Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1418: Husband and wife separation

"North Qiaofeng, South Murong..." Jia Sidao had a cold expression in his eyes, "Is Murong coming back?"

Liao Yingzhong, the chief counselor standing next to him, stepped forward and replied, "My lord, Murong Fu has been waiting in the side hall for a long time."

"Let him come over." Jia Sidao snorted coldly, and saw Qin Keqing kneeling on the ground, waved impatiently, "You guys step back first, it's not embarrassing enough."

"Yes~" Jia Zhen received an amnesty, and withdrew Qin Keqing in the past.

As soon as the two of them left with their front feet, Murong Fu also walked into the study. Seeing Jia Sidao's face sinking like water from a distance, he couldn't help but hummed, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Murongfu sees Master Jia."

Just now after Song Qingshu and his party left, he was about to heal his father. Jia Mansion sent someone to call him over. Murongfu didn't dare to neglect, and hurried over because Jia Sidao was still at the palace banquet, so he had to wait in the side hall. , The more you wait, the more worried you are.

Jia Sidao didn't seem to hear him, and he was drinking tea there, treating Murong Fu who was bending over and saluting in front of him as air.

Because the other party didn't answer, Murong Fu didn't get up well, so he could only bend over to maintain a salute posture. Tired was second, mainly because this scene made him very embarrassed.

Soon a trace of anger rose in his heart. Murong Fu is also a well-known figure in the arena. Wherever he goes, he is a guest. How can he be insulted like this?

If it had been before, he might have left, but today he lost one after another under Wu Tiande and Song Qingshu, his heart had already disappeared, and his father's persuasion, at this time, he understood that for the revival of Yan Guo, the momentary humiliation could be counted. What is the posture of still maintaining the luggage respectfully.

Jia Sidao's face looked better now, and Liao Yingzhong, who was on the side, observed her words and expressions, and immediately came out to ease the atmosphere: "My lord, here comes Mr. Murong."

"Oh~" Jia Sidao acted as if he had only seen Murong Fu now, "It turned out to be Master Murong, sit down."

Hearing the stabbing in his tone, Murongfu hurriedly declined and said, "If you are not doing anything, Murongfu has no face to sit down."

Jia Sidao sneered, "I also know myself."

Murongfu was already calm at this time, turning a deaf ear to his cynicism, still maintaining a respectful posture on his face.

"President Murong, you disappointed me this time." Jia Sidao snorted.

Murong Fu's heart sighed, and Xingshi's questioning began! He hurriedly said: "It's really **** damn it to live up to the adults' high expectations."

"You **** it!" Jia Sidao patted the table again, "If it weren't for Wang Ziteng's face, do you think you could still stand here alive?" One of Wang Ziteng's two sisters was married to Jia. It seems that one married Xue Ji; and the cousins ​​in his third uncle’s room, one married Li Qingluo, and the other married Murong Bo. Speaking of which, the Murong family not only has an in-law relationship with the Wang family, but actually has a relationship with the Jia family. Can be regarded as relatives.

Murong Fu stiffened all over: "Thank your sir for your kindness."

"Don't thank you too early, I haven't said that I will spare you." Jia Sidao stood up, "The dignified Gu Su Murongfu can't even win a man who has been hollowed out by alcohol. I knew that. You shouldn't have replaced Guo Jing with you!"

Murongfu suddenly hesitated and said, "I have something about Guo Jing next, I don't know if it should be said or not?"

Jia Sidao frowned: "Say!"

"Will Guo Jing perform a scene with Han Tong and the others?" Murong Fu went on to say roughly what his father had taught him before.

Knowing that Huang Rong was with Song Qingshu, Jia Sidao was no stranger. It turned out that Zhao Gou kidnapped Huang Rong in order to conceal the truth and deliberately kept everyone from them. Only Huang Chang, Zhao Gou, and those two knew what happened in the palace. The confidant **** master waited for only a few people. Jia Sidao didn't know that Huang Rong was kidnapped by the emperor. Now that he knew where Song Qingshu was, he suddenly realized that, no wonder he had spent so many resources before and couldn't find any news.

"Okay, I get it." Jia Sidao didn't say anything about Murong Fu's words, "You go down first."

"Yes." Murong Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, walked a few steps out and was yelled by Jia Sidao.

"Wait!" Jia Sidao hesitated and said, "Although you lost the competition this time and did not get the Sichuan military power, I have won you a position as a transport agent with the army. You go back to pack up and salute, and prepare to go to Sichuan. ."

Murong Fu couldn't help being overjoyed: "Thank you, sir!"

Transferring the money and food of Guanyi Road (the road in the Song Dynasty is similar to the concept of the present province), and also involves the power of assessing officials, etc., which is completely equivalent to the highest officer of the road. The transfer with the army reduces the power and is responsible for the money and food needed by the army. , But it is so, and it is also a position with real power.

For so many years in the Southern Song Dynasty, Murong Fu naturally knew these official systems. At the same time, he knew that this was Jia Sidao's loss of Sichuan military power, and he must use other methods to settle his confidant staff.

Jia Sidao waved his hand: "You should withdraw first. Someone will explain the specific matters to you."

"Yes~" Murongfu was happy in his heart, and his steps were lighter when he left.

After Murongfu left, Jia Sidao asked, "What do you think of Murongfu's words?"

Liao Yingzhong said in a deep voice: "Murongfu's move may be suspicion of throwing the pot."

Jia Sidao snorted: "It's not fake, but what he said is not unreasonable."

Liao Yingzhong frowned and said, "But the subordinates don't see Guo Jing like that kind of double-faced person."

