instinct could make her fall back subconsciously. Fortunately, she had a martial arts foundation and just overcame her inertia at this moment.

However, the price was quite heavy, because almost exhausted all of his energy and fell back, so the whole body was completely unstable and sat down in Song Qingshu's arms again. At that moment, both of them froze.

Song Qingshu showed a strange expression: "This time you took the initiative to sit up, no wonder I am."

Huang Rong's entire face was instantly red and bleeding quickly. She wanted to scold someone, but at this time she couldn't say a word.

"Did you hurt you?" Song Qing asked with a worried look on her shoulders.

"Hurt you a big-headed ghost!" Huang Rong is really going crazy at this moment, and she can't wait to raise her hand to give him a slap, but at this time she doesn't dare to move at all, for fear that a move will make her even more embarrassed.

"What a coincidence..." Song Qingshu glanced at the other's buttocks, thinking that in his previous life, he had seen a very popular post on the Internet discussing the mentally retarded segments in online novels, and one of the posts mentioned a novel. Here, the company’s glamorous secretary wore an ol bag hip skirt holding documents to copy and scan things. The male protagonist had an instinctive physical reaction when she saw her **** look. As a result, she accidentally slipped over when she passed by the male protagonist. Instinctively helped her, the two fell together, the glamorous secretary sat on the male lead, and the male lead actually entered the secretary's body at that moment...

Song Qingshu was also spitting out at the time. How did the author come up with such a mentally handicapped bridge. The male lead’s jeans, the secretary’s hip skirt, and the underwear of two people, no matter which angle they fall from, it’s impossible to enter. Unexpectedly, when he laughed at others with mental retardation, he now experienced a similar coincidence.

Of course, Song Qingshu asked himself in this respect that he couldn't compare to the man who was hanging from the sky. After all, there were still several layers of clothes. Thinking about it with his toes, he knew that there was no real possibility, but this was enough to make Huang Rong ashamed and indignant.

Huang Rong bit her lip tightly, and didn't make any humiliating sound when the soul flew into the air just now. At this time, she gradually came over, took a deep breath and was about to question him, who knew that Song Qingshu's fingers had just opened her mouth. On her lips: "Shhh, don't talk!"

Huang Rong was surprised at first, and then reacted instantly. The sedan chair would not stop in such a hurry for no reason. Something must have happened outside.

"For a long time, I heard that Song Gongzi's martial arts was overwhelming and powerful, Xue Mou came here admiringly, wanting to see your unparalleled swordsmanship." A cold voice suddenly came from outside.

Huang Rong showed a different color. Hearing the voice, the person standing three feet away in front of the sedan chair could faintly feel the powerful sword aura that made people feel cold from such a distance, as if standing there was not a person, but a person. A sharp and unparalleled sword.

She couldn't help but glanced at Song Qingshu with some worry, but in his eyes there was no tension or abnormality, only the calmness of the lake.

Huang Rong couldn't help but admire him secretly. Although this person sometimes became a little bit greedy and lustful, once he became serious, he was really a master, and made people feel an inexplicable sense of security.

But a hint of shame flashed in her eyes, thinking that this **** made me get up first before talking... Now this situation always gives her a sense of crisis of being approached by enemy soldiers and breaking into the door at any time.

Huang Rong didn't dare to make any changes at this time, because she knew that the person outside was a master of masters. If he was aware of her existence, then she really didn't want to live, and she had no choice but to continue to endure this embarrassment. torment.

"Why, Master Song didn't dare to compete with me?" The cold voice outside rang again.

Song Qingshu chuckled lightly and replied faintly: "If someone comes to me to challenge and I will fight, wouldn't it be so busy?

Hearing what he said, the servants outside the sedan chair hurriedly negotiated and wanted to drive away the person who was blocking the road. Unfortunately, there was no sound as soon as they spoke. Song Qingshu frowned, but still did nothing, because the other party just restrained those. The servant's acupoint does not kill a killer.

"If this is the case, then I will let you see if I am qualified to challenge you." The man obviously became a little impatient, and as soon as his voice fell, a shimmering sword had been shot into the sedan chair.

Huang Rong couldn't help losing her color. Although the tip of the sword hadn't touched her body, the sword qi carried on it had faintly pierced her skin, and she instinctively wanted to use the slap trick of hitting the dog and stick, and tried to pick this sword off. , It's only a pity that when he raised his hand, he felt empty, and realized that the dog stick was not by his side at this time. And even if she had a dog club in her hand, she didn't have full certainty that she could provoke this raging sword.

At this time, she suddenly remembered that there was another Song Qingshu. For some reason, staying with him felt a sense of security. This sense of security was not even comparable to Guo Jing.

