Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1414: Join hands

Ren Yingying was secretly shocked. Although this voice is old, he has a domineering attitude of its own. In addition, the Murong Jai, Murong Ke, Murong Chui, and Murong De mentioned by the other party are all well-known figures in history. Who is this person anyway?

Looking at Huang Rong, she saw the same meaning in her eyes, but she did not know that Huang Rong's shock was still above her, because she had already heard that this person was the one who kidnapped her back then.

If Song Qingshu had some enlightenment, in order to verify the guess in his heart, he carefully uncovered the roof tiles, and the three of them were able to see the situation in the house.

I saw Murong Fu standing in the room with disheveled hair. In front of him there was a masked old man standing proudly. A dagger fell on the ground beside him. Although the three people on the roof hadn't seen what happened just now, they could probably do it. Guessed one or two, it must have been Murong Fu who lost the battle to win the command. After returning, he couldn't think of a short-term vision for a while, but was saved by the masked old man on the opposite side.

The four people mentioned in the mouth of the masked old man were all the patriarchs and ancestors of Murong Fu. Murongfu suddenly heard the names of these four ancestors when he was dizzy and mad, just as he was drenched in cold water, and thought: "My father used to warn me with great rejoicing. Yan is a lifelong ambition. Today, I feel short-sighted. I am Xianbei Murong from now on. I don’t even have a son. What can I say about Guangzong’s resurrection?” I couldn’t help being covered in cold sweat on my forehead, and I immediately bowed down. On the ground, he said: "Murong has seen short-sightedness after revisiting, and the seniors have given me advice. He is so kind and unforgettable."

The masked old man bowed and bowed calmly to him and said: "Which one has not gone through all the hardships of great achievements in ancient times? Han Gaozu has the difficulty of Bai Deng seeking peace, and Tang Gaozu has the humiliation of surrendering to the Turks, if they are like you It’s nothing more than a narrow-minded self-confidence. What can you talk about establishing a country and foundation? You are not as good as Gou Jian and Han Xin. You are really ignorant and ignorant."

Murongfu knelt to be taught, horrified: "This senior seems to know my ambition, and actually compares it to the founding fathers such as Han Gaozu and Tang Gaozu." Said: "Murongfu knows it is wrong!"

The masked old man said: "Get up!"

Murong Fu respectfully kowtows three heads and stands up.

The masked old man said: "Your Gu Su Murong's family inherited martial arts is unique in the world, but you haven't learned it at home, look carefully!" He stretched out his index finger and tapped Ling Xu three times on the roof.

Feeling two sharp finger winds coming towards him, Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, his hands grabbed Ren Yingying and Huang Rong's shoulders, and his figure dodged.

After this trouble, Murong Fu also noticed that there was someone outside, but his attention was still attracted by the holes in the roof, and he was stunned by the power of this trick of the masked old man.

Just listen to the masked old man’s voice saying: "This is your Murong family's'participation'! Back then, the old man learned from your ancestors, but he has only a little knowledge and learned some furs. The Murong's other magical martial arts are unknown. How many are there. Hey, can it be that your young man's slight demeanor can create the name of Gusu Murong's "being the way of the other, but also the body of the other"?"

"The words of the predecessor are like a divine enlightenment. I don't know what the name of the surname of senior Gao should be called?" Murong Fu said convincingly.

"The old man only knows the elders of your Murong family, so you don't need to mention the name." The masked old man replied lightly, then turned to look at the direction of the door, "The two are coming by midnight, why not come in for a while?"

Huang Rong and Ren Yingying outside the door looked at Song Qingshu in surprise when they heard what he said. They were only short of breath and were found by the person. It shows that his martial arts is so high, who knows that he hadn't found Song Qingshu at all. .

"Gusu Murong's name of'respect the way of the other, return to the other body' was naturally not created by Mr. Murong," said the person called Po Xing Zang Song Qingshu without any need to conceal it. He walked in with the two women and said. , "Old Mr. Murong was so uncomfortable to lay down such a huge reputation in the world, why now he hides his head and shows his tail like this, and dare not show his identity in front of his son?"

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, the masked old man trembled, and the unhurried look in his eyes instantly disappeared, replaced by deep shock and fear.

But at this time Murong Fu's shock was still above him. Hearing what Song Qingshu said just now, he couldn't help looking at the masked old man with joy: "Father, is that you?"

The masked old man didn't have the least effort to pay attention to him at this time.

Song Qingshu led Ren Yingying and Huang Rong to the door. Before they arrived, the door seemed to be pushed open by a pair of invisible hands, and the two sides finally met each other.

"Murong Bo, we met again." Song Qingshuyun smiled lightly. He put his hands behind his back, as if he was completely unguarded, but the other party had prepared a blow but did not start at all.

The masked old man snorted coldly. At this time, there was no need to hide his identity. He untied the mask, and it was Murong Bo.

"Father!" Murong Fu was surprised and delighted, and hurried to greet him. At this time, he had something to say to him.

Murong Bo raised his hand to stop him: "I'll talk about other things in the future, let's talk about the enemy in front of me together."

Murong Fu was shocked. He remembered that his father had always been a man of high self-esteem. In addition, he knew how good his father's martial arts was, and he couldn't imagine that his father would say anything to join hands with others from the very beginning.

Although Murong Fu has been defeated several times in the arena in recent years, he is still the top master in the arena. He is confident that he will join hands with his father, and even a master like Qiao Feng can kill him. I really can't figure out what else could scare their father and son.

