Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1417: Stimulating proposal

Hearing Chen Yuanyuan's words, Song Qingshu was startled: "No, she looked like she wanted to kill me before."

"Who told you to deceive her to Yanjing City in the first place? To a certain extent, you are responsible for all of her misfortunes." Chen Yuanyuan gave him an angry look.

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "I couldn't help myself back then."

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help thinking that the first time he saw Song Qingshu, he was a high-ranking princess, and he was respectful to himself. At that time, he would not have thought that one day he would actually lie under him for joy...

Thinking of that kind of shame scene, Chen Yuanyuan's face became hot, but suddenly thinking of her daughter's mind, the blush on her face gradually faded.

"How do you plan to arrange A Ke?" Chen Yuanyuan suddenly blinked a pair of big watery eyes and looked at him quietly.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "Ake is now the most favored concubine in the Southern Song Dynasty, so how can I arrange it?"

"The most favored?" Chen Yuanyuan was a little annoyed at Song Qingshu's deliberately pretending to be deaf and dumb. "You don't know the situation of A Ke in the palace. He is named as a noble concubine, but there is no such thing as a noble concubine. Facing the bright guns and arrows of the concubines in the palace, she has been longing for freedom outside and waiting for someone to rescue her out of the sea of ​​suffering."

Speaking to this level, Song Qingshu had no choice but to reply: "Don't worry, I actually promised her before that I will rescue her from the palace in the future."

The reason why I am not saving it now is that the impact is too bad. The most favored concubine in the palace elopes with people. Even if Zhao Go and her are not a real husband and wife and have no affection for her, they will be investigated to the end for the sake of face. When it comes to him, a war is inevitable. Although Song Qingshu is a bit greedy and lustful on weekdays, but he is sober at the critical moment, how can he start a war for a woman?

Secondly, Ake shoulders the mission of his father Wu Sangui and the Southern Song Union. Now Wu Sangui is at a disadvantage in the battle with Manchu and Qing Dynasty. If he loses his Southern Song ally, the situation will get worse and worse. Ake himself is not willing to leave at this time. Caused his father to fall into desperation.

"With Akko's current status, even if you are rescued, I am afraid that he will not be able to show up publicly in the next half of his life. How do you plan to place her?" Chen Yuanyuan was not very satisfied with his answer, and continued to ask.

"How to settle?" Song Qingshu groaned for a long while, and replied, "Don't worry, I will find a place that the Southern Song Dynasty and Wu Sangui can't reach and let her settle down. If she meets someone she likes, I will prepare for her. A generous dowry guarantees that she will not suffer."

Chen Yuanyuan sighed faintly: "Ake is the princess, and now she is the imperial concubine. How can she be regarded as an ordinary man? What's more, which man would dare to marry her?"

She paused, and looked at Song Qingshu with a faint smile: "Furthermore, are you willing to let her marry another man?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he said unnaturally, "What is so unwilling for me..."

Chen Yuanyuan gave him a white look: "A Ke's beauty is not below me. I know your men well, how can you be willing to let her fall into the arms of others."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "You misunderstood, I have always liked adult beauty."

"Adult beauty?" Seeing him never admit it, Chen Yuanyuan finally became annoyed. "Who sneaked into Akko's palace that time and... did something like that to both of us?"

Thinking of what was in her mouth when she woke up, Chen Yuanyuan still remembers the smell. She felt very sick at the time, but now her relationship with Song Qingshu has developed to this point. In retrospect, she feels mostly ashamed and annoyed.

Song Qingshu smirked: "I actually didn't do anything to you that night. It was Yuan Zhi that in order to get revenge on the two of you for hurting her so badly, so I deliberately scared you..."

Hearing the ins and outs of him, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but sipped: "That girl is really bad."

"She is also a poor person, I hope you don't blame her." Song Qingshu couldn't help but speak for Li Yuanzhi.

"Don't worry, it was because we hurt her first, so it is fair to pay for it." Chen Yuanyuan lived with Li Yuanzhi in the cold palace some time ago. The grievances between the two women have long since disappeared, but they have become good friends.

"Although nothing really happened that night, but..." Chen Yuanyuan suddenly raised her head, with an inexplicable expression in her eyes, "Have you never thought of something really happening?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he hurriedly denied: "I am not a beast, how could I have that kind of pickled thoughts." As he spoke, he secretly screamed ashamed.

Chen Yuanyuan sipped: "Bah, I don’t know what you guys think. With the looks of me and A Ke, I don’t know how many men want to put our mother and daughter on the same bed in this world. have not thought."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "I did have such thoughts, but it was just a flash away. The reason why people are different from beasts is because they are courteous, righteous and shameful..."

Chen Yuanyuan stretched out his hand and pressed it on his lips, and a shame suddenly appeared in his eyes: "If... what if I don't mind?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and her voice became a little dry: "What did you say?"

