Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1411: Prince

Xue Yiren has a high prestige in the army, but he is low-key by nature. In addition, as Xue's family, he was later transferred from the front line by using a relationship. After 20 years, his reputation was gradually forgotten. Obviously, it is not even known to people in the world.uuk.la

It’s also thanks to encountering Song Qingshu, I don’t know how powerful he is when replaced by someone else, but Song Qingshu is different. After all, I’ve seen Gu Long and know that Xue Yiren is definitely a figure comparable to Ximen Chuuxue after Dacheng. Chu Liuxiang, the world's number one in light work, was too late to hide, and he didn't give his full strength with that sword.

Song Qingshu actually didn't know if the Xue Yiren in front of him and that in Gu Long were considered the same person, but judging from the other party's move just now, this person's cultivation is definitely not under the original Huashan wind. Dongfang Muxue's martial arts was so high at the time, and after a battle with Feng Qingyang, he could not use force for ten years...

With Song Qingshu’s current cultivation base and eyesight, there is an objective judgment in his heart. On the exquisite swordsmanship, the wind may be better than Xue Yiren in front of him, but Xue Yiren has surpassed him on the pure sword intent. Feng Qingyang, after all, Feng Qingyang practiced the sword technique of Dugu seeking defeat, but Xue Yiren's sword technique was created by himself.

Xue Yiren slowly raised the sword in his hand, his eyes full of remembrance and sorrow: "I haven't had a sword for a long time, but I have to make an exception when I meet you today."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "In this way, I should feel honored."

Xue Yiren said faintly: "It is also my honor to meet a master like you." As soon as the voice fell, the long sword in his hand was slowly unsheathed, and the distance of several feet made people feel the chill of the sword. .

Song Qingshu frowned. He was not afraid of the other party, but felt that some of the gains were not directly proportional to such a top player. What's more, Huang Rong is still in the sedan chair now, in case the aftermath of a duel is injured. It was even more regrettable for her to make any accidents.

But he also knows that for some people who love martial arts and become obsessed with martial arts, it is very exciting to find a well-matched opponent, and it is almost impossible for the opponent to give up the idea of ​​martial arts.

Just as he was helplessly deciding to take action, suddenly there was a pleasant female voice from the street not far away: "Wait a minute~Wait a minute~"

Song Qingshu followed the prestige, and saw a young girl riding a horse, her face was like a silver basin, her eyes were like apricots, her lips were not dotted, but her eyebrows were not drawn, but her eyebrows were not drawn. Above, Song Qingshu could feel a kind of dignified, graceful and elegant temperament from this girl.

"It turned out to be her!" Song Qingshu recognized this beautiful girl. When she was named King Qi before, she followed her father to the mansion to congratulate her. The reason she recognized her at a glance was because her name was Xue Baochai.

Seeing her, Xue Yiren couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing here?"

Xue Baochai pulled the reins and stopped. It may be that she was in a hurry, causing her to speak a little panting: "Brother, you can't challenge him."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned when she heard the name in her mouth. He glanced back and forth on her and Xue Yiren several times, thinking that these brothers and sisters are dozens of years apart, and her father is really strong...

However, I quickly remembered Xue Ji’s appearance, how could he not be Xue Yiren’s father, Song Qingshu quickly reacted, it is estimated that the relationship is similar to Jia Zhen and Jia Baoyu. brothers.

Xue Yiren snorted coldly when she heard her sister's words: "Why can't I challenge him?"

Xue Baochai got off his horse, first looked at Song Qingshu, with an apologetic look at him, and then ran to his brother's side and said: "He has been named King of Qi, and now his status is noble, and his subordinates are not to be underestimated. We Xue There is no need to provoke such a powerful enemy."

Although her voice is very small, she can still hear clearly based on Song Qingshu's cultivation base, and she can't help but sigh secretly, Xue Baochai's personal setting is really like this, graceful and general, and everything is considered so carefully.

"Does this mean you or your father?" Xue Yiren said with a frown.

"I meant it, but if my father is there, he will definitely stop you." Xue Baochai said quickly.

Song Qingshu secretly took a sip of relief. Of course, this kind of inexplicable fight is the best way to fight without fighting.

Xue Yiren fell into silence. Just as everyone thought he had given up, he suddenly said: "I have not found anyone who can play swords in these years. Now I finally found one, even if your father is here, today. Can't stop me."

Xue Baochai suddenly became anxious. She knew that if the two fight a battle, whoever wins and loses will definitely offend Song Qingshu, a powerful enemy. Song Qingshu is a powerful martial artist, and his subordinates are strong and powerful. The prince who is far more powerful than ordinary, it is unwise to have a bad relationship with him. But she also knew that her brother was addicted to swords, and now she has finally found an opponent, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop.

Xue Yiren pointed to Song Qingshu with the long sword in his hand, and his whole body was locked on the opponent, looking for the opportunity to release the sword.

Song Qingshu didn't dare to neglect, after all, the person in front of him was not an ordinary expert, and if he didn't pay attention, he might capsize in the gutter.

