Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1413: The unquenchable

Song Qingshu said calmly, without a heartbeat, "The Huang Gang was captured by a master in the palace before, and she was just rescued from the palace. Now it is not convenient to show up next to Daxia Guo, so I stay here for the time being. a bit."

"It turned out to be like this." Ren Yingying and Chen Yuanyuan were relieved at once. During this time, they also knew about Huang Rong's disappearance. Neither of them was dumb. They quickly understood Huang Rong's current situation and they really couldn't show up publicly.

After the initial surprise, the two women didn't think much about it. After all, Huang Rong's reputation in the rivers and lakes was there. Song Qingshu would hook up again, and people would not hurt him to mess around together.

"Yingying, you take Huang Gang to change into casual clothes, we will go out later." Song Qingshu signaled Ren Yingying to take Huang Rong to the room to change clothes.

"Where are you going?" Ren Yingying asked curiously.

"I just listened to Huang Gangzhu's description. I probably know who the kidnapped her was. Based on my friendship with their couple, this place has to help her find it." Song Qingshu explained.

"Are there any danger? I'll go with you." Ren Yingying said with a worried expression.

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Don't worry, with my martial arts, there is no danger. On the contrary, your body is suffering a lot now, so you need to take care of it during this period."

"It’s quite boring to stay at home every day. Since your martial arts are so high, I won’t hold you back if you have one more." Ren Yingying’s little mouth pouted slightly, and the girl was always eager when her heart belonged. Staying with your sweetheart anytime, since the little hut came back, the two of them have always kept together and separated more, which made her feel a little disappointed.

"Then... okay." Song Qingshu noticed the resentment in her eyes, thinking that she would take her wife out, but not her own. It was really unreasonable.

Ren Yingying turned from worry to joy: "Well, I will take Mrs. Guo to change clothes first."

Song Qingshu hurriedly reminded: "Since you have to go, you have to change to a new outfit."

"Okay." Ren Yingying smiled sweetly, and stretched out her hand to hold Huang Rong, "Mrs. Guo, please."

Huang Rong smiled, but she had a very strange feeling in her heart. How could she feel that she felt like a concubine came to see the eldest woman...

"Bah baah baah! Why would I have such a thought!" Huang Rong murmured secretly, hurriedly dispelling the distracting thoughts from his mind, and followed Ren Yingying to the back hall.

Seeing the disappearance of the two women, Chen Yuanyuan said with some self-pity: "Yingying, smart and good martial arts, I feel that I have no use except this pair of skins. There is nothing to help you."

Song Qingshu stepped forward and held her hand: "Everyone has their own areas of expertise, why should you use your own strengths to overcome your own weaknesses? What's more, I need you to help me deal with that matter."

Chen Yuanyuan snorted, "Are you embarrassed to say anything about the brothel!"

Song Qingshu chuckled: "I'm not worried that it will stimulate your wild thoughts."

"Don't worry, after so many years of wind and waves, I am not that vulnerable." Chen Yuanyuan snorted softly, "I have some general ideas during this period of time, and other needs have met with your girl He. Let's discuss it later."

Song Qingshu nodded: "I sent a message to He Tieshou some time ago, and she is about to arrive in Lin'an after calculating the time. I will arrange for you to meet at that time."

"I hope you keep your promise and don't embarrass those women who are struggling." Chen Yuanyuan sighed quietly.

"Don't worry, I don't want to hurt Madam's heart for a brothel spying on intelligence." Song Qingshu gently patted the back of her hand.

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed, and her hands shrank back subconsciously: "Don't be like this, I'll be seen by them later."

Song Qingshu smiled and pulled her into her arms: "Don't worry, they didn't change clothes so quickly."


Let’s say that Huang Rong followed Ren Yingying to the room, recalling the way the other party was intimate with Song Qingshu just now, she was always a little weird, and finally couldn’t help asking: "Miss Ren, I have a presumptuous question. I don’t know what to do. Shouldn't ask."

Ren Yingying smiled slightly and replied softly: "Mrs. Guo just ask."

Huang Rong said, "I saw you at the banquet last time..." She paused, and continued with a little embarrassment, "At that time, it seemed as if Song Qingshu was going to be killed. Why are you two now...somewhat like glue? ?"

Ren Yingying's face blushed, and it was enough to assassinate Song Qingshu in front of the public. The key is to follow him afterwards, which is indeed embarrassing in retrospect.

"At the beginning... um... I had a misunderstanding with him, and now the misunderstanding has been solved." Ren Yingying explained ambiguously, for some reason, she didn't want to say that she had liked other men in front of Huang Rong.

"That's it," Huang Rong thought when he returned to the gem mountain, "it's no wonder Song Qingshu rushed to Liuhe Pagoda like crazy at the time."

Listening to her mentioning the original matter, Ren Yingying's eyes also had a gentle touch: "Yes, fortunately he came in time."

As a woman, how could Huang Rong fail to understand the meaning in her eyes? Can't help but sigh secretly, although Song Qingshu has various shortcomings, he is really good at stealing women's hearts.