"I don't know my heart, I don't know my face," Jia Sidao sighed, "Do you know what Han Tong said to the emperor at the palace banquet just now?"

"What are you talking about?" The Liao Ying Center must have something to do with Guo Jing, otherwise he would not have such an expression.

Jia Sidao sneered: "Han Dongzhu actually recommended Guo Jing as the emperor for the inspection! Hmph, what a Guo Jing, what a Han Dongzhu!"

"Is there such a thing?" Liao Yingzhong was shocked. If so, the matter would be serious.

"Will I lie to you?" Jia Sidao said with some dissatisfaction with his eyes narrowed.

"Subordinates don't dare," Liao Yingzhong realized that she had said something wrong, and hurriedly asked, "Did the emperor agree?"

Jia Sidao shook his head: "During this time, the emperor was obedient to Han Tong, but I don't know why, but the emperor actually rejected his request this time, instead reassigning him to be the capital of Zhenjiang to prepare for the Northern Expedition."

No matter how powerful Ren Jia's intelligence network is, he doesn't know that Guo Jing is a descendant of Guo Rong after Zhou. How can Zhao Gou be assured that he will serve as the deputy commander of the palace? At that time, if Guo Jing also learned from Zhao Kuangyin to make a mutiny, wouldn't it be the reincarnation of heaven?

"Guo Jing is really eating inside and out!" Liao Yingzhong hesitated for a while and couldn't help but said, "But Guo Jing is not like someone who can devise such a complicated conspiracy."

"This plan may not have been thought of by Guo Jing," Jia Sidao snorted, "Don't forget that he also has a virtuous internal helper of Zhuge, a female middle school."

Liao Yingzhong nodded and said, "This makes sense."

Jia Sidao walked to the window and looked at the stars in the sky. After a long time, he said: "The one who betrayed me won't let him end well."

The temperature of the entire room dropped instantly, and Liao Ying's center shuddered, knowing that he had already acted murderously, so she didn't dare to say a word.

In the early morning of the second day, Song Qingshu got up sleepily. It turned out that Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan came to him to say goodbye. At the last banquet, Lin Ruhai was introduced for him. Knowing the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Song Qingshu, Lin Ruhai no longer despised this distant relative, and soon used the relationship to find an errand for him.

Because Sichuan had just recovered and was in urgent need of a large number of officials, Lin Pingzhi took the opportunity to get a place even though he had no fame.

"Pingzhi, you are going to Sichuan. Although you want to revenge, don't let the hatred blind your eyes. A man born in troubled times should bring a three-foot sword to make an immortal achievement. Compared with revenge, I believe the ancestors of the Lin family Lie Zong hopes that you can do a good job and make a great career." Song Qingshu said.

Lin Pingzhi respectfully saluted: "Thanks to Brother Song for his teaching."

Song Qingshu sighed secretly. Although Lin Pingzhi's tone was respectful, he could see that he didn't listen to his words. At this time, he was still thinking about revenge.

Looking at Yue Lingshan on the side, Song Qingshu said, "Lingshan, take good care of him by Pingzhi's side, and don't let him make any impulsive things when his head is hot for a while."

Yue Lingshan owed her body and said sweetly: "Big Brother Song, I will."

Looking at her rosy lips, Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of the soft touch, and her heart couldn't help but sway. However, he immediately calmed his mind and began to think: Linghu Chong, Linghu Chong, I have helped if I can help. As for Yue Lingshan's choice of you or Lin Pingzhi in the end, it depends on your own good fortune. It is impossible to help you without principle, Lin Pingzhi is also a poor man...

In fact, sometimes he is also thinking about a question, is this unfair to Lin Pingzhi? Later, he gradually figured it out. Because of his intervention, Lin Pingzhi must be better than the tragic ending of the original book. On the contrary, Linghu Chong is much unhappy than the original book, so he more or less wanted to make up for him.

What Lin Pingzhi wanted most was revenge. He gave him martial arts secrets and gave him official contacts; Linghu Chong wanted Yue Lingshan the most, so he appropriately matched the two of them.

I hope the three of them will have a good ending...

Soon after Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan left, Guo Jing came to visit, and Huang Rong greeted him excitedly from the inner house after receiving the news. Fortunately, Song Qingshu backed away in time and didn't let her whereabouts be exposed.

Guo Jing smiled bitterly and said, "Rong'er, Brother Song, I actually came here this time to bid you farewell."

Whether it was Huang Rong or Song Qingshu, they were startled: "What happened?"

"I was appointed by the imperial court as the capital of Zhenjiang, and I will set off today to prepare for the Northern Expedition of the Golden Kingdom in Zhenjiang." Guo Jing recounted what happened at the palace banquet last night.

Song Qingshu was secretly frightened, not long before the Southern Song Dynasty would be the Northern Expedition, and he had to rush back to the Kingdom of Jin as soon as possible to make preparations.

Huang Rong hurriedly said, "Then I will go with you."

Guo Jing shook his head: "No, you just ran out of the palace. If you openly show up next to me, it would be hard to keep the emperor from being embarrassed and angry. Second, the military affairs in Zhenjiang are busy and dangerous. You are pregnant. You need to rest, you can’t go there to take risks."

Huang Rong was actually aware of these things, but she was anxious when she heard: "But I can't always live in Song...brother here."

Guo Jing also looked embarrassed. Song Qingshu said at this time: "Well, Lin'an City is not too far from Peach Blossom Island. I will send my wife back to Peach Blossom Island to recuperate. What do you think about being able to raise a baby quietly?.)

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