Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1419: Lady's invitation

Guo Jing was overjoyed upon hearing the words: "It's so good. Peach Blossom Island is both quiet and safe. Rong'er, you are right there to raise your baby." Peach Blossom Island is located in the vast sea, and there are various strange gates and institutions on the island, not to mention ordinary people. Even if the top five masters have mastered the island, without the layout of Taohua Island, it is easy to get stuck in it. Getting Huang Rong back to Peach Blossom Island is really the best of both worlds.

Huang Rong also shines. The current situation is obviously inconvenient to return to Xiangyang. Peach Blossom Island is the place where she grew up, and it is also her happiest place. Compared with staying in the Qi Palace all day, I don’t know it is better. Where did it go? It would be best when Fei Ge passed a book to let his father come back, with the protection of Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, whether it was Xiaoxiaozhi or... Song Qingshu did not dare to mess around.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "That's it." Now that the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Expedition are approaching, he has to set off as soon as possible to return to the Jin Kingdom to take charge of the overall situation. The situation was gone. Since she left Lin'an, Huang Rong was not at ease here, and she simply took her along. Anyway, Lin'an is not far from Taohua Island. When you come back from Taohua Island, you can also pass by Yangzhou to arrange things there.

"Brother Song is really troublesome." Guo Jing said apologetically. Obviously he was about to leave for Zhenjiang, but he could only let others **** his wife, which made him very embarrassed.

Song Qingshu smiled: "Brother Guo doesn't have to worry about it."

Every time she sees her husband thanking Song Qingshu, Huang Rong feels 10,000 in her heart, but she can’t tell her husband clearly, so she turns the subject away: “Brother Jing, what you said this time is Han Dongxun’s recommendation for you to be the deputy commander of the palace. , Jia Sidao must have received the news too, will he hate you for it? Do you want to go to him to explain?"

Guo Jing shook his head: "I didn't do anything to be sorry for him, so I was afraid of what he would do? What's more, I am dedicated to the country, and I am not his Jia Sidao private minister. What can I explain?"

For so many years, Huang Rong has long known that the things her husband believes in her bones will be adhered to to the end. In addition, she thinks that her husband's martial arts is highly desirable and good, and Jia Sidao should not dare to do anything even if she is dissatisfied, so she no longer insists.

"Song son, there are some private things to say between our husband and wife, can you please avoid it?" Huang Rong suddenly looked at Song Qingshu with scorching eyes.

"Of course it's okay." Although Song Qingshu was smiling, she was very depressed. Huang Rong must have done it deliberately, but what if she knew she deliberately? When someone talks between husband and wife, what reason do you have to stay here?

Song Qingshu came to the back garden and suddenly heard a sweet voice: "Who upset you?"

Looking back, I saw Ren Yingying standing not far away timidly looking at him with a smile. In the morning sun, it was even more beautiful than the flowers in the entire garden combined.

"It's still my Yingying good." Song Qingshu walked over and hugged her into her arms, secretly sighing that she was so careful, that she could even see the depression in her heart.

Being held in his arms, Ren Yingying suddenly became ashamed, and hurriedly pushed him away: "Don't be like this, I was seen by others."

"Is there anyone," Song Qingshu said dissatisfied, "not to mention that you are my righteous wife, even if you are seen by others."

"Let go of me, there are really people." Ren Yingying's face became redder and red.

"No one is there." Song Qingshu said with a smile, Ren Yingying was very shy and reserved in her bones, and she liked to see her shy and infinitely shy.

"Yuan... Sister Yuanyuan." Ren Yingying said suddenly in embarrassment.

Song Qingshu was shocked and turned around, only to see a beautiful woman with picturesque eyebrows standing in the corner of the corridor looking at the two with a smile, not Chen Yuanyuan and who?

"Sorry to disturb you, you continue." Chen Yuanyuan turned around and wanted to leave.

Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. He actually heard someone coming, but subconsciously thought it was a maid, but he didn't know it was Chen Yuanyuan. Thinking that she had just annoyed her yesterday, and now she had a face-to-face meeting, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. In case she complained to Ren Yingying and told her of her evil thoughts, wouldn't her image of wise and martial arts collapse suddenly? But after another thought, in Ren Yingying's mind, his image is not compatible with the wise Shenwu, right?

Being hit by Chen Yuanyuan, Ren Yingying was embarrassed. She pushed Song Qingshu away without knowing where she was. She blushed and ran over and grabbed Chen Yuanyuan's hand: "Sister Yuanyuan, I happen to be looking for you for something." After she stopped looking back at Song Qingshu, she took Chen Yuanyuan and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Song Qingshu stayed in place with a stunned expression. It was true that the three monks had no water to eat. This problem will only intensify in the future, and we have to find a way to solve it.

"Enlighten the King, Han Xiang sent someone to ask the King to cross the mansion." A maid came from a distance to play.

"I know." Song Qingshu thought about Huang Rong and Guo Jing chatting, Ren Yingying and Chen Yuanyuan were together again, and staying in the mansion was also depressed. It would be better to go to Han Tong to breathe.

Soon after arriving at the Han Mansion, Song Qingshu arched his hands and said, "I don't know what Jiefu is calling for me?"