At this moment, Kung Fu Ren Yingying had brought her a set of clean clothes, and Huang Rong also took back her thoughts and began to change her clothes.

Ren Yingying herself also found a strong outfit. When she changed her clothes, she glanced at her side and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mrs. Guo, you are pregnant and you are in such good shape. It's really enviable!"

Huang Rong's face was reddened. She had never been praised by a woman before, and her face was a little embarrassed: "Miss Ren, you are also in good shape. When I was young, I couldn't compare to you."

Ren Yingying looked at her chest, looked down at her chest, and said with some envy, "Why are you so big, Mrs. Guo?"

Huang Rong was a little embarrassed, thinking that she was discussing this with Song Qingshu's woman. Afterwards, she might turn around and tell Song Qingshu. If she knew this, she should change clothes separately.

"Miss Ren, you will grow bigger after you get married, and you will get bigger after you get pregnant." Huang Rong is a married woman after all, and she quickly concealed her shyness and said with a smile.

This moment instead made the girl Ren Yingying a little embarrassed, but thinking of the scene of her pregnancy, a strange look bloomed in her eyes.

When the two women came out after changing their clothes, Song Qingshu couldn't help but brighten up: "A big beauty is a big beauty. Even if she put on a strong outfit, she still can't hide her natural beauty."

Ren Yingying was happy in her heart, but she was still a little shy to be praised by him in front of other people. She couldn't help but sighed: "You are always so unscrupulous. Don't be offensive to Mrs. Guo."

"It's okay." Huang Rong said with a smile, but she was extremely weird in her heart, thinking that your man was more than abrupt over me...

Song Qingshu looked at her belly and said with some worry: "Today you have been tossing back and forth for so long, and the pregnant woman can't stand the fatigue. Would you like to take a break?"

Huang Rong was taken aback and had to sigh. No wonder Song Qingshu is so carefree, yet there are so many outstanding women devoted to him. In this society where men are inferior to women, they are so considerate to women, and there are fewer men who are so gentle than rare treasures.

Although she still slandered what Song Qingshu did to her, Huang Rong felt a touch of warmth in her heart at this time: "Thank you, no, I have martial arts after all, and my energy is better than normal pregnant women."

"In that case, let's set off now." Song Qingshu quietly left the Qi Palace with the two women.

It was not easy for Murong Bo to see the head but not the end one day, but he was always secretly concerned about the safety of his only son Murong Fu. As long as Murong Fu was in danger, he would probably show up.

Song Qingshu has already known where Murong Fu lives now, and he confirmed his whereabouts to Han Tong just now. After learning that he had failed in the martial arts contest, he left the palace alone and returned to his residence. He never came out.

So Song Qingshu and the three of them rushed to Murongfu's residence. After walking for a while, Song Qingshu couldn't help saying: "Or I will take you there. It's too slow. If Murongfu leaves there, it will be troublesome."

Huang Rong and Ren Yingying looked at each other. In fact, their light skills are not bad in the arena, but even at their peak state, they are far behind Song Qingshu, let alone one is pregnant and the other is badly injured.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Ren Yingying didn't mind, but Huang Rong hesitated. The words "bring" and cuddle in the other party's mouth had the same meaning. It didn't matter if Ren Yingying was Song Qingshu's woman, but his identity...

In fact, if it was only her and Song Qingshu, she would have nothing to do. After all, the two had been more intimate, but people were so strange that when there was a third party, they were more worried.

Song Qingshu roughly guessed her thoughts, and put her left arm around Ren Yingying's slender waist, and her right arm around Huang Rong: "Don't worry, Mrs. Guo, it won't hurt the child in your stomach." As soon as the voice fell, he took them both. Make a puff of smoke and disappear into the depths of the street.

Huang Rong was taken aback, and quickly realized that the other party deliberately said this to resolve her embarrassment. She gave her a reasonable explanation for her hesitation. She looked aside and saw Ren Yingying cuddling in his arms happily, Huang Rong. I couldn't help but smile, I really became a frightened bird, how could other people know the relationship with Song Qingshu?

It didn't take long for the group of three people to arrive at Murong Fu's residence. Seeing the figure hesitating in the window from a distance, Song Qingshu and the two women lightly and silently landed on the roof.

Huang Rong couldn't help but admire him secretly. No matter how Murong Fu was regarded as the top master in the world, Song Qingshu took two people on top of him without being noticed by him. This skill is really unfathomable.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the room below: "Do you have a son?"

The three people on the roof were startled, and they converged their thoughts and listened attentively. Only Murong Fu's voice replied: "I haven't been married yet, so how come I am?"

The old voice said abruptly: "Do you have an ancestor?"

Murong Fu was very annoyed and said loudly, "Naturally! I died willingly. What's the matter with you? A scholar can kill but not be insulted. Murong Fu is a man who can't stand your rude words."

The old voice sounded again: "Your great ancestors have sons, and your great grandfathers, grandfathers, and fathers all have sons. That means you have no sons! Hey, how heroic Murong Jai, Murong Ke, Murong Chui, and Murong De were in the Great Yan Kingdom, but unexpectedly They have all become the inexhaustible people who have been cut off from generations!"


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