"Is it because his martial arts is higher than that of Brother Jing?" Huang Rong thought with a faint feeling. There were a lot of thoughts in her heart, but seeing that the sword was about to pierce, she instinctively buried her face on Song Qingshu's chest.

After a long time, there was no movement, and Huang Rong raised her head in shock, and found that the sword that was shot over had stopped about a foot in front of him, and could no longer move forward.

Huang Rong had always known that Song Qingshu's martial arts was very high, but he was still shocked when he noticed that he had stopped the sharp sword coming quickly without moving his hands.

In shock, she suddenly realized that she was sticking to his arms like a little bird, and she immediately sat upright as if she had been scalded.

Song Qingshu didn't tease her anymore at this time, but stretched out his hand with a serious face, and the sword shot back at a faster speed than before.

Huang Rong only felt that there was no trace of the sword in front of her, so she couldn't help thinking in secret. If it was me, she would have been hit by the sword before she could react. The person outside might be more ill-fortuned.

After a while, there was no sound from outside, and Huang Rong confirmed the guess in her heart.

However, Song Qingshu didn't have the slightest expression of joy at this time. Instead, he held her gently on the seat, and whispered to her: "Wait for me here, don't come out." After that, he walked off the sedan chair.

Before that, Huang Rong had prayed to Song Qingshu to put her down, and it was best to leave the sedan chair, but now that her wish was fulfilled, she found that she was not happy at all.

"Am I afraid that he will encounter any danger?" Just now, when he got off the sedan chair, Huang Rong saw a swordsman standing a few meters away through the gap in the curtain of the door. Obviously he was not counterattacked by Song Qingshu as expected. Kill.

Let’s say that after Song Qingshu got off the sedan chair, he looked at the man not far away, and saw that he was about forty or fifty years old, with a few strands of silver on his temples, and his grace and calmness. From the looks of his appearance, he felt a little bit cold. In addition, it is more like a wise man who does not seek knowledge and a celebrity who has been tired of the world and retired from the forest, but in Song Qingshu's eyes, it seems to be a peerless divine sword standing there, exuding a chilling body. Strong sword energy, revealing a disturbing edge.

"Is it the realm of the unity of human and sword?" Song Qingshu muttered to himself. He has seen many masters with swords in these years, but the person in front of him feels like the original Huashan Sword Sage, and the wind is clearer and clearer than the wind. Young is even more sharp.

When Song Qingshu was looking at the man, the man was also looking at him. He was a little surprised to see him standing there casually, as if he had become one with the world. "No wonder Mr. Song has achieved the world in just a few years. Shijun, it really deserves his reputation when I saw it today." After a pause, he glanced at the sedan chair behind him thoughtfully, and continued: "The reputation of Merry is also as rumored."

Huang Rong was watching secretly through the gap in the door curtain, she couldn't help being ashamed when she heard the words, and she instantly shrank back. She was worried about gains and losses: "He won't recognize me?"

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and it was not surprising that he was aware of the existence of Huang Rong based on this person's cultivation base. What was surprising was that he did not have any information about this person: "Who is your excellency? Based on your cultivation base, it will never be unknown. Generation."

The man shook his head: "I am not a member of the rivers and lakes, and you may not have heard of it."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know that I haven't heard of it?" Song Qingshu smiled, "You claim to be not a member of the rivers and lakes. Looking at your murderous aura that is so strong, I am afraid that only members of the army can cultivate it. "

A strange color appeared in the man's eyes: "Yes, I do come from the army, my name is Xue Yiren."

"Xue Yiren, known as the'Blood Man'?" Song Qingshu's chin almost didn't fall to the ground. Why did Gu Long's characters also rush in?

Xue Yiren's eyes were even more surprised: "Yes, I did have this nickname twenty years ago, but it is only known to my colleagues in the military. How do you know."

When Jin Kingdom went south, several wars broke out between the Southern Song Dynasty and Jin Kingdom. Xue Yiren’s small army was surrounded by three thousand people from Jin Kingdom. Everyone thought that he was going to die. As a result, Xue Yiren took his colleagues with one sword and one man to kill. A **** road, the golden army, who had always been invincible, was horrified. The battle was full of corpses, and the sun and the moon were dark. When the reinforcements arrived, Xue Yiren stood proudly in the blood of the corpse mountain. His clothes were soaked in blood, so they called them blood-clothed men——

The reason why Xue Yiren appeared is mainly because there are four big families of Jia, Shi, Wang, and Xue in the Southern Song Dynasty. The plot needs a top master in the Xue family, so the name of Xue Yiren is simply used. Definitely Xue Baochai's brother(.)

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