"Can't I find you if I'm okay?" Han Tong smiled, "Someone gave me some good tea and called you to try it."

"The tea that can be made into a good tea by Jiefu must be very expensive." If Song Qingshu was in the past, he might be really interested in this kind of tea that has a price and no market and will not flow into the market, but now he just tastes it and puts it. Come down, "Jiefu calling me to come here is not just for tea."

"It seems that I can't hide anything from you." Han Tong smiled slightly, "Presumably Qingshu, you should have heard about the imperial court preparing for the Northern Expedition."

"Not bad." Song Qingshu nodded, but he felt a little heavy. Although he knew that according to the historical development, Han Dongzhu's Northern Expedition had ended in failure, but the ghost knew whether this chaotic world would develop according to history, and he must do everything well. Prepare to deal with the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty.

"After all, the Kingdom of Jin is strong and prosperous, and it may be difficult for us to succeed in the Northern Expedition with the strength of our country alone, so we need your golden snake camp to help us." Han Tong said.

Song Qingshu said "coming" in his heart, but on the surface he didn't change his expression: "The Golden Snake Camp has few soldiers. We are fighting between the two great powers of Jin and Song. Our strength is really too far apart."

Han Dongzhu laughed and said, "Qingshu, you are too humble. Wasn't the 100,000 army of the Manchu Qing Dynasty wiped out by your Golden Snake Camp? And Qingshu, you can rest assured that the main force for attacking the Kingdom of Jin this time must be us. Your Golden Snake Camp only needs to attack from east to west, and the flanks will cooperate."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Because of the last battle with the Manchus and Qing dynasties, our two sides were in conflict. We had to always guard against the Manchus and Qing troops going south, I am afraid that there is not much energy left to attack the Kingdom of Jin."

"You can rest assured about this Qingshu. Now Pingxi King Wu Sangui has been in alliance with my Great Song Dynasty. Now he is fighting with Man Qing, and Man Qing is exhausted and has no energy to go south." Han Tongxu explained with a smile.

Seeing that Song Qingshu still had doubts, Han Tong went on to say: "I can give you some insight, this time there is actually another force who is attacking the Kingdom of Jin together."

Song Qingshu reacted in an instant: "Liao country?" Mongolia is now strategically shrinking, and the main energy is on the West Expedition. Xixia has always been neutral and has a good relationship with the Jin country. Other Tubo and Dali are beyond the reach, so only Liao is left.

"Qingshu is really smart." Han Tong got up and walked to the window, looking at the north, "This time our tripartite forces will join forces and we will surely destroy the Kingdom of Jin and take the shame of Xue Jingkang!"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. If he heard that the Southern Song Dynasty attacked the Kingdom of Jin in his previous life, he would raise his hands and feet in favor of Xue Jingkang's shame, but now that the Kingdom of Jin is already in his pocket, it is naturally another attitude.

"Liao Kingdom..." Song Qingshu also looked north. In fact, he probably had a way to deal with the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty, but if the Liao Kingdom attacked from the north, it would be really tricky.

Seeing Song Qingshu's silence, Han Tong just thought he hadn't made up his mind yet and couldn't help saying: "Qingshu, you are an extremely human minister when you are appointed King Qi, but the emperor has never spoken to you and the two little princesses. Marriage, you should know why."

"Of course I know." Song Qingshu sighed. In fact, Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan were both bargaining chips in the Southern Song Dynasty's hands. They forced themselves to work for them. After the successful crusade against the Kingdom of Jin, the marriage was ordered.

Han Yongxun nodded: "Since ancient times, there has never been a precedent for two princesses marrying a horseman at the same time. Only if you make an immortal contribution to the court can you stop the world."

"I can save it. At that time, Golden Snake Camp will cooperate with the court in sending troops." Thinking of Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan's frightened deer-like eyes, Song Qingshu felt sorry for him, and at the same time secretly blamed himself for having been in Lin'an for so long. They, they don't know how sad it is.

As for the dispatch of troops from the Golden Snake Camp, it will be easier to dispatch troops without any effort.

Han Zhang didn't know his calculations, and was overjoyed when he heard the words: "If you have a Qingshu, you can help me, so why not worry about it, hahahaha~"

Seeing his vigorous and cheerful appearance, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Han Cheng was too optimistic about the Northern Expedition. Historically, he was full of ambition before the Northern Expedition. As a result, after the Northern Expedition, the constraints from the political enemies within the imperial court made him like a quagmire, plus the Kingdom of Jin. Powerful, it didn't take long for the Northern Expedition to end in failure, and Han Zhang was also killed by political opponents unjustly. In the end, he was beaten into the biographies of treacherous officials in the history books.

Of course, Song Qingshu couldn't explain all of this clearly, and he was still very heavy until he left Han Mansion.

"Well, although I will also destroy your success in the Northern Expedition, but if you meet each other, you will always save your life in the end." Song Qingshu secretly thought.

At this time, suddenly a charming maid trot over and gave a salute before saying: "My son, my wife would like to invite you."

"Who is your wife?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

The maid looked around, feeling a little embarrassed: "Madam's identity is special, it is not convenient to disclose, you will know when you see it."

"Oh? That's interesting," Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows. He was a master of art and bold, not afraid of any traps, so he made a please gesture, "Lead the way."

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