Chen Yuanyuan let go, walked slowly to the window, looked at the moon in the sky, and said sadly: "I have been wandering throughout my life and experienced extremely ups and downs. I don't want Akko to repeat my destiny. But it's a mess today. The situation is worse than that at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Akke has the color of a country and a country, but he has no ability to protect himself. If Zhao Go is a normal man, now being a noble concubine in the Southern Song Dynasty would be a good ending. But... Akko is destined to be unable to stay in the palace forever. In the future, the new emperor will take the throne, and Akko will not have any heirs to rely on. I don't know how bleak the end will be."

"In fact, this kind of ending is a bit bleak, but at least you can enjoy at least ten years of prosperity and wealth. It's just that now the northern countries are eagerly watching, and the Southern Song Dynasty has always been weak. The miserable end of those concubines in the Jingkang change is still vivid. I don't want to. Akko will suffer that tragic fate in the future."

Chen Yuanyuan suddenly turned around and said, "So I want to find a strong man for her to protect her. I think about it, you are the most suitable person, and Ake has love for you. There is no better choice than this. Up."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "With our current relationship, how can I be involved with Akko any more."

"Why not?" Chen Yuanyuan looked at him quietly, "Anyway, other people don't know the relationship between us. Then I will quietly retreat behind the scenes and let Akko be your bright woman."

"But I don't want to lose you!" Song Qingshu hurriedly took her hand.

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed, and she said: "I didn't allow you to come...Come to me, as long as you don't get discovered."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was suddenly overjoyed.

Chen Yuanyuan continued: "But you must give Ake a reputation comparable to that of the Ninth Princess, Miss Ren and others."

"This..." Song Qingshu hesitated, not to mention that Akko was once the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty. As far as she was the daughter of Wu Sangui, Ah Jiu might not be able to tolerate her.

"I know it's very difficult, but I know you can always think of a way," Chen Yuanyuan paused, her face suddenly showing a trace of shame, "In order to make up for the trouble and trouble that all this has caused you, I can... and A Ke serves you together."

"Should I be serious?" Song Qingshu's spirit came in an instant, thinking of the incredibly fragrant scene, his heartbeat doubled, "Well, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely think of a way."

"Bah, you **** really has been thinking about getting our mother and daughter into a bed!" Chen Yuanyuan's expression changed in an instant, her eyes were full of anger, where is the shyness that had been revealed before?

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, Chen Yuanyuan turned his face so quickly, Song Qingshu was a little dazed for a while.

"You bastard, get me out!" Chen Yuanyuan picked up the pillow on the side and kept hitting him while pushing him outside.

When the door was closed, Song Qingshu finally reacted. It turned out that Chen Yuanyuan was deliberately testing herself before half a day. When she thought of the incredibly fragrant proposal, she was instantly dazzled, so she relaxed her vigilance.

"If you don't play like this, you are fishing law enforcement!" Song Qingshu shouted through the gate.

"Who makes you have such a nasty thought in your heart, get out of here!" Chen Yuanyuansu spoke very softly, but at this time he was obviously really angry.

Song Qingshu knew that she was getting angry now, and no matter what she said, she could only add fuel to the fire, so she gave a wry smile: "This incident is indeed my evil thought... Please calm down, I won't disturb you."

His response was the sound of a teacup smashing to the door. Song Qingshu gave a wry smile and had to turn around and leave.

When he returned to his room, Song Qingshu had to sigh that Chen Yuanyuan was indeed the leader of Qinhuai's Eight Beauty of the year. This acting was really good. The former Oscars and actresses were far behind her. The expression of that expression just now was like that. It's just from the bottom of my heart, otherwise I wouldn't be so easily fooled.

Suddenly he moved in his heart and looked far away in the direction of Chen Yuanyuan's house: "Are those words you just now really just pure temptations..."

After this incident, there were a few people in the Qi Palace who could not sleep, but it was not just a few of them who couldn't sleep in the entire Lin'an City. Moreover, in Jia's Palace, Jia Sidao looked at the charming girl who was kneeling on the ground with a gloomy expression. Young woman: "Before you reported that Wu Tiande had been physically exhausted, why is he still alive today?"

He had just returned from the palace after attending a dinner party, and his smile in the palace was instantly replaced by a face of frost, and the relevant people were immediately called to begin accountability.

This charming young woman is naturally Qin Keqing. She has always been afraid of the unpredictable Jia Family Patriarch, and she knelt there and shivered: "I don't know what happened to my concubine body. He did linger with me... and me last night. One night." Thinking of that mysterious man, Qin Keqing couldn't help jumping wildly at the feeling that he had never felt before.

Jia Zhen felt pity on the side, and couldn't help but come out to speak for her: "Uncle, but Qing did not lie. Could it be that Wu Tiande's internal skills are a little special?"

Jia Sidao frowned and muttered to herself with some uncertainty: "Looking at Wu Tiande's deeds today, it seems that there is a shadow of Shaolin's Yijinjing..."

Seeing the effect of his words, Jia Zhen took the opportunity to continue, "Speaking of this time, the most weird thing is that Murong Fu, what North Qiaofeng and South Murong, uncle, you have high hopes for him, who knows that he is actually vulnerable!"

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