However, the appearance of this was a bit shaken in an instant. You must know that he has dealt with Song Qingshu several times over the years, and he knows how unfathomable the other party is.

"Brother Song, I don't know what happened this time?" Murong Fu was secretly frightened when his father saw Song Qingshu, and he hurried forward to try to ease the atmosphere. After all, he still had some friendship with Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Mr Murong, don't worry, I am not here to look for you this time, but for the grandfather."

Murong Fu was speechless for a while, wondering if there is a difference between looking for me and looking for my father, can I still stand by and watch?

Murong Bo's face twitched, and he said in a cold voice, "The last time Jin Guo's grievances were cleared up for you and I, what are you doing this time?"

"Two clearings? I'm afraid it might not be." Song Qingshu looked at his severed finger, "You definitely want to smash my corpse and avenge you."

"What!" Murong Fu was shocked. In fact, before the father and son met each other, he noticed that the other's finger was broken. At that time, he was surprised at what kind of expert could hurt this mysterious expert's finger. He didn't expect it to be Song Qingshu.

"If you are inferior to others, you can't blame others." Murong Bo well concealed the resentment in his eyes.

"You don't have to rush to show your attitude, I am not here to settle the old accounts this time," Song Qingshu smiled and pointed to Huang Rong next to him, "Ms. Guo is my friend, and this time I'm taking the lead for her."

Murong Bo's face changed slightly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Really?" Song Qingshu's tone added a hint of sarcasm, "Your Excellency is also a well-known figure in the world, why dare to do so and not be so?"

"There is nothing wrong with the crime you want to add," Murong Bo said angrily, "I don't know how you plan to get ahead?"

Song Qingshu did not answer him directly, but turned to Huang Rong and asked gently: "Mrs. Guo, what are you going to do with him?"

"This" Huang Rong was instantly embarrassed. First, Song Qingshu asked her in front of so many people, which made her heartbeat speed up several times. Second, it was difficult to answer the question of the other party. In fact, the thought of the other party caused the loss of her husband. The initiator of such a good opportunity, she would like to take it off. But Murong Bo is famous among the rivers and lakes. He is a master-level master. Not to mention that she herself, even Brother Jing, may not be able to ask for it. Well, if you want to kill such a master-level figure, it is even more fantastic.

Song Qingshu was already very grateful for her revenge, but how could she make her embarrassing request?

Before Huang Rong had time to answer, Murong Bo was furious: "I was defeated by you last time, do you really think it will kill me?" After all, he is a master of masters, with the pride of a master, plus Song Qingshu ignores his son in front of him and uses it as fish to be slaughtered and generally uses it to please a woman. How could he bear such insults?

As for the last defeat by Song Qingshu, Murong Bo concluded afterwards that he was too big, thinking that he was invincible, and went to fight against the opponent's sword. If you give full play to the characteristics of Gusu Murong Botong Baijia, you may not be able to avoid head-on head-on. In World War I, what's more, there was a son to help this time, and the father and son joined forces. Where can I go in this world?

Song Qingshu turned around and said, "It's useless to say more, you will know after a fight." After experiencing this incident, he clearly knew how horrible it is to leave such a top master who is full of resentment towards him in the dark. Taking advantage of this time for Huang Rong to come forward, this period of grievances can be completely brought to an end.

As soon as his voice fell, the whole person appeared in front of Murong Fu and grabbed his key point. He made up his mind to kill one person at first, otherwise it would be really troublesome for them to join forces.

Murong Fu only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and before he had time to reflect that the other party had attacked him, he sighed in his heart: "My life is over!"

Fortunately, Murong Bo was ready to go. He had fought Song Qingshu before in the Kingdom of Jin. He knew his speed was terrifying, so he was prepared at the beginning. At the moment of his death, he blocked the attack for his son, and the two fought in an instant. Make a ball.

After all, Murong Bo is the top group of masters in the arena, coupled with Gusu Murong’s family background, and decades of experience in confronting the enemy, so he can barely block Song Qingshu, but at the same time he secretly complained, fighting against this. In a few strokes, he has already noticed the other party's killing intent, knowing that this time I am afraid that he cannot be kind, and his initial optimism has completely disappeared now, knowing that even if he does his best, I am afraid that he will not be able to use dozens of strokes. Be controlled by him.

Song Qingshu was also a little depressed at this time. In the original book, the sweeping monk was able to kill Murong Bo in seconds, but he fought against him several times, and he knew that there was no way to kill Murong Bo in seconds. However, he doesn't think he is inferior to the sweeping monk. The main reason is that the sweeping monk has observed Murong Bo in secret for decades. He is clear about his martial arts and his weaknesses are naturally clear. In addition, at that time Murong Bo was already a little confused. , So the spike is actually caused by coincidence for many reasons.

At this moment, Kung Fu Murong Fu finally reacted, seeing his father faintly falling into the wind at the beginning, he hurriedly drew his sword and rushed up: "Don't hurt my father!"

Huang Rong on the other side was shocked. She watched the match between Wu Duoshuai before, and Murong Fuben is a top player who is only one-line weaker than Qiao Feng. In addition, she has obtained the eighteen palms of Jianglong, and her strength has greatly increased. Murong Bo, who has been famous for decades, this father and son teamed up with Song Qingshu's martial arts, no matter how high they are, they will not be able to resist it.

I was about to rush to help, who knew that as soon as he left, his belly suddenly moved, causing her waist and abdomen to tingle, and her figure had to stop immediately. At this time, Ren Yingying held her and said with a smile: "Mrs. Guo Don't worry, Qingshu is fine..)

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