A cool breeze blew, and the leaves of a big tree next to it fell down and fell between the two, but they were instantly cut into pieces by the actual sword aura. Xue Yiren's eyes condensed, and the long sword in his hand turned, looking right. To be shot.

At this moment, a beautiful yellow shadow fell between the two of them, seeing each other's appearance clearly, Xue Yiren frowned, and moved the sword in his hand to one side at a critical moment.

Song Qingshu also recognized the identity of the woman, his brows gradually unfolded, and the gathering momentum disappeared without a trace.

"I haven't seen General Xue for so many years, but the style is still the same." The woman owed Xue Yiren slightly, who was she if she wasn't in the yellow shirt?

"I have seen the princess!" Xue Yiren arched his hands, "I haven't seen him for many years, and the princess has also improved a lot in martial arts."

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled slightly: "In front of General Xue, how can the little girl dare to call it diligent."

Xue Yiren was noncommittal and glanced at him thoughtfully: "Why did the princess come here this time?"

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled slightly: "Not long ago, the emperor called the general to Beijing. Today, I have to ask the general that he has arrived in Lin'an and sent me to pick up the general."

Xue Yiren's eyes condensed, his eyes swept over her and Song Qingshu, and the woman in the yellow shirt still looked at him with a smile as usual.

Xue Baochai was originally an exquisite temperament, and when he saw this, he quickly walked up and pulled his brother's arm: "Big Brother, since the emperor invited him, it's not easy to miss the hour."

Xue Yiren furrowed his brows, and after a long time he took the sword into its sheath, and said loudly: "Today it seems that the unfavorable son has a brilliant move."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It will be long in Japan."

"Very good." Xue Yiren took a deep look at him, then turned straight and left, the whole person's momentum gradually reduced, like a magic weapon slowly incorporated into the scabbard.

Xue Baochai hurriedly took the hem of the skirt and saluted Song Qingshu: "Today I was so rude, and I will apologize to King Qi the next day." After finishing speaking, he led the horse and hurriedly chased in the direction of Xue Yiren's departure.

Seeing the two gradually disappearing on the street, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh: "You are really big-hearted, there was no defense at all behind you just now."

The girl in the yellow shirt sighed quietly: "You are both masters, how can I deal with both of you at the same time? At that juncture, it would be good to only be on the defensive side."

Song Qingshu's expression moved: "It seems that you trust me quite a bit."

The woman in the yellow shirt turned red, but she quickly concealed the past: "That's natural. I haven't seen Xue Yiren for many years, and it's not a friendship. I'm more willing to believe that you won't do anything to me than others." Because of this, she gave up the defense of her back completely just now, and she was fully alert to Xue Yiren, for fear that he would be desperate to make a move.

Worried that what he continued to say would make it difficult for herself to answer, the woman in the yellow shirt hurriedly changed the subject with a smile: "Should you thank me?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "I really have to thank you, otherwise it would be really depressing to fight such a master inexplicably."

The corner of the woman's mouth rose slightly: "Then how are you going to thank me?"

"How about I invite you to a bar." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Drinking?" The woman in the yellow shirt kicked the pebble beside her with her hands on her back. "It sounds like a good look, how about today?"

Huang Rong in the sedan chair heard the conversation between the two, and a heart came up to her throat instantly, wondering when this **** was not good at teasing her sister, and she had to tease at this time. If this woman really moved, would she exist? Will it be exposed soon?

Song Qingshu was also taken aback in his heart, but he had already cultivated the ability of Taishan to collapse in the past, and replied with a smile: "Okay, but what you said just now, it seems that he is going to take Xue Yiren back to see the emperor today? "

"Yes." The woman in the yellow shirt sighed, "It seems that I will only find you for a drink next time."

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly thought of something, and asked: "I heard your conversation just now, what is the emperor's eagerness to call the master into the palace?"

The girl in the yellow shirt frowned, and after hesitating for a while, she said, "I shouldn't have said it, but you will know it sooner or later as you are now."

The girl in the yellow shirt paused and continued: "A few days ago, the daughter of Shen Yan who was serving in the palace was robbed by criminals on her way from the gloomy garden of her home mountain to Lin'an. "

Song Qingshu couldn't help but remember that he had been to Shenyuan when he was in Shanyin with Lu You, and met his ex-wife Tang Wan there. However, he still couldn't help but curiously said: "Although the servant of the palace is not a low position, but Isn't it enough to alarm the emperor?"

The girl in the yellow shirt sighed quietly: "Under normal circumstances, it is true that the emperor cannot be disturbed, but this incident is unique in the identity of the daughter of the Shen family. She is not only Shen Yan's precious daughter, but also the candidate for the future princess."-

Yesterday, I was dizzy and I really couldn't hold on to write. I went to bed early, and I am extremely sorry for the offense!

In addition, in view of the recent response from readers, I would like to emphasize it again. Because of the current network situation and the editor’s warning, there will be no Fanwai in the VIP group, and there will not be any in the future. So just to read Fanwai readers, there is no need to give a reward. Into